awd VO es PORCSEAAT CO etait ae eye, v ae ay earn i sat LESS At ripe et Ser aan Cae Pek he PP iii Ned aw Kay eo ay bal Weed eas. OA) ayes 1 Mectera . a4 Benee Se 5 J weet 4 co a : i Ree * SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO KNOWLEDGE MOE X XeV- TI BEVERY MAN IS A VALUABLE MEMBER OF SOCIETY WHO, BY HIS OBSERVATIONS, RESEARCHES, AND EXPERIMENTS, PROCURES KNOWLEDGE FOR MEN—SMITHSON (No. 839) CITY OF WASHINGTON PUBLISHED BY THE SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION Wal POW NCES Pl sek eae ley Tris volume forms the twenty-seventh of a series, composed of original memoirs on different branches of knowledge, published at the expense and under the direction of the Smithsonian Institution. The publication of this series forms part of a general plan adopted for carrying into effect the benevo- lent intentions of James Surruson, Esq., of England. This gentleman left his property in trust to the United States of America to found at Washington an institution which should bear his own name and have for its objects the “increase and diffusion of knowledge among men.’’ This trust was accepted by the Government of the United States, and acts of Congress were passed August 10, 1846, and March 12, 1894, constituting the President, the Vice- President, the Chief Justice of the United States, and the heads of Executive Departments an establishment under the name of the ‘‘ Smrrusontan_ Lystr- TUTION, FOR THE INCREASE AND DIFFUSION OF KNOWLEDGE AMONG MEN.”’ The members of this establishment may hold stated and special meetings for the supervision of the affairs of the Institution and for the advice and instruction of a Board of Regents to whom the financial and other affairs are intrusted. The Board of Regents consists of two members ex-officio of the establish- ment, namely, the Vice-President of the United States and the Chief Justice of the United States, together with twelve other members, three of whom are appointed from the Senate by its President, three from the House of Repre- sentatives by the Speaker, and six persons appointed by a joint resolution of both Houses. To this board is given the power of electing a Secretary and other officers for conducting the active operations of the Institution. To earry into effect the purposes of the testator, the plan of organization should evidently embrace two objects; one, the increase of knowledge by the addition of new truths to the existing stock; the other, the diffusion of knowl- edge, thus increased, among men. No restriction is made in fayor of any kind of knowledge, and hence each branch is entitled to and should receive a share of attention. The act of Congress establishing the Institution directs, as a part of the plan of organization, the formation of a library, a museum, and a gallery of art, together with provisions for physical research and popular lectures, while it leaves to the Regents the power of adopting such other parts of an organiza- tion as they may deem best suited to promote the objects of the bequest. Til IV ADVERTISEMENT After much deliberation, the Regents resolved to apportion the annual income specifically among the different objects and operations of the Institution in such manner as may, in the judgment of the Regents, be necessary and proper for each, according to its intrinsic importance, and a compliance in good faith with the law. The following are the details of the two parts of the general plan of organi- zation provisionally adopted at the meeting of the Regents December 8, 1847: DETAILS OF THE FIRST PART OF THE PLAN. I. To rycrrase Knowxiepce.—It is proposed to stimulate research by offering rewards for original memoirs on all subjects of vestigation. I. The memoirs thus obtained to be published in a series of volumes, in a quarto form, and entitled ‘‘ Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge.” 2. No memoir on subjects of physical science to be accepted for publication which does not furnish a positive addition to human knowledge, resting on original research; and all unverified speculations to be rejected. 3. Each memoir presented to the Institution to be submitted for examina- tion to a commission of persons of reputation for learning in the branch to which the memoir pertains, and to be accepted for publication only in case the report of this commission is favorable. 4. The commission to be chosen by the officers of the Institution, and the name of the author, as far as practicable, concealed, unless a favorable decision be made. 5. The volumes of the memoirs to be exchanged for the transactions of literary and scientific societies, and copies to be given to all the colleges and principal libraries in this country. One part of the remaining copies may be offered for sale, and the other carefully preserved to form complete sets of the work to supply the demand from new institutions. 6. An abstract, or popular account, of the contents of these memoirs to be given to the public through the annual report of the Regents to Congress. Il. To rycrease KNow.ence.—lIt is also proposed to appropriate a portion of the income annually to special objects of research, under the direction of suitable persons. 1. The objects and the amount appropriated to be recommended by coun- sellors of the Institution. 2. Appropriations in different years to different objects, so that im course of time each branch of knowledge may receive a share. ADVERTISEMENT Vv 3. The results obtained from these appropriations to be published, with the memoirs before mentioned, in the volumes of the Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge. 4, Examples of objects for which appropriations may be made: (1) System of extended meteorological observations for solving the prob- lem of American storms. (2) Explorations in descriptive natural history, and geological, mathe- matical, and topographical surveys, to collect material for the formation of a physical atlas of the United States. (3) Solution of experimental problems, such as a new determination of the weight of the earth, of the velocity of electricity, and of light; chemical analyses of soils and plants; collection and publication of scientific facts, accu- mulated in the offices of Government. (4) Institution of statistical inquiries with reference to physical, moral, and political subjects. (5) Historical researches and accurate surveys of places celebrated in American history. (6) Ethnological researches, particularly with reference to the different races of men in North America; also explorations and accurate surveys of the mounds and other remains of the ancient people of our country. I. To pirruse Knowxepce.—It is proposed to publish a series of reports, giving an account of the new discoveries in science, and of the changes made from year to year in all branches of knowledge not strictly professional. 1. Some of these reports may be published annually, others at longer in- tervals, as the income of the Institution or the changes in the branches of knowledge may indicate. 2. The reports are to be prepared by collaborators eminent in the different branches of knowledge. 3. Each collaborator to be furnished with the journals and publications, domestic and foreign, necessary to the compilation of his report; to be paid a certain sum for his labors, and to be named on the title-page of the report. 4. The reports to be published in separate parts, so that persons interested in a particular branch can procure the parts relating to it without purchasing the whole. 5. These reports may be presented to Congress for partial distribution, the remaining copies to be given to literary and scientific institutions and sold to individuals for a moderate price. VI ADVERTISEMENT The following are some of the subjects which may be embraced in the reports: I. PHYSICAL CLASS. 1. Physies, including astronomy, natural philosophy, chemistry and meteorology. geology, ete. z 2. Natural history, including botany, zoology, 3. Agriculture. 4. Application of science to arts. II. MORAL AND POLITICAL CLASS. 5. Ethnology, including particular history, comparative plilology, antiq- uities, ete. 6. Statistics and political economy. 7. Mental and moral philosophy. 8. A survey of the political events of the world; penal reform, ete. Ill. LITERATURE AND THE FINE ARTS. 9. Modern literature. 10. The fine arts, and their application to the useful arts. 11. Bibliography. 12. Obituary notices of distinguished individuals. Il. To pirruse Knowxiepce.—lt is proposed to publish occasionally separate treatises on subjects of general interest. 1. These treatises may occasionally consist of valuable memoirs translated from foreign languages, or of articles prepared under the direction of the Institution, or procured by offering premiums for the best exposition of a given subject. 2. The treatises to be submitted to a commission of competent judges previous to their publication. ADVERTISEMENT vil DETAILS OF THE SECOND PART OF THE PLAN OF ORGANIZATION. This part contemplates the formation of a library, a museum, and a gallery of art. 1. To carry out the plan before described a library will be required con- sisting, first, of a complete collection of the transactions and proceedings of all the learned societies of the world; second, of the more important current period ical publications and other works necessary in preparing the periodical reports. 2. The Institution should make special collections particularly of objects to illustrate and verify its own publications; also a collection of instruments of research in all branches of experimental science. 3. With reference to the collection of books other than those mentioned above, catalogues of all the different libraries in the United States should be procured, in order that the valuable books first purchased may be such as are not to be found elsewhere in the United States. 4. Also catalogues of memoirs and of books in foreign libraries and other materials should be collected, for rendering the Institution a center of biblio- graphical knowledge, whence the student may be directed to any work which he may require. 5. It is believed that the collections in natural history will increase by donation as rapidly as the income of the Institution can make provision for their reception, and therefore it will seldom be necessary to purchase any article of this kind. 6. Attempts should be made to procure for the gallery of art casts of the most celebrated articles of ancient and modern sculpture. 7. The arts may be encouraged by providing a room, free of expense, for the exhibition of the objects of the Art Union and other similar societies. 8. A small appropriation should annually be made for models of antiqui- ties, such as those of the remains of ancient temples, ete. 9, The Secretary and his assistants, during the session of Congress, will be required to illustrate new discoveries in science and to exhibit new objects of art. Distinguished individuals should also be invited to give lectures on sub- jects of general interest. In accordance with the rules adopted in the programme of organization, each memoir in this volume has been favorably reported on by a commission appointed for its examination. It is, however, impossible, in most cases, to verify the statements of an author, and therefore neither the commission nor the Institution can be responsible for more than the general character of a memoir, OFFICERS OF THE SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. WILLIAM H. TAFT, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, EX OFFICIO PRESIDING OFFICER OF THE INSTITUTION. JAMES S. SHERMAN, VICE-PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATRS, CHANCELLOR OF THE INSTITUTION. CHARLES D. WALCOTT, SECRETARY OF THE INSTITUTION. RICHARD RATHBUN, ASSISTANT SECRETARY IN CHARGE OF NATIONAL MUSEUM. FREDERICK W. TRUE, ASSISTANT SECRETARY IN CHARGE OF LIBRARY AND EXCHANGES. VIII MEMBERS EX OFFICIO OF THEUINSTIPUTION: BM ree roman TR TAG sk te te gtraet SU cwksarsarc.a fe acne President of the United States. SINS We SO FLRMUAINY bar acats sfe-g,css-cors Saree ister chats Vice-President of the United States. Epwarp Doucuass WHITE ..........-.+++5 Chief Justice of the United States. CREAR Os AMOK, iso Shy a Megrated aati Secretary of State. FRAN EIN MAC V RAGE Shc N.. cee oe umbsiendia 6 Secretary of the Treasury. FEIN OU TIMESON earch ak eende Scheie eae Secretary of War. Gorge W. WICKERSHAM <..25 0.2.0. 00002 006 Attorney-General. FANE ele ELT OrGOCKE yeacrraecvek Leslee sarees Postmaster-General. GHMORGEN VON indir vam 5.2%) ccd Dae wee ess aoe Secretary of the Navy. WYO dual CON est = 01 ae Ree eras Secretary of the Interior. OATES AV VATING ONG tak nicicere Sante sceae tateet ca She ean eases Secretary of Agriculture. COULARE ANAC Ey aucun. cee teehee ize kis iciete 6 Secretary of Commerce and Labor. Ix REGENTS. JamMES S. SHERMAN ..........-. Vice-President of the United States, Chancellor. Epwarp Dovciass WHITE ....... Chief Justice of the United States. SHELBY Me CulnoOnenaee a ee Member of the Senate. Howry Capor Lonce’.:..:...---- Member of the Senate. AUTGUSTUSGI OM DACONH ts eer eee! Member of the Senate. JOHN, DAT ZBI sac creer Member of the House of Representatives. James: 1: MANNS. aye eae Member of the House of Representatives. Wim M. Howarp .........- Member of the House of Representatives. James B: ANGRUIN 45 so5.e pees Citizen of Michigan. AnpREW. 1). WHODEe= 7 Seeeeeee . Citizen of New York. JoHn B. HenpeErson, JR. ........ Citizen of Washington, D. C. ALEXANDER GRAHAM BELL ...... Citizen of Washington, D.C. Gmonge Graws: 4,20.) serene ees Citizen of Delaware. CHartes F’, CHoarn, JR. ........ Citizen of Massachusetts. x CONTENTS. BAUCUS LOM Gerstner ment hee eRe creXe vay ees hearer barrens eiars Greieis ois anise nlapaiia ili simois Otncers.~ Members, andunecents.cjacii: semncateetitiiass o4. tcc cs usccaacis vill ArtictE I (801). LExperimentsin Aerodynamics. ByS. P. Laneury. Published 1891. 4to, 1, 115 pp., 10 plates. ArTicLE II (884). The Internal Work of the Wind. By S. P. Lanetry. Published 1893. 4to, i, 24 pp., 5 plates. Reprinted 1908, with appendix pp. 25-35 from French edition of 1893. Articte III (1948). Langley Memoir on Mechanical Flight. Part J, 1887 to 1896, by SAMUEL PreRPONT LANGLEY, edited by CHartEs M. Manuy. Part IT, 1897 to 1903, by Cuartes M. Manty. Published 1911. 4to, xi, 320 pp., 101 plates. xI SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO KNOWLEDGE. — 801 - HXPERIMENTS IN oak Ye A VEC S. eee byAUN Ea blo Ie CITY OF WASHINGTON : PUBLISHED BY THE SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. 1891. COMMISSION TO WHOM THIS MEMOIR HAS BEEN REFERRED. Professor Srwon Newcomp, U. S. N. Professor Henry A. Rowianp. Professor CLEVELAND ABBE. _ PRINTED BY — _ JUDD & DETWEILER. CONTENTS. IPO SACO doe GG bea ooo OUDS.OBINS Sing EROS ba nObabinc dog DORR Oca Ganineic Aeon A etG Gr anes 1 CHARMER ae pel GR OMU CEO raters. Pere mie sictoreusd- cy teleoniere re niche ce eisietelere us wate ee es © sen este Sn 3 ik Character and) Method ot Hxperiments.s)..4-) scene - oe see 7 Tie hel suspend duel ane seer. tecakiste crs sicinterecieais aes ere ais «/opslere SAP ee ee 12 We heskesulitanituenessumeiNecnd Clutererieterarn) bela seriertnact siecle aieenticrerens 15 We ahe, blames Drop penistc crn tbicid ocr cictei.teniae eet aeisrei yo ecronetears eieeisions 26 Vit he Component’ Pressure Recordens.020-s4.0 ean ose. wfsisa ties aeeeee 48 VII.—The Dynamometer-Chronograph................-. Ror Arm bre Teoh ec aer 75 Vili DhelCounterpoised! HecentricsPlane ae. oc as ieee demerit s 89 TSK VO CNOLIM Ge CATIA Cina aes Surry Rotten ie agerege tier keree stent NORE eee I eR lere cielo es 94 ENC —— OUINIAA ORV yTr roente ooo eek rax eons iense ats seta rel crscey cya, oes ce tere Fete re Se AI nie 105 Js\7o) af) 0X bb: Ge ar ereticletn c ORO OT A RNEITIOE.C Oa NT aCRN oer Ree REIS ven che ee EI oa 5 109 J Nia) Onan! Shoo cee ord po Hee as ABE CO RAC COR nn eS Ho MOAn SBE mea ae icn seo mab an cs oth c 115 JAS AChb- Che Beeb oobiENs oso CUO ED.: Cc aD Onoee 4 Ga tecomer poUcide et ony s Neu abedesmoe 114 (111) PREFACE. If there prove to be anything of permanent value in these investigations, I desire that they may be remembered in connection with the name of the late William Thaw, whose generosity provided the principal means for them. I have to thank the board of direction of the Bache fund of the National Academy of Sciences for their aid, and also the trustees of the Western Uni- versity of Pennsylvania for their permission to use the means of the observatory under their charge in contributing to the same end, and I desire to acknowlédge especially the constant and valued help of Mr. Frank W. Very, who has assisted me in all these experiments, and my further obligation to Mr. George E. Curtis, who has most efficiently aided me in the final computations and reductions. CHAPTER I. ENERO DIU C MORES: Schemes for mechanical flight have been so generally associated in the past with other methods than those of science, that it is commonly supposed the long record of failures has left such practical demonstration of the futility of all such hopes for the future that no one of scientific training will be found to give them countenance. While recognizing that this view is a natural one, I have, however, during some years, devoted nearly all the time at my command for research, if not directly to this purpose, yet to one cognate to it, with a result which I feel ought now to be made public. To prevent misapprehension, let me state at the outset that I do not undertake to explain any art of mechanical flight, but to demonstrate experimentally certain propositions in aerodynamics which prove that such flight under proper direction is practicable. This being understood, I may state that these researches have led to the result that mechanical sustentation of heavy bodies in the air, com- bined with very great speeds, is not only possible, but within the reach of mechan- ical means we actually possess, and that while these researches are, as I have said, not meant to demonstrate the art of guiding such heavy bodies in flight, they do show that we now have the power to sustain and propel them. Further than this, these new experiments, (and theory also when reviewed in their light,) show that if in such aerial motion, there be given a plane of fixed size and weight, inclined at such an angle, and moved forward at such a speed, that it shall be sustained in horizontal flight, then the more rapid the motion is, the less will be the power required to support and advance it. This statement may, I am aware, present an appearance so paradoxical that the reader may ask himself if he has rightly understood it. To make the meaning quite indubitable, let me repeat it in another form, and say that these experiments show that a definite amount of power so expended at any constant rate, will attain more é. g.. one horse-power thus economical results at high speeds than at low ones employed, will transport a larger weight at 20 miles an hour than at 10, a still larger at 40 miles than at 20, and so on, with an increasing economy of power with each higher speed, up to some remote limit not yet attained in experiment, but probably represented by higher speeds than have as yet been reached in any other mode of transport—a statement which demands and will receive the amplest confirmation later in these pages. 4 EXPERIMENTS IN AERODYNAMICS. I have now been engaged since the beginning of the year 1887 in experiments on an extended scale for determining the possibility of, and the conditions for, transporting in the air a body whose specific gravity is greater than that of the air, and I desire to repeat my conviction that the obstacles in its way are not such as have been thought; that they lie more in such apparently secondary difficulties as those of guiding the body so that it may move in the direction desired, and ascend or descend with safety, than in what may appear to be the primary difficulties due to the nature of the air itself, and that in my opinion the evidence for this is now sufficiently complete to engage the serious attention of engineers to the practical solution of these secondary difficulties, and to the development of an art of mechanical flight which will bring with it a change in many of the conditions of individual and national existence whose importance can hardly be estimated. The way to this has not been pointed out by established treatises on aero- dynamies, whose fundamental postulates, like those of any other established science, may be held to contain implicitly all truths deducible from them, but which are so far from being of practical help here, that from these postulates previous writers of the highest repute have deduced the directly opposite con- clusion, that mechanical flight is practically impossible.* Reason unaided by new experiment, then, has done little or nothing in favor of the view now taken. It may be asked whether it is not otherwise with statements which are authorized by such names as that of Newton, and whether a knowledge of truths mathematically deducible from them, would not at any rate furnish a test to distinguish the probably true from the probably false; but here it is important to remember that the mathematical method as applied to physics, must always be trustworthy or untrustworthy, according to the trustworthiness of the data which are employed; that the most complete presentation of symbols and pro- cesses will only serve to enlarge the consequence of error hidden in the original premises, if such there be, and that here, as will be shown, the error as to fact begins with the great name of Newton himself. In this untrodden field of research, which looks to mechanical flight, not by means of balloons, but by bodies specifically heavier than the air in which they move, I think it safe to say that we are still, at the time this is written, in a relatively less advanced condition than the study of steam was before the time of Newcomen; and if we remember that such statements as have been com- monly made with reference to this, till lately are, with rare exceptions, the product of conjecture rather than of study and experiment, we may better see that there is here as yet, no rule to distinguish the probably important from the probably unimportant, such as we command in publications devoted to the progress of already established sciences. *See paper by Guy-Lussac and Navier, cited later. INTRODUCTORY. x There is an excellent custom among scientific investigators, of prefacing the account of each new research with an abstract of the work of those who have already presumably advanced knowledge in the science in question; but in this ease, Where almost nothing is established, I have found hardly any test but that of experiment to distinguish between those suggestions presumably worth citation and attention and those which are not. Since, then, it is usually only after the experiments which are later to be described have been made, that we can distinguish in retrospective examination what would have been useful to the investigator if he could have appreciated its true character without this test, I have deferred the task of giving a résumé of the literature of the subject until it could be done in the light of acquired knowledge. T have thus been led to give the time which I could dispose of, so exclusively to experiment, that it may well be that I have missed the knowledge of some recent researches of value; and if this be so, I desire that the absence of mention of them in the present publication, may be taken as the result, not of design, but of an ignorance, which I shall hope, in such ease, to repair in a later publication ; while, among the few earlier memoirs that I am conscious of owing much useful suggestion to, it is just that I should mention a remarkable one by Mr. Wenham, which appeared in the first number of the London Aeronautical Society’s report, 24 years ago, and some by Penaud in L’ Aeronaute. The reader, especially if he be himself skilled in observation, may perhaps be willing to agree that since there is here so little yet established, so great a variety of tentative experiments must be made, that it is impossible to give each of them at the outset all the degree of accuracy which is ultimately desirable, and that he may yet find all trustworthy within the Iimits of their present application. I do not, then, offer here a treatise on aerodynamics, but an experimental demonstration that we already possess in the steam-engine as now constructed, or in other heat engines, more than the requisite power to urge a system of rigid planes through the air at a great velocity, making them not only self-sustaining, but capable of carrying other than their own weight. This is not asserting that they can be steadily and securely guided through the air, or safely brought to the ground without shock, or even that the plane itself is the best form of surface for support; all these are practical considerations of quite another order, belonging to the yet inchoate art of constructing suitable mechanisms for guiding heavy bodies through the air on the principles indicated, and which art (to refer to it by some title distinct from any associated with bal- looning) I will provisionally call aerodromics.* With respect to this inchoate art, I desire to be understood as not here offering any direct evidence, or *From dspo0popeu, to traverse the air; 4200p0pos, an air-runner. 6 EXPERIMENTS IN AERODYNAMICS. expressing any opinion other than may be implied in the very description of these experiments themselves. It is just to say, finally, in regard to the extreme length of time (four years) which these experiments may appear to have taken, that, beyond the fact of their being in an entirely new field, nearly all imply a great amount of previous trial and failure, which has not been obtruded on the reader, except to point out sources of wasted effort which future investigators may thus be spared, and that they have been made in the intervals of quite other occupations, connected with administrative duties in another city. CHAPTER II. CHARACTER AND METHOD OF EXPERIMENTS. The experiments which I have devised and here describe, are made with one specific object, namely, to elucidate the dynamic principles lying at the basis of the aerial mechanical flight of bodies denser than the air in which they move, and I have refrained as a rule from all collateral investigations, hewever important, not contributing to this end. These experiments, then, are in no way concerned with ordinary aeronautics, or the use of balloons, or objects lighter than the air, but solely with the mechanical sustentation of bodies denser than the air, and the reader will please note that only the latter are referred to throughout this memoir when such expressions as “ planes,” ‘‘ models,’ “mechanical flight,” and the like, are used. The experiments in question, for obtaining first approximations to the power and velocities needed to sustain in the air such heavy inclined planes or other models in rapid movement, have been principally made with a very large whirling table, located on the grounds of the Allegheny Observatory, Allegheny, Pa. (lat. 40° 27’ 41.6’; long. 5" 20" 2.93°; height above the sea-level, 1,145 feet). The site is a hill on the north of the valley of the Ohio and rising about 400 feet above it. At the time of these observations the hill-top was bare of trees and of buildings, except those of the observatory itself. This hill-top is a plane of about three acres, of which the observatory occupies the south side. The ground slopes rapidly both toward the east and west, the latter being the quarter from which come the prevailing winds. The general disposition of the grounds of the observatory buildings, of the engine, and of the whirling table is shown in plate I. The whirling table is shown in plate II, in elevation and in plan, and with details on an enlarged scale. It has been constructed especially in view of the need of getting the greatest continuous speed thus attainable, under circumstances which should render corrections for the effects of circular motion negligible, in relation to the degree of accuracy aimed at. The first disturbing effect of circular motion to present itself to the mind of the reader will probably be centrifugal force; but in regard to this he may observe that in all the pieces of apparatus hereafter to be described, the various parts are so disposed that the centrifugal foree proper, viz., the outward thrust of the plane (7) 8 EXPERIMENTS IN AERODYNAMICS. or model which is the subject of experiment, shall not disturb or vitiate the quantitative data which are sought to be obtained. On the other hand, the effects of circular motion, as regards the behavior of the air in its enforced circulation, are only to be obtained, as I believe, empir- ically, and by very elaborate experiments; the formule that are likely to present themselves to the reader’s mind for this computation, largely involving the very errors of fact which the experiments here described are meant to correct. This class of corrections is, then, only approximately calculable, and we have to diminish their importance by the use of so large a circle that the motion can be treated as (for our purpose) linear. ‘To show that these corrections are negligible in relation to such degree of accuracy as we seek, we may advan- tageously consider such a numerical example as will present the maximum error of this sort that obtains under the most unfavorable circumstances. Let this example be the use of a plane of the greatest length hereafter described in these experiments, viz., 30 inches, and let us suppose its center to be at the end of a revolving arm 30 feet in length, which was that employed. Let us suppose the plane to be so disposed as to cause the effect of the inequality of air resistance arising from the circular motion to be a maximum, which will presumably be the case if it is placed parallel to the arm of the whirling table, so that there is also presumably the greatest possible difference between the pressure on the outer and the inner half. Under these circumstances it is assumed in the experiments detailed in the following chapters, that the whole plane may be treated as moving with the linear velocity of its center, and it will be now shown that this assumption is permissible. The portions of the plane as we pro- ceed outward from the center, are exposed, on the whole, to a greater pressure, and as we proceed inward to the center to a less. Using, in the absence of any wholly satisfactory assumption, the well-known one implicitly given by New- ton in the Principia, that the pressure of the air at every point of the plane is strictly proportional to the square of the velocity with which it is moving (thereby neglecting the secondary effect of the mutual action of the stream lines on each other), the pressure at the inner end of the plane is proportional to (28%)’= 826.6 ; at the outer end to (314)*=976.6, and at the center to (380)°=900. The mean of these pressures at the inner and outer ends, viz., 901.6, differs from the pressure at the center by 1.6, or less than one-fifth of one per cent., and @ fortiori the inte- grated pressure over the whole area in this and still smaller planes, differs from the pressure computed with the velocity at the center, by less than the same amount. The example will, it is hoped, make it sufficiently clear that such disturbing effects of air-pressure arising from circular motion, are for our purposes negligible, and the precautions taken against other detrimental effects, will be evident from a consideration of the disposition of the apparatus employed in each case. CHARACTER AND METHOD OF EXPERIMENTS. 9 Most of the various experiments which I have executed involve measure- ments of the pressure of air on moving planes,* and the quantitative pressures obtaining in all of these experiments are of such magnitude that the friction of the air is inappreciable in comparison. This fact may be stated as the result, both of my own experiments (which are here only indirectly presented) and of well-known experiments of others.+ —_[t will be seen that my experiments implicitly show that the effect of friction on the surfaces and at the speeds considered is negli- gible, and that in them I have treated the actual air-pressure as being for practical purposes normal to the surface, as in the case of an ideal fluid. The whirling table consists essentially of two symmetrical wooden arms, each 30 feet (9.15 meters) long, revolving in a plane eight feet above the ground. Each arm is formed of two continuous parallel strips united by struts as shown in the plate, and is made at once broad and thin, so as to possess the requisite lateral strength, while opposing as little resistance to the air as possible, its vertical rigidity being increased by guys. The arms are accordingly supported by iron wires extending from a point in the axis about 8 feet (2.5 meters) above the table. An enlarged section of the lower end of the axis is given in the plate, showing the lower bearing and the position of the bevel-wheels connected with the shaft, which is driven by the engine. A lever is also shown, by means of which the table may be lifted out of its gearing and revolved by hand. The gearing is so disposed that the direction of rotation is always positive—i. e., clockwise to one looking down on it. The whirling table was driven first by a gas-engine of about 1} horse- power, but it was found inadequate to do the work required, and, after October 20, 1888, a steam-engine giving 10 horse-power was used in its stead. This was a portable engine of 10-inch stroke, having a fly-wheel giving from 60 to 150 revolutions per minute, but ordinarily run at about 120 revolutions, with 90 pounds of steam. The belt of either engine communicates its motion to a set of step-pulleys, by means of which four different velocity-ratios can be obtained. These pulleys turn a horizontal shaft running underground to the axis of the turn-table, as indicated on the ground plan of the engine-house at A, and also * Since it is impossible to construct absolutely plane surfaces at once very thin and yery rigid, those “ planes” in actual use have been modified as hereafter described. They have all, however, it will be observed, square and not rounded edges, and it should be likewise observed that the values thus obtained, while more exactly calculable, give less favorable results than if the edges were rounded, or than if the section of the plane were such as to give “stream lines.” + There is now, I believe, substantial agreement in the view that ordinarily there is no slipping of a fluid past the surface of a solid, but that a film of air adheres to the surface, and that the friction experienced is largely the internal friction of the fluid—. e., the viscosity. Perhaps the best formula embodying the latter is given by Clerk Maxwell in his investigation on the coCflicient of the viscosity of the air. This is » = 0.0001878 (1 +.0027 0), » and @ being taken as defined in his paper on the dynamical theory of gases in Phil. Trans., Vol. civ. By this formula the actual tangential force on a one-foot-square plane moving parallel to itself through the air at the rate of 100 feet a second is 1,095 dynes (0.08 poundals), or less than ;'; of 1 per cent. of the pressure on the same plane moving normally at this speed, and hence theory as well as observation shows its negligibility. 2 10 EXPERIMENTS IN AERODYNAMICS. on the elevation at A’, where it is shown as geared to this vertical axis by a pair of bevel-wheels, that of the shaft having 15 teeth and that of the turn-table axis having 75 teeth, or 1 to 5. The cone-pulleys used from the beginning of the experiments up to September, 1890, have four steps with diameters of 21%, 183, 118, and 8 inches. The speeds given by these pulleys in terms of whirling-table revolutions for 1,000 revolutions of the gas-engine are approximately— Wowwestispeed aanraaiwl oats ectslonesie eisetss ta crete 25 Seconda ee i eee oe Ee eee eer ie 5O Third REG rR etc 5 ones LOS ES h md ae cin ctr 100 labdies|p ee Sacogucacuneonusoooesesps tae deo bec 200 The gas-engine speed varied from 180 to 190 revolutions per minute. In September, 1890, the above-described pulleys were replaced by a larger set of three steps, having diameters of 36, 254 and 18 inches, respectively, which give speeds in the ratio of 4, 2, and 1, and the gear, which had broken, was replaced by a new one of 1 to 4. This system gives for 120 revolutions of the steam-engine per minute, driving— 18 in. pulley, 48 revolutions of turn-table per minute = 100 + miles per hour at end of arm. Oy OO « « re 0) ae « re « 98 «KO « « « mais, cle: « « By regulating the speed of the engine any intermediate velocities can be obtained, and thus the equipment should be susceptible of furnishing speeds from 10 to 100 miles per hour (4.5 to 45 meters per second); but owing to the shipping of belts the number of turn-table revolutions was less than this for the higher velocities, so that the highest attained in the experiments did not reach this upper limit, but was a little over 100 feet (80 meters) per second, or about seventy miles per hour. The precise velocity actually attained by the turn-table is determined, quite independently of the speed of the engine, by an electrical registration on the standard chronograph in the observatory. The electrical current passes into four fixed contact-pieces (shown at O-P, plate II, and on large scale in plate III) fastened to a fixed block placed around the axis of the whirling table, these fixed pieces being placed symmetrically around the axis, while another platinum contact-piece is fastened to a horizontal arm screwed into the axis of the turn-table and revolving with it, thus ‘ making circuit ’’ every quarter revolution of the table. The current passes out of the axis through a brush contact, shown in plate III, and thence to the chronograph in the observatory. © designates the fixed contact pieces, and P the platinum piece revolving with the axis. Sand L are adjusting screws. ‘Turning again to plate II, an additional brush contact, shown at B, and again at B’, serves to transmit CHARACTER AND METHOD OF EXPERIMENTS. 1] a current to wires running out to the end of the whirling arm, so that seconds from the mean time clock and other phenomena ean be registered on the recording cylinder of the dynamometer chronograph at the end of the arm; and also phenomena taking place at the end of the arm ean be registered on the chrono- graph in the observatory. By these means the experiments are put under electric control and perfect knowledge is obtained of the velocity of the turn- table at the moment when any phenomenon occurs. This brush contact was made sufficiently large and heavy to transmit a current from a dynamo to an electric motor placed on the whirling arm, and, having this electric equipment extending to the outer end of the whirling arm, different pieces of apparatus were devised for registering pressure and other phenomena there. The whirling table was thus established and the experiments conducted in the open air, not through choice, but because the erection of a large building specially designed for them was too expensive to be practicable. It was hoped to take advantage of calm days for the performance of experiments, as in a calm, a whirling table in the open air is under the best possible conditions, for in a confined building the rotating arm itself sets all the air of the room into slow movement, besides creating eddies which do not promptly dissipate. Practically, however, these calm days almost never came, and the presence of wind currents continued from the beginning to the end of the experiments, to be a source of delay beyond all anticipation, as well as of frequent failure. In the latter part of April, 1889, an octagon fence 20 feet high (shown on plate I) was erected around the whirling table with the object of cutting off, to some extent, the access of the wind. This, however, proved to be ineffectual, and the difficulty experienced from the wind continued nearly unabated. If any one should propose to repeat or extend these experiments, I would advise him, first of all, and at all costs, to establish his whirling table in a large, completely inclosed building. CHAPTER ITI. THE SUSPENDED PLANE. The first instrument, called the Suspended Plane, was devised to illustrate an unfamiliar application of a known principle. I call the application ‘“ un- familiar’? because distinguished physicists have held, for instance, that a bird (which obviously expends a certain amount of muscular effort in simply hovering in the air) must expend in flight all the effort required for hovering, together with so much additional energy as is required to overcome the resistance of the air to its horizontal motion, so that the energy expended increases with the velocity attained,* while the consideration of the action of the suspended plane indicates, if it do not demonstrate, that the opposite view is the true one, and thus serves as a useful introduction to the demonstrative experiments I have spoken of as coming later. * This view of flight received indorsement from a source of the highest authority in a report by Gay-Lussac, Flourens, and Navier, accepted and published by the Institute of France in 1830. [Navier, C. L. M. H.—Rapport sur un Mémoire de M. Chabrier concernant les moyens de voyager dans J’air et de s’y diriger, contenent une nouvelle théorie des mouvements progressifs. (Commissaires, MM. Gay-Lussac, Flourens, et Navier, rapporteur.) Paris, Mém, Acad. Sci. x1, 1832 (Hist.), pp. 61-118.] The report is drawn up by Navier, to whom the mathe- matical investigation is due. He formulates the differential equations of motion for the two cases of hovering and horizontal flight, integrates them in the customary way, assumes approximate values for the constants of the equations, and computes the work expended by an ordinary swallow with the following results: For hovering, the work done per second by the swallow is approximately equal to the work required to raise its own weight eight meters. While in horizontal flight the work done varies as the cube of the velocity, and for 15 meters per second is equal to 5.95 kilogrammeters per second, or enough to raise its weight 390 meters. This is fifty times as much as that expended in hovering, or in English measures, over 2,500 foot-pounds per minute, which is a rate of working greater than a man has when lifting earth with a spade. The same computation applies to any larger bird whose weight bears the same ratio to the extent of its wings. In view of these figures Navier suggests that there exists the same ratio between the efforts necesssary for simple suspension and for rapid flight as exists for terrestrial animals between the effort required for standing upright and that required for running. [Nous remarquerons la grande différence qui existe entre la force nécessaire pour que l’oiseau se soutienne simplement dans V’air, et celle qu’exige un mouvement rapide. Lorsque la vitesse de ce mouvement est de 15" par seconde, on trouve que cette derniére force est environ cinquante fois plus grande que la premiere. Ainsi l’effort qu’exerce l’oiseau pour se soutenir dans l’air est fort petit comparativement 4 l’effort qu’il exerce dans le vol. Il en coute peut-étre moins de fatigue 4 V’oiseau pour se soutenir simplement dans lair, eu égard 4 la fatigue qu’il est capable de supporter, qu’il ne’en cotite 4 Vhomme et aux quadrupédes pour se soutenir debout sur leurs jambes.”—Paris, Mém. Acad. Sci. x1, 1832 (Hist.), p.71.] The supposed elegance and validity of Navier’s mathematical processes, and especially the elaboration with which they were carried out, appears to haye obscured the absolutely inadmissible character of these results, and they received the unqualified adherence of the remainder of the committee. This report thereupon became a standard authority upon the theory of flight, and continued to be so accepted for many years. (12) THE SUSPENDED PLANE. 13 The suspended plane (plate TV) consists of a thin brass plane one foot square, weighing two pounds, hung vertically by a spring from a surrounding frame. Eight delicate friction rollers AA’, BB’ enable the plane to move freely along the frame, but prevent any twisting or lateral motion, the use of the guide-frame being to prevent the plane from so “ flouncing ” under irregular air currents that its pull cannot be measured. The guide-frame carrying the plane turns symmet- rically about an axis, CC’, so that the gravity-moment about the axis is simply the weight of the plane on a lever arm measured from its center. The axis CC’ rests upon a standard which is placed upon the whirling arm. A pencil, P, attached to the plane is pressed by a spring against a registering card at the side of the plane and perpendicular to it. The card contains a graduated are whose center is at C and whose zero angle is under the pencil point at the vertical position of the plane. The distance of the trace from the center C registers the extension of the spring. When the plane is at rest the extension of the spring measures the weight of the plane. When the plane is driven forward horizontally the pressure of the wind on the plane inclines it to an angle with the vertical, and the higher the speed the more it is inclined. Vor any position of equilibrium there is neither upward nor downward pressure on the guide-frame, and the whole resulting force acting on the plane, both that of gravity and that arising from the wind of advance, is borne by the spring. The apparatus being mounted at the end of the arm of the large whirling table and being still, the weight of the plane is registered by an extension of the suspending spring corresponding to two pounds. Next, lateral motion being given (from the whirling table) and the plane being not only suspended but dragged forward, the spring is seen not to be extended further, but to contract, and to contract the more as the speed increases. The drawing contains a copy of the trace made by the pencil upon the recording sheet, showing how the spring contracts with the increasing angles of the plane with the vertical, where these angles correspond to increasing velocities of translation, or, we may almost say, to increasing speeds of flight. The experiment also calls attention to the fundamental circumstance that in the horizontal flight of an aeroplane increasing speeds are necessarily accompanied by diminishing angles of the plane with the horizontal. The experiment may perhaps be held to be superfluous, since the principle involved, that the pressure of a fluid is always normal to a surface moving in it, is already well known; but we must distinguish between the principle and its application. Though when attention is called to it, the latter is seen to be so immediate a consequence of the principle as to appear almost self-evident, I must still call the application “ unfamiliar” since, as will be seen, it indicates the way 14 EXPERIMENTS IN AERODYNAMICS. to consequences Which may appear almost paradoxical, such as that in horizontal frictionless flight, the greater the speed, the Jess the power required to maintain it. I do not mean that this illustration as here given, offers a satisfactory demonstration of this last consequence, but that any one who has really always possessed the idea that the experiment suggests, in its full import, must have been inclined to admit the possibility that machine flight grows more and more economical of power as higher speeds are attained—and this is not self-evident. ‘This preliminary apparatus can indeed, with little modification, be used to demonstrate this fact, but it is actually presented here, it will be noticed, not as demonstrative, but as illustrative, of the possibility suggested ; a possibility whose fundamental importance justifies, and indeed demands, the fullest demonstration, which can be better supplied by apparatus designed to give data of precision for computing the actual work done in flight at different speeds; data which will be furnished here subsequently from quite other experiments. CHAPTER IV. THE RESULTANT PRESSURE RECORDER. As preliminary to obtaining the data mentioned at the close of the last chapter, it is desirable to determine experimentally the direction of pressure of the air, (since the air is not an ideal fluid such as the theory contemplates,) on an inclined plane, and to investigate the assumption made by Newton that the pressure on the plane varies as the square of the sine of its inclination. The second instrument constructed was, then, for the purpose of obtaining graphically, the direction of the total resultant pressure on an inclined plane (in practice a square plane) and roughly measuring its amount.* For this reason it will be called here the Resultant Pressure Recorder. DESCRIPTION. Plate V contains drawings of the instrument. Upon a base-board, BBY, is a standard, E, carrying an arm, AA’, hung symmetrically in gimbal joints. On the outer end of the arm a one-foot-square plane (called here the wind plane) is fastened with a clamp, and a graduated circle assists in setting the plane at different angles of inclination to the horizon. The extremity of the inner end of the arm earries a pencil, P, which registers on the surface of a vertical plane, which is in practice a sheet of diagram paper clamped on the surtace FF’ of an upright circular board fixed by a standard to the base-board BB’. The pencil-holder H fits closely into a ring at the center of a system of four equal radial springs attached to a circular frame, MM’, projecting immediately in front of the registering board and concentric with it. This frame MM’ is connected by supports to a close-fitting ring, which closes around the registering board and serves as a holder for the diagram sheets which are, as stated, clamped on the face FI” of the cir- ‘ular board. The radial-spring system and its frame may be rotated about the’ registering board, so that the diagram sheet may be rotated in its own plane. The inner or recording end of the arm is weighted so as exactly to counterpoise the outer end carrying the wind plane. Hence this plane is virtually weightless, * Observations of the pressure on inclined planes haye been made by previous e xperimenters, the first being by Hutton in the summer of 1788, just 100 years before those about to be recorded. But in the experiments of Hutton, as well as in most of the later ones, the horizontal component of the pressure on the inclined plane has been the subject of measurement, while the apparatus about to be described affords a measurement of the total normal pressure on the plane. (15) 16 EXPERIMENTS IN AERODYNAMICS. and when the apparatus is at rest the pencil-point rests in the center of the radial springs without pressure upon them, but when any force changes this position of equilibrium it is resisted and measured by the resultant extension of the four radial springs, shown by a definite departure of the pencil from the center in a definite direction. The tension of these springs is determined before the apparatus is mounted for trial, by rotating the frame MM’ about a longitudinal (imaginary) axis passing through the centers of the wind plane and registry plane. If the pencil end of the arm be weighted with (for instance) one pound, it traces out a curve on the paper corresponding to aone-pound tension in every direction. With two pounds another and larger curve is described, and so on till the resultant pressure of the four radial springs are then tabulated for every direction and every pressure which the wind of advance may later be expected to exercise. These curves are in practice very nearly circles. The distance from the pencil to the gimbals is the same as that from the gimbals to the center of the wind plane, so that the wind pressure, considered as acting at the center of the plane, has the same lever arm as the pressure imposed by the extended springs. It should be particularly noted as a con- sequence of the above-described conditions that, although the wind plane is perfectly free to move in every direction, it is not free to rotate—i. ¢., it is always during this motion parallel to itself. The only other feature of the construction to be noted is the combination of a spring and an electro-magnet connected with the recording pencil. The pencil is held away from the paper by means of the spring until a desired velocity of rotation of the turn-table is attained, when by means of the electro-magnet the pencil is released and allowed to record. The method of using the apparatus is as follows: The wind plane is set at an angle of elevation @; a disk of paper is placed upon the recording board and oriented so that a line drawn through its center to serve as a reference line is exactly vertical. The whirling table is then set in motion, and when a uniform velocity has been attained a current is passed through the electro-magnet and the pencil records its position on the registering sheet. Since gravity is virtually inoperative on the counterpoised plane, the position of this trace is affected by wind pressure alone and is experimentally shown to be diametrically opposite to its direction, while the radial distance of the trace from the center is evidently a measure of the pressure on the plane. Thus the instrument shows at the same time the direction and magnitude of the resultant wind pressure on the plane for each inclination of the plane and for different velocities of the whirling table. Since the arms of the apparatus are exposed to the wind of rotation, the outer end, moving with greater velocity than the inner end, will be subject to a slightly THE RESULTANT PRESSURE RECORDER. 17 greater pressure. Preliminary experiments were therefore made without the wind plane for detecting this effect, with the result that no sensible difference was apparent between the pressure on the inner and outer arm, even at the highest speeds. On August 25, 1888, the spiral springs were calibrated by hanging weights of 1, 2, and 3 pounds to the center of the springs and marking the displaced position of the center when the system was rotated through successive octants in the manner already described. Experimental circles were drawn through the system of points, and, the departures of the individval points being very small, the circles were adopted as the curves giving the relation between pencil excursions and pressures. From these curves the following table has been constructed : TABLE I. Excursion of trace. | Pressure. || Excursion of trace. | Pressure. Centimeters. Lbs. \Grammes.| Centimeters. Lbs. |Grammes.| 0.28 O.1 45 | 4.45 ey ap ete} 0.55 0.2 91 | 4.73 Li iia 0.82 0.3 136 || 5.03 1.8 816 1.10 0.4 Sie 5.39 1 862 1:37 0.5 227 | 5.65 2.0 | 907 1.64 0.6 272 || 5.98 Dill | 953 1.92 0.7 318 6.29 2.2 998 | 2.20 0.8 363 | 6.60 23 | 1043 | 2.47 0.9 408 | 6.91 24 | 1089 2.78 1.0 454 || 7.25 2.5 1134 3.02 1.1 499 7.60 2.6 iLilAs) 3.30 1:2 545 7.93 27 | 1225 | 3.58 13 590 8.28 2.8 1270 | 3.89 1.4 635 8.63 2.9 1315 4.17 15 | 630 9.00 3.0 | 1361 | | | | | | | | | After many days of preliminary experimentation, in which the instrument was gradually perfected by trial in successive forms before being brought to the condition to which the foregoing description applies, two days’ experiments were made on August 27 and 28, and a final series on October 4, 1888. These are presented in detail in the accompanying tables, and consist of sixty-four separate experiments made with the plane set vertical and at angles varying between 5° and 45° with the horizon. The mean temperature is obtained from thermometer readings at the beginning and end of each set of experiments, which usually continued from one to two hours. The mean wind velocity is obtained from the readings of a Casella air meter. The apparatus is so placed upon the whirling arm that the center of the wind plane is nine meters from the axis of rotation. One registering sheet serves for a group of observations, consisting in 9 v 18 EXPERIMENTS IN AERODYNAMICS. general of a succession of settings of the wind plane beginning with a setting at 90° and followed by diminishing angles of elevation. At each setting two obser- vations are usually obtained by turning the register sheet through an angle of 180°. Thus the two traces made at the same setting should lie in a straight line passing through the center. The method adopted in reading the traces is as follows: Straight lines are drawn through the center and the two traces made at each setting of the plane. The angle is then measured between the trace of the plane at 90° and the traces corresponding to other settings. The pressure being normal to the plane, these measured values should be the complement of the angles of elevation at which the plane is set. It will be seen by inspection of the accompanying tables that this relation approximately obtains. Tables II, II, and IV contain all the original data of the experiments and their reduction. The first columns require no explanation. The fifth column (Tables II and IIT) gives the angle measured on the register-sheet between the radial direction of each trace and the direction of the trace made when the plane was set vertical. The sixth column gives the measured distance of the trace from the center, and the seventh gives the results of these extensions converted into Iz : ressure on the plane by means of Table I]. The column headed &,, — = contains P ) = 7 the results of measurements of pressure on the normal plane expressed in terms of the coefficient %,, of the equation P—k,, V?, in which V is the velocity of the plane in meters per second and P the pressure on the plane in grammes per square centimeter, the subscript m being used to designate units of the metric system. THE RESULTANT PRESSURE RECORDER. 19 Experiments with the Resultant Pressure Recorder to determine the resultant pressure, on a@ square plane moved through the air with different velocities and different inclinations. Taste II.—Avueusr 27, 1888. S. P. Lanciry, Conducting experiments; F. W. Very, Assisting. Wind plane, 1 foot square (929 square centimeters) ; center of wind plane, ) m. from axis of rotation; barometer, 736 mm.; temperature at 6 p. m., 21°.0 C.; mean wind velocity, 0.52 meters per second. | | | | Time of observation. Angle of wind plane with horizon. a Seconds in one reyo- lution of turn-table. ter of wind plane. V (meters per sec.). Linear velocity of cen- rection oftrace made | by plane set at 90°. | Angle of trace with di-| Departure of trace | from center (centi- meters). plane. | on (grammes per Pressure a 2 sq. centimeter). v] k, {| V? > —— Py= 0077 V* 3S Moe we 40 6:06 6:29 12.65 12.64 12.58 12.67 6.53 6.60 6.55 6.44 6.44 6.43 5.74 5.389 4.87 4.47 4.47 4.49 4.46 8.66 8.57 8.64 8.78 8.78 8.79 9.85 10.50 11.61 1.10 1.05 1.00 0.50 2.80 2.80 2.60 1.65 0.80 0.80 4.10 4.40 4.65 0.195 0.185 0.176 0.088 0.495 0.495 0.465 0.293 0.141 0.441 0.722 0.771 0.820 0.0097 0.0092 0.0067 our Sh ® 0.80 0.49 0.24 0.24 0.79 20 EXPERIMENTS IN AERODYNAMICS. Taste II].—Aueusr 28, 1888. S. P. Laneiry, Conducting experiments ; F. W. Very, Assisting. Wind plane, 1 foot square (929 square centimeters) ; center of wind plane, 9 m. from axis of rotation; barometer, 736.6 mm.; temperature, 19°.4 C.; mean wind velocity, 0.37 meters per second. 5 2) a scoala eee Os al Be = eS nS Sao | = ge a= as 5 de | 68 | REP] eoSS] 6s 5 i ae sa | lead ye ale lee Bl caveelel| wyere eno cae | OTT | Pn : es | 8 | 8,8] e86|/ 28S | 2° a < RIS 4 =< a) (of (p. m.) 2:26 GG oe) A262)" tAdSels avers 1.03} 0.180 | 0.0090 90 19:69) Asie 1.00} 0.176] 0.0088 30 12.62 | 448| 65°.8 O70" Onn eee 0.155 | 0.79 15 12.57 | 450] 78 8 OES) Onan ae ee ae 0.156 | 0.72 2:52 90 yal Ic fellee soc 3.25 | 0576} 0.0075 90 (Mav Mente lca 3.15 | 05611 0.0075 45 648| 873| 48 5 3190) || OSo ule eee sss 0587 |) 00 45 6.51 8.69 | 46 0 Siu) exOlpoie cere 0.581 | 0.95 30 G45. Sra ele BOOh VOB oe|e eee. 0592 | 0.90 3 645| 877! 60.5 S00) “566. et eae 0.592 | 0.96 15 643| 879| 75 6 D051! | OSEGi tec eeue 0.595 | 0.61 15 640| 8.84] 76 5 HOON Oda: See 0.602 | 0.57 75| 644| 878| 86.0 145 | O59 es ae ee 0.594 | 044 75| 645| 877| 805 115 I) OQO5u le. eae 0.592 | 0.35 3:40 90 N07 | aes bp 10)! eee 5.40} 0.930 | 0.0074 90 O44) TOSO Nk ovens 450 | 0.786 | 0.0070 45 5.19 | 10.90] 48 .0 BOON) 2 OTODs bere cee 0.915 | 0.77 45 5.29 |. 10.69] 48 .0 A100 || OUD ee nos: 0.880 | 0.82 30 5.26 | 10.75| 60.5 LAGS Otilellice ed 0.890 | 0.87 30 5441), 10401) 50/00) 9 3:90) | rOlGB aN sen ore. 0.833 | 0.82 15 5.09 | 11.11] 81.0 Didnt) SNOW loot 0.950 | 0.44 15 518 | 10.92] 75 5 Doh Ose baos scone 0.918 | 0.42 715) 495| 1142| 84 5 ESOS e028: |b ee 1.004 | 0.28 75| 533| 10.61| 85 5 eA ee O59 eo 0.867 | 0.30 4:30 90 Bion! OUaleneees 3.90 | 0.683] 0.0072 90 Sie QB eee 385 | 0.673 | 0.0070 | 30 553| 10.23| 59 .0 BISb lr (O67Silnaaraee 0.806, 0.84 30 5.56| 1017] 58 8 S160] O64 maces 0.796 | 0.80 75| 541| 1045] 85.0 POO) ROOTS Nee sneee 0.841 | 0.26 75) 809. 1iid |) 475.0 175) AO S198 | ene oee :| 0.950 | 0.33 Remarks.—During these experiments the slight breeze has almost died away ; angle of mean trace made by plane set at 99° with vertical plumb line drawn on register sheet = 95°. THE RESULTANT PRESSURE RECORDER 21 Taste [V.—Ocroper 4, 1888. F. W. Very, Conducting experiments ; Josep LupEwic, Assisting. Wind plane, 1 foot square (929 square centimeters) ; center of wind plane, 9 m. from axis of rotation; barometer, 732.3 mm.; temperature 10:15 a. m., 48° F.; 2:30 p. m., 56° F.; mean temperature, 52° F. = 11°.1 C.; mean wind velocity, 0.85 meters per second. During these experiments both the velocity of the wind and its direction were quite variable. SRM icles tle ean Sen re a aa oH 3S eS 88 aes if = Pea Sresle= e e es eer SE AS) oy ak ee eee eee Clee eal ah ee loa Oe Va) By Pees essence acess Se | re Ss | Say | B88 | Base a ra one ae Dw A ON 2 = < De _ =) a (a. m.) 11:40 15 12.50 4.52 0.5 OMOlsts eee cole Soc 0.155 0.57 10 12.60 4.49 0.5 OHOlss). Vemencae eae 0.154 0.57 10 12.50 4,52 0.5 OVO ac llaieao oedoac 0.155 0.57 (p. m.) 20 12.50 4.52 0.7 Cee Be Siena 0.155 0.79 1:07 20 12.55 4.51 0.6 oe idence oaod 0.154 0.68 90 6.60 8.57 3.0 0.582 0.0073 0.558 90 6.53 8.66 3.0 0.582 0.0071 0.570 1:13 20 6.39 8.85 2.6 O63 Sees tee 0.595 0.78 20 6.48 8.79 2.3 OA0SMile sae oases 0.587 0.70 90 6.48 8.73. 3.0 0.532 0.0070 0.579 90 6.45 8.77 3.0 0.532 0.0069 0.584 1:30 10 6.43 8.79 1.8 (WBE! Nps Saqmon 0.587 0.40 10 6.48 8.79 lef OS03ee eee ee 0.587 0.52 90 6.50 8.70 3.0 0.532 0.0070 0.575 90 i) See 3.2 0.566 0.0074 0.584 15 6.47 8.74 1.5 QOS. Issosescnor 0.581 0.46 15 6.47 8.74 1.9 ee ie" ign ness clooir 0.581 0.59 90 6.45 8.77 3.8 0.664 0.0086 0.584 90 6.57 8.61 3.8 0.664 0.0090 0.563 5 6.48 8.79 1.0 (UG Netacineo ce ¢ 0.587 0.80 1:52 5 6.45 8.77 iil ONO Dies sere rar 0.584 0.33 | 22 PXPERIMENTS IN AFRODYNAMICS. Collecting the values of #,, from the several days’ observations and reducing them to acommon mean temperature of 10° C. and pressure of 735 mm., we have the following summary of results : km INGEN Un WMelsbignougsguougcocuoegbnncend9 46 0.00810 € Ds Pe ay Otros Ocha CORO one 0.00794 October 4o2 oS 232 eRe Oe oe hy ee ioe een 0.00757 The observations of October 4 being of inferior accuracy to the others on account of the wind, which blew in sudden gusts, the mean of the first two days’ experiments, viz., /,,= 0.0080, may be considered as the final value for the coefficient of normal pressure resulting from the experiments with this instrument. The columns headed P,,= 0.0077 V* in the experiments of August 27 and 28, and P,,= 0.0076 V* in the experiments of October 4, give for each obser- vation of the inclined plane the computed pressure which the plane would sustain if moving normally with its velocity V. The coéfficient adopted for the computation is the mean value of £,,, resulting from the experiments of the day. The last column of the tables contains the ratio of the actual pressure on the inclined plane to the computed pressure on the normal plane given in the preceding column. These ratios from the several days’ experiments are collected in the following summary, and mean values are taken for the different angles of experiment. These mean ratios are plotted in Tig. 1, and a smooth curve is drawn to represent them. Taste V.—Summary of ratios of pressure on inclined plane to presswre on normal plane. Tee elaaoe Angles of inclination. plane (meters }——_———- =a | Remarks. per sec.). 45° sie 2° 15° 10° 74° Fo | | S| - z 45 Pale ales3l oeite) 58 aii | satan hall Sere eta * Omit. | Wl Nsoeboollocegadlo comet + Give one-quarter weight. | 0.79 68 12 OTT | oi 11.00 | 0.80 | .78 | 49 | 40 | .24 | .30 1 0'95: | 0:90") 70 62 2 24 Oe | O97 ley oe EDIT ister Ad | AAS No oor BD 59 | 11.2 Oye OME) Nee oe.s SO poor | .23. | POR | WSF lose oc ON lero tat | .80 | (OS DAR liercire| leescen ons Neeerae es 26 | OSB. 2, .sc5,c| sonora eseeraaes 83. | 0.80 | | = | | = ———— Mean....... 0.89 | 0.84 74 55 | 48 | 30 | .31 THE RESULTANT PRESSURE RECORDER. 23 Hig. 1. Penee aS aan ae Saceuae Cannes Sanaa Ratio of the total normal pressure (P.) on an inclined square plane to the pressure (P,,) on a normal plane, the planes moving in the air with the same velocity. 5 Abscissee. Angles of inclination («) of plane to horizon. : 1 + , . Ordinates. pt (a) (expressed as a percentage). 90 © Represents the mean of observed points for each angle of experiment. 24 EXPERIMENTS IN AERODYNAMICS. The values in the tables are subject to a correction resulting from a flexure in the balance-arm and its support. It was observed (see note in Table II1) that the trace of the plane set at 96° did not coincide with the horizontal (7. e., the perpendicular to the vertical) line marked on the trace, but was uniformly 4° or 5° below it; so that the angle between the vertical and the trace of the plane did not measure 90°, as had been assumed, but uniformly 94° or 95°, the average being 94°.6. This result was found to be due to the bending backward of the balance-arm and its support by the pressure of the wind, while the recording board and plumb-line presented only a thin edge to the wind, and consequently remained relatively fixed. During motion, therefore, the plane actually had an inclination to the horizon about 5° greater than the angle at which it was set when at rest. This flexure seemed to obtain for all angles of experiment, but with indications of a slightly diminishing effect for the smaller ones; consequently the pressure ratios above given for angles of 45°, 30°, 20°, etc., really apply to angles of about 50°, 35°, 25°, ete. After making this correction the final result of the experiments is embodied in the line of Fig. 1 designated “ corrected curve.” * At the inception of the experiments with this apparatus it was recognized that the Newtonian law,+ which made the pressure of a moving fluid on an inclined surface proportional to the square of the sine of the angle between the surface and the current, is widely erroneous, though it is still met in articles relating to fluid pressures, and vitiates the results of many investigations that * The ratios given by the “corrected curve” of the diagram have been tabulated for angles of every 5° and then compared with all the experiments and formulze with which I am acquainted. Only since making these experiments my attention has been called to a close agreement of my curve with the formula of Duchemin, whose valuable memoir published by the French War Department, Mémorial de Tl Artillerie No. V,1 regret not knowing earlier. The following table presents my values, the values given by Duchemin’s formula, and a column of differences : Ratio of the total pressure (Pa ) on an inclined square plane to the pressure (Py) on a normal plane moved in the air with the same velocity. Pa . pe wAeven by— Angles of inclination |- = ieee of plane to direc- Vu | Difference: Duche- tion of motion. Experiments with Duchemin’s formula: min—Langley. (@) | Resultant Pres- | 2 sin a sure Recorder. 1+ sinta 5° 15 17 + .02 10 30 4 O04 15 AG 48 02 20 60 61 01 25 agit fe OL 30 78 80 02 35 54 86 02 40 89 OL 02 45 93 94 OL {Implicitly contained in the Principia, Prop. XX XIV, Book IT. THE RESULTANT PRESSURE RECORDER. 25 would otherwise be valuable. Occasional experiments have been made since the time of Newton to ascertain the ratio of the pressure upon a plane inclined at various angles to that upon a normal plane, but the published results exhibit extremely wide discordance, and a series of experiments upon this problem seemed, therefore, to be necessary before taking up some newer lines of inquiry. The apparatus with which the present experiments were made, was designed to give approximations to the quantitative pressures, rather than as an instru- ment of precision, and its results are not expected to afford a very accurate determination of the law according to which the pressure varies with the angle of inclination of the surface to the current, but incidentally the experiments furnish data for discriminating between the conflicting figures and formule that now comprise the literature of the subject. We may remark that they incident- ally show that the effect of the air friction is wholly insensible in such experi- ments as these; but the principal deduction from them is that the sustaining pressure of the air on a plane 1 foot square, moving at a small angle of inclina- tion to a horizontal path, is many times greater than would result from the formula implicitly given by Newton. Thus for an angle of 5° this theoretical vertical pressure would be sin® 5°cos 5° = 0.0076 of the pressure on a normal plane moving with the same velocity, while according to these experiments it is in reality 0.15 of that pressure, or twenty times as great as the theoretical amount. CHAPTER V. THE PLANE-DROPPER. It is so natural to suppose that to a body falling in the air under the influence of gravity, it is indifferent whether a lateral motion is impressed upon it or not, as regards the time of its fall, that we may sometimes find in elemen- tary text-books the statement that if a ball be shot from a cannon horizontally, at any given height above the ground, and if a ball be dropped vertically at the same instant with the discharge, the two projectiles will reach the ground at the same time, and like illustrations of a supposed fact which has in reality no justification in experience. According to the experiments I am about to describe, this cannot be the ease, although it requires another form of projectile to make the difference in the time of fall obvious. It is shown by the following experiments that if a thin material plane be projected in its own plane horizontally, it will have a most conspicuously different time of falling according to the velocity of its lateral translation; and this time may be so great that it will appear to settle slowly down through the air, as it might do if almost deprived of weight, or as if the air were a highly viscous medium, the time of fall being (it will be observed) thus prolonged, when there is no inclination of the plane to the horizon—a noteworthy and unfamiliar fact,* which is stated here on the ground of demonstrative experiment. The experi- mental quantitative demonstration of this important fact, is the primary object of the instrument I am about to describe, used with the horizontal plane. It is, of course, an entirely familiar observation that we can support an inclined plane by moving it laterally deriving our support in this case from the upward com- * An analogous phenomenon concerning the movement of one solid over another yielding one, such as when “Swift Camilla scours the plain, “lies o’er the unbending corn, and skims along the main ;” or in the familiar illustration of the skater on thin ice, or in the behavior of missiles like the boomerang, has long been observed; and yet, remarkable as its consequences may be, these seem to have attracted but little attention. Neither has the analogy which it is at least possible may exist between this familiar action of the skater upon the ice and of the potential flying-machine in the air been generally observed till lately, if at all—at least, so far as I know, the first person who has seemed to observe the pregnant importance of the illustration is Mr. Wenham, whom I have already alluded to. I do not, then, present the statement in the text as a fact in itself unpredictable from experience, for it is a familiar fact that the air, like every material body, must possess inertia in some degree. It is the quantitative demonstration of the extraordinary result of this inertia which can be obtained with simple means in causing the thin air to support objects a thousand times denser than itself, which I understand to be at the time I write, both unfamiliar in itself, and novel in its here shown con- sequences. (26) THE PLANE-DROPPER. 27 ponent of pressure derived from the wind of advance; but, so far as I am now aware, this problem of the velocity of fall of a horizontal plane moving hori- zontally in the air has never been worked out theoretically or determined experi- mentally, and I believe that the experimental investigation whose results I am now to present is new. With all the considerations above noted in view, I have devised a piece of apparatus which, for distinction, I will here call the Plane- Dropper, intended, in the first place, to show that a horizontal plane in lateral motion requires an increased time for its descent ; second, to make actual measurement of the time of fall of variously shaped planes and to give at least the first approach to the procuring of the quantitative data; third, to connect these experiments with those immediately allied to them, where the plane has an inclination to the horizon ; and, fourth, to make experiments to show the depth of the air strata disturbed by the moving plane during the time of its passage. Drawings of the Plane- Dropper are given in plate VI. F is a vertical iron frame with a wooden back WW, which is shown fastened by bolts B to the end of the arm of the turn-table. The fourth side of the rectangle is a planed brass frame on which an aluminum falling-piece runs up and down on friction rollers. The plate contains enlarged front and side views of the falling-piece, and a section of the brass frame and falling-piece, showing the arrangement of the ebonite friction rollers. By means of the clamps CC’ the falling-piece carries two wooden planes, which may be set by the clamps DD’ horizontal, or at any angle with the horizon up to 45°. Guy lines extend from the top and bottom of the falling-piece to the outer edges of the planes and keep them from bending. A detent at the top of the frame holds the falling-piece until released at any desired instant by the action of an electro-magnet, M. A spring cushion, 5, at the bottom of the frame, breaks the force of the fall. Provision is made for setting the brass frame vertical, and by means of the handle H the frame can be revolved 180° about its vertical axis, so as to present successively one side or the other side to the wind of advance, and thus to eliminate any defect in setting the wings absolutely horizontal, or any inequality in the instrument not otherwise suspected. The total fall is four feet, and the total time of fall is registered electrically by means of contact-pieces @ and e, near the top and bottom of the frame. As soon as released, the aluminum falling-piece presses the contact-piece @ against the frame and completes the circuit. While falling, the circuit is open, and at the distance of four feet the contact-piece e is pressed against the frame and the circuit is again closed. In November, 1890, three additional contact-pieces, b, c, d, were added, so as to measure the time of fall through each successive foot. The registration is made on the stationary chronograph, together with that of 28 EXPERIMENTS IN AERODYNAMICS. the quadrant contacts of the turn-table, the currents for the moment being cut off from the quadrant contacts and sent through the Plane- Dropper. The dimensions and weight of the principal parts of the apparatus are as follows: Ibeyaveqley Oe lores: blo occ Dopoo sooo SES CUD OcESDOCoGOoNDoCOOOES 160 centimeters. eneth of ‘aluminium falling-piecer oer. a. creleiele) x | x 5.70 10.8 | 0.70 2 5 5.4 18.1 Is 18 We 5.90 | 104 0.65 3 3.35 | 184 | 1.62 | 18 x 4 inches (45.7 x 10.2 - 3.45 ied, 1.65 cm.). | “ 5.80 10.6 0.85 Weight, 1.02 lbs. (464 | a 4.35 14.2 | 0.90 grammes). 3.10 16.4 1.08 Radius of rotation tocen- | June 11 3.80 16.2 1.30 || Junell | 20° | 6.0 10.5 ter of planes, 9.81 m. | :: | 3.80 16.2 | 1.15 | e 15 6.2 9.9 THE PLANE-DROPPER. Taste VII—Continued. dl oam| os ¢ e |oaq|e8 ey tae = 2 2S) |] ce fe eevae aSS [qs | ee | wa | 288 | qs. Dimensions and aspect | pat. | > ~@ Oa See Dees Sees es of plane. Ss) el opal axehieul is. 5 Bless | aha oer iS — © meermtGd 8 S) a5'3 | EES | ‘ | go's | BES Sree om 7 is| | cI aie Om = ss a < | ss | | 1889. | | _ 1889. | 18 13 Aiwragyilil || Biyis 164 | 1.20) June ll | 34) 33 18.7 * + < 4.25 14.5 1.15 78 78 | June 12 3.00 20.5 1.95 | June12) 3 3.09 18.4 “ 3.60 ffl 1.50 #8 2.85 21.6 18 x 4 inches (45.7 x 10.2 “ 3.00 205m ee 557 em.). x 3.05 20.2 2.68 | Weight, 1.02 Ibs. (464 « 3.10 19.9 | 2.75 || erammes). = 3.15 TIBHS |) P05 | ie 3.70 16.8 1.65 12 12 “ 0.00 0.0 | 0.56 || June 11 | 25° 5.6 11.0 -— +E f Gil5- | 1010) 1 0:80:|| 1 # 6 3.8 16.2 iz 72 ‘ 6.05 10.2 | 0.74 | June 12 | 5 3.0 18.7 June 11 3.50 17-6) 21.00) | 12x 6 inches (30.5 x 15.2 ge 3.40 ies | alg) em.) June 12 2.87 21.4 1.29 | Weight, 464 grammes. a 2.82 ZANE) fp a1) EI | Re cotsaobari 0.0 | 0.57 | 25° 6.0 10.3 “ 13.15 47 | 0.62 | we 15 49 12.6 a SO ek 6.5| Oval ae 12 4.2 14.7 s 2.85 21.6 | 0:82) | e 6 2.9 21.2 2.65 23:3) | (0:86) | ee he ey oot 0.0 | O57 || « 30° 5.9 10.5 S | 11.65 2 | 0.58 | s 20 5.0 12.3 « 4.10 15.0 0.65 | ie 15 4.2 14.7 x 5.10 TO || (OLR) | : 3 3.8 16.2 se 2.78 22.2 0.72 os 9 2.9 21.2 6 x 12 inches. | Weight, 473 grammes. I 15 15 June 14 5.65 10.9 0.76 || June 14 | 20° 5.25 alee “ne | SiO 199° 08 || “is | eto | 12K 15 Is 3 3.00 20.5 1.28) | e 15 4.65 13.3 ‘v3 A BA 9 15 x 4 inches (38.1 x 10.2 | 10 eds | Tale 2 ( 3.59 16.0 _cm.). | 5 3.30 18.7 Weight, 468 grammes. 4 210 19.9 | | 32 EXPERIMENTS IN AERODYNAMICS. lives, + 125 100 Diagram a Plane. peer | ee 0.75 Times of falling 4 feet of horizontal planes on the Plane-Dropper. Average weight of planes = 465 grammes. Abscissee : = Horizontal velocities of translation in meters per second. Ordinates : = Times of fall in seconds. THE PLANE-DROPPER. 33 Perhaps the most important primary fact exhibited by these experiments is that the time of fall for horizontal planes of all shapes is greater as tho horizontal velocity increases, and also (as the form of the curves shows) that this retardation in the velocity of falling goes on at an increasing rate with increasing velocities of translation. Secondly, we see that those planes whose width from front to back is small in comparison with the length of the advancing edge have a greater time of fall than others. This difference is uniform and progressive from the 6 x 12 inch planes to the 18 x 4inch planes. Expressing this advantage quantitatively, the curves show that the planes having an advancing edge of 6 inches and a width of 12 inches from front to back, when they have a horizontal velocity of 20 meters per second, fall the distance of 4 feet in 0.7 second, while planes of the same area and weight having the advancing edge 18 inches and 4 inches from front to back, when moving with the same velocity, are upheld to such an extent that their time of fall is 2 seconds. This interesting comparative result is also indirectly valuable in giving additional evidence that the largely increased time of fall of the better-shaped planes at the high speeds is not due to the lateral friction of the falling-piece against the frame. The friction with the 6 x 12 inch planes is as great as with any of the others, yet their time of falling is only slightly greater at high speeds than at rest. Attention is called to the fact that at the highest velocity attained in the present series of experiments, 20 meters per second, the curve shows that the time of falling of the 18 x 4 inch planes was increasing very rapidly, so much so as to make it a subject of regret that the slipping of belts prevented experiments at still higher speeds. We may, however, reasonably infer that with a sufficient horizontal velocity, the time of fall may be prolonged to any assigned extent, and that for an infinite velocity of translation, the time of fall will be infinite, or, in other words, that the air will act as a solid support. In may be of interest to connect these observations with some partly analogous facts which are more familiar. It is frequently observed that a sheet of very thin ice will bear up a skater if he is in rapid motion which would not sustain his weight if he were still; and even if we neglect the slight difference of specifie gravity between water and ice, and suppose the latter to have no differential buoyancy, the rapid skater will still be able to pass safely over ice that would not bear his weight if he were at rest; for while his mass is the same in both eases, that of the ice called into play in sustaining him is only that corresponding to one unit of area when he is at rest, but to many when he is moving. In this form of explanation and illustration the attention is directed only to the action of the air beneath the plane, but in fact the behavior of the air above 5 34 EXPERIMENTS IN AERODYNAMICS. the plane is of perhaps equal importance, and its action has been present to my mind throughout these experiments, although for the purpose of concise exposition only the former is here referred to. By analogous reasoning in the case of a heavy body immersed in any continuous fluid, even gaseous, while the mass of air or gas whose inertia is called into action is small and affords a slight sustaining power when the body is at rest, it becomes greatly multiplied with lateral motion, and the more rapid this lateral motion, the greater will be the sustaining action of the fluid. So, then, in the case of any heavy body which will fall rapidly in the air if it fall from rest, the velocity of fall will be more and more slow if the body be given successively increasing velocities of lateral translation and caused to run (so to speak) upon fresh masses of air, resting but a moment upon each. The above analogy, in spite of its insufficiency as regards the effect of elas- ticity, is useful, and may be further extended to illustrate the relative results obtained with the differently shaped planes and with the same plane under different “aspects ;” thus the action on the air of a plane whose advancing edge is twice its lateral edge—e. g., the 12x 6 inch plane, with 12-inch side foremost— may be compared to that of two skaters side by side, each advancing over his own lines of undisturbed ice; but the same plane with the 6-inch side foremost, to the same skaters, when one is behind the other, so that the second is passing over ice which has already yielded to the first and is partly sinking. The second series of experiments, made on the same dates as the first, was to cover the third object of experiment—that is, to determine for different angles of inclination what speed is necessary in order to derive an upward thrust just sufficient for sustaining the planes. The results of these two series of experiments furnish all that is needed to completely elucidate the proposition that I first illustrated by the suspended plane, namely, that the effort required to support a bird or flying machine in the air is greatest when it is at rest relatively to the air, and diminishes with the horizontal speed which it attains, and to demonstrate and illustrate the truth of the important statement that in actual horizontal flight it costs absolutely less power to maintain a high velocity than a lowone. It has already been explained that when the planes have such an angle of elevation and such a horizontal velocity that they first rise from their support and are then with a slightly diminished velocity just sustained without falling, they are said to “soar,” and the corresponding horizontal velocity is called “soaring speed.” Attention has already been called to the importance thus attachable to the word “ horizontal” as qualifying flight, and implying its most economic conditions, when no useless work is expended. THE PLANE-DROPPER. 35 The actual mode of experiment with the inclined planes was to set the plane at a given angle of elevation, for example 5°, and approximate to the critical soaring speed by gradual variations of velocity, both above and below it. The following extract from the note book shows the character of the record made in executing this experiment : 12x 6 inch planes, inclined. Time of 1 revolution Angle of inclination. of turn-table Attitude of plane. (seconds). 25° 5.6 Soaring. 6 3.8 - 18 x 4 inch planes, inclined. 3 SiG S BES re a Sieh Ss iS ad “3 8 ws O ees Attitude of plane. Estimated result. o:5 (eo) 2 PS o = = S23 a EES < ima | 4° 3.4 More than soaring............- ( For angle 33°, soaring speed = 1 rev- 3 3.2 Not quite soaring............-. {olution in 3.3 seconds. 20 6.0 Soaring. 15 5.5 More than soaring......-...-.- { For angle 15°, soaring speed = 1 rev- 15 6.8 Not quite soaring...........-- |{ olution in 6.2 seconds. The detailed observations have already been given in Tables VI and VII and the results are plotted in Figure 3, in which the ordinates are soaring speeds and the abscissse are the corresponding angles of inclination of the planes to the horizon. This diagram shows that when set at an angle of 9° the 6 x 12 inch plane requires a horizontal velocity of 21.2 meters per second to sustain it in the air, while the 18 x 4 inch plane, set at the same angles, is supported by the air when it is driven at a velocity of only 14 meters per second. The work to be done in maintaining the flight at 14 meters per second is less than one-half that for 21.2 meters per second, the angle remaining the same. These experiments enable us to make a first computation of the work expended in horizontal flight. Let us, then, determine the horse-power required to drive the two 18 x 4 inch planes horizontally in the air, when the planes are inclined successively at 9° and at 5°. The work done per second is given by the product RV, RB being the horizontal component of pressure on the plane, and V the 36 EXPERIMENTS IN AERODYNAMICS. Velocities of soaring of inclined planes on the Plane-Dropper. Average weight of plane = 465 grammes. Abscisse : = Angles of inclination (a) of plane to horizon. Ordinates : = Velocities in meters per second. THE PLANE-DROPPER. 37 soaring speed. From Fig. 3 we find that the soaring velocities corresponding to these angles are respectively 14 and 17.2 meters per second. Taking the vertical component of pressure as equal to the weight of the plane, 464 grammes, which relation obtains at soaring speed, the horizontal component of pressure, or the resistance to advance, is given by the formula : R= 464 tan 9° = 73.3 grammes, for 9°; R= 464 tan 5° = 40.6 grammes, for 5°, a formula which is immediately derived from the fundamental principles of mechanics and appears to involve no assumption whatever. The work done per minute, R < V, is 62 kilogrammeters (450 foot-pounds) for 9°, and 43 kilogram- meters (312 foot-pounds) for 5°. For the former case this is 0.0156 horse-power, and for the latter case, approximately 0.0095 horse-power ; that is, less power is IniGaAs Times of falling 4 feet of single and double pairs of 15 x 4 inch planes. Abscissee: Horizontal velocities of translation in meters per second. Ordinates: Time of fall in seconds. required to maintain a horizontal velocity of 17 meters per second than of 14; a conclusion which is in accordance with all the other observations and the general fact deducible from them, that it costs less power in this case to maintain a high speed than a low one—a conclusion, it need hardly be said, of the very highest importance, and which will receive later independent confirmation. Of subordinate, but still of very great, interest is the fact that if a larger plane have the supporting properties of this model, or if we use a system of planes like the model, less than one-horse power is required both to support in the air a plane or system of planes weighing 100 pounds, and at the same time to propel it horizontally at a velocity of nearly 40 miles an hour. 38 EXPERIMENTS IN AERODYNAMICS. The third series of experiments made with the plane-dropper is designed to investigate the effect of two sets of planes, one above the other. For this purpose the planes and falling piece are so weighted that the previous ratio of weight to surface is retained; that is, in the previous case the weight is 1 pound to 1 square foot of surface, and with the double set of planes the weight is Experiments with two sets of planes, one above the other. Taste VIIL—June 14, 1889. To determine the times of fall of a system of horizontal planes ee uf ee eda eee ee ae lowed with horizontal velocity. etic) Blemnoy arualaned aries Cane Y be supported by the air. fd . 1 oy 1 ¢q mo - : 22 2 S S & 5 ES Horizontal velocity. eo eee eee eae s apes : Ono | 0 an] & Su O 5 mE Dimensi Jaspect of plane.| 8° | SSG (Se /Su| ole) eS ay imensions and aspect of plane.| © (2 | B25) 0S |S CA a eS BO | OSA OAC aes CS) 88 26 asiie, || AS Sos || S = of2 2 25 f28) | S328 a gS | 2s a a a B& |< |& S S io _' __18 3.1 19.9 | 0.90} 10° | 4383 | 142 46.7 ies 11 a S| 8 3.85 16.0 52.5 te || 263 : 6 3.48 He 58.1 15 x 4 inches (88.1 x 10.2 cm.). 6 3.89 18.4 60.3 Double pair of planes, 2 inches 5 Did not} rise. (5.1 em.) apart. Total weight of planes and falling- piece, 942 grammes. Same planes, 4 inches (10.2 em.) 7.30 8.4 0.738 )15 | ITL(S) 38.1 apart. 3.15 ONT 1.36 | 10 13.3 43.5 10 13.3 3.5 ft 18.2 59.8 5 18.5 60.7 4 18.5 60.7 4 18.9 61.8 | | | Same planes, 6 inches (15.2 em.) 5.88 10.5 0.73 | 20(2)| 5.60 11.0 36.1 apart. 2.78 22.2 1.34 | 15 5.40 11.4 37. 0.00 0.0 | 0.55 | 10 4.55 13.5 44.4 2.65 23.3 LEGO a 3.95 15.6 51.2 5 3.45 17.9 58.6 5 3.45 alga) 58.6 4 2.93 21.0 69.0 4 2.95 20.9 68.5 23 2.85 21.6 71.0 made 2 pounds to 2 square feet. The preceding experiments, made with the single pair of 15 x 4 inch planes, were then repeated on June 14, with a double pair of planes placed at distances of 2, 4, and 6 inches apart. The detailed observations are given in Table VIII. The times of falling are plotted in Fig. 4. The soaring speeds are plotted in Fig. 5, without attempting to smooth out the THE PLANE-DROPPER. 39 oc Veena ae ae ee : | A Be: - perSecond. | per Second. Metres Feet Ss D> N (JS) on Velocities of soaring of single and double pairs of 15 x 4 inch inclined planes on the Plane-Dropper. Abscisse : = Angles of inclination (2) of plane to horizon. Ordinates : — Velocities in meters per second and feet per second. 40 EXPERIMENTS IN AERODYNAMICS. inaccuracies of observation. The general result presented by both the falling and soaring planes is that when the double pairs of planes are placed 4 inches apart, or more, they do not interfere with each other, and the sustaining power is, therefore, sensibly double that of the single pair of planes; but when placed 2 inches apart, there is a very perceptible diminution of sustaining power shown in the higher velocity required for support and in the greater rapidity of fall. Manifestly, however, this result can hold good only above some minimum velocity of translation, and, in general, we may say that the closeness with which the planes can be set without producing any diminution of sustaining efficiency is a function of the velocity of translation, so that the higher the velocity, the greater the proximity. It was desired, therefore, to ascertain the minimum velocity for which the preceding conclusion holds good, namely, that planes 4 inches wide do not suffer any loss of sustaining power if placed one above the other and 4 inches apart. Experiments with these double pairs of planes were, therefore, continued on August 22, 23, and 24 for the purpose of getting these data. The same planes were used and were placed at the same distance apart, viz., 2, 4, and 6 inches, and a set of experiments was also made with the single pair. Previous to these experiments at high speeds the Plane- Dropper was stiffened in order better to preserve its verticality under strong wind pressures, and precaution was taken to observe how closely this condition was maintained. The new observations were somewhat different from the early ones, and consisted in measuring the time of fall of the double planes—i. ¢., one over the other when set at different angles ranging from — 7° to + 7° at three different velocities, viz., 23.5, 13.0, and 6.5 meters per second. For every setting the brass frame was turned on its pivot through an angle of 180°, so as to present first one side then the opposite as the advancing face. The two positions are designated by A and B in the accompanying Tables, IX, X, and XI, which contain 125 separate observations at the above-named different velocities, angles, and settings. THE PLANE-DROPPER. 41 Experiments to determine the time of falling of two sets of planes, one above the other (second series). Taste IX.—Aveusr 22, 1889. F. W. Very, Conducting experiments. Barometer, 781.8 mm.; mean temperature, 23°.9 C.; wind, light. 80 4 S4A| O8 ! Pe |e ee Sale lg Fate «| one tetaee auld Pa Reon SS 4 . awe OS oS eS Dimensions and aspect of 68 | 36 & . a S g es sas RES planes. 5 & =) 05 2 BES ora Be eS Desise) |S on |e B ey SS | esta |S ee ees ss = | nS a . CPM eta once. 0.69 E| i Opniitee set 0.62 (os ee A 0 2.60 ( 1.68 B 0 2.65 a 1.70 15 x 4 inches (88.1 x 10.2 B 0 2.60 3.7 1.70 cm.). B |—2 2.65 3.3 0.70 Double pair of planes. 4 eae = 2.65 23.3 1.00 inches apart. A |—5 2.60 23.7 0.75 Total weight, 942 grammes. | A | —5 2.50 24.6 | 0.50 A |+1 2.50 24.6 2.20 | Fell, then soared. A |+1 2.65 23.3 | 6.15 | Fell slowly. B |—1 2.65 23.3 | 0.90 B |--1 2.65 23.3 | 1.20 Same planes, 2inchesapart. | A 0° 2.39 26.2 1.60 B 0 2.45 25.1 1.20 Psaes 0 2.60 23.7 1.90 B 0 2.60 23.7 1.30 A 2, 2.95 20.9 | 4.15 | Soared, then fell. B |—2 2.75 22.4 | 0.70 A | +2 2.70 22.8 | 5.80 | Gradual fall, but very slow. B |—2 2.65 23.38 | 0.72 A 5 2.60 TN lbsoe a Stayed at top. B |—8 2.65 WR) || Oba B /|—8 2.75 22.4 | 0.50 Same planes, 6inches apart. | A Of 3.30 18.7 1g B 0 3.30 18.7 | 1.20 A 0 3.35 18.4 | 1.50 B 0 3.30 18.7 1.30 A |+1 3.00 20.5 |14.80 | Fell very slowly. B |—1 2.95 20.9 | 1.00 A |+1 3.00 90.5 |14.20 | Fell very slowly. B |}—1 3.00, 20.5 1.10 B |—3 3.15 19.6 | 0.75 B = D 3.20 19:2 0.75 | Result: It is certain that any angle greater than + 1° (with planes 6 inches apart) would produce soaring, and as the error of verticality in this day’s observations probably does not exceed 1° during motion, we may take about 2° as the soaring angle for the speeds used. 42 EXPERIMENTS IN Barometer, 52.5 mm.; mean temperature, y) AERODYNAMICS. TABLE X.—Aveust 23, 1889. 2°.8 C.; wind, light. lution of turn- table (seconds). ity GQneters per Ep S 2 2 Dimensions and aspect of | 2s = 5 5 & ey)| es Rarmitke planes. | Be 3 | Bieshiel || 155 3 = a) S58 | o | a 2 S esta & |< |e Fa = 15 15 NE Oa. ESO 7.9 | 0.80 x Hi IE \* B | 0 9.30 6.6 0.70 ww | 5 A 0} 9.10 6.8 | 0.70 B 0] 8465 7.3 | 0.65 15x 4 inches (88.1 x 10.2} A 0 4.80 12.8 1.08 em.). B 0 4.80 12.8 1.02 Double pair of planes, 6 A 0} 4.85 12.7 0.90 inches apart. B 0 5:00, 12.3 1.20 Total weight, 942 grammes. ea 5) 4.95 12.4 1.55 | A |+ 5) 10.05 6.1 0.70 13) || 3 Bl) 315) 6.6 | 0.60 By = |) Zon) 13.1 | 0.64 By Woe S|] atau 13:0 | 2:10 Bion 200 6.8 | 0.78 IN = 5) || SII TB | OURS INO =) |) cles) 13.0 | 0.70 IN Wop if |} asta) 12.7 111.15 IN War qe | sH2X0) 7.5 | 0.90 1 9.35 6.6 | 0.62 1 j= | Er) 13.1 0.58 B |+ 7) 470 13.1 7.25 Is oe cd i Sako) 6.8 | 0.80 i | S510 6.5 | 0.60 Aa ier (ia eed 13.0 | 0.57 A |+10} 4.65 IRS loco 05 Soars. A 10 7.90 7.8 1.10 B 10 | 10.25 6.0 | 0.75 Same planes, 4 inches apart. A 0°) 11.55 5.3 | 0.62 B 0 8.60 7.2 0.60 A 0 4.60 13.4 0.95 B 0} 4.70 13.1 | 0.89 B |+ 5 10.10 6.1 0.69 B |}+ 5 4.70 13.1 2.50 A |— 5| 4.70 13.1 0.70 A |— 5 | 10.20 6.0 0.65 A |+ 5} 7.65 8.1 | 0.63 A |+ 5| 4.70 13.1 2.90 B |— 5 4.80 12.8 0.59 B |— 51 10.50 5.9 0.59 A |+ 7] 18.70 4.5 0.59 A |+ 7] 4.85 12.7 | 3.07 B |—7| 487 12.7 | 0.58 THE PLANE-DROPPER. 43 TABLE X.—Avususr 23, 1889—Continued. Bah los opines ale es 2 = & Sy BITS) || ox ce, [Pees eis oe | cients why Dimensions and aspect of og 3 5 6 o 2 | s oS Bae Remarigs planes. Sa) = | S82 | see| e8 2 |2 |e2s|e22| 5 a ie Pe - | 15 19 eal Soret 7Or te sa) oss | Been. G ie20 5.4 | 0.69 aa oe BSE |e 465 ie 127-2, 2'80 15x4 inches (881x102]/ A |— 7| 4.90 12.6 0.58 em.). oe = it a fu al) 5A | 0.58 Double pair of planes, 4 A {+10} 8.60 1.2 0.80 inches apart. A ;+10 4.70 WB: loses Soars. Total weight, 942 grammes. 3 |+10] 11.00 5.6 | 0.60 Same planes, 2inchesapart.| A 0°) 11.40 iy 0.58 ys a 0} 11.00 5.6 0.56 A 0| 4.90 12.6 | 0.69 B 0 4.50 12.8 0.68 AL le 5 |, 4°50 Ball 1.13 eae a O30 6.0 0.60 | BW 9.20 6.7 | 0.55 sh 4.80 12.8 | 0.55 SP 4.90 12.6 | 0.74 ot 9.70 6.4 | 0.60 = 9.90 6.2 | 0.56 Single pair of planes, 15 x 4 inches (38.1 x 10.2 em.). eoleslecloept-ae—leelles|l= Perr OWerre rrr rrr ram 4.95 12.4 0.60 4.95 12.4 1.50 ares | 5 5 5) 5) 5 5 a ta AOO 5.6 0.50 7 | 10.60 5.8 0.52 — 7| 4.80 12.8 0.50 + 7 4.60 13:4 1.30 + 7 9.10 6.8 0.60 — 7 8.75 7.0 0.54 — 7 4.90 12.6 0.58 + 10 4.80 12.8 3.45 +10) 10.60 5.8 0.60 +10} 10.20 6.0 | 0.61 +10] 4.90 LOG len} +11 4.90) 12.6 | 11.30 | Falls slowly. +12 4.90 12.6 | 27.50 | Falls very slowly. +14) 4.95 12.4 | 27.65 | Falls very slowly. +14) 4.70 Ll ee ee es Soars. 0°) 460 | 134 | 090 | 0 4.60 13.4 0.99 0} 845 7.3 | 0.64 0} 8.40 7.3 | 0.65 + 5) 845 Ue |) OS) | + 5 5.00 12.5 1.37 + 7 5.00 117733 2.50 | + 7} 840 (es) I] (OMS) | +10} 7.90 ish || bes) [soar. }+10) 5.00 12.3 |11.20 | Falls slowly, but does not 44 EXPERIMENTS IN AERODYNAMICS. Tapte XI.—Aveusr 24, 1889. Barometer, 734.3 mm.; mean temperature, 25°.0 C.; wind, light. |S 2 Sieh: | re) ee Z Remeice ests) eee |e : re ea @ d|s65|a2 |e paaes Fney aspect of | c2 o= & is Z 2 2 zg a g Remarks: | 5 7 aS ons iS = S ) a B BOE cS Sa ieee a alee Remiece | B Single pair of planes, 15x4 | A |— 5° 9.50 6.5 0.60, inches. B /+ 5 9.50 6.5 0.65 B |+ 5 5.00 13} 1.30 qs 1s A |— 5 4.95 12.4 0.60 ae Saal A |—7| 485 | 127 | 050 15 15 A |— 7 8.65 Toll 0.60 1) Nap 0 9.40 6.6 | 0.70 B |+10 8.75 7.0 0.70 | B |+10 4.95 12.4 1.85 B |+12 5.00 12.3 2.70 B |+14 5.10 PAL 1.60 B |+14 4.50 13.7 A 0 2.63 23.4 2.60 18h | 0 2.64 Deis 1.07 A 0 2.60 23.7 1.80 | B 0 2.60 BAT 1.00 TRO SS at 2.60 SETS ion es | Fell after soaring about 20 B |— 1 2.65 23.3 1.00 | seconds. 3 st i || Deo 23.7 | 4.80 | A |— 1 2.58 ey) 1.10 | A |— 5] 260 | 237 | 0.70 | 3 |— 5 2.60 Zou 0.60 | The actual velocities obtaining in the individual observations varied some- what; for the lowest velocity ranging between 5 and 8; for the second velocity ranging between 12.5 and 13.5, and for the highest velocity ranging in gen- eral between 22.5 and 24.0, except for the planes 6 inches apart, for which the velocities were about 19 meters per second. The numerical results for the lowest and the highest speed will be found plotted in Figs. 6 and 7, respectively. In these diagrams the abscissze are angles of inclination of the planes to the horizon, and the ordinates are times of falling. For the highest velocity, the times of falling of the single pair of planes and of the double pair, both, 4 inches and 6 inches apart, are alike, while for the planes 2 inches apart, the time of falling is shorter. For the lowest velocity, viz., 6.5 meters per second, the planes 4 inches apart as well as those 2 inches apart fall a little faster than the single plane, and are therefore not quite so well sustained by the air. This result confirms the statement above made, that for double sets of planes, one above the other, the maximum supporting effect relatively to the single THE PLANE-DROPPER. ADS planes is obtained only above a certain minimum velocity of translation. For the present planes, of size 15 x 4 inches set 4 inches apart, this minimum velocity is shown by the curves to be higher than 6.5 and less than 23.5 meters per second, and, from comparison of all the data, apparently lies at about 13 meters per second. These results substantially confirm those obtained from the experi- ments of June 14, with this additional information as to the minimum velocity at which the maximum sustaining power can be obtained for a distance apart of 4 inches. For a distance of 2 inches apart even the highest velocities show a serious diminution of efficiency. The results of these observations with two sets of planes, one above the other, give us a first conception of the form and initial vertical amplitude of the wave that is set in motion in the air by a plane passing horizontally through it in the manner of these planes. 1.25 1,00 0.75 Times of falling 4 feet of single and double pairs of 15 x 4 inch planes set at different angles of elevation and haying a horizontal velocity of 6.5 meters per second. Abscissee : = Angles of inclination of plane to horizon. Ordinates : = Time of fall in seconds. These later observations also incidentally furnish additional data as to the velocity of soaring. When inclined at an angle of 10° the single planes and the double planes, at a distance of 4 inches apart and upward, are sustained in the air if they have a horizontal velocity of about 13.2 meters per second. When set at 1°, soaring took place at velocities from 21 to 23 meters per second. Close observation also indicated that the error of verticality of the plane-dropper during motion did not exceed 1°; hence for these velocities the soaring angle may be taken at about 2°. This is a fraction of a degree less than that given by the observations of June 14, as plotted on Fig. 3. ‘The most general and perhaps the most important conclusion to be drawn from them appears to be that the air is sensibly disturbed under the advancing plane 46 EXPERIMENTS IN AERODYNAMICS. See Times of falling 4 feet of single and double pairs of 15 x 4 inch planes set at different angles of elevation and haying a horizontal velocity of 23.5 meters per second. Abscissee : = Angles of inclination («) of plane to horizon. Ordinates : = Time of fall in seconds. THE PLANE-DROPPER. 47 for only a very slight depth ; so that for the planes 4 inches apart, at the average speeds, the stratum of air disturbed during its passage over it, is, at any rate, less than 4 inches thick. In other words, the plane is sustained by the compression and elasticity of an air layer not deeper than this, which we may treat, for all our present purposes, as resting on a solid support less than four inches below the plane. (The reader is again reminded that this sustenance is also partly due to the action of the air above the plane.) Summing up the results obtained with the plane-dropper, we have determined: 1. The relative times of falling a distance of 4 feet (1".22) that obtain for differently shaped but horizontally disposed planes moving with different hori- zontal velocities, showing quantitatively the primary fact that the time of fall is an increasing function of the velocity of lateral movement. 2. The varying velocities of translation at which planes of given size and weight, but of different shapes, will be sustained by the air when inclined at different angles. 3. The maximum proximity at which successive planes can be set one above the other in order to give a supporting power proportional to their surface. 4, A first approximation to the initial amplitude of the wave motion origi- nated by a plane passing horizontally or at a small angle through the air with a considerable velocity. 5. The approximate resistance to advance of a wind-plane at soaring speeds, and (by computation) the work necessary to be expended in overcoming this resistance, These experimentally show that the higher horizontal speeds are maintained with less expenditure of power than lower ones, and the quantitative experiments by which these results are established are, so far as I am aware, new, and I believe have a most immediate bearing on the solution of the problem of artificial flight. TI may add that these experiments with the horizontal plane, when properly executed, give results of a character to forcibly impress the spectator ; for, since there is no inclination, there is no visible component of pressure to prolong the fall, yet the plane nevertheless visibly behaves as if nearly deprived of its weight. The pair of 18 x 4 inch planes, for instance, 75 of an inch thick and weighing 464 grammes, has a specific gravity of about 1,660 times that of air; vet while the retardation due to the still air in the direct fall is but 20°.03, that due to the same air in strictly lateral motion is 1°.50—a most noteworthy result in its bearing on the use in mechanical flight that may be derived from a property of the air much utilized by nature, but hitherto almost wholly neglected in this connection by man—its inertia. CHAPTER VI. THE COMPONENT PRESSURE RECORDER. The experiments with the Plane-Dropper in the preceding chapter give the soaring speeds of wind-planes of different shapes set at varying angles, and enable us by the use of a fundamental formula of mechanics to make a provisional com- putation of the work expended per minute in their uniform horizontal flight, neglecting frictional resistances. Among several conclusions, one of prime importance, namely, that in such aerial motion of heavy inclined planes the higher speeds are maintained with less expenditure of power than the lower ones, presents an appearance so paradoxical that, in view of its obviously extraordinary importance, I have endeavored to establish it independently wholly by experiment, without the use of any formula whatever. For this purpose it is desirable to measure by means of a suitable dynamometer the number of foot-pounds of work done in overcoming the resist- ance to advance when a wind-plane is driven at soaring speeds (i. e., speeds at which it maintains a horizontal course by virtue of the vertical component of pressure, which in this case is just equal to the weight), by means of the whirling table, yet under conditions strictly assimilable to those of free flight, in the case of an actual aerodrome propelled by its own motor. After much study and much experiment, I gradually perfected an instru- ment (that described here as the Component Pressure Recorder), to be used in connection With the Dynamometer-Chronograph in recording the speed, the resist- ance to forward motion at the instant of soaring, and other attendant phenomena. Its use in connection with the Dynamometer-Chronograph will also be further described in chapter VII. In the present chapter, I shall not consider further the action of the self- propelling model, but treat of it as reduced to its simplest type of an inclined plane, the “ wind-plane,” or system of planes driven forward by the turn-table arm until they are raised from it by the wind of rotation and soar. The imme- diate objects of experiment are, therefore, to determine soaring speeds and the horizontal resistances corresponding thereto. DESCRIPTION. The Component Pressure Recorder (or Component Recorder), plate VII, may be compared to a balance which rocks on a knife-edge bearing, in the ordinary way, but which also oscillates horizontally about a vertical axis. With respect (48) THE COMPONENT PRESSURE RECORDER. AD to its vertical oscillations about the knife-edve bearing, it is a true balance, whose arms, each one meter long, are in delicate equilibrium, and I will call this part of the instrument distinctively “ the balance.” Tf an actual working aerodrome model with its motor be not used upon the outer arm (outer, that is, as reckoned from the center of the turn-table), a plane of given weight (the “ wind-plane”’) is clamped there, so as to make any desired angle of inclination with the horizon. The horizontal oscillation about the vertical axis provides for the measurement of the horizontal component of pressure on this plane; the vertical oscillation on the knife-edge provides for measuring the vertical component. The horizontal pressure is measured by the extension of a spring fastened to an arm moving around the axis with the horizontal oscillation of the balance, and to the surrounding fixed frame. The vertical component of pressure is measured only when it is equal to the weight of the plane—z. e., by the fact that the plane is actually just lifted by the wind of rotation, or, in the technical term previously used, when it soars. The requisite registration of this fact is automatically accomplished by making an electric contact. As the wind-plane is raised, the inner end of the balance descends, until it strikes a stop through which electric connection is established, and the “making” of the current is registered on the stationary chronograph, which at the same time records the speed of the whirling table four times in each revolution, and thus the horizontal velocity which produces a vertical pressure sufficient to lift or sustain the wind-plane is determined. The detailed manner in which these objects are attained by the apparatus is described later in the text, and is-:shown by the drawings of plate VII. The letters S designate the iron supports by means of which the frame of the recorder rests upon the arm of the whirling table in such a manner that the instrument is half above and half below it. The knife-edge and the wind-plane are brought thereby into the plane of rotation, and equal surfaces above and below the supporting arm of the whirling table are exposed to the wind pressure. The details of the knife-edge bearings are shown on the plate in enlarged seale. It is evident that when the balance resting on its knife-edge is in motion on the whirling table, there will be an outward thrust on the instrument tending to throw the knife-edge off from its bearing. In order to take up this thrust, and yet in no way impair the action of that portion of the instrument which acts the part of a balance, a pair of cylindrical pivots exactly concentric with the prolongation of the knife-edge are made to extend out beyond the knife-blade and rest in a suitable bearing. The pivots thus arranged take up the outward thrust arising from centrifugal force, while the freedom of motion of the balance on the knife-edge is not at all impaired. y ‘ 50 EXPERIMENTS IN AERODYNAMICS. The wind-plane is fastened to a brass tube on the outer end of the instrument, and set to any angle of inclination by means of the graduated circle G. This tube is adjustable in position so that the center of the wind-plane, whatever be its size, is at a constant distance of 1.25 meters from the center of the balance and of the whole instrument. A similar adjustable tube on the inner arm serves to adjust the balance to equipoise for any position of the outer tube. Beneath the inner arm of the balance a registering arm is rigidly fastened to the vertical axis, and partakes of the horizontal oscillation of the balance, but not of its vertical motion. Near its extremity is attached the horizontal spring already referred to, and at the end it carries a pencil, which registers on a revolving chronograph cylinder below the extension of the spring produced by the horizontal pressure on the wind-plane. The length of the record arm from center of balance to spring is 28.5 inches, (72.4 em.) The length of the record arm from center of balance to pencil is 31.5 inches, (80.0 cm.) The pencil departures are therefore longer than the true spring extension, and the latter are obtained from the former by multiplying by the factor 28.5 , is Se = (LCS. 3) aD) To reduce the pull on the spring to what it would be if the spring had the same lever arm as the center of the plane, we must multiply it by the factor expressing the ratio of the lengths of the arms, viz., = = 0.579. Within the limits of attainable precision, we observe the spring calibration to be linear, and the two factors may be multiplied together, giving the single factor 0.524, by which the pressure corresponding to pencil departures, as taken from the calibration curves, must be multiplied in order to get the pressures on the plane. The horizontal springs used in these experiments are those hereafter more fully described in connection with the Rolling Carriage. The uniform distance from the center of rotation of the turn-table to the center of wind plane is 9.55 meters. The balance arms are protected from wind by covering the sides of the surrounding frame with cloth and paper and placing over the top an adjustable lid of veneer. An experimental test of the Recorder without wind-plane was first made, to discover the effect of any residual wind pressure on the arms. The instrument was carefully adjusted on the turn-table, and then set in rapid, uniform motion without exhibiting any tension of the horizontal spring. The result indicates that whatever wind pressure still remains is equal on both arms. It is to be noted that a theoretically perfect measurement of horizontal wind pressure by this instrument requires a uniform THE COMPONENT PRESSURE RECORDER. 51 velocity of the turn-table at the instant for which the reading is made. The oecasion for this condition arises in the circumstance that with a varying velocity the inertia of the inner arm of the balance produces a different effect on the instrument from the inertia of the outer arm; thus with increasing velocities the outer arm tends to go slower than the inner arm, and with decreasing veloci- ties tends to go faster. This differential effect of inertia is taken up by the spring and is combined with the wind pressure until a uniform velocity is attained, and then the wind pressure alone remains to extend the spring. Each arm of the balance carries a brass friction wheel, R, which is intended to rest upon a track, P P’, thereby limiting the vertical motion of the balance arms. When the wind-plane is vertical, and horizontal wind pressure is being measured, the outer arm carrying the plane rests continuously on the track and the friction wheel affords perfect freedom of horizontal motion of the balance, which fulfills its proper function at the same time that it turns about the vertical axis; so that when the plane is inclined and is raised by the vertical component of the wind—i. e., when the wind-plane soars—the inner arm is brought down to the stop P and the friction wheel insures free motion of the balance about the vertical axis. An electric wire connects with P, and a second wire earries a current through the knife-edges into the balance, and thence to the friction wheel, where the electric current is completed at the moment of contact between the friction wheel and the stop. After leaving the whirling table the current passes through an electric bell, which serves to inform the experimenter of the fact of soaring (though this is independently recognizable by the motion of the arm), and thence to the observatory chronograph, where the contacts are registered. On this chronograph, then, are registered (1) the second-beats of the mean time standard clock of the observatory; (2) the contacts, which are made four times in every revolution of the turn-table and show its speed, and (3) the electric current which registers soaring; the two latter records being clearly distin- guishable. The actual method of experiment employed to determine the velocity at which soaring is just attained is as follows: The velocity of the whirling table is increased to the point at which soaring almost begins to take place—that is, when the plane begins to flutter. This velocity is then still further, but very slowly, increased and adjusted until the electric bell rings as nearly as possible half the time. The velocity at which this occurs represents that of soaring. This method is based on the following considerations: If the precise velocity be attained at which the plane would be just sustained in quiet air, not resting on the stop at either end, the actual wind which prevails to a greater or less extent in the open air disturbs this equilibrium and causes the plane to be more than sustained during the half revolution of the turn-table which carries it against 52 EXPERIMENTS IN AERODYNAMICS, the wind, and less than sustained during the remaining half. Consequently, this condition of electric contact half the time is taken to be the one desired, and the velocity corresponding to it is taken from the chronograph and called the soaring velocity for the plane and angle obtaining in the experiment. When the electric bell indicates to the observer an exact soaring, the speed is main- tained uniformly for a few revolutions, as required by the theory of the Recorder already alluded to, as a requisite for the proper measurement of the wind pressure on the plane. A brush H is attached to the inner arm of the balance for the purpose of producing a regulated friction, and thereby diminishing somewhat the fluctuations of the apparatus, which was found to be too sensitive to currents to do work of all the accuracy it is capable of, except in calm weather. Some preliminary experiments were made in August, 1889, to determine the relative velocities of soaring of different planes. But the first Component- Recorder was shortly afterwards destroyed in an accident, and the observations were inter- rupted until September, 1890, when they were resumed with the newly constructed and improved Component-Recorder figured in the plate. Nine new planes were made of light pine, and backed with lead so as to have the following sizes and weights : Size. Weight. | Size. Weight. Size. Weight. Inches. Cm. Grammes. | Inches. Cm. Grammes. | Inches. Cm. Grammes. 30 x 4.8 | 76.2 x 12.2 250, 24x6 |61.0 x 15.2 250, 12 x 12 |30.5 x 30.5] 250, 00 x 4.8 | 76.2 x 12.2 500 24x6 |61.0x 15.2 500 | 12x12 |30.5 x 30.5 500 30 x 4.8 | 76.2 x 12.2 1,000 || 24x6 |61.0x 15.2 1,000 |) 12x12 |80.5 x 30.5| 1,000 It was found that the heavier planes, and especially the longer ones, required light trussing in order to prevent them from bending when in rapid motion. This was effected by inserting a transverse arm of round brass in the end of the brass tube where the planes are attached, and carrying fine steel wire out to the extremity of the plane. The 30-inch plane was further trussed by a post at its center carrying wires to the four corners. Inasmuch as the center of pressure on an inclined plane is in front of the center of figure (as will be shown in connection with the Cownterpoised Eccentric Plane), the lead backing was inserted to one side of the center, so as to bring the center of gravity into approximate coincidence with the center of pressure when the plane is inclined at low angles, and the plane was grasped at a similar distance in front of the center. These provisions contributed to diminish the twisting of the planes. These planes were used until November 25, when they me THE COMPONENT PRESSURE RECORDER. 53 were replaced by others backed with strips of brass, which gave the planes the desired weight, and also contributed the necessary stiffness. The latter planes are made of pine + of an inch thick, with square-cut edges. The brass strip is a piece of hard-rolled brass running the whole length of the plane, and about 2 inches wide. In the 24 and 30 inch planes the middle of the strips was bent slightly outward—. e., ‘corrugated ’—for greater stiffness. The experiments were made in two series. The first series was made on eight days, from September 29 to October 9, inclusive, and consisted in deter- mining the soaring speeds and corresponding resistances of the above-described planes set at angles from 2° to 30°, and the horizontal pressure on the planes when set at 90°—that is, normal to the line of advance. In all, 95 complete observations were taken. The following is an example of the original record made in these observa- tions, extracted from the note book for October 8 : Experiments with Component Pressure Recorder to determine horizontal pressures at soaring speeds. OcroBER 8, 1890. F. W. Very, Conducting experiments; Joseru Luprwic, Regulating engine. Barometer, 736.6; temperature, 15° C.; air meter at 10:30 a. m., 1,509,500; air meter at 3:20 p. m., 1,500,400; 30 x 4.8 inch plane; weight, 500 grammes; spring No. 2. Masia Seconds in one reyo- | E SER ada Extension of spring | Pull of spring or Sal lution of turn-table. | endl) pales ea (inches).* (grammes). 90° 12.10 4.96 1.40 45 10.05 | 5.97 2.20 472 9.60 | 6.25 | 2.45 526 *The use of an English scale instead of a metric one in measuring the spring extensions introduces a lack of harmony in the system of units employed that is not to be recommended; but since this is a record of the original observations, the measurements as actually made are faithfully presented. sya EXPERIMENTS IN AERODYNAMICS. apy oe : Estimated soaring | Spring Angle Seconds in one revo- | ““. eed (meters per | extension Remar! 4 . s ° © oC . >. ens. 7) rKS = lution of turn-table. z! } P : a oa | second). (inches). | 30° 5.5 > G3) <= 5.5 > +5.65 secs. | 10.6 2.3 5ID< | DoS 15° £8) >> ) 54 > 5.65 right | ~ + | . . . 63 << fo? 10.4 | 0.8 Plane quivers at tip with eee highest speed. oo ‘< 5.85 right } 10° 5.0 > 5.4 right 5.85 < 2 aye me 5 5 = 5.30 17.9 0.75 | Plane somewhat bowed. 5.3 << 5.3 right Plane stiffened by thin iron plate at both ends and at middle, and experiment repeated with same setting. 10° A9 S On —<— 4.75 > 4.95 2. ! (Repeated) | FPS? ee lila te : il <_ | NO ce The extensions of the spring corresponding to the horizontal component of pressure on the plane, and caused by the movement of the Recorder about the vertical axis, are taken from the sheet of the recording cylinder carried on the turn-table arm, as already described and as shown on plate 7. The records of velocities are found on the stationary chronograph registering the quadrant contacts of the turn-table, and on the same sheet with the electric contacts made at soaring speeds. Thus, when the latter sheet has been taken off its chronograph barrel, the observer has before him a permanent record of the velocity of the turn-table measured four times in every revolution, and together with it the trace of the irregular contacts made by the vertical rocking of the balance arm which takes place at soaring speed. Now, since the criterion of exact soaring is that these signals shall appear on the trace half the time of each revolution, an inequality mark is added to the record of the measured velocities, which indicates how nearly this condition is attained. If the chronograph sheet for any complete revolution of the turn-table is more than half filled with the signals, the velocity THE COMPONENT PRESSURE RECORDER. Do is too great; if less than half filled, the velocity is too small, ete. Two or more inequality marks are used to indicate a wide difference from the mean condition. By putting down a series of such readings measured at a number of revolutions of the turn-table and taking a mean estimate, a very close approximation to the soaring speed may be made, and the result has the weight of a very considerable number of single readings. After completing the experiments of September 29 to October 9 according to the plan laid out, the observations were reduced, and their discussion served to show that additional experiments were needed to supplement them. There- upon a second series was instituted for the purpose of obtaining additional data. In this series the following five planes were used : + Size. Weight. | (Inches.) | (Centimeters.) | (Grammes.) | 30x 4.8 hayes oe WY 500 94x 6 61.0 x 15.2 500 i Disxoltyy 30:5 30!0 | 500 Aiex6 30:5 x 15.2 250 6x 6 Dexa er, 125 The principal further objects to be attained were to determine with greater precision the soaring speeds of the 24x 6 and 30 x 4.8 inch planes at small angles and the horizontal pressure at those speeds; to determine the soaring speed for angles of the plane above 30°, so as to get the minimum point in the soaring speed curve—that is, to determine the angle at which soaring takes place with minimum velocity; and to ascertain the effect of size of plane on soaring speed by adding to the planes previously used two of smaller size, viz., 12 x 6 inches and 6 x 6 inches, having a corresponding diminution of weight. The five planes, therefore, all have sizes and weights in the proportion of 500 grammes to the square foot * (or 5,382 grammes to the square meter), and their soaring speeds are entirely comparable for indicating the relative effect of shape and size. The new observations were carried out on November 25, 26, December 5 and 11, and com- prised over 80 individual experiments. The detailed observations of both series are presented in Tables XIV and XV, placed at the end of this chapter. The column headed “ description of planes” gives the dimensions and weight of the planes. The aspect of the plane—i. ¢., its position with respect to the *The square foot was adopted as a unit in the earliest experiments, and its use has been continued as a matter of experimental convenience, owing to considerations bearing upon the uniformity of apparatus. Were these experiments to be recommenced, I should prefer to use C. G.S. (or at least metric) units throughout. 56 EXPERIMENTS IN AERODYNAMICS. direction of advance—is indicated by the order in which the dimensions are stated, the first dimension being always the horizontal edge parallel to the whirling arm. Thus the 24x 6 inch plane is placed with its 24-inch edge hori- zontal and parallel to the whirling arm, and the 6 x 24 inch plane is the same plane placed with its 6-inch edge horizontal and parallel to the whirling arm. This difference of position, then, will be uniformly spoken of as the aspect of the plane. The column “pull of spring” contains the spring extensions converted into pressures by means of the calibration curves, and the column “ horizontal pressure on plane” (7. é., the horizontal component of pressure) is obtained by multiplying the spring pressure by the factor 0.524, which arises from the unequal lengths of the arms of the instrument. The next column, headed ‘“ %,,,” gives for the observations with normal planes the computed value of the coéfficient in the equation P=,, V*, where V is expressed in meters per second, and P is the pressure on the plane in grammes per square centimeter. The column “%” gives the corresponding value of this coefficient in English measures, the velocity being expressed in feet per second and the pressure in pounds per square foot. SOARING SPEEDS. The soaring speeds determined in these two series of experiments are plotted in Figs. 8 and 9, in which the abscissze are angles of inclination of the planes to the horizon, and the ordinates are the soaring speeds which correspond to them. Figure 8 contains the observations made with the planes that weigh 250 and 1,000 grammes to the square foot, and Fig. 9 those made with the planes that weigh 500 grammes to the square foot (5,382 grammes to the square meter). The experiments with the first two of these classes of planes, plotted in Fig. 8, were not repeated, and consequently the curves do not possess so high a quantitative value as obtains in the case of most of the planes weighing 500 grammes to the square foot, but they serve to present several fundamental relations : First, they show quantitatively, when taken together with the curves of Fig. 9, the increase of velocity necessary to sustain the heavier planes (per unit area) over that which will sustain the lighter ones, at the same angle of inclination. Second, the curves both of the 250 and the 1,000 gramme planes show the difference due to shape and aspect, the soaring speeds, for small angles of inclina- tion, being much less for those planes whose extension from front to back is small, than for those in which this dimension is large, so that, in general, the planes having this dimension smaller, for small angles of inclination, soar at lower speeds. This result entirely accords in character with that already obtained with the Plane- Dropper; and, when freed from aceidental errors, the present data are of higher quantitative value, because in this apparatus there are no guides, and the plane has practically perfect freedom. THE COMPONENT PRESSURE RECORDER. Sif) | | A etebanenpti toby arannys ( \R4inch dide horizontal. B.6x24 inch plage, wt L009 grammes, (Pinch sick horizorial.) Bicsd: 28 27 Cc SOx. ple weight 490 grammes JO wich wide horizoniat.) FXO inch Plane, erglé GO TUTTE i (24irnch side| hoizontal.) ciaaee Kee ae eda! Velocities of soaring of inclined planes obtained with the Component Pressure Recorder. Abscissee : = Angles of inclination (2) of plane to horizon. Ordinates : = Velocities in meters per second. 8 58 EXPERIMENTS IN AERODYNAMICS. Third, many of the curves show a tendency to reach a minimum point for an inclination of the planes of about 30°, the highest angle at which these planes were used. It was, therefore, seen to be desirable to extend the angles of inclina- tion far enough to include the minimum point of the curve within the range of observation. This was done in the ease of four of the planes whose results are plotted in Fig. 9. In examining these curves, it will be seen that the minimum point falls between 25° and 35°. It should also be noted that the change in the soaring speed is quite small for settings between 25° and 40°, and that in a number of individual observations the real character of the curve over this range was masked by the errors introduced by wind and weather. Since the planes whose results are plotted in Fig. 9 all have the same weight per unit area, the difference in their soaring speeds arises solely from their difference of size, shape, or aspect. The effect of shape and aspect indicated in Fig. 8 is beautifully exhibited and amply confirmed in the six comparable curves of Fig. 9. For low angles, viz., below 15° or 20°, the curves of soaring speed for the different planes oceupy the following relative positions from below upward : 30 x 4.8 inches, 24 x 6 inches, 12 x 6 inches, 6 x 6 and 12 x 12, 6 x 24 inches. It will be observed that the planes placed in the above order are symmetrically arranged. Remembering that the first written dimension is the horizontal edge, perpendicular to the line of motion, which may be called the spread, and that the second written dimension is the inclined edge, or the distance from front to back, it will be seen that, in the above order, the ratio of the spread to the extent from front to back is uniformly diminishing. In other words, the planes whose spread is largest in comparison with their extent from front to back have the smallest soaring speed, and these planes are therefore to be considered as being, in shape and aspect, the most favorable for mechanical flight. Thus the 30 x 4.8 inch and the 24 x 6 inch planes are favorable forms and aspects, while the 12 x 12 inch plane and, to a greater degree, the 6 x 24 inch plane are unfavorable forms and aspects. Between 15° and 30°, and in general at about 30°, a reversal takes place, and for higher angles the curves are all found from below upward in the reverse order. Thus the 30 x 4.8 inch plane, which for low angles soars at the lowest speed, for settings above 30° requires the highest speed. This relative efficiency for low angles was manifested in the experiments with the Plane- Dropper, but the reversal in the position of the curves for higher angles is a relation which those observations were not sufficiently extended to present. The interpretation of this reversal will be developed by a consideration of the general relations existing between these results and the total normal pressure on the planes, and will also be found to be connected with corresponding changes in the relative positions of the center of pressure. THE COMPONENT PRESSURE RECORDER. 59 Inuves, 8) Velocities of soaring of inclined planes obtained with the Component Pressure Recorder. Abscisse : = Angles of inclination (2) of plane to horizon. Ordinates : = Velocities in meters per second. 60 EXPERIMENTS IN AERODYNAMICS. The pressure on a plane moving normally in the air is usually represented by the equation kA V2 B P= 75000306 (#— 10°) 760’ where Vis the velocity of the plane; A is its area, B the atmospheric pressure in millimeters, ¢ the temperature in centigrade degrees, and / a coefficient whose value for a standard temperature of 10° C. is determined by experiment. If the pressure per unit area is different for planes of different sizes and shapes, it will be manifested by differences in the resulting values of &. Then, if & be given its value for a plane of some fixed size and shape, one or more additional factors must be inserted in order that the formula shall give the pressure on a plane of any other size and shape. Experiments show that the variations in & for planes of different shapes and, within the range of experiment, for planes of different sizes, are very small. Proceeding now to the case of inclined planes, and for our present purpose neglecting the pressure and temperature, we may represent the resultant pressure Pon an inclined plane moved horizontally in the air at an angle a with the horizon by the equation P,= Py F(a) =k AV? Fo), where F (a) is a function to be determined by experiment. From this equation also we obtain directly the vertical component of pressure W=P,cosa=k A V* F(a) cosa and the horizontal component of pressure R=P,sina=k A V* F (a) sina. The point to which I wish now to direct especial attention is that, although shape and aspect of plane have but slight effect on the pressure on normal planes, they have a most important influence in determining the pressure on inclined planes. Consequently, (a) must be determined separately for planes of different size, shape, and aspect. An empirical curve (Fig. 1) representing F («) for a square plane has been obtained from the experiments with the Resultant-kecorder. It is obvious that the above equation for W furnishes the basis for determin- ing F (a) for variously shaped rectangles from the observations of soaring speed obtained with the Component-Recorder, together with experiments on normal planes. The vertical component of pressure at soaring speed is the weight of the plane, & is the fundamental constant of normal pressure derived from experiments on the normal plane, and V is the soaring speed for the angle «. = THE COMPONENT PRESSURE RECORDER. 61 For the 12x 12 inch square plane, and for the 30x 4.8 inch and the 6 x 24 inch planes, which last two are the planes having the extremes of aspect, F (a) has been computed from the above equation for JV, and the results are plotted in Fie. 10. In this computation W is 500 grammes; V is taken from the soaring speed curves for successive values of a, and the adopted value of &,,, viz., 0.0080, in metric units, is the mean value given by the normal planes in these experi- ments. Comparing the resulting curve for the 12-inch square plane with the eurve derived from the experiments with the Resultant Pressure Recorder, we find the following values : TABLE XII. F(a), or the ratio of the pressure on an inclined plane one foot square ’ Y ) to the pressure on the same normal plane. 8 nee 2 g Sse a Saas e) ae Saat so ae So S230 iss] 23g sg 45 rs 3.4 Eo 8s a SSE oer & g at ie ~ 3.8 | Difference. A ash OS KS G4 PS oO SBv ° Sy 5 SSS Se Sof F&F oO a S & qaoHo Sp aS AS 92 Ss ea ona s palletes | fae | 452) 1890. cm. = cm. Sept. 29) |! 24x 6 inches’ (61.0'x 15:2) |"30°). es ee 12.0 4/ 1.20} 708] 371 Weight, 500 grammes. ND) | SOATING ele -relel=ts 12.2 4] 0.380] 294] 154 rs 10 re eco 13.6 4} 0.20] 229] 120 cm. cm. Octal 24 xl im ches) (GIRO sxe 522) mA SOM | eyeeiet eerie tacts 9.6 4 | 2.80 |1,858 | 712 | .0088 | .00158 “ | Weight, 250 grammes. 30 | Soaring......... 7.8 4 ; 30 ia he actrees 7.8 2| 1.31 | 294) 154 15 Se San raids 8.3 “1! 0.64 | 164 86 Oct. 2 30 Di ia ra clans 79 “1 1.25 | 284) 149 ie 15 OF eevee 8.0 se i | 10 ae Rerners ease 8.6 “1 0.50] 134 70 ss 5 ES rec 11.8 “1 045 |) 121 63 5 3 | Not quite soaring} 13.3 SOS meelO 53 3 8) || HOES Soo coe oc 15.4 NOS a MOT, 56 2 COS suchas vaya 17.6 i) (heal |) alal3 59 0 | Not soaring 25.0 “| 0.50 | 1384 7 cm. ecm. Oct eon| 24 x16 cinchresn (Gil Osxn/512)5| 900 Saree teeeise eer 6.7 4/ 0.88] 567 | 297 |.0071 | .00135 i. | Weight, 1,000 grammes. UW benanososaccoboas 7.2 “1.21 | 708) 3871 | .0077 | .00146 : SON Bence taste cance o 9.8 “| 2.80 |1,3858 | 712 | .0079 | .00151 4 HO) || Sie MbOYES Coronas 15.2 “) 1.60} 867 | 454 15 Oa eels 16.2 “1 0.95 | 594) 311 10 Ste ra gevaeeese 19.4 “1 0.68 | 480} 252 5 | Not soaring......| 25.0 “| 0.50 | 397} 208 THE COMPONENT PRESSURE RECORDER. 69 TasLe X1V—Continued. s Se ea cr LD 2 | = a 32 & mer be ieee | cena 3 A Pe | Be ee 5 yore sWaierea Renee Mebreps I ak Date. Description of planes. = | Attitude of plane. SiS | ors ee | ahs | bm k S Secle |e | | ae 60 OA 5 i= 45 Loma) a) S ates lh a = og < > 4) eR Ay Ho 1890. cm. em. Octo lex 12) inches'(B0!5x 80!) 3 POON Sacer cloister 9.5 4 | 2.70 |1,825 | 694 | .0083 | .00157 aS Weight, 500 grammes. SLOT Go eiconntesn Rete caic 8.3 “! 1.84 | 970] 508 | .0079 | .00150 - | 80 | Soaring........ 9.5 “1 OF75 | 510 | 267 « | 15 Si OF sceafera soleus 12.0 eo) O27 2ale | 142 10 SE Fics atlers ote 15.0 Se Les eel 59 83 a 10 is as ens ads 14.6 PaeO:S05 1970s: s 5 SUN aencrsy Saeeciszs 20.0 BE CORPO SrtA 92 cm, cm. # 1x Qanches) (80!5563015)h| G08 seer. seein cscs 6.2 | 2.20 | 471 | 247 | .0069 | 00132 - Weight, 250 grammes. SUM Soames 6.6 S02 | aon 127 a 15 Create Gil {1049 | 130 68 ue 10 SO ea eyegevail 10.6 “ | 0.45 | 120 63 ~ 5 CO aes ts = 14.6 Bie OSon | 00 52 Y 3 CO Seti sess 16.7 «| 0.40 113 59 «“ 2 ee ee a. 18:3 a=!" Olsou stan | 876 r O | Not soaring....| 28.1 EO FOSON 199) |e 04 cm. cm. Oca el 2exal rim chesi(BO0!5ex30!5) 5) 90M Seeeiecrer coe 7.0 4} 1.25 | 726 | 380 | .0084 | .00160 3 Weight, 1,000 grammes. OO in| eerie anerensise 9.4 |] DaARss | aL ORY 647 | .0079 | .00150 * 310) || (Sterna Scop banc 12.8 “1 1.85 | 970] 508 Ps 30 Ug ates oe 12.8 | “| 1.80] 953] 499 15 ance ews eychanntale 17.4 a OS) || Zot | Bes} Oct. 3 15 Ee ROT 16.7 Dy eelto ass) || 203. = 10 Seren aegayor te 20.0 “1 1.25 | 285 | 149 5 era Sen 25.5 “| 0.80) 199} 104 cm. cm. Gin |G se BPE stavelnig's (Ali oe Gil.(0)) | SIO a omenoonacooae 6.2 «| 2.65 | 563 | 295 | .0081 | .00155 x Weight, 250 grammes. S10) |} Stoyeinarers oo boon 7.6 Gl) alestss |) Btls |) aol 15 Cee cametonese seas 11.8 | OREO) |) PalSe|| alates i 10 Ce ese Me nists 14.1 « | 0.60 | 155 81 ¥ 5 Soe eS op stay eucis 21.1 ZN) OBS10) || Pal ay |) alate} . 3 | Nearly soaring. 25.0 |) aL(00) || eG) 1 118} cm. cm. f Gea deonchest @lb:ZexiGleO)) ION | Be occimscreelaletarctek 6.3 “| 2.70% 571) 299%) .0081*).00154* is Weight, 500 grammes. DOE Ga rosales mete ioe 5A “| 2.08 | 4538 | 287 | .0089 | .00169 a OOM Same rasan ieee ok 4.1 “| 110} 256 | 134 | .0085 | .00161 i 30 | Soaring........ 10.5 «| 2.30 | 492 | 258 i 15 SY ts Ae ta Ke 15.2 SOON 9235) |) 123 a | 10 Hiss Soa 20.7 “| 0:85 | 206) 108 gE 5 SOW Sisters sles 27.3 a Ol65 166 87 cm. cm. cs (sx PH! rine aves} (UG) se(GIL(0)) || $ID) lls coc on bo ono GmRe 7.3 4} 1.70 | 909 | 476 | .0096 | .00182 5 Weight, 1,000 grammes. OOM Pree tiecea a aes: 5.7 “1 0.95 | 597 | 313 | 0108 | .00197 re 80) || fSenwuntess ooo cpec 14.6 «| 1.80} 953 | 499 : 15 ee gtenateensrel 21.4 « | 0.60) 450) 2386 ‘ 10 BE De anh 27.3 “| 0.380 | 294 | 154 *Trace was at limit of admissible extension, and hence the correct results are greater than these values. 70 EXPERIMENTS IN AERODYNAMICS. Taste XIV—Continued. Neate a ae eae || Onn ees sot Date. | Description of planes. | | | Attitude of plane. | sS 5 |% | 22 |. S aS | kn I = | “ 5 og on oa} | 3 | Se) eye Fes | 2 PRS Zt sial [eel [es Ze =z eee|B|e |= | 88 1890. cm. cm. Oct. 8 | 6 x 24 inches (15.2 x 61.0) | 15 | Soaring......... 21.8 2 i Weight, 1,000 grammes. | 10 WSS Sabb uae be 28.6 ‘s | ©) | Not soaring ....-. 30.0 “| 040) 118 59 cm. cm. Ooch} thay arest((TMHM 5 WA) || BIO) |p acoacconnaoansoe 5.0 “|! 140} 317) 166 | .0073 | .00138 Weight, 500 grammes. OO eas eens tetepeei: 6.0 “| 2.20) 471 | 247 | .0075 | .00142 HU ne do odadanoooasns 6.2 “ | 245 | 527) 276 | .0076 | .00145 @hO))|| NSCOR MMUAES 6 Ob oO aos 10.6 « | 2.30 | 492) 258 x 10 | Ce Se, Ae ane,t ilg/s9) SOMO} iS 96 a LON 4 ce CSP or ea 121 | «| 090| 216] 118 a Bi beacodosdoee oases 152 9) 9) 0454) ao ace = | | 3 | Not soaring..... 21.1 «1 0.50 | 134 70 Sta OF). Sse eee oer 25.007, | O90 1 2tGs) cits | cm. em. | | [30x48 imches|(716:2/x12!2))! 90) errr testto = silat 5.8 “|! 2.60 | 554 | 290 | .0091 | .00173 re | Weight, 250 grammes. PSO baer scrcacts acto 43 | “| 1.20.) 277] 145 |.0086 | .00163 - OU) SOamin pallette 8.1 | “| 130) 294) 154 ss | 15 CN Winco eae 8.3 “1 0.50 | 134 70 oy 10 See etetcicystaryers 9.3 “) 0.35 | 100 52 a | 5 ee Pet tera 13.3 a) (eG) | ahs} 59 a 3 Wt Soon ee o.c 17.1 “| 0.55 | 146 76 Non ononapeoue ened 26.1 “) 0.50 | 134 70 | eeceetar s/o) skstacehs eheketars 22:2, SS ZO 2a aS : (OF etinndiocron coms 27.9 “| 1.50) 38386) 176 cm. cm. | = Oct.» 9130 s742Siamchesi(7 G2 el 2) N90) ete} 5.8 4/ 0.7 490 | 257 | .0082 | .00157 . | Weight, 1,000 grammes. 90 | efareistvecs sksartecror 8.3 aly 909 | 476.0074 | .00141 2 | 30 | Soaring........- 15.2 1 22 ADTLON) 8 3 | | 15 eis Fictocinte ons Wyo Pa) itt 659 | 3845 2 | 15a aaaccae eee 174 | 2| 23 | 492] 9258 ‘ | 10 YJ eaqaceubogs 17.9 4 > | | LOS) el ngs gM cey cea 182 | 2/19 | 416] 218 - | D | Se boop oeac 22.6 ilk 855 | 186 Average of 22 determinations of k,, (at mean temperature, 16° C.) = .00816. Barometer, 7 Description of planes. 24 x 6 in. (24 in. side horizontal). Weight, 500 grammes. THE COMPONENT PRESSURE RECORDER. TABLE XV—SECOND SERIES. NoveMBeER 25, 1890.—F. W. Very, Conductor of experiments. 59, 30 mm.; temperature, 10°.0 C.; wind velocity, 2.4 meters per second. Si ‘Ss 2 of a | OS a ae Secale ja 5 Ot ise ee asta ae 3 eu f= eect l/s acetal ete eg ES oS OV Salesian Taal g | de te - o So Dn BO Bet | ) * se Ne ieaf & oe = = | Attitude of plane. | == Sle ge lene lao Remarks. ra ems os |e a } Wey Oger ica eerie: |e 8 2 SS hl eS B Ss | Sis = Sa 2) = eet =) Cia alee ae Bh ore < = | ZA | & Viet | | | 45°) Soaring..... a8 10.9} 4) 210) 907 | 476 =F es % Aa |) eer 50 ee Panes 11.2 | 4 | 2.50 |1,070 | 560 5 Peep Soret 16.9} 4 5 Oe ner 17.2) 31) 0.88 82 | 48 3 | Not quitesoaring | 19.4 |....]...... eSgiaioce oe Adopt 19.6 for soaring speed. 30 | Soaring..... ol OCN Relea O NAO os E26 10 ee tee Retr cidelo 13.38) 4 | 0.21 91 48 | Too small extension of spring | to give reliable pressure. NOVEMBER 26, 1890.—F. W. Very, Conductor of experiments. Barometer, 736 mm.; temperature, 0°.0 C.; wind velocity, 0.3 meters per second. | ~ | “9p tt) an oA = jenaia ee | a2 ae 5 | Atti Si |) Yl eS) a aa Description of planes. | = Attitude of eats 8] on a Bese ia. ke Remarks. © planes 4) Se) |o go | te iso nod on aH =) lon] = S \SGa! 8 |-as Sh | ue ae, SS rr caes fa ESV E: fever ees |) | Sa 2 = l2l8 |e lee | | Daexopiney (24 ims side: |) sO8| sas aye ae: | 16.6 SH OO 27 | 14 | horizontal). el | Somecnnee Hon | 18.3 3 | OAO 82} 43 Weight, 500 grammes.) 3 | Soaring...) 16.2 3| 045) 86 | 45 | 5 | oF 14.4 3] 0.57 | 100) 52 | Whose, tol OE lei tapas es 3 9.03 4 9.50 |1,068 | 558 | .0074 | .00141 | 1D) kongsis oS505 741 | 41] 1.707 749 | 392 | .0077 | .00146 x v= Sg SO Tae a aS aay aie, RATIO Same plane (Gin.side | 90 |........... 7.99 | 4] 1.85 | 803 | 421 | .0071 | .00136 horizontal). PESOS ete were teresa: 5.86 | 4} 0.97 | 454 | 288 | .0075 | .00142 | | 6 x 6 inches. Ones ss seran!hs 17.96 | 4| 240 |1,021 | 534 |.0071 | .00136 Weight, 125 crammes.| 90 |........... 16:74 | 41 2:05 | 885 | 464 | 0071 | .00136 oe) 5 z < | 38 | Soaring 20.1 Bi |} (ous) |) fh 48 | 5 | ts 18.7 3] 0.60; 100} 52 } 10 | oe 15.0 3} 0.73 113) 59)| ~I] lo EXPERIMENTS IN AERODYNAMICS. Taste XV—Continued. g wa fot [2 rs ms \s 22 |a|@.|e.|83 [peal S95| EB lae] 28 | ae Description of planes. | = ae Of yas S | 2S ec om k. Remarks. s ho) # |. | OS laa au 25/8 |8-|2/88 | op | OF AGodl si |ees a 7B I= iS me el ete | ae 5 = is) < | > 4|e ae mo BE —— —_—_ 12 x 12 inches. OU eee rer 16.7 3 | 0.35 40 Weight, 500 grammes.| 0 |.........--. 17.8 3 | 0.40 44 | 2]) Not soar-| 20.7 | 3] 0.70 57 2) |\eeeane 16.7 3 | 0.55 50 3| Nearly | 20.9 Bi) alot) {als |) G2) ||psosoaileocces Adopt 21.4 m. per sec. soaring as probable soaring 5 | Soaring...} 20.1 3] 130] 152) 80 speed. 10 sal) IGS) 3] 1.70] 180] 94 20 ss alike Sh|das son Sobonlbousoalsep oo Spring extended to 20 ¢ iil 4} 0.75 | 340 | 178 limit. 380 e 8.9 4] 1.20} 345 | 285 45 g 10.2 4] 2.31 | 985 | 516 SOi\lscencoege ne 8.23 | 4} 2.20] 989 | 492 00148 (5) 0)) reser 845 | 4 |) 228) 976 | ol .00146 DOM Leseers =, Soccer: 9.15 | 4] 2.70 |1,185 | 595 .00146 SON ce tee sry 8.11 | 4] 2.00] 863 | 452 00141 1P Se() ron, (Maia, rch || (0) |p oe sos0 sor 18.6 3 | 0.55 95 | 50 horizontal). 3 | Scarcely | 18.8 3 || OG |) MO || BS foocdcullgoocos Probablesoaring speed, Weight, 250 grammes. soaring. 19.2 m. per sec. 5 | Soaring...| 17.5 3| 0.78} 115) 60 10 SCE oe: 13.3 3| 1.00} 131} 69 20 o 10.8 3| 1.75 | 182} 95 20 i 11.0 4! 0.33] 159} 838 30 a 10.5 4] 0.77 | 347 | 182 45 re 10.9 4] 1.14} 522 | 273 (SOs tensa cs ore 7.78 | 4] 0.88] 3899 | 209 | .0074 | .00141 (SONS reactance 9.09 | 4] 1.21 | 549 | 288 | .0075 | .00142 OOWIE ractoctec cr 10.89 | 4 | 1.98] 862 | 452 | .0082 | .00156 GON Reererracretrs.: 12.50 | 4 | 2.55 |1,089 | 571 | .0079 | .00150 OU serves crerctar 11.19} 4 | 2:02 71 | 456 | .0079 | .00149 GON eee 10.00 | 41 1.60| 704 | 369 |.0079 | 00151! 90 scr crap etericroe 8.14} 4} 1.00} 463 | 248 |.0079 | .00150 ee Ssjsvela(GOsroejerteks)| (0) Go ansoocgcd 17.9 33) O3%0) 72 | 38 horizontal). 2} Soaring...} 20.1 3| 0.90] 125) 65 Weight, 500 grammes.) 3 re 17.8 3} 1.04] 134] 70 5 : 15.2 83 |) fale) || alekeh |) 7 10 : 12.6 3 | 1.92)|" 197 | 103 V) O)al aes ee as ae ET 3 | 3.34 | 300 | 157 DO ERGe nee kre 11.6 4} 0.70 | 295 | 155 30 | Soaring 10.8 4} 121 | 550} 288 45 11.2 4) 212) 912') 478 SOE atiiertseicey. 8.3 4 | 2.20 | 985 | 490 | .0075 | .00148 SOW betes. corre 10.26 | 4] 3.80 |1,880 | 723 | .0074 | .00141 SO) acre eae of | 8.00] 4] 2.05 | 885 | 464 |.0078 | .00148 THE COMPONENT PRESSURE RECORDER. Taste XV—Continued. DecemBer 5, 1890.—F. W. Very, Conductor of experiments. Barometer, 732 mm.; temperature, -- 1°.0 C.; wind velocity, light. : G4 50 es oe S| 38 he eee 5 SS | | |a jae “| paiteien laste aa RAI SS = SE RSHES) rare | ahaa = | ; ee eal cease al | Cn a Description of plane. | 3 | Attitude of plane. |= O13 | oS la sla | Remarks. aS; ea Obl ies Oe |hOrs: Sq ° = a A eS) SR H ee Sat QoS a0| 0c Ou Oo 8 8 2 g Na SI mt | om Sg 5) =) 7 igs tS oN | Soci; & = aa a | oO S| i = |S & | < = A|A i = | | 12 x 12 inches. 10°, More than soaring.) 15.8 a Weight, 500 grammes. | 10 | Soaring eomeen aR 15.0 | 3) 1.80 | 191 | 100 | | | | Flange of cone-pulley broke and stopped observations for the day. Drcemper 6, 1890. Barometer, 730 mm.; temperature, + 2°.5 C.; wind velocity, calm. =a HS ob | i al 3 | He ./ 8/6. lealge eS | aan zl mo — a i Sp 5 | SR eel eral Description of planes.| 3 Attitude of plane. += 21% | ad leslie Remarks. irate POD ere eee ICA iret ec = Sey = L DS e0|} oS © SaH|2] e IN| Sis “eh Shei ceiee re zy eI CS) BE Oe 5 Se 4 | & ay am : os 12 x 12 inches. OP) ornate a5 oon cos 12.8 | 8] 2.60 | 245 | 128 | Velocity of soaring not so well Weight, 500 grammes. | determined as on Noyem- | ber 26. 20 ee Ehret iL QIG || RA eects elisveutere|| ene atc Velocity of soaring not so well | | determined as on Noyem- 30 BF nites 10.3 | 4] 1.10 | 500 | 262 ber 26. 45 | oie ene Ceara 11.4 | 4] 2.20 | 939 | 492 | Velocity of soaring not so ac- 45 | Not soaring......| 10.0] 4] 1.82 | 794 | 416 curately determined as on 30 | SES hee 10.0 | 4] 0.85 | 408 | 214 November 26. BO WNan ie et crate 10.0 | 4] 0.75 | 340 | 178 20 | ys LUE TE 6G be iKOM0) \) 3. |) aloo) |) als} 69 30 x 4.8 inches. Oy PNOtiquite;soanim cele 1ARSm lier |e crete | siete tell tree 14.9 meters per second assumed Weight, 500 grammes. as soaring speed. Fine mist throughout the observations. 10 EXPERIMENTS IN AERODYNAMICS. TABLE DerceMBer 11, 1890.—F Barometer, 724 mm.; temperature, XV—Continued. . W. Very, Conductor of experiments. ? ; wind velocity, 0.8 meters per second. 3 Rts) alptize |) eee eae ies 5 : So) Blea] ag | ee Description of planes. a Attitude of as & 1s Be ne 5 =| km. es Remarks. & plane. 9 5) 2 | as A 1 So S So Oi] ey Pes Coseile ise = Sie] "|| Ee || Se am |os o Os x (=| a, Si “eb igen ltarsh || ae = Be q leat a} aes 4 = os < = Pah ie iret ising (Gam sl) BOloccogscccons 8.30 | 1] 1.80 | 980 | 487 | .0076 | 0.00144 horizontal). QO a scissors 6 9.15 | 1 2.20 |1,098 | 576 | .0074 | 0.00140 Weight, 500 grammes. | 45 | Soaring 11.5 1 | 2.10 | 1,057 | 558 30 OS recoup nncoas 1 | 0.91 | 557 | 292 20 €f 10.9 1) 047 | 350 | 183 15 § ital 3 Oni hoe cetonns 20.7 3 | 0.20 59 | 31 PHSe() trot, (CHE tno Arey! |b asco cco D coc 20.7 3 | 0.20 59 | 31 horizontal). 10 | Soaring....| 18.0 Weight, 500 grammes. | Mean of 22 determinations of k» (at temperature 0° C.) = 0.0076. CHAPTER VII. THE DYNAMOMETER-CHRONOGRAPH. Having determined by means of the Component-Recorder the resistance that must be overcome in moving a material plane horizontally through the air at different speeds, the next step of my investigation has consisted in devising means for measuring the power that must be put out by a motor in doing this useful work; for, by any form of aerial propulsion, the useful work that can be derived from the motor is only a percentage, either large or small, of that which is expended. It becomes important, therefore, to determine the ratio between the propelling force obtained, and the amount of power that must be expended in any given case. In devising the following apparatus I have confined my attention to aerial propellers for reasons of present convenience, and not because I think them the only practicable method of propulsion, although they are undoubtedly a most important one. If we consider the actual circumstances of such experiments, where the motor under investigation is mounted at the extremity of the large turn-table arm and is in motion, frequently at a rate of over a mile a minute, and that the end of this slender arm is 30 feet from any solid support where an observer might be stationed, it will be seen that the need of noting at every moment the action of apparatus, which under such circumstances is inaccessible, imposes a difficult mechanical problem. After trying and dismissing other plans, it became evident that a purely automatic registry must be devised which would do nearly all that could be supposed to be done in the actually impracticable case of an observer who should be stationed at the outer end of the whirling arm beside the apparatus, which we may suppose for illustration to be an aerodrome moved by a propeller. The registering instrument for the purposes desired must indicate at every moment both the power expended on the supposed aerodrome to make it sustain itself in flight, and also the portion of that power which is utilized in end-thrust on the propeller shaft, driving the model forward at such a rate as to maintain soaring flight, under the same circumstances as if it were relieved from all constraint and actually flying free in a horizontal course in the air, For this purpose a peculiar kind of dynamometer had to be devised, which, after much labor over mechanical difficulties, finally became completely efficient in the form (75) 76 EXPERIMENTS IN AERODYNAMICS. I proceed to describe and which I have called the Dynamometer-Chronograph. A plan of the instrument is given in plate VIII. Its method of operation in measuring and registering (1) the power expended in producing rotation and (2) the useful result obtained in end-thrust is here separately described. (1) MEASUREMENT OF THE POWER EXPENDED. The propeller wheel L, which is to be investigated, is fastened to the shaft SS’, which becomes its axis, and is driven by a belt running from the pulley. When the pulley is driven from any source of power, the resistance offered by the air to the rotation of the propeller develops a torsional force on the shaft SS. This shaft is divided into two portions at the clock-spring in the upper end of the cylinder D, so that the torsional force set up by the pulley is transmitted to the rest of the axis and to the propeller through the spring in question. This torsional force can and does cause the cylinder E, which turns with the propeller end of the shaft, to be twisted with respect to D, which rotates with the pulley, until the force is balanced by the winding tension of the clock-spring. The rela- tive angular motion between the pulley and the shaft S causes a longitudinal motion of the cylinder E into the cylinder D, by means of a spiral groove cut in the cylinder D, in a manner which is sufficiently shown in the drawing, so that there can be no angular movement of the pulley C relative to the shaft and to the cylinder E, without a corresponding longitudinal motion of the cylinder E and of the pencil P’, which registers the amount of this longitudinal motion on the recording cylinder; and it will be observed that there will be no angular motion and no linear motion, unless work is being done by the pulley ; for, if the propeller wheel were removed, or if its blades were set with their planes in the planes of its rotation, however fast the pulley may be driven, there will be no record. The linear motion of the pen P” is, then, caused by, and is proportional to, the torsional force exerted by the pulley, and to this only. It is obvious that if the recording cylinder revolve at a known rate, the pencil trace will give a complete record of the two necessary and sufficient factors in estimating the total power put out, namely, the amount of this power from instant to instant (how- ever it vary) and the time during which it is exerted; the former being given by the “departure” of the pen from its normal position, the latter by the length of the trace, so that a complete indicator-diagram showing the power expended is found on the sheet when it is unrolled from the cylinder. The abscissa of any point in the developed curve is proportional to the time; its ordinate, which represents the departure of the pencil parallel to the axis of the cylinder, is pro- portional to the tension of the clock-spring. The value of this departure, or the actual stress it represents, after allowing for all circumstances of friction, is obtained by calibrating the spring by hanging weights on the circumference of THE DYNAMOMETER-CHRONOGRAPH. AU the pulley. This departure, then, corresponds to the effect of a definite and constant weight so applied, so long as we use the same spring under the same adjustment. When widely different ranges of power are to be measured, the additional range of tension required is obtained with the same spring by insert- ing a set-screw in successive holes, numbered 0 to 15, around the end of the eylinder D, so as virtually to shorten or lengthen the clock-spring. A separate ealibration is, of course, required for each setting. (2) MEASUREMENT OF THE END-THRUST. I have thus far spoken of the shaft or axis as if it were in one piece between the clock-spring and the pulley, but for the purpose of measuring the end-thrust the shaft is also cut in two within the cylinder F. The two pieces are maintained in line by suitable guides, and forced to rotate together by a fork within I’, but the propeller end of the shaft is given freedom of longitudinal motion. Any end- thrust on the axis, whether received from the propeller or otherwise, causes, then, this portion carrying the pencil P to slide up within the other toward the pulley, telescoping the part of the shaft next the propeller within that next the clock- spring, and causing the longitudinal compression of the spiral spring in cylinder F, as shown in the drawing. All the parts of the axis, then, between the clock-spring and the propeller must rotate together when the latter is revolved, but the end of the axis nearest the propeller, and this end only, has the capacity not only of rotatory but of a longitudinal motion, which latter is per- mitted by this portion of the axis telescoping into the other, as above described. The force of the end-thrust is recorded by the “departure” of the pencil P, which bears a definite relation to its own spring, determined by independent calibration. The record made by P on the recording cylinder is a curve whose abscissie are proportional to time and whose ordinates are proportional to end-thrust. This curve cannot by itself properly be called an indicator-diagram, since, taken alone, it records a static pressure only, but when the experiments are adjusted in a manner later described in this chapter the record of the speed of the turn- table (on which it will be remembered this apparatus is being carried forward) supplies the requisite additional data that an indicator-diagram demands. Hence, while the pencil P” actually traces an indicator-diagram giving the expenditure of power at every moment, the pencil P traces in part a second indicator-diagram giving synchronously the useful result attained. A third pencil, P’, records the seconds of a mean time-clock through the action of an electro-magnet, M, and obviously gives the means of determining with all needful precision the time corresponding to each element of angular rotation of the cylinder, even should this vary. This time record, then, serves two purposes: (1) it gives the speed of rotation of the cylinder, and (2) permits 78 EXPERIMENTS IN AERODYNAMICS. the traces to be synchronized with the speed of the whirling table registered on the stationary chronograph. The cylinder is rotated in either of two ways: (first) by the driving pulley, through a system of gearing, which gives the cylinder rates of rotation equal to 4000) 200; OF qovy that of the driving pulley according as desired, so tnat the speed of the pulley is thus measured by the rate of rotation of the cylinder; or (second) the cylinder may be independently rotated by an attached clock when it is desired to give it a uniform motion rather than to record the speed of the pulleys. In practice the clock and recording cylinder have been used as the registering appa- ratus in most of the experiments already described with other instruments. The drawing shows a portion of an actual dynamometer trace which was obtained with the instrument when set in motion by a foot-lathe, the power supplied by the foot through the fly-wheel of the lathe being transferred by a belt to the pulley and thence to a propeller wheel carried at the end of the shaft S. The pencil P’, it will be remembered, is connected with the clock-spring, its “departure,” or motion parallel to the axis, being in this case at every instant proportional to the tension at the same instant at the circumference of the pulley. P’ is the pencil, which records every beat of the mean time-clock, while the trace made by the third pencil, P (in the case actually under consideration, in which the dynamometer is at rest), measures the static end-thrust obtained from the propeller blades for the amount of power put out. I may ask attention to the comparability of these two absolutely independent traces, and invite the reader to note how perfectly the relation of end-thrust obtained responds to the power expended. The person turning the lathe did so with the greatest uniformity attainable by the use of a heavy fly-wheel, but every motion of the foot is, never- theless, as will be seen, most conspicuously registered. Every change in the amount of power finds also its counterpart in a variation of end-thrust, and the inequalities in the application of the power during a single revolution of the fly- wheel of the lathe may be distinctly traced not only in the first of the two curves but in the second. (It is interesting to note that in each stroke the power pen P” starts up sharply and then comes nearly or quite back to the zero line, although we see from the pen P that work is being done all the time. This is repeated substantially at every stroke of the foot, in spite of the inertia of the lathe fly- wheel, and is an indication of the extreme sensitiveness of the apparatus.) Preliminary to the use of the dynamometer it was necessary, as has been explained, to calibrate the clock-spring and the end-thrust spring and prepare curves or tables for evaluating the readings of the traces. The clock-spring was calibrated in the following manner: The propeller end of the axle being held fast, weights were applied at the circumference of the large pulley, 10 centimeters diameter, by means of a cord. The torsional force THE DYNAMOMETER-CHRONOGRAPH. 79 of these weights at a lever-arm of 5 centimeters (the effective radius of the pulley) is balanced by the tension of the clock-spring and is measured by the longitudinal motion of the pencil P’.. On account of the appreciable friction of the guide- wheel in the helical groove, two measures are desirable for exact calibration in each case at an upper and lower limit of repose. The mean of these is taken as the true extension for the given weight, and the observation is repeated three times with each weight to eliminate errors of observation. This series of observa- tions was made with the set-screw in the “0” hole, the 5th hole, and the 10th hole, in order to get a sufficiently wide range of action for the instrument. The following table, XVI, gives the system of calibration obtained from experiments made November 14, 1890—F. W. Very, observer : TABLE XVI. Calibration of Clock-Spring of Dynamometer. Weight applied at circumference of large pulley, effective radius 5 centimeters, by cord passing over a small pulley at edge of table. Weight. | Extension of trace. Position of set-screw. Pounds. |Grammes.| Inches. | Centimeters. LOthwholesaeecescee: 4.32 1,960 1.54 4.67 4.10 1,860 1.70 4.32 3.88 1,760 1.49 3.0 3.44 1,560 1.02 2.59 3.22 1,460 0.86 2.18 3.00 1,860 0.60 1.52 2.78 1,260 0.37 0.94. film InolWei5 Sada omodone 3.00 1,860 1.82 4.62 2.78 1,260 1.60 4.06 2.56 1,160 iL 33) 3.43 2.34 1,060 IL ls 2.92 Dele, 960 0.88 2.2 1.90 860 0.66 1.68 1.68 760 OAL 1.04 Et () aah olosmieeiee tier 1.83 830 1.86 473 1.61 73 1.64 417 1.30 630 1.39 3.53 ily 530 1.18 3.01 0.95 430 0.91 Dil 0.73 33 0.71 1.79 0.51 230 0.49 1.24 0.29 130 0.25 0.63 0.07 30 O15 0.38 50 EXPERIMENTS IN AERODYNAMICS. The end-thrust spring was calibrated by suspension of weights in a similar way. The following calibration was obtained from experiments made March 8, 1888 : Calibration of End-Thrust Spring. Weicht. Extension of | trace. | | (Grammes). ( Centimeters). | 100 0.43 200 1.07 300 1.75 | 400 2.21 | The method of computing the horse-power expended, and the return in end- thrust obtained, may now be illustrated in the reduction of the following observa- tions taken without change from the original notes: OcroBER 380, 1888. Six-bladed propeller, with blades set at 45° with axis. Dynamometer driven by belt from a small dynamo. Belt driving 2.1 inch pulley. Dynamometer geared so as to give one revolution of cylinder for 2,000 revolutions of pulley. Time of one revolution of cylinder, 295 seconds. Departure of pencil of clock-spring (set-screw in “0” hole), 1.43 inches. 60 x 2000 Driving pulley makes 505 revolutions per minute. Circumference of 2.1 x 3.1416 = : 0 x 2000 x 2.1 x 3.1416 pulley equals eee feet. Velocity of belt equals oO soe i ~ feet per minute. From calibration of March 8, 1888, an extension or departure of 1.43 inches of the pencil of the clock-spring, with the set-screw in “0” hole, is equivalent to.a weight of 1.35 pounds on a 3.9-inch pulley. The tension on . O50 . 3 , . . the present 2.1-inch driving pulley is therefore 1.35 x = pounds. Multiplying tension of belt by velocity of belt and dividing by 33,000, we have the work expended per minute expressed in horse-power, viz: 60x 2000, Tee) ae 1.35 i CICA R yet se TTY | tS mot It will be noticed that in this expression the factor 2.1 has dropped out, and the only variables are the time of one revolution of cylinder and the tension on the spiral spring taken from the calibration curve. If the former be represented by a and the latter by b, and the gearing remain unchanged, the horse-power in any experiment will be given by the formula 3.713 x ‘. THE DYNAMOMETER-CHRONOGRAPH. 81 I liave now to ask attention to a condition of vital importance in the experi- ments, and yet one which may, perhaps, not appear obvious. It is, that it is indispensable that the power expended on, and obtained from, the propeller shall, for its economical use, be expended on fresh and undisturbed masses of air. To make my meaning clearer, I will suppose that the Dynamometer-Chronograph is mounted on a fixed support in the open air, with the axis pointing east and west, and that in a perfect calm a certain amount of power (let us suppose 2 horse- power) is put out on a pulley and through it on the propeller, giving a certain return in end-thrust. Under these circumstances, let the wind blow either from north to south or from south to north; that is, directly at right angles with the axle, so that it might at first sight appear that nothing is done to increase or diminish the amount of end-thrust to be obtained. The amount of end-thrust under these circumstances will, in fact, be very greatly increased (even though the constant expenditure of » horse-power be maintained)—so greatly increased, that a neglect of such considerations would completely vitiate the results of experiment, the great difference being due to the fact that the propeller-wheel is now operating from moment to moment on fresh masses of air whose inertia has been undisturbed. This being understood, it is not desirable for our purpose to experiment upon the case where the air is carried at right angles or at any very considerable angle to the propeller shaft principle. The circumstances of actual motion cause the wind of advance to be always nearly in the line of the shaft itself; and this condition is obtained by moving the instrument so that the wind of advance caused by the motion of the turn-table is in this direction. It is this supply of fresh material (so to speak) for the propeller to work upon, which causes the need of noting minutely the speed of advance, as affecting the result, so that for a given constant quantity of power expended, the percentage of return in end-thrust depends upon the rate of supply of fresh and undisturbed masses of air. These considerations very intimately connect themselves with the theory of the marine screw-propeller, and the related questions of slip and rate of advance, but I have preferred to approach them from this somewhat less familiar point of view. The dynamometer and propeller were therefore mounted, as has been said, on the end of the whirling-table. The propeller was driven by means of its a case which is used here only for illustration of a pulley C by a belt from a small electro-motor also on the turn-table, the motor being actuated by a current from a stationary dynamo, shown on plate II. This dynamo sent a current through the brush contact B of the whirling-table to the small electric motor mounted on the arm. The whirling-table was then raised 11 82 . EXPERIMENTS IN AERODYNAMICS. out of its gearings by the means shown in plate II, and with full current from the dynamo the little propeller blades proved capable of rotating the great turn- table, though slowly, for manifestly the work to be done in moving this great mass was quite incommensurate with the capacity of a small propeller of 15 or 20 inches radius, Some special means must therefore be devised for utilizing the advantages given by the attainable speed, steadiness, and size of so large a whirling-table, without encountering the disadvantages of friction, resistance of the air to the exposed surface, and similar sources of difficulty. To place the propeller wheels, either actually driving inclined planes or models, or otherwise, so far as possible under the conditions they would have in actual free flight, and to measure the power put out in actuating them, the resistance experienced, etc., under these conditions, is evidently an object to be sought, but it is equally evident that it is difficult of attainment in practice. Much study and much experiment were given to this part of the problem, with the result of the inven- tion, or rather the gradual evolution through successive forms, of the auxiliary instrument described in the last chapter as the Component Pressure Recorder. This conception of a method by which the Dynamometer could be effectively used was reached in February, 1889, and, together with its final mechanical embodiment, was the outcome of much more thought than the invention of the Dynamometer itself. As already stated, one of the objects of the Dynamometer is to determine the power necessary to be expended in mechanical flight ; but manifestly this must be done indirectly, for we have to experiment with a model or an inclined plane so small as to be incapable of soaring while supporting the relatively great weight of the Dynamometer-Chronograph, even if it had an internal source of power capable of giving independent flight (which the simple inclined plane has not). If such a working model were placed upon the end of the turn-table arm, with the Dynamometer supported on this arm behind or beneath it, and if the arm of the turn-table were without inertia and offered no resistance to the air, the whole might be driven forward by the reaction of the propeller of the model, actuated by a motor, until the latter actually soars, and the Dynamometer supported on such an imaginary arm might note the work done when the soaring takes place. This conception is, of course, impossible of realization, but it suggests a method by which the actual massive turn-table can be used so as to accomplish the same result. Suppose the model with attached propeller and Dynamometer to be placed on the end of the whirling arm, and the latter rotated by its engine. Further, suppose the model aerodrome be also independently driven forward by its pro- peller, actuated by an independent motor, at the same speed as that of the table; then, if both speeds are gradually increased until actual soaring takes place, it is THE DYNAMOMETER-CHRONOGRAPH. $3 evident that we reach the desired result of correct dynamometric measures taken under all the essential circumstances of free flight, for in this case the propeller is driving the model independently of any help from the turn-table, which latter serves 1ts purpose in carrying the attached Dynamometer. As a means of determining when the propeller is driving the model ata speed just equal to that of the turn-table, let the whole apparatus on the end of the arm be placed on a car which rolls on a nearly frictionless track at right angles to the turn-table arm. Then, when the turn-table is in rotation, let the propeller of the model be driven by its motor with increasing speed until it begins to move the model forward on the track. At this moment, that is, just as the acrodrome begins to move forward relatively to the moving turn-table, it is behaving in every respect with regard to the horizontal resistance (@. ¢., the resistance to advance), as if it were entirely free from the table, since it is not moved by it, but is actually advancing faster than it, and it is subject in this respect to no disturbing condition except the resistance of the air to the bulk of the attached Dynamometer. In another respect, however, it is far from being free from the table, so long as this helps to take part in the vertical resistance which should be borne wholly by the air; the aerodrome, in other words, will not be behaving in every respect as if in free air, if it rests with any weight on the track. The second necessary and sufficient condition is, then, that at the same moment that the model begins to run forward with the car it should alse begin to rise from it. This condition can be directly obtained by rotating the turn-table at the soaring speed (previously determined) corresponding to any given angle of the inclined plane. This conception of a method for attaining the manifold objects that I have outlined was not carried out in the form of the track, which, although constructed, was soon abandoned on account of the errors introduced by friction, etc., but in the Component Recorder, whose freedom of motion about the vertical axis provides the same opportunity for the propeller-driven model to run ahead of the turn- table as is offered by the track. This instrument, therefore, a part of whose functions have been described in the preceding chapter, has been used as a neces- sary auxiliary apparatus to the Dynamometer-Chronograph, and this is an essential part of the purpose for which it was originally devised. In naming the instru- ment, however, only a part of its purpose and service could be included, or of the mechanical difficulties that it surmounts indicated. The investigation of the velocity at which an inclined plane will sustain its own weight in the air, and the determination of the end-thrust, or horizontal resistance, that is experienced at this velocity, were made with the Recorder independently of the Dynamometer, and have been presented in detail in chapter 84 EXPERIMENTS IN AERODYNAMICS. VI. The investigation of the power that must be expended to furnish this end- thrust, and the determination of the best form and size of propeller for the pur- pose, combines the use of the two instruments. In the center of the Recorder is provided a place (see plate VII) for the electric motor already referred to, whose power is transmitted by a belt to the pulley of the Dynamometer-Chronograph, which is mounted on the end of the rigid arms. It may be observed that, in this manner of establishing the motor, the tension of the pulley, however great, in no way interferes with the freedom of motion of the arms of the Recorder—a very essential mechanical condition, and one not otherwise easily attainable. With the various pieces of apparatus thus disposed, and with the propeller to be tested fastened to the shaft of the Dyna- mometer, the whirling table is rotated at any desired speed. The propeller is then driven by the motor with increasing amounts of power until the forward motion of the Recorder arm about its vertical axis indicates that the propeller is driving the Dynamometer ahead at a velocity just exceeding the velocity of the whirling- table. ‘This is the moment at which all the records admit of interpretation. The work that is being done by the propeller is that of overcoming the resistance of the air to the bulk of the Dynamometer, and in place of this we may substitute, in thought, the resistance that would be caused by an aerodrome of such a size as to produce the same effect. The power put out and the resistance to advance are both registered on the cylinder of the Dynamometer. The result realized is found by multiplying the static pressure indicated by the pencil which registers the end-thrust by the velocity of the turn-table at the moment when the pro- peller’s independently acquired velocity is just about to exceed it. The static pressure represents the resistance overcome, and the velocity of advance gives the distance through which it is overcome per unit of time. The product there- fore represents the effective work done per unit of time. If the adopted velocity of the whirling-table be the soaring velocity of an aerodrome which would have the actually observed resistance, the experiment will virtually be made under all the conditions of actual horizontal flight. In practice, the experiments were made at a series of velocities, and the results obtained—power expended and useful work done—can be interpolated for any desired speed. Preliminary experiments were made with wooden propellers having four, six, and eight blades set at different angles with the axis. Lastly, two aluminum propellers were used having only two blades each, extending 24 and 30 inches, respectively, from tip to tip. In order that the reader may follow the method of experiment in detail, the following description of experiments made November 4, 1890, is here given, together with abstracts from the original record of observations for that date : THE DYNAMOMETER-CHRONOGRAPH, 85 November 4, 1890. Continuation of experiments with 30-inch (diameter) two-bladed aluminum propeller to determine ratio of power put out to return in end-thrust obtained. Dynamometer-Chronograph with attached propeller is placed on outer arm of the Component- Recorder and driven by an electric motor placed in the center of the Recorder. The electric motor is run by a dynamo, the current from which is carried to the heavy brush contact B (plate IT) of the turn-table, and thence along the arm to the electric motor, and the dynamo itself is run by the steam-engine which drives the turn-table. In the manner already described, the pencil P” of the Dynamometer-Chronograph registers the power put out; P’ registers seconds from the mean time-clock, and P registers the end-thrust of the propeller. A fourth pencil is fixed to the frame of the Recorder and registers on the dyna- mometer cylinder the forward motion of the Recorder arm about its vertical axis against the ten- sion of a horizontal spring, the spring being disposed so as to be extended by the forward motion of the outer arm. Thus, when the propeller is driven at such a velocity as just to exceed the velocity of the turn-table, the outer arm bearing the Dynamometer moves forward, the horizontal spring begins to extend, and its extension is recorded on the Dynamometer sheet, together with the power put out, the amount of end-thrust obtained, and the time trace from the mean time-clock. Preliminary to the experiments the surface of the inner arm of the balance was increased so that the resistance of the Dynamometer on the outer arm to the wind of advance should be largely counterbalanced. This was accomplished by adding a surface of 17 square inches at a distance of 4 inches (104 centimeters) from the axis of rotation. h. om. : At 2 12 Casella air-meter reads 1,779,600. At 5 39 ze z ete sole 900! Toward end of experiments, wind almost entirely died away. Dynamometer-Chronograph sheet No. 3—notes and measurements : Propeller blades set at angle of 75° with axis. Horizontal spring No. 3. Pulley cord of Dynamometer running on 4-inch pulley. Chronograph cylinder geared so as to make 1 revolution to 2,000 revolutions of propeller. Set screw of Dynamometer in “0” hole. Turn-table driven so as to give linear speed of approximately 2,000 feet per minute. (a) Dynamo = 1,170 revolutions per minute. (6) Propeller = eee = 1,032 revolutions per minute. (c) Extension of power pencil P” = 0.65 inches. (d) Extension of end-thrust pencil P = 0.20 inches (varying). (e) Horizontal spring: no appreciable extension, except occasional jumps produced by wind. (f) Speed of turn-table (from sheet of stationary chronograph in office) = 5.41 seconds in one revolution = 1,865 feet per minute. The above entries, taken from the original note-book, will be readily under- stood in connection with the following explanations : (a) The 1,170 revolutions of dynamo refer to the revolutions of the dynamo- electric machine, and are read off by means of a Buss-Sombart Tachometer. 86 EXPERIMENTS IN AERODYNAMICS. (b) 5.52 is the number of inches of the Dynamometer-Chronograph barrel revolved in a minute, as determined by measuring the time trace. An entire revolution corresponds to the entire circumference of the barrel, 10.7 inches, and (with the gearing used in this experiment) to 2,000 revolutions of the Dynamometer pulley shaft. Hence 5.52 x 2000 Sa = 1,032 10.7 re is the number of revolutions of the Dynamometer pulley per minute at the time of this experiment. The effective diameter of the pulley being 4 inches, this gives for the velocity of the cerd 1,063 feet per minute. (c) The extension of the power pencil P” = 0.65 inches. From the calibra- tion tables we find that this corresponds to a tension of 0.67 pounds on the pulley cord. The product of this tension by the pulley speed gives the power put out, viz., 712 foot-pounds per minute. (d) The extension of the end-thrust trace, 0.20 inch, corresponds to a pressure of 0 20 pound. (e) The horizontal spring has no appreciable extension, except as caused by puffs of wind. This indicates that the propeller is not driving quite fast enough to equal or exceed the velocity of the turn-table; but the deficiency of velocity is so small that we shall not discard the experiment, but compute the record as if the requisite velocity were just attained. (f) The speed of turn-table multiplied by the end-thrust gives the work done per minute by propeller, viz., 373 foot-pounds per minute. We have, then, as a result of the experiment, that the ratio of work done by the propeller to the power put out is 52 per cent., the form of the propeller blades not being a very good one. The whole series of experiments is not given here in detail, but their prin- cipal results will be communicated in general terms. The first result is that the maximum efficiency of a propeller in air, as well as in water, is obtained with a small number of blades. A propeller with two blades gave nearly or quite as good results as one with a greater number. This is strikingly different from the form of the most efficient wind-mill, and it may be well to call attention to the essential difference in the character of the two instruments, and to the fact that the wind-mill and the movable propeller are not reversible engines, as they might at first sight seem to be. It is the stationary propeller—i. e., the fan-blower— which is in reality the reversed wind-mill; and of these two, the most efficient form for one is essentially the most efficient form for the other. The efficiency of a fan-blower of given radius is expressed in terms of the quantity of air delivered in a unit of time for one unit of power put out; that of the wind-mill THE DYNAMOMETER-CHRONOGRAPH. 87 may be expressed in terms of the amount of work done per unit quantity of air passing within the radius of the arms. If any air passes within the perimeter which does not strike the arms and do its work, it is so much loss of an attainable efficiency. This practical conclusion is confirmed by experience, since modern American wind-mills, in which practically the entire projection area is covered with the blades, are well known to be more efficient than the old wind-mills of four arms. Turning now to the propeller, it will be seen that the expression for its efficiency, viz., the ratio of useful work done to power expended, involves quite different elements. Here the useful work done (in a unit of time) is the product of the resistance encountered by the distance advanced, which is entirely different in character from that in the fan-blower, and almost opposite conditions conduce to efficiency. Instead of aiming to set in motion the greatest amount of air, as in the case of the fan-blower, the most efficient propeller is that which sets in motion the least. The difference represents the difference between the screw working in the fluid without moving it at all, as in a solid nut, and actually setting it in motion and driving it backward—a difference analogous to that which in marine practice is technically called “ slip,” and which is a part of the total loss of efficiency, since the object of the propeller is to drive itself forward and not to drive the air backward. It may now be seen why the propeller with few blades is more efficient than one with many. The numerous blades, following after each other quickly, meet air whose inertia has already yielded to the blades in advance, and hence that does not offer the same resistance as undisturbed air or afford the same forward thrust. In the case of the propeller with two blades, each blade constantly glides upon new strata of air and derives from the inertia of this fresh air the maximum forward thrust. The reader will observe the analogy here to the primary illustration of the single rapid skater upon thin ice, who advances in safety where a line of skaters, one behind the other, would altogether sink, because he utilizes all the sustaining power to be derived from the inertia of the ice and leaves only a sinking foothold for his successors. The analogy is not complete, owing to the actual elasticity of air and for other reasons, but the principle is thesame. A second observation relating to aerial propellers, and one nearly related to the first, is that the higher the velocity of advance attained, the less is the percentage of “slip,” and hence the higher the efficiency of the propeller. The propeller of maximum efficiency is in theory one that glides through the air like a screw in an unyielding frictionless bearing, and obtains a reaction without setting the air in motion at all. Now, a reaction from the air arising from its inertia increases, in some ratio as yet undetermined, with the velocity with which it is struck, and if the velocity is high enough it is rendered probable, by facts not here recorded, that the reaction of this ordinarily 88 EXPERIMENTS IN AERODYNAMICS. most mobile gas may be practically as great as we please and, with explosive velocities, for instance, may be as great as would be the reaction of a mass of iron. The theory of aerial propellers being that for a maximum efficiency, the higher the velocity, the sharper s should be the pitch of the blades, it has been the object of the complete series of experiments with the Dynamometer-Chronograph to determine by actual trial the velocity of advance at which the maximum efficiency is attained when the blades are set at different angles, and the best forms and dimensions of the blades. The details of these are reserved for future publication, but, very generally speaking, it may be said that notwithstanding the great difference between. the character of the media, one being a light and very compressible, the other a dense and very incompressible fluid, these observa- tions have indicated that there is a very considerable analogy between the best form of aerial and of marine propeller. CHAPTER VIII. THE COUNTERPOISED ECCENTRIC PLANE. If a rectangular plane be made to move through the air at an angle of inclination with the direction of advance, it was implicitly assumed by Newton that the center of pressure would coincide with the center of figure. Such, how- ever, is not the case, the pressure being always greater on the forward portion, and the center of pressure varying with the angle of inclination. The object of the present chapter is to present the results of experiments made to determine the varying positions of the center of pressure for varying angles of inclination of a plane moved in a horizontal course through the air. Drawings of the apparatus devised for this purpose are given on plate V. AA’ represents the eccentric wind-plane one foot square held in a brass frame about & of an inch wide and 2 of an inch thick. Two sliding pieces, SS’, move in a groove in the edge of the brass frame, and may be clamped in any position by screws. Each sliding piece has a small central hole, in which fits a pivot, V. The wind-plane (eccentric plane) is suspended by these pivots and swings about the axis passing through them, so that by moving the plane in the sliding pieces this axis of rotation can be moved to any distance up to two inches. A flat lead weight, which also slides along the back of the plane, can be adjusted so as to counterpoise it in any position. When the weight is adjusted, therefore, the plane is in neutral equilibrium about its axis of rotation. A pencil, P, is fixed on the lower part of the plane and records against a tracing board perpen- dicular to it. In order to leave the position of the plane entirely uncontrolled by the friction of the pencil, the registering board is held away from the plane by spring hinges HH’, and caused to vibrate by an electro-magnet so as to touch the pencil point many times in a second. In the experiments the sliding pieces were set so that the axis of rotation was successively 0 inch, 0.25 inch, 0.75 inch, ete., from the center, and the plane was counterpoised about this axis. When placed in rotation upon the arm of the whirling-table, the moment of rotation of the plane about the axis is pro- portional to the resultant wind pressure multiplied by the distance of the center of pressure from the axis of rotation, and it will reach its position of equilibrium when the plane has taken up such an angle of inclination that the center of 12 (89) 90 EXPERIMENTS IN AERODYNAMICS. pressure is at the axis of rotation. The measurement of this angle is, therefore, the object of observation. In actual experiment the exact angle of equilibrium of the plane is masked by slight inequalities of speed and by fluctuation of the wind, and there is oscil- lation about a mean position. In measuring the trace, the extreme angles of this oscillation were read, as well as the mean position of equilibrium. The following transcript from the note-book for September 22, 1888, will afford an illustration of the detailed records made in connection with each series of experiments. The column headed “range” gives the range of oscillation of the plane, and shows that the plane is far more unsteady when the axis of oscil- lation and center of pressure is very eccentric than when it is nearer the center. SEPpreMBER 22, 1888. Air tempera- | wind direc- Time. Barometer. ture. aa Air meter. (Inches.) (Fahr.) on. 10.20 a.m. | 29.080 58.9 N.N.E. 183380 12.20 a.m. 29.069 61.2 INGIN@ EE; 224065 Meteorological conditions not so favorable as yesterday, the wind being rather strong. Engine run by Eisler; J. Ludewig sets wind-plane; F. W. Very attends to chronograph and records. Gm (rar sl ok ong a ) eS nO s = a . So) eee, = 2 Zaz Ss Sie} SY . 2S | Sess £5 as ac 20- oo ==) Time. 2 8 eel a ee St os Range. HE! | seS4 os BES 3,2 3 soaks = x 4 A < 3 2 ° o_o 10.88 a.m 12.8 2.00 82.0 64-98 34 10.42 a.m 12.8 1.75 76.0 58-98 40 10.46 a.m 12.8 1.75 76.0 10.50 a.m 12:9 1.50 58.0 48-84 36 12.12 p.m 13.3 0.00 6.0 0.12 12 Two complete sets of observations were made, both on September 21 and September 22, 1888, making in all 31 separate readings, which are given in detail at the close of the chapter. The mean of these observations is presented in the following table XVII: THE COUNTERPOISED ECCENTRIC PLANE. 91 Taste XVII. Summary of Experiments giving position of center of pressure on a plane one foot square (30.5 x 30.5 centimeters) for different angles of inclination. r : : Distance from center of press- | Distamce as @ | qj oje of trace Angele of plane | Angle of plane ure to center of plane d. percentage of | 8-4. wey with with ey with initial Seg pe the side of the : vertical horizontal ; line. ane (Inches.) (Centimeters.) plane. 90° — a. a, a“ 2 2 pote ° _o 0.00 0.00 0.000 5D 0.0 90.0. 0.25 0.64 0.021 17.4 12.0 78.0 0.50 1.27 0,042 28.2 22.7 a 0.75 1.90 0.063 39.7 34.2 1.00 2.54 | 0.083 50.6 45.0 1.25 3.17 0.104 59.7 54.2 1.50 3.81 0.125 67.5 62.0 1.75 4.44 0.146 75.0 69.5 The first two columns give the distance from the center of pressure to the center of the plane in centimeters and inches, and the third column gives it as a per- centage of the length of the plane. The fourth column gives the angle of trace with the initial vertical line drawn through the position of the pencil at rest. It will be noticed that this angle is 5°.5 for the case when the axis of rotation passes through the center of the plane—a setting for which the plane must be vertical. This observed angle of 5°.5 is to be explained, not by a tipping of the plane, but by a tipping of the line of reference due to a yielding of the supports, etc., to the wind of rotation. This angular deflection, therefore, becomes a correction to be applied to all the observations, and the fifth column, headed “angle of plane with vertical,” contains the corrected values for the inclination of the plane. The resulting relations here established between the angle of inclination of the plane and the position of the center of pressure are of importance, but their application is not made in the present memoir.* * References to the results of Joéssel and of Kummer will be found in Appendix C. 92 EXPERIMENTS IN AERODYNAMICS. Experiments to determine the position of the center of pressure on an inclined square plane. SEPTEMBER 21, 1888. F. W. Very, Conducting experiments ; JosepH LupEwIG, Assisting. Barometer, 737.06 mm.; temperature, 18° C.; wind velocity, 0.006 meter per second ; length of side of wind-plane, 12 inches (80.5 centimeters). wa q S a Distance of axis of oscil- S i BS x lation from center of ane & oO = od oo ; So plane. 38 as Time. aera 23 8 Range. Has 28 a g S 2 (Inches.) | (Centimeters.) “ep = A < S p.m. a ae . 3.17 4.49 1.75 4.44 76.0 65-88 23 3.23 4.49 1.50 3.81 67.5 60-75 15 3.28 4.49 1.25 3.17 60.0 57-63 6 3.33 4.51 1.00 2.54 50.4 47-54 U 3.37 4.47 0.75 1.90 39.0 37-41 4 3.41 4.51 0.50 1.27 29.5 29-30 1 3.45 4.46 0.25 0.64 20.9 19-23 4 3.48 4.49 0,00 0.00 6.4 2-11 $) 3.58 8.47 1.75 4.44 73.0 61-91 30 4.02 8.57 1.50 3.81 67.0 50-80 30 4.06 70 1.25 3.17 60.0 58-63 5 4.09 8.56 1.00 2.54 50.5 47-55 8 4.25 7.92 0.75 1.90 40.1 37-48 6 4.3 8.47 0.50 1.27 28.5 28-31 2 4.41 7.81 0.25 0.64 16.3 15-17 2 44 7.63 0.00 0,00 5.0 4-7 3 THE COUNTERPOISED ECCENTRIC PLANE. 93 SEPTEMBER 22, 1888. F. W. Very, Conducting experiments; Josep LupEwie, Assisting. Barometer, 738.4 mm.; temperature, 15.°5 C.; wind velocity, 2.06 meters per second. Meteorological conditions not so favorable as on the 21st, the wind being rather strong. The effect is to produce a much wider oscillation of the trace. ~ Distance of axis of oscil- S | % Be lation from center of = = os plane. Q'S Sg Time. PAA 5:8 a) Range. 1 Og oo S + ako jf Orr 3) 23 (Inches.) |(Centimeters.) "eb B=) Seate 4 is | a. M. Bey Yas: aan 10.88 12.8 2.00 5.08 82.0 | 64-98 3) 10.42 12.8 iL 7A) 4,44 76.0 58-98 40 10.46 12.8 nEvAs) 444 76.0 10.50 1229 1.50 3.81 68.0 48-84 36 10.55 10.4 15) Boll 59.0 385-76 41 11.26 13.6 1.00 2.54 51.0 37-59 22 11.29 13.6 0.75 1.90 40.0 37-43 6 LEY 14.8 0.50 qT 26.5 25-28 3 iil} 13.4 0.25 0.64 15.0 11-19 8 11.41 13.8 0.00 0.00 5.0, 3-7 4 11.58 14.5 2.00 5.08 79.0 58-96 38 p.m. 12.03 14.7 1.50 3.81 66.0 50-80 30 12.06 14.0 1.00 2.54 49.0 45-52 dl 12.09 13.8 0.50 iy 27.0 26-28 2 122 ilaiy38 0.00 0.00 6.0 0-12 12 CHAPTER IX. THE ROLLING CARRIAGE. The Rolling Carriage was constructed for the purpose of determining the pressure of the air on a plane moving normal to its direction of advance.* _What- ever be the importance of this subject to aerodynamics or engineering, we are here interested in it only in its direct bearing on the aerodromic problem, and carry these observations only as far as this special object demands. Before this instrument was constructed, a few results had already been obtained with the Resultant Pressure Recorder (chapter IV), but additional observations were desired with an instrument that would be susceptible of greater precision. The state- ment has frequently been made that the law that the pressure is proportional to the square of the velocity fails for low velocities as well as for very high ones. As it appears to me that this conclusion was probably based on imperfect instru- mental conditions due to the relatively excessive influence of the friction of the apparatus at low velocities, particular pains were taken in the present experi- ments to get as frictionless an action as possible. Plates IX and X contain drawings in elevation and plan of the apparatus devised for this purpose. A metal carriage 83 inches long is suspended on a set of delicately con- structed brass wheels 5 inches in diameter, which roll on planed ways. Friction wheels bearing against the sides and bottom of the planed ways serve as guides to keep the carriage on its track. Cushions of rubber at each end break the force of any end-thrust. Through the center of this carriage passes a hollow brass rod 273 inches long, on the forward end of which is set the wind-plane by means of a socket at its center. On the other end is attached a spiral spring, which is also fastened by a hook to the rear of the carriage-track in a manner illustrated in the drawing. The rod is of such length that the wind-plane may be removed from the disturbing influence on the air of the mass of the registering apparatus, and the center of gravity of wind-plane and rod falls under the center of gravity of the carriage. The pressure of the wind on the wind-plane is bal- *These measurements of pressure on the normal plane are not presented as new. They were made as a necessary part of an experimental investigation which aimed to take nothing on trust, or on authority however respectable, without verification. They are in one sense supplementary to the others, and although made early in the course of the investigations presented in this memoir, are here placed last, so as not to interrupt the presentation of the newer experiments, which are related to each other by a consecutive development. (94) THE ROLLING CARRIAGE, 95 anced by the extension of the spiral spring, while the Rolling Carriage bears an arm, F, carrying a pencil which rests upon a chronograph cylinder to automat- ically record this pressure, the axis of the cylinder being parallel to the track of the carriage and the chronograph rotated by clock-work. The position of the pencil for zero pressure on the spring is marked on the chronograph sheet, and a reference line is drawn through this point, so that distances of the pencil point from this reference line are measures of the extension of the spring, while a second pencil, being placed on the opposite side of the chronograph barrel, and operated by an electro-magnet in electrical connection with the mean time clock, registers seconds on the chronograph barrel, and thereby every point of the pressure trace made by the first pencil can be identified with the synchronous points in the trace on the stationary chronograph on which is registered the velocity of the whirling-table. Much care was bestowed upon the manufacture and calibration of the spiral springs. The following is a list of the springs, giving their size, length, and weight : 8 | _~ i = mn ES a 5 Orem oO mM =I [aa = S Se | VS rs} OR 2 Dice | | q : B=\ Fon Re) HS aD B| ‘Ss es = £5 = ce a= Sal el 3S SRS os S| oO op 5p = &0 | a 2 Ss = a= 5 3 < =) A aS & Z = al 4 a = 1 | Steel .. 52 4.5 0.75 64 2 | Brass. . 60 5.0 0.30 18 3 | Steel .. 56 5.6 0.60 43 4! Steel .. 51 5.7 0.65 ca 7 | Steel .. 42 6.0 0.80 128 The method of calibration adopted is as follows : The spring to be calibrated is fastened at one end to the brass tube of the Rolling Carriage and at the other to a fixed support. A string fastened to the end of the shaft passes over a light, almost frictionless pulley, and carries a bag, in which the weights are placed. The extensions of the spring are registered by the pencil on the chronograph barrel. Settings are made on opposite sides of a mean position, first, by letting the weight fall gradually to its lowest position ; and, second, by extending it beyond its normal position and allowing the tension of the spring to draw it back. In both cases a series of vibrations are sent through the apparatus by the jar set up on the table, by means of a large tuning- fork, so as to overcome the friction of the moving parts. In a portion of the calibration experiments, these vibrations were produced by an electro-magnet. 96 EXPERIMENTS IN AERODYNAMICS. The results of the calibration were plotted in curves, and these curves have been used for translating all the spring extensions of the experiments into pressures. Three square planes were used, 6, 8, and 12 inches on a side, and in every case the center of the plane was placed nine meters from the center of the whirling-table. The air temperature was recorded at the beginning and end of each series of observations. The average wind velocity was obtained from a Casella air meter, which was read each day at the beginning and end of the experiments. It should be noted that these wind velocities are valuable as indi- cating the conditions of experiment, but do not afford any basis of correction to the observations, since the method adopted in reading the trace eliminates the effect of wind currents, so far as it is possible to do so. In a complete revolution of the turn-table the arm during half of the revolution moves with the wind, and during the other half moves against the wind; consequently the pressure will be too great during the latter half and too small during the former half of the revolution. Thus, if the velocity at the end of the arm be V, and the wind velocity be v, the wind pressure at one point of the revolution will be propor- tional to (V+ v)?, and at the opposite point will be proportional to(V —v). The resulting trace, therefore, vibrates on either side of a mean position, and a line drawn through the trace to represent this mean position gives a numerical value that is larger than the pressure due to the velocity V in the ratio of V° + vw’ to V’. But, in general, this error in reading the traces is quite negligible, and the average mean position may be taken as reliable within the limits of accuracy imposed on us. The spring extension adopted always refers to this mean position, and no further correction is admissible. A specimen of the records of a series of experi- ments is here given in detail, taken from the note book for October 25, 1888: OctToBER 25, 1888. Barometer, 738 mm.; mean temperature, 16°C. At 4.53 p. m., air meter, 416,445; at 5.25 p. m., air meter, 419,130. Eight-inch square wind-plane. Spring No. 1. Distance of center of plane from axis of rotation, 9 meters. First registering sheet. Four records at about 43 revolutions per minute. Ended at 4.05. Almost a perfect calm. Velocity too small to get reliable spring extensions. Second sheet started at 4.24 p.m. Two records at 10 revolutions per minute. Ended at 4.28 p.m. Pencil failed to make satisfactory record. THE ROLLING CARRIAGE, ae Third sheet started at 4.34 p.m. at nearly 14 revolutions per minute. Four records obtained. Ended at 4.44 p. m. Reading of traces. Number of peconds Velocity PEREDICS OE Extension of spring Pressure on plane in one revolution | plane (meters per) “yy, 4 (inches). — (pounds of turn-table. | second). sly Sah See: | 4.29 | 13.14 0.97 1,30 4.29 | 13. 0.75 1.10 4.58 12:93 | 0.82 1.15 4.38 12:93 | 0.78 U2 Fourth sheet. Velocity about 20 revolutions per minute. Two records obtained. Ended at 4.57 p.m. Reading of traces. | | | Extension of spring | Pressure on plane l + | , . Number of seconds | Velocity of center of in one revolution | plane (meters per | “3 : : | No. shes) eee (pounds). | of turn-table. | second). | 0. 1 (inches) pounds) | | | oats ee | . -| = oe 2.88 19.60 | 2.33 | 2.55 2.90 19.50 2:28 2.51 | Vifth sheet. Velocity about 25 revolutions per minute. Two records obtained. The first record is good. The second record cannot be interpreted. Ended at at 5.15 p.m. Reading of traces. Number of seconds | Velocity of center of | Deaiemctom GP SNe Prescure! on plane | % : , s s | Pressure 2 in one revolution | plane (meters per) ~~ No.1 Rs a one nee is 1 ae aNO. 21es ). AS). of turn-table. | second). | DEG pom pee toee. = saad saree 2.45 | 23.10 3.76 3.90 The experiments were made from October 24 to November 2, 1888, with a short series on November 28, 1890, and embrace observations with 6, 8, and 12 inch square planes, those with the 6-inch plane extending over velocities from 7 to 30 meters per second. They are presented in exrtenso at the end of the present chapter The extension of the spring is given in inches, as originally measured from the trace, and the corresponding pressures are given in pounds and erammes. The next succeeding column gives the pressure P in grammes per square centimeter of the wind-plane surface. The last column gives the value of the coéfficient *,, in the equation P= *,, V*, where P is the pressure in grammes on a square centimeter of surface, and V the velocity expressed in meters per second. The subscript m is used here, as in previous chapters, to designate these metric units. One of the objects of the experiments was to test the generally accepted law, that the pressure varies as the square of the velocity, and for this purpose 13 98 EXPERIMENTS IN AERODYNAMICS. velocities were used ranging from 7 to 30 meters per second (11 to 67 miles per hour). The mean of 10 observations with the 6-inch plane, at velocities between 25 and 30 meters per second, gave ,, = 0.0081; and the mean of 12 observations, at velocities between 7.1 and 14.3 meters per second, gave the same value. Therefore the departure from the law of the squares, if there be any between these limits of velocity, is not sufficiently large to be detected by this apparatus. If variations in the density of the air produced by changes of temperature be considered in their effect upon the relation between pressure and velocity, the preceding formula may be expressed in the form re km V? 1 + .00366 (@ — 10°)’ where .00366 is the coéfficient of expansion of air per centigrade degree; ¢ is the temperature of the air expressed in centigrade degrees, and £,, is the value of the coéfficient for a standard temperature of 10°C. In the following summary, all the values of #,, are collected and reduced by aid of this formula to a common mean temperature of 10° C.; the values refer, also, toa mean barometric pressure of 736 mm. An additional column is added, giving the corresponding value of k in English measures for velocities expressed in feet per second and pressures in pounds per square foot. TABLE XVIII. Summary of values of ktm obtained with the Rolling Carriage. Number T , = : of ree sora ] km, k, Size of plane. Deis obserya- ase ae tort —— 1 OP Cn eons — sO SIC? tions. : 1888. 12 inches square. | Oct. 24 9 10.0 0.01027 0.01027 BBO 11 7.8 0.00913 0.00906 Noy. 2 1 19.0 0.0083 0.00859 1890. | Nov. 28 3 — 2.0 0.00990 0.00948 Weighted mean....... 0.00944 0.00180 | 1888. ix as 6 inches square. | Oct. 24 3 10.0 0.00760 0.00760 | “ 29 6 12.0 0.00785 0.00790 Nov. 1 12 20.0 0.00810 0.00840 aed 13 19.0 0.00840 0.00867 Weighted mean........ | 0.008838 0.00159 | > 8 inches square. | Oct. 25 | 7 16.0 0.00754 | 0.00770 0.00147 General weighted mean. 0.0087 0,00166 THE ROLLING CARRIAGE. 99 The resulting values of /,, for the 6, 8, and 12 inch square planes are not entirely accordant, as the successive sets of observations with the 12-inch plane all give considerably larger values than those obtained with the smaller planes, I am not disposed, however, to consider this as a real effect due to an actual difference in the pressure per unit area on these planes. Such a difference, if one exists, is in all probability quite small, and much within the degree of accuracy possessed by these experiments. The resulting differences in the mean values of k,, 1 consider, therefore, as discrepancies in the observations, the cause of which has not become apparent. In recognition, however, of the fact that other experi- menters have claimed to discover a difference in the pressure per unit area on planes of different sizes, I have, in general, in the preceding chapters, taken pains to specify the area of the plane to which all my experimental results apply. That there should be a real, though perhaps a small, difference between the pressure per unit area on planes of different sizes seems in fact quite probable, when we consider that the ratio of perimeter to area varies for similar shaped planes of different sizes. If the side of a square plane be @ and that of another : : . - 4. 4. be na, the ratio of perimeter to surface is ~ in the one case and || In the other, which is not merely an expression of a mathematical relation, but calls attention to a possibly important physical fact, for it seems probable that this relation between perimeter and area has a considerable influence in determining the pressure on the plane, especially that part of it produced by the diminution of pressure on its posterior face. The general weighted mean of all the values of #,, is 0087, or, in English measures, & = .00166, and I believe this result is within 10 per cent. of the true value. These experiments lead me to place the lymits of the value of /,, for a 1-foot square plane between 0.0078 (& = .0015) and 0.0095 (4 = .0018) for the assumed temperature of 10° C., and pressure 736 mm., and, made as they were in the open air and subject to wind currents, they are not sufficiently precise to give more contracted limits. It may be noted that the value of /,, obtained from the experiments with the Resultant Pressure Recorder, viz., k,, = .OO8O, falls between the probable limits above assigned, and is within the probable uncertainty (10 per cent.) of the mean of the results with the Rolling Carriage. The Rolling Carriage, therefore, although a very sensitive and delicate piece of apparatus, has not been able under the conditions of experiment to yield a sensibly better result than the rougher instrument. 100 EXPERIMENTS IN AERODYNAMICS. Measurement of wind pressure on normal planes by means of the Rolling Carriage. Ocroper 24, 1888. PRESSURE ON ONE-FOOT SQUARE PLANE (929 square centimeters). Barometer, 735 mm.; mean temperature, 10°.0 C.; wind velocity, 2.8 meters per second. ao 5 A Lo Bi tg: 5 as | ae Scie i Pressure en wind-plane. 3 Be 2g an | & Sr dire ge. De | 3 a eee aS z a 2 ie roleeas gS (grammes | km = — = Oia Bo? ‘+z- ~~ (Pounds.) | (Grammes.) per is 2 aa S38 5S square 2 = 3 E ra = mG centimeter). = Z i ; & 1.20 p.m. 14.00 13.18 3.39 3.59 1,610 1.73 0.0100 14.00 13.18 3.62 3.84 1,740 1.87 0.0108 1.40 p.m. | 949 8.92 1 aleyAl 776 0.83 0.0105 9.49 8.92 1.42 IegAal 776 0.83 0.0105 2.00 p.m. | 5,50 5.15 0.32 0.58 263 0.28 0.0107 5.60 5.28 0.30 0.53 240 0.26 0.0093 215 p.m. 14.90 14.08 3.90 3.99 1,810 1.95 0.0099 15.00 14.09 4.10 4.19 1,900 2.04 0.0104 14.80 13.91 4.00 4.08 1,850 1.99 0.0103 Mean =| 0.01027 PRESSURE ON SIX-INCH SQUARE PLANE (232 square centimeters). a ae 2 80 . 3) SiS) aS a Pressure on wind-plane. S ow er) es 3 SEs =a a2 > oe aae ao | x nS 2 oN Gy re 5) ar Sy as o° 12 2) O55 wy a =| IP = Claes 2 IRS) (grammes | k; =— =) | = es) a 7 gYe m 72 ¢ wHOoH ey, 2 hn o J >= os G22 | ad (Pounds.) | (Grammes.) per 2 pen Sag B.S square = Bn Oo see uA centimeter). = v4 = S 4.00 p.m. 2.32 24.3 1:93 2.18 990 4.26 0.0072 2.52 23.8 Heo 2.22, 1,008 4,34 0.0077 2.52 23.8 2.05 2:29 1,040 4.48 0.0079 Mean=j| 0.0076 THE ROLLING CARRIAGE. LOL October 25, 1888. PRESSURE ON EIGHT-INCH SQUARE PLANE (413 square centimeters). Barometer, 738 mm.; mean temperature, 16°.0 C.; wind velocity, 0.6 meter per second. oO 3 Pressure on wind-plane. s mo SS m g Ze ae ay = Sis =°e Biey off fei tS fo nm oD > oS 4 Last spore aes fond (rd eee) =e eo 2 ae ST AS oy | 12 P a Balch) SK a = © Eee eI S ae (grammes | km = 7 : + ss = 7 pb 4 iS b= Sa5 Boa ‘Zo (Pounds.) | (Grammes.) per ° icteaers 23 8 ae) square a Bao | gaa GG centimeter). S A = me 4.50 p.m. 4.26 13.14 0.97 1.80 590 1.45 0.0083 4.29 15.14 0.75 1.10 499 T21 0.0070 4.58 12.93 0.82 1.15 522 1.26 0.0075 4.58 12.93 0.78 1.12 508 1.23 0.0074 2.88 19.60 2.33 2.55 1,157 2.80 0.0073 2.90 19.50 2.28 2.51 1,139 2.76 0.0073 5.15 p. m. 2.45 23.10 35.16 3.90 1,770 4.29 0.0080 Mean = 0.00754 OcroBEeR 29, 1888. PRESSURE ON SIX-INCH SQUARE PLANE (232 square centimeters). Barometer, 735 mm.; mean temperature, 12°.0 C.; wind velocity at 1 p. m., 3.3 meters per second. | as Bz op : S sce Ae cele Pressure on wind-plane. = ons 2 wan S O50 Se Pc ; = oO a! 4 ao = neo ] a Te a ea wo Oo aa} oC =) o°o | P R Sa 2S cra a fs] } P = 2 2 2 Sas as (grammes | kn = ie = Sag ore | -cac (Pounds.) | (Grammes.) per 5 aos S8x Bo square 5 B-A Oo See | kG | centimeter). E Z, > = | (Noa a 4.24 p.m. 2.15 26.30 3.00 3.20 1459 6.25 0.0090 4.28 p.m. 2.03 27.85 3.08 3.26 1,480 6.38 0.0082 4.53 p.m. 1.88 30.15 3.41 3.57 1,620 | 6.98 0.0077 4.57 p.m. 1.95 29.20 3.19 3.39 1,520 6.55 0.0077 5.29 p. m. 4.29 13.20 0.36 0.61 277 IG; 0.0068 5.39 p.m. 3.95 14.30 | 0.50 0.80 363 1.57 0.0977 Mean =| 0.00785 102 EXPERIMENTS IN AERODYNAMICS. Ocroper 30, 1888. PRESSURE ON ONE-FOOT SQUARE PLANE (929 square centimeters). Barometer, 739 mm.; mean temperature, 7°.8 C.; wind velocity, —. mn Sam &N a2 Ss a Pressure on wind-plane. Oi. So | 5 a S32 SEA | 2s Bea) 6-2 |e p P Santee Sia S ao (grammes | kn = =, See Bog oa ha (Pounds.) | (Grammes.) per V Te Og H Bo square Ze 5 < A.B Lia centimeter). Zz = g 7.23 7.84 0.88 1.20 544 0.58 0.0095 10.14 5.58 0.25 0.50 227 0.244 0.0079 7.89 alt/ 0.69 1.01 458 0.493 0.0096 10.86 5.22 0.27 0.51 231 0.249 0.0092 11.52 5.00, 0.28 0.52 236 0.254 0.0102 8.56 6.62 0.47 0.75 340 0.366 0.0084 6.64 8.51 1.00 1.30 589 0.634 0.0088 6.74 8.59 1.00 1.30 589 0.634 0.0090 6.30 8.98 1.33 1.62 734 0.790 0.0098 6.20 Shi? a3} 1.63 739 0.796 0.0096 5.93 9.54 127 1.56 707 0.761 0.0084 Mean=) 0.00915 NoveMBer 1, 1888. PRESSURE ON SIX-INCH SQUARE PLANE (232 square centimeters). Barometer, 741 mm.; mean temperature, 20°.0 C.; wind velocity, 1.5 meters per second. S m wie op 2 3 ee 9 a. Pressure on wind-plane. = SB gy 22 ae a ee | gee | a8 2 yo | ae Se P = SAT S= 9 ES | (grammes) | kin = 2 3 SEs Beg mes (Pounds.) | (Grammes.) | per A PS rte a5 Sas BS square q 5-0 SAA Tae centimeter). SI A > ia) 3.30 p.m. 4.35 13.00 1.60 0.78 356 1.53 0.0091 4.32 13.10 1.48 0.70 820 1.38 0.0080 3.99 14.20 2.19 1.04 472 2.03 0.0100 4.00 14.14 2.07 0.99 449 1.93 0.0096 4.00 14.14 1.60 0.78 356 1.53 0.0077 3.96 14.80 1.58 0.78 854 1.53 0.0075 5.64 10.00 0.64 0.36 163 0,70 0.0070 5.67 297, 0.61 0.35 159 0.69 0.0069 5AO 10.47 0.80 0.48 INS 7/ 0.85 0.0077 5.51 10.26 0.69 0.38 174 0.75 0.0071 (93 7.13 0.30 0.20 91 0.38 0.0077 5.25 p.m. 7.60 7.44 0.40 0.25 113 OAD 0.0089 Mean = | 0.00810 Barometer, 735.6 mm. THE ROLLING CARRIAGE, Novemser 2, 1888. PRESSURE ON SIX-INCH SQUARE PLANE (232 square centimeters). 103 ; mean temperature, 19°.0 C.; wind velocity, 1.5 meters per second. ad Soak on : § a3 = 3 43. Pressure on wind-plane. ~ ons oD aa 3S oF 3 Bie om SS = a F Mees SER aoe 3 BEd os Sai P a Sa OG en. 2 q P = ose Oo RSP (grammes | km = —, cu Hos Ao od 3 1 ql “(5 ees V? a Ses Qa a (Pounds.) | (Grammes.) per o Fal aie Sis 5 BS | square a 5 isis) ie oz centimeter). i= ZA - ea) 11.00 a. m. 2.14 26.40 2.92 3.11 1411 6.08 0.0087 2.13 26.55 2.62 2.85 1,294 5.56 0.0079 2.45 23.30 2.27 2.52 1,143 4.92 0.0091 2.73 20.70 1.80 2.10 953 4.10 0.0096 2.91 19.40 132 1.67 758 3.26 0.0087 5.66 10.00 0.16 0.45 204 0.88 0.0088 3.72 15.20 0.52 0.90 408 1.76 0.0076 3.62 15.60 0.53 0.91 413 LTRS) 0.0073 3.10 18.20 iLaly) 1.54 699 3.01 0.0091 2.03 27.85 3.49 3.63 1,646 7.09 0.0091 2.03 27.80 3.08 3.27 1,484 6.58 0.0083 IS) 28.40 3.00 3.19 1,448 6.22 0.0077 1.94 29.10 2.84 3.04 1,380 5.95 0.0070 Mean =| 0.0084 PRESSURE ON ONE-FOOT SQUARE PLANE (929 square centimeters). Note: Wind too high for best results. Z m4 sale ap : a) ee Ee asia Pressure on wind-plane. 3 SB sg Ze en z oS eee oe a P 2 5 F a S= 8 gc (grammes | kn = pe o Sas Pee os (Pounds.) | (Grammes.) | per 5) ‘a oe oa k aS square ai 5-H Oo a ee tea centimeter). is Za S eS 1.50 p.m. 2.27 24.9 2.28 10.60 4,810 5.18 0.0084 2.34 24.1 1.92 9.05 4.105 4.42 0.0076 2.90, 19.5 1.28 6.25 2,835 3.05 0.0080 3.10 18.2 1.27 6.20 2,810 3.03 0.0092 Mean =| 0.0083 104 EXPERIMENTS IN AERODYNAMICS. NoveMBER 28, 1890. PRESSURE ON ONE-FOOT SQUARE PLANE (929 square centimeters). Barometer, 737 mm.; mean temperature, — 2°.0 C.; wind velocity, 1.2 meters per second. Pressure on wind-plane. P (grammes | km =-— (Pounds.) | (Grammes.) per square centimeter). Time of observation. Number of seconds in one revolution of turn-table. Velocity of center of plane V (meters per second). Extension of spring No. 1 Ginches). 0.0099 - 0.0099 0.0099 emt eupen oO Ro) o> ey bo (94) =) Ou oO 0 yen wo iw) i (S) trywt er oS Hee Foe he oo ho Go ea pes a Or ho is (0/4) NS) So nw CHAPTER X. SUMMARY. The essential feature of the present work has been the insistance on the importance of a somewhat unfamiliar idea—that rapid aerial locomotion can be effected by taking advantage of the inertia of the air and its elasticity. Though the fact that the air has inertia is a familiar one, and though the flight of certain missiles has indicated that this inertia may be utilized to support bodies in rapid motion, the importance of the deductions to be made has not been recognized. This work makes the importance of some of these deductions evident by experi- ment, and perhaps for the first time exhibits them in their true import. This memoir is essentially a presentation of experiments alone, without hypotheses, and with only such indispensable formule as are needed to link the observations together. These experiments furnish results which may be suc- cinctly summarized as follows : The primary experiment with the Suspended Plane is not intended per se to establish a new fact, but to enforce attention to the neglected consequences of the fundamental principle that the pressure of a fluid is always normal to a surface moving in it, some of these consequences being (1) that the stress neces- sary to sustain a body in the air is less when this is in horizontal motion than when at rest; (2) that this stress instead of increasing, diminishes with the increase of the horizontal velocity (a fact at variance with the conclusions of some physicists of repute and with ideas still popularly held); (8) that it is at least probable that in such horizontal flight up to great velocities the greater the speed the less the power required to maintain it, this probability being already indicated by this illustrative experiment, whi'e demonstrative evidence follows later. The experiments which are presented in Chapter IV result in an empirical curve, giving the ratio between the pressure on an inclined square plane and on a normal plane moving in the air with the same velocity. Incidentally it is shown that the pressure is normal to the inclined surface, and hence that the effects of skin-friction, viscosity, and the like are negligible in such experiments. It is also shown that for the small angles most used in actual trial of the plane, the pressure on it is about 20 times greater than that assignable from the theoretical formula derived from Newton’s discussion of this subject in the Principia. This 14 (105) 106 EXPERIMENTS IN AERODYNAMICS. last experimental result is not presented as a new contribution to knowledge, since it had previously been obtained by experimenters in the early part of this century; but as their results appear not to have met with the general attention or acceptance they deserve, it is not superfluous either to produce this independent experimental evidence or to urge its importance. The experiments with the Plane-Dropper introduce matter believed to be novel as well as important. They show (1) that the time of falling of a hori- zontal plane is greater when moving horizontally than when at rest, and (2) that this time of falling most notably increases with the velocity of lateral translation ; (3) experiments with different horizontal planes show that this increase in the time of falling is greater for those planes whose extension from front to back is small compared with their length measured perpendicular to the line of advance ; (4) the horizontal velocities are determined at which variously shaped inclined planes set at varying angles can soar—that is, just sustain their own weight in the air under such cireumstances—and these data afford the numerical basis for the important proposition that the power required to maintain the horizonta! motion of an inclined aeroplane is less for high speeds than for low ones ; (5) by experiments with double planes, one above the other, it is shown that planes of the advantageous shape mentioned above, do not interfere with each other at specified speeds, if so placed at an interval not less than their length from front to back ; and it is pointed out that an extension of this method enables us to determine the extent to which any underlying air stratum is disturbed during the plane’s passage. Chapter VI contains further data, which confirm the important conclusions derived from the experiments with the Plane-Dropper, already cited, and some results on the pressures on inclined planes having different “ aspects” with refer- ence to the direction of motion are also presented, which are believed to be new and of importance. Further chapters present experiments with a special instru- ment called the Dynamometer-Chronograph and with other apparatus, which give data regarding aerial propellers, a series of experiments on the center of pressure of moving planes, and another series upon the pressure on a normal plane. The conclusions as to the weights which can be transported in horizontal flight have included the experimental demonstration that the air friction is negligible within the limits of experiment. It has not been thought necessary to present any evidence that an engine or other adjunct which might be applied to give these planes motion, need itself oppose no other than frictional resist- ance, if enclosed in a stream-line form, since the fact that such forms oppose no other resistance whatever to fluid motion, has been abundantly demonstrated by Froude, Rankine, and others. SUMMARY. 107 The most important general inference from these experiments, as a whole, is that, so far as the mere power to sustain heavy bodies in the air by mechanical flight goes, such mechanical flight is possible with engines we now possess, since effective steam-engines have lately been built weighing less than 10 pounds to one horse-power, and the experiments show that if we multiply the small planes which have been actually used, or assume a larger plane to have approximately the properties of similar small ones, one horse-power rightly applied, can sustain over 200 pounds in the air at a horizontal velocity of over 20 meters per second (about 45 miles an hour), and still more at still higher velocities. These numer- ical values are contained in the following table, repeated from p. 66. It is scarcely necessary to observe that the planes have been designedly loaded, till they weighed 500 grammes each, and that such a system, if used for actual flight, need weigh but a small fraction of this amount, leaving the rest of the sustainable weight indicated, disposable for engines and other purposes. I have found in experiment that surfaces approximately plane and of 7; this weight are sufficiently strong for all necessary purposes of support. Data for soaring of 830 x 4.8 inch planes ; weight, 500 grammes. | Weight with planes of like ice: , Work expended per min- form that 1 horse-power Soar xp I 3 ; I] Nae “itl Poammexepeed 7 ute. will drive through the ngle with air at velocity V. horizon a. 4 ‘ Meters per | Feet persec-| Kilogram- : Kilo- second. ond. meters. Foot-pounds. grammes. OEERES. 45 11.2 26.7 33 2,48 6.8 15 3 10.6 3458 175 1,268 13.0 29 15 11.2 36.7 86 623 26.5 58 10 12.4 40.7 65 474 34.8 77 5 15.2 49.8 41 297 55.5 122 2 20.0 65.6 24 174 95.0 209 I am not prepared to say that the relations of power, area, weight, and speed, here experimentally established for planes of small area, will hold for indefinitely large ones; but from all the circumstances of experiment, I can entertain no doubt that they do so hold far enough to afford assurance that we can transport, (with fuel for a considerable journey and at speeds high enough to make us independent of ordinary winds,) weights many times greater than that of a man. In this mode of supporting a body in the air, its specific gravity, instead of being as heretofore a matter of primary importance, is a matter of indifference, the support being derived essentially from the inertia and elasticity of the air on which the body is made to rapidly run. The most important and it is believed 108 EXPERIMENTS IN AERODYNAMICS. novel truth, already announced, immediately follows from what has been shown, that whereas in land or marine transport increased speed is maintained only by a disproportionate expenditure of power, within the limits of experiment in such aerial horizontal transport, the higher speeds are more economical of power than the lower ones. While calling attention to these important and as yet little known truths, I desire to add as a final caution, that I have not asserted that planes such as are here employed in experiment, or even that planes of any kind, are the best forms to use in mechanical flight, and that I have also not asserted, without qualification, that mechanical flight is practically possible, since this involves questions as to the method of constructing the mechanism, of securing its safe ascent and descent, and also of securing the indispensable condition for the economic use of the power I have shown to be at our disposal—the condition, I mean, of our ability to guide it in the desired horizontal direction during transport,—questions which, in my opinion, are only to be answered by further experiment, and which belong to the inchoate art or science of aerodromics, on which I do not enter. I wish, however, to put on record my belief that the time has come for these questions to engage the serious attention, not only of engineers, but of all interested in the possibly near practical solution of a problem, one of the most important in its consequences, of any which has ever presented itself in mechanics ; for this solution, it is here shown, cannot longer be considered beyond our capacity to reach. } | i | APPENDIX A. I append here the results of some additional experiments made with the Plane- Dropper to determine the law of falling of a horizontal plane haying a horizontal velocity of transla- tion. It will be recalled that the preceding data given in the chapter on the Plane-Dropper show only the total time of falling a distance of four feet, and that we cannot determine from it the law of fall, unless we know, in addition, the relative diminution in the accelera- tion during the descent, and whether at the end of the fall the plane has attained an approximately constant velocity. For high horizontal velocities and for the most adyan- tageous planes, it is not impossible that an approximately constant velocity is reached within the four-foot fall of the Plane-Dropper. In order to obtain these additional data, I placed electric contacts upon the Plane-Dropper at intervals of every foot, and introduced other modifications into the method of experiment. The accuracy with which it was necessary to measure the relative times of fall through successive feet precluded the further use of the stationary chronograph for the registration, and I adapted a Konig chronoscope to this purpose. This chronoscope consists of a tuning-fork of low pitch, which is made to vibrate by the action of an electro-magnet. The vibrations are registered by a pen-point on a strip of paper covered with lamp-black, which is passed over a roller during the time of fall. A second pen-point worked by an electro-magnet records the passage of the falling-piece over the five successive contact-pieces of the Plane-Dropper. On the same strip, therefore, we have the relative intervals between the successive contacts, and a time-scale for their evaluation. Although not essential for the evaluation of the intervals, approximate uniformity in the motion of the strip of paper was obtained by fastening to the ends brass clips differing suitably in weight, and converting this part of the apparatus into an Atwood’s machine. Two separate batteries were used, an electropoion battery of four cells, equivalent to thirty or forty Daniel’s cells, for vibrating the tuning-fork, and an ordinary battery of eight cells for the Plane-Dropper and the quadrant contacts of the turn-table. The current from this battery is forked into two branches, one branch running to the quadrant contacts of the turn-table and to the observatory chronograph on which they register; the other branch, going to the Plane-Dropper, actuates the release magnet, passes through the five electric contacts, and thence goes to the electro-magnet on the Kénig chronoscope, where these contacts are registered, and finally back to the battery. This circuit is closed by a make- key in the hands of the operator at the chronoscope. A preliminary calibration of the tuning-fork was made by connecting one pen of the chronoscope with the mean time-clock, and obtaining a number of strips containing both second intervals and tuning-fork vibrations. (109) 110 EXPERIMENTS IN AERODYNAMICS. Calibration of tuning-fork. DecemBer 12, 1890.—G. E. Curtis, Observer. Temperature of tuning-fork, 18° C. Number of vibrations of fork per second. Number of | strip. l 9 Ist second. 2d second. x mare a SL |e | eee ee 49.9 3 48.6 4 48.2 51.9 47.8 5 48.8 51.0 48.6 50.8 48.5 Mean, 49.9 vibrations per second. The measurement of the strips showed that the clock was not “on beat,” and that two successive seconds must be taken in order to get the true interval. The mean of the measurements gave 49.9 vibrations per second. The tuning-fork was evidently constructed to give 50.0 vibrations per second, and this value was therefore adopted. The fraction of a vibration can be accurately estimated to tenths; hence the instrument, as used in these observations, gave time intervals to 45 part of a second, which is sufficiently accurate for the purpose. Preliminary experiments were made with the Plane-Dropper at rest indoors for the purpose of testing the new contacts and the Kénig registration apparatus. The pair of 12 x 6 inch planes were fastened horizontally to the falling piece. Then the observer, with one hand, sets in motion the blackened strip on the Konig, and with the other, immediately thereafter, presses the make-key, which operates the release magnet of the Plane-Dropper. The blackened strip containing the registration is then passed through a solution of shellac and ammonia, by which the trace is permanently set. The result of these preliminary experiments is as follows: Time of fall of pair of 12 x 6 inch planes, horizontal. December 10, 1890.—G. E. Curtis, Observer. ie , Ree Observed time of | Theoretical time | 7), | fall (seconds). | (in vacuo). Difference. IAS Hh (Of8\ ee Se i | 0.220 | 0.250 QObLOO een ce aaa mate 0.110 | 0.104 + .006 Ric Mey} hae ee eee 0.090 | 0.080 O10 Bthifoots eee eee ee 0.080 0.066 + 014 Motalvasfeetee= aeaee oe 0.500 0.500 APPENDIX A. ali The first contact is not at absolute rest, but a fraction (0.4 or 0.5) of an inch below the position of rest; hence, when it records, the plane has already attained a small velocity. To this is due the fact that the time of falling the first foot, which is registered by the first and second contacts, is less than the computed time in vacuo by .03 second. At least this amount should therefore be added to the observed time for the first foot, and the total time will be 0.53 seconds. This gives a total retardation of 0.03 seconds, due to the resistance of the air. Attention is called to the symmetrical character of the differences between the observed and the computed time in vacuo, showing the increasing retardation corresponding to increasing velocities of fall. Being assured by these results of the perfect adaptation of the apparatus to secure the desired data, the Plane-Dropper was placed upon the whirling- table December 13, 1890. When the whirling-table has attained uniform motion at the speed desired, a signal is given to the observer seated at the Konig chronoscope to proceed with the experiment. First, by a break-key he cuts out for a moment the quadrant contacts as an evidence on the chronograph sheet of the time of the experiment. Second, the chronoscope strip, which has previously been prepared and placed upon the roller, is set in motion by the release of a detent, and an instant later, when the strip has gotten fully into motion, the make-key of the Plane-Dropper circuit is pressed, releasing the falling plane. As the falling plane passes each of the five contact pieces the circuit is completed, and registration is made upon the Konig strip. In two seconds after setting in motion the Konig strip the experiment is at anend. The strip containing the record is then passed through the solution of shellac and alcohol for setting the trace, after which it is measured at leisure. Meanwhile a new strip is placed upon the chronoscope, and the apparatus is in readiness for another trial. The results of the observations covering a range of horizontal velocity from 6 to 26 meters per second (13.5 to 58.5 miles per hour) are contained in the accompanying table. To find the times of falling successive feet of planes having a horizontal velocity. DrceMBER 13, 1890. F. W. Very, G. E. Curtis, Observers. One pair 12 x 6 inch planes horizontal; weight, 464 grammes (1.02 lbs.); mean temperature, 0° C.; wind velocity, 1.85 meters per second. TIMES OF FALL AT DIFFERENT HORIZONTAL VELOCITIES. Horizontal velocity as vA | 5 5) | 7 | 29 | 997 | 989 (meters per At rest. 6.0 | 11.9 12.0 12.1 14.6 144 18.0 22.1 | 26.2 second). | | | | | list foot)--==—-=- 0.218 0.314 | 0.284 | 0.389 | 0.429 | 0.834 0.448 | 0.678 | 0.930 | 0.600 | 1440 | 0.962 2OtoOb=aa == | LOTTA) O20) 5) ONE O25) OL257 |) 10:2 | 0.147 | 0.202 | 0.450 | 0.220 | 0.285 | 0.303 SOd0Obe === == 0.089 | 0.094 | 0.088 | 0.105 |------- B24 0.166 | 0.360 | 0.306 | 0.340 | 0.280 | 0.399 4th foot---- ---- 0.079 | 0.082'| 0.077 | 0.098 |------- 5 O90 5 pee Sane OS0) ea | C0457) } |e ee = Se | a = = A gas Total, 4 feet--| 0498 | 0.610 | 0.560 | 0.717 |-----.- ag etre {Oe SL | = Ne ee 1.340 | 2.005 | 2.151 | | | | * Seriously affected by wind. y 3 112 EXPERIMENTS IN AERODYNAMICS. SUMMARY. Velocity (meters | Time of falling | Increase over time per second). 4 feet. in vacuo. 0.0 0.55 0.05 6.0 0.72 0.22 12.0 0.95 0.45 18.0 1.54 0.84 22.0 2.00 1.50 26.0 2.15 1.65 The time of falling the total 4 feet increases from 0.55 second, when the plane is at rest, to 2.15 seconds, when the plane has a horizontal velocity of 26 meters per second. Examining the time of falling the several successive feet, it will be seen that there is no uniformity in the relative times in which the several distances were passed over. Only the first experiment at 6 meters per second shows a velocity of fall continually increasing at a diminishing rate as the circumstances require. The remaining four experiments, for which a complete record was obtained, show decreasing velocities of fallin a part or all of the distance after the first foot. These anomalous and discordant results are in all probability due to wind currents having a vertical component, which vitiated the observations. Thus the completeness of the apparatus and the perfection of the details of operations, whereby an accuracy of 4, of a second was secured, were all rendered futile by the uncontrolled conditions under which the experiment was unavoidably conducted, and no decisive result was added to those already summarized. APPENDIX B. Mr. G. E. Curtis calls my attention to the fact that the conclusion that the power required to maintain the horizontal flight of an aeroplane diminishes with the increasing speeds that it attains, may be deductively shown by the following analysis: Representing the work to be done per second by 7, the resistance to horizontal motion by R, and the horizontal yelocity by V, we have by definition T= RV. Substituting for R its value, W tana (see p. 65), W being the weight of the plane, we have the equation T = VW tan a, in which «and V are dependent variables. The curves of soaring speed (Fig. 9) enable us, in the case of a few planes, to express « in terms of V, but, for any plane and without actually obtaining an analytical relation between V and «, we may determine the character of the function 7, i. ¢., whether it increases or decreases with V, in the following manner: Differentiating with respect to V, we obtain le a i (tan a + V sec? ‘i av ‘ Now, since in flight 2 is a very small angle, tan « will be small as compared with the da : 5 ChGi <0 : = eh Ue term V sec? a avai Hence the sign of the latter factor 77, will control the sign of Vv : On eee ChE % ; ‘ da Now, since V increases as « diminishes, ay 38 negative, which makes the term V sec? a TV negative, and therefore, in general, 7 is a decreasing function of V. In other words, neglecting the skin friction and also any end pressure that there may be on the plane, the work to be done against resistance in the horizontal flight of an inclined plane must diminish as the velocity increases. 15 ; (113) APPENDIX C. At the time of my determine the varying position of the center of pressure on an inclined plane moving in the air, I was unacquainted with the similar experimental work of Joéssel* and of Kummer+ in the same field. Joéssel, who appears to be the first experimenter on the subject, found for a square plane of length ZL that, as the angle between the plane and the current is diminished, the center of pressure approaches a point + Z from the forward edge, and that its position for any angle « between the plane and the current may be represented by the formula = (0.3 — 0.8 sin z) L, d being the distance of the center of pressure from the center of plane. The method of experiment adopted by Kummer is essentially similar to the one pur- sued by me in the use of the Counterpoised Eccentric Plane. The object is to determine the position of the center of pressure corresponding to different angles of inclination of a plane to the current. The method pursued both by Kummer and myself has been the one which most naturally suggests itself to find the angle of inclination « of the plane corresponding to a series of fixed distances d of the center of pressure from the center of figure. Thus in the experiments, d has been the independent variable, while in the use of the results, « is in general the independent variable. For a square plane 90 mm. (3.54 inches) on the side, Kummer obtained the following results, which may be compared with the results given here in chapter VIII and with the formula of Joéssel : Distance of center | Distance as a per- : me of pressure from centage of aide of | Angle ob plane with center of plane. plane. Current. mm. A 0 0.000 90 1 0.011 S4 2 0.022 77 3 0.033 7 4 0.044 62 3) 0.056 52 6 0.067 41 i 0.078 31 8 0.089 28 9 0.100 263 10 0.411 25 13 0.144 21 14 0.156 19 15 0.167 18 *Mémorial du Génie Maritime, 1870. } Berlin Akad-Abhandlungen, 1875, 1876. (114) APPENDIX C. 11115) In addition to determining the position of the center of pressure for a square plane, Kummer extended his experiments to the case of differently shaped rectangles, and his results with these are strikingly suggestive. It has been pointed out in chapter VI that above and below an angle of about 30° there is a reversal in the relative amounts of the pressure on inclined rectanglar planes of different shapes; the tabulated results of Kummer exhibit a similar reversal in the position of the center of pressure, of which the following may be given as an example: Distance of center of pressure from center of plane. Angles between plane and current. | Size of plane. 45°. | 10°. mm. mm. | mm. 180 x 180 11 40 90 x 180 14 36 For small angles the position of the center of pressure is further from the center of figure in the 180 x 180 mm. plane than in the 90 x 180 mm. plane, while for 45° this relation is reversed. It appears, therefore, that the reversal in the amount of pressure, brought out in the experiments presented in this memoir, finds its counterpart in a corre- sponding reversal in the position of the center of pressure exhibited in the work of Kummer. It is believed that in this striking analogy may be found a key to the more complete rational and deductive treatment of these inseparably related problems. PL. | Lngine Howse, ar see v NS ‘SN SS mk Undergroond RY Plan of Grounds. Scate;: LincH=20 FEET- or aeee BeOS tacts oe Wee cote! sm SG pl peep y TZ AP darcw ro woe Grannes Se ! | Se es ee ee ee es i re WAMPEMEO oan or Tamia SENSU omaruaremseee TRE Sa PLAN or WHIRLING PU.II ELEVATION of WHIRLING TABLE. Designed by S.P. LANGLEY. Section on une O-P. and Engine. und Shaft to Cones wo ® Cc ° ro) = © = Main Shaft. AE aur 4), Yr pe i Pale per TL PINT —ETy ——— AaLe 20er oF CHAMFERED vIn 30 tt. LE. Designed by 8.P. LANGLEY. PLN! hy VW vi \ xi ” | ees mall, eal | a Sui <2 iim o 371i ee cent > S| | I —= | BRuSsH ere @)) My ae Sa mn =m! ELEVATION. Wire through Underground Cable te Chronograph & Battery. se Story End View or Platinum Sliding” Contact, QuapRANt Contacts oF WHIRLING ‘TABLE. SCALE A), Ae ee ae ee Sk Tis a DAT 8 § (0 2 INCHES << +7 L. nd ae » 5 7 3 " 5 "NDILIIG a - UY AWLNOZIBO} “MAI A do] “NOILWA3BN9Q ‘SONIGV AE IWOlLBaA ‘9-9 iv 3Wvuy 40 xpve 40 M3A1A ae ‘ NvoILesA s0- N [0-9 4¥ aWwyy 40 NoIL9ag “ROTIONW'T YS Aq poutisey sBanoNE tc Mey So ; 4 37V9S “ANV Td Q3aGN3dSn Bad of PI 2 eT Cross SECTION ON R—S. RESULTANT PRESSURE Designed by S.P LAneL _ Scace INCHES. PLY. a LEAD Wei64? On BACK OF PLANE t Lr ity wh wh " , ! 1 ' ' i} t I t \ 1 TRARY D ney __COUNTERPOISED ECCENTRIC PLANE. ASS Be 2, SCALE. 0 ! 2 a 6 8 10 2 INCHES = — ———oe se ee Designed by S.P. Lanciey. ee Se PLanNe Dropper. es Designed by S.P. LANGLEY. aie? INCHES ScaA ce. FRONT VIEW. PL.V! ELEVATION. SCALE L i m\t ne i Wy ' rh sip a Toe 7a 2, ae ComPoONENT P Designet 3 . REcoRoING ° “9NINV3G 40 MBIA TWNOILOIS “LOAI ONY De AlN} 40 M3308 HORIZONTAL SecTION ON LINE G-H. OUTLINE oF KNIFE-EDGE, PivoT AND BEARINGS. > SPRING. HorizonTaL PL.VII. hws Www Plane ;RECORDER. \wwe . 2 heh ee n aigie <1E —* POSITION OF ROLLING GARI Se al DYNAMOMETER | Oo Designed S.P. La Le Eval SEGMEN- ONS IING A —— FA. ONOGRAPH. — Bw i $ INCHES. a SIDE Et Rotuing CARRIAGE te) INCHES. Designed by OGRAPH BARREL. 3LEY. , _ i ee Oe en ‘ ei! Pe Wad, Slay ees ent eee ss oa a= ye eae ether dies Shale bee ------p---5 7 t A ' ary a | ' ‘ SS Neg ~~ ~ ‘SY Vy ahs ! a see a eet oak ee ee Ors ee eee ====-= ee B----- + ----------- = ac - 0-H a pase In SS SeS 22S Sse Ss See eS See Son we Se Sees ee ee a ee eho owl SHES SSeS SL Sse = SeeSee= ZA [ee SEA Deg Se) eae Se, —— ee ee ee -- —-—---=-3 <= =| —--—-4 COCO ‘OF DYNAMOMETER. dees a en Lo ee eles RI | Worie- fe ee MOSITION ! 1 ' ' i f ! St ee 7 JRONOGRAPH BARREL. LANGLEY. SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO KNOWLEDGE. 854 Spas. RNa cE iN ic WORK OF: a ieee IND: BY Sob SANGER Y: CITY OF WASHINGTON : PUBLISHED BY THE SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. 1893. (REPRINTED 1908 WITH APPENDIX FROM FRENCH EDITION OF 1893.) Printed and Bound by The Knickerbocker Press, Rew Work G. P, Putnam’s Sons ADVERTISEMENT In conformity with the established practice of the Institution to obtain the judgment of disinterested experts as to the propriety of accepting Memoirs proposed for the Series of ‘Smithsonian Con- tributions to Knowledge,” the accompanying paper has been referred to a Commission consisting of Professors Simon Newcomb, of the U. S. Nautical Almanac, Thomas C. Mendenhall, of the U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, and Mark W. Harrington, of the U. S. Weather Bureau ; and has received their approval and recommendation for publication. Wasuincton : December, 1893. iii rte Ne ENA LO WORK OP TEE WIND; RAK ai: INTRODUCTORY, Tt has long been observed that certain species of birds maintain themselves indefinitely in the air by “soaring,” without any flapping of the wing, or any motion other than a slight rocking of the body; and this, although the body in question is many hundred times denser than the air in which it seems to float with an undulating movement, as on the waves of an invisible stream. No satisfactory mechanical explanation of this anomaly has been given, and none would be offered in this connection by the writer, were he not satisfied that it involves much more than an ornithological problem, and that it points to novel conclusions of mechanical and utilitarian importance. They are paradoxical at first sight, since they imply that, under certain specified conditions, very heavy bodies entirely detached from the earth, immersed in, and free to move in, the air, can be sustained there indefinitely, without any expenditure of energy from within. These bodies may be entirely of mechanical construction, as will be seen later, but for the present we will continue to consider the character of the invisible sup- port of the soaring bird, and to study its motions, though only as a pregnant instance offered by Nature to show that a rational solution of the mechanical problem is possible. Recurring, then, to the illustration just referred to, we may observe that the flow of an ordinary river would afford no explanation of the fact that nearly inert creatures, while free to move, although greatly denser than the fluid, yet float upon it; which is what we actually behold in the aérial stream, since the writer, like others, has satisfied himself, by repeated observation, that the soaring vultures and other birds appear as if sustained by some invisible support, in the stream of air, * This paper was read by title to the National Academy of Sciences in April, 1893, and in full before the International Conference on Aérial Navigation at Chicago in August, 1893. 2 THE INTERNAL WORK OF THE WIND. sometimes for at least a considerable fraction of an hour. It is frequently sug: gested by those who know these facts only from books, that there must be some quivering of the wings, so rapid as to escape observation. Those who do know them from observation, are aware that it is absolutely certain that nothing of the kind takes place, and that the birds sustain themselves on pinions which are quite rigid and motionless, except for a rocking or balancing movement involving little energy. The writer desires to acknowledge his indebtedness to that most conscientious observer, M. Mouillard,* who has described these actions of the soaring birds with incomparable vividness and minuteness, and who asserts that they, under certain circumstances, without flapping their wings, rise and actually advance against the wind. To the writer, who has himself been attracted from his earliest years to the mystery which has surrounded this action of the soaring bird, it has been a subject of continual surprise that it has attracted so little attention from physicists. ‘That nearly inert bodies, weighing from 5 to 10, and even more, pounds, and many hun- dred times denser than the air, should be visibly suspended in it above our heads, sometimes for hours at a time, and without falling,—this, it might seem, is, without misuse of language, to be called a physical miracle; and yet, the fact that those whose province it is to investigate nature, have hitherto seldom thought it deserving attention, is perhaps the greater wonder. This indifference may be in some measure explained by the fact that the largest and best soarers are of the vulture kind, and that their most striking evolu- tions are not to be seen in those regions of the Northern Temperate Zone where the majority of those whose training fits them to study the subject are found. Even in Washington, however, where the writer at present resides, scores of great birds may be seen at times in the air together, gliding with and against the wind, and ascending higher at pleasure, on nearly motionless wings. “Those who have not seen it,” says M. Mouillard, “when they are told of this ascension without the expenditure of energy, are always ready to say, ‘but there must have been move- ments, though you did not see them,’”; “and in fact,” he adds, “ the casual witness of a single instance, himself, on reflection, feels almost a doubt as to the evidence of his senses, when they testify to things so extraordinary.” Quite agreeing with this, the writer will not attempt any general description of his own observations, but as an illustration of what can sometimes be seen, will give a single one, to whose exactness he can personally witness. ‘The common *L. P. Mouillard, Z’ Empire de 7’ Air, Paris ; G. Masson. THE INTERNAL WORK OF THE WIND. 3 “Turkey Buzzard ” (Cathartes aura) is so plenty around the environs of Washing. ton that there is rarely a time when some of them may not be seen in the sky, gliding in curves over some attractive point, or, more rarely, moving in nearly straight lines on rigid wings, if there be a moderate wind. On the only occasion when the motion of one near at hand could be studied in a very high wind, the author was crossing the long “ Aqueduct Bridge” over the Potomac, in an unusu- ally violent November gale, the velocity of the wind being probably over 35 miles an hour. About one third of the distance from the right bank of the river, and immediately over the right parapet of the bridge, at a height of not over 20 yards, was one of these buzzards, which, for some object which was not evident, chose to keep over this spot, where the gale, undisturbed by any surface irregulari- ties, swept directly up the river with unchecked violence. In this aérial torrent, and apparently indifferent to it, the bird hung, gliding, in the usual manner of its species, round and round, in a small oval curve, whose major axis (which seemed toward the wind) was not longer than twice its height from the water. The bird was therefore at all times in close view. It swung around repeatedly, rising and falling slightly in its course, while keeping, as a whole, on one level, and over the same place, moving with a slight swaying, both in front and lateral direction, but in such an effortless way as suggested a lazy yielding of itself to the rocking of some invisible wave. It may be asserted that there was not only no flap of the wing, but not the quiver of a wing feather visible to the closest scrutiny, during the considerable time the bird was under observation, and during which the gale continued. A record of this time was not kept, but it at any rate lasted until the writer, chilled by the cold blast, gave up watching and moved away, leaving the bird still floating, about at the same height in the torrent of air, in nearly the same circle, and with the same aspect of indolent repose. If the wind is such a body as it is commonly supposed to be, it is absolutely impossible that this sustentation could have taken place in a horizontal current any more than in a calm, and yet that the ability to soar is, in some way, connected with the presence of the wind, became to the writer as certain as any fact of observation could be, and at first the difficulty of reconciling such facts (to him undoubted) with accepted laws of motion, seemed quite insuperable. Light came to him through one of those accidents which are commonly found to occur when the mind is intent on a particular subject, and looking everywhere for a clue to its solution. In 1887, while engaged with the “ whirling-table ” in the open air at the Alle- gheny Observatory, he had chosen a quiet afternoon for certain experiments, but in 4 THE INTERNAL WORK OF THE WIND. the absence of the entire calm which is almost never realized, had placed one of the very small and light anemometers made for hospital use, in the open air, with the object of determining and allowing for the velocity of what feeble breeze existed. His attention was called to the extreme irregularity of this register, and he assumed at first that the day was more unfavorable than he had supposed. Sub- sequent observations, however, showed that when the anemometer was sufficiently light and devoid of inertia, the register always showed great irregularity, especially when its movements were noted, not from minute to minute, but from second to second. His attention once aroused to these anomalies, he was led to reflect upon their extraordinary importance in a possible mechanical application. He then de- signed certain special apparatus hereafter described, and made observations with it which showed that “wind” in general was not what it is commonly assumed to be, that is, air put in motion with an approximately uniform velocity in the same strata; but that, considered in the narrowest practicable sections, wind was always not only not approximately uniform, but variable and irregular in its movements beyond anything which had been anticipated, so that it seemed probable that the very smallest part observable could not be treated as approximately homogeneous, but that even here, there was an internal motion to be considered, distinct both from that of the whole body, and from its immediate surroundings. It seemed to the writer to follow as a necessary consequence, that there might be a potentiality of what may be called “internal work” * in the wind. On further study, it seemed to him that this internal work might conceivably be so utilized as to furnish a power which should not only keep an inert body from falling, but cause it to rise, and that while this power was the probable cause of the action of the soaring bird, it might be possible through its means to cause any suitably disposed body, animate or inanimate, wholly immersed in the wind, and wholly free to move, to advance against the direction of the wind itself. By this it is not meant that the writer then devised means for doing this, but that he then attained the conviction both that such an action involved no contradiction of the laws of motion, and that it was mechanically possible (however difficult it might be to realize the exact mechanism by which this might be accomplished). It will be observed that in what has preceded, it is intimated that the difficul- * Since the term “internal work” is often used in thermo-dynamics to signify molecular action, it may be well to observe that it here refers not to molecular movements, but to pulsations of sensible magnitude, always existing in the wind, as will be shown later, and whose extent and extraordinary possible mechanical importance it is the object of this research to illustrate. The term is so significant of the author’s meaning that he permits himself the use of it here, in spite of the possible ambiguity. THE INTERNAL WORK OF THE WIND. 5 ties in the way of regarding this, even in the light of a theoretical possibility, may have proceeded, with others as with the writer, not from erroneous reasoning, but from an error in the premises, entering insidiously in the form of the tacit assump- tion made by nearly all writers, that the word “ wind” means something so simple, so readily intelligible, and so commonly understood, as to require no special defini- tion ; while, nevertheless, the observations which are presently to be given, show that it is, on the contrary, to be considered as a generic name for a series of infinitely complex and little known phenomena. Without determining here whether any mechanism can be actually devised which shall draw from the wind the power to cause a body wholly immersed in it to go against the wind, the reader’s consideration is now first invited to the evidence that there is no contradiction to the known laws of motion, and at any rate no theo- retical impossibility in the conception of such a mechanism, if it is admitted that the wind is not what it has been ordinarily taken to be, but what the following observations show that it is. What immediately follows is an account of evidence of the complex nature of the “wind,” of its internal movements, of the resulting potentiality of this internal work, and of attempts which the writer has made to determine quantita- tively its amount by the use of special apparatus, recording the changes which go on (so to speak) within the wind at very brief intervals. These results may, it is hoped, be of interest to meteorologists, but they are given here with special refer- ence to their important bearing on the future of what the writer has ventured to call the science of Aérodromies.* The observations which are first given were made in 1887 at Allegheny, and are supplemented by others made at Washington in the present year.+ What has just been said about their possible importance will perhaps seem justified, if it is remarked (in anticipation of what follows later) that the result of the present discussion implies not only the theoretical, but the mechanical possi- bility, that a heavy body, wholly immersed in the air and sustained by it, may, * From aepod pouéw, to traverse the air; a@epodpos0S, an air-runner. t It will be noticed that the fact of observation here is not so muchthe movement of cur- rents, such as the writer has since learned was suggested by Lord Rayleigh so long ago as 1883, still less of the movement of distinct currents at a considerable distance above the earth’s surface, but of what must be rather called the effect of the irregularities and pulsations of any ordinary wind within the immediate field of examination, however narrow. See the instructive article by Lord Rayleigh in ature, April 5, 1883. Lord Rayleigh remarks that continued soaring implies: “‘(1) that the course is not horizontal ; (2) that the wind is not horizontal ; or (3) that the wind is not uniform.” “It is probable,” he says, “that the truth is usually represented by (1) or (2) ; but the question I wish to raise is whether the cause suggested by (3) may not sometimes come into operation,” 6 THE INTERNAL WORK OF THE WIND. without the ordinary use of wind, or sail, or steam, and without the expenditure of any power except such as may be derived from the ordinary winds, make an aérial voyage in any direction, whose length is only limited by the occurrence of a calm. A ship is able to go against a head-wind by the force of that wind, owing to the fact that it is partly immersed in the water, which reacts on the keel, but it is here asserted, that (contrary to usual opinion and in opposition to what at first may seem the teachings of physical science) it is not impossible that a heavy and nearly inert body, wholly immersed in the air, can be made to do this. The observations on which the writer’s belief in this mechanical possibility are founded, will now be given. PART Ti EXPERIMENTS WITH THE USE OF SPECIAL APPARATUS. In the ordinary use of the anemometer, (let us suppose it to be a Robinson’s anemometer, for illustration,) the registry is seldom taken as often as once a minute ; thus, in the ordinary practice of the United States Weather Bureau, the registration is made at the completion of the passage of each mile of wind. If there be very rapid fluctuations of the wind, it is obviously desirable, in order to detect them, to observe the instrument at very brief intervals, e g., at least every second, instead of every minute or every hour, and it is equally obvious that in order to take up and indicate the changes which occur in these brief intervals, the instrument should have as little inertia as possible, its momentum tending to falsify the facts, by rendering the record more uniform than would otherwise be the case. In 1887 I made use of the only apparatus at command, an ordinary small Robinson’s anemometer, having cups 3 inches (7.5 cm.) in diameter, the centre of the cups being 63 inches (163 em.) from the centre of rotation. This was placed at the top of a mast 53 feet (16.2 metres) in height, which was planted in the grounds of the Allegheny Observatory, on the flat summit of a hill which rises nearly 400 feet (122. metres) above the valley of the Ohio River. It was, accord- ingly, in a situation exceptionally free from those irregularities of the wind which are introduced by the presence of trees and of houses, or of inequalities of surface. Every twenty-fifth revolution of the cups, was registered by closing an electric circuit, and the registry was made on the chronograph of the Observatory by a suitable electric connection, and these chronograph sheets were measured, and the results tabulated. A portion of the record obtained on July 16, 1887, is given on Plate L, the abscisse representing time, and the ordinates wind velocities. The observed points represent the wind’s velocities as computed from the intervals between each successive electrical contact, as measured on the chronograph sheets, and for convenience in following the succession of observed points they are here joined by straight lines, though it is hardly necessary to remark that the change in velocity is in fact, though quite sharp, yet not in general discontinuous, and the straight lines here used for convenience do not imply that the rate of change of velocity is uniform. 8 THE INTERNAL WORK OF THE WIND. The wind velocities during this period of observation ranged from about 10 to bo o 5 miles an hour, and the frequency of measurement was every 7 to 17 seconds. If, on the one hand, owing to the weight and inertia of the anemometer, this is far from doing justice to the actual irregularities of the wind; on the other, it equally shows that the wind was far from being a body of even approximate uniformity of motion, and that, even when considered in quite small sections, the motion was found to be irregular almost beyond conception,—certainly beyond anticipation ; for this record is not selected to represent an extraordinary breeze, but the normal movement of an ordinary one. By an application of these facts, to be presented later, I then reached by these experiments the conclusion that it was theoretically possible to cause a heavy body wholly immersed in the wind to be driven in the opposite direction, ¢. g., to move east while the wind was blowing west, without the use of any power other than that which the wind itself furnished, and this even by the use of plane sur- faces, and without taking advantage of the more advantageous properties of curved ones. This power, I further already believed myself warranted by these experiments in saying, could be obtained by the movements of the air in the horizontal plane alone, even without the utilization of currents having an upward trend. But I was obliged to turn to other occupations, and did not resume these interesting observa- tions until the year 1893. Although the anemometer used at Allegheny served to illustrate the essential fact of the rapid and continuous fluctuations of even the ordinary and comparatively uniform wind, yet owing to the inertia of the arms and cups, which tended to equalize the rate (the moment of inertia was approximately 40,000 gr. em.*), and to the fact that the record was only made at every twenty-fifth revolution, the internal changes in the horizontal component of the wind’s motion, thus representing its potential work, were not adequately recorded. In January, 1893, I resumed these observations at Washington with apparatus with which I sought to remedy these defects, using as a station the roof of the north Tower of the Smithsonian Institution building, the top of the parapet being 142 feet (43.3 metres) above the ground, and the anemometers, which were located above the parapet, being 153 feet (46.7 metres) above the ground. I placed them in charge of Mr. George E. Curtis, with instructions to take observations under the conditions of light, moderate, and high winds. The apparatus used was, first, a Weather Bureau Robinson anemometer of standard size, with aluminum cups. Diameter to centre of cups 34 cm.; diameter of cups 10.16 cm.; weight of arms and cups 241 grammes; approximate moment of inertia, 40,710 gr. em. THE INTERNAL WORK OF THE WIND. 9 A second instrument was a very light anemometer, having paper cups, of standard pattern and diameter, the weight of arms and cups being only 74 grammes, and its moment of inertia 8,604 gr. em.’ With this instrument, a number of observations were taken, when it was lost by being blown away in a gale. It was succeeded in its use by one of my own construction, which was considerably lighter. This was also blown away. I after. ward employed one of the same size as the standard pattern, weighing 48 grammes, having a moment of inertia of 11,940 gr. cm.’, and finally I constructed one of one half the diameter of the standard pattern, employing cones instead of hemispheres, weighing 5 grammes, and having a moment of inertia of but 300 gr. em.’ In the especially light instruments, the electric record was made at every half- revolution, on an ordinary astronomical chronograph, placed upon the floor of the Tower, connected with the anemometers by an electric circuit. Observations were made on January 14, 1893, during a light wind having a velocity of from 9 to 17 miles an hour; on January 25 and 26, during a moderate wind having a velocity of from 16 to 28 miles an hour; and on February 4 and 7, during a moderate and high wind ranging from 14 to 36 miles an hour, Portions of these observations are given on Plates II, III, and IV. A short portion of the record obtained with the standard Weather Bureau anemometer during a high north- west wind is given on Plate V. A prominent feature presented by these diagrams is that the higher the abso- lute velocity of the wind, the greater the relative fluctuations which occur in it. In a high wind the air moves in a tumultuous mass, the velocity being at one moment perhaps 40 miles an hour, then diminishing to an almost instantaneous calm, and then resuming.* The fact that an absolute local calm can momentarily occur during the prev- alence of a high wind, was vividly impressed upon me during the observations of February 4, when chancing to look up to the light anemometer, which was revolving so rapidly that the cups were not separately distinguishable, I saw them completely stop for an instant, and then resume their previous high speed of rotation, the whole within the fraction of a second. This confirmed the suspicion that the chronographic record, even of a specially light anemometer, but at most imperfectly notes the sharpness of these internal changes. Since the measured interval between two electric contacts is the datum for computing the velocity, an instantaneous stoppage, such as I accidentally saw, will appear on the record simply as a slowing of the wind, and such very significant facts as that just noted, will be necessarily slurred over, even by the most sensitive apparatus of this kind. * An example of a very rapid change may be seen on Plate IV., at 12.23 P.M. 10 THE INTERNAL WORK OF THE WIND. However, the more frequent the contacts, the more nearly an exact record of the fluctuations may be measured, and I have, as I have stated, provided that they should be made at every half-revolution of the anemometer, that is, as a rule, several times a second.* I now invite the reader’s attention to the actual records of rapid changes that take place in the wind’s velocity, selecting as an illustration the first 53 minutes of the diagram plotted on Plate II. The heavy line through points A, B, and C, represents the ordinary record of the wind’s velocity as obtained from a standard Weather Bureau anemometer during the observations recording the passage of two miles of wind. The velocity, which was, at the beginning of the interval considered, nearly 23 miles an hour, fell during the course of the first mile to a little over 20 miles an hour. This is the ordinary anemometric record of the wind at such elevations as this (47 metres) above the earth’s surface, where it is free from the immediate vicinity of disturb- ing irregularities, and where it is popularly supposed to move with occasional variation in direction, as the weather-cock indeed indicates, but with such nearly uniform movement that its rate of advance is, during any such brief time as two or three minutes, under ordinary circumstances, approximately uniform. This then may be called the “wind,” that is, the conventional “ wind ” of treatises upon aéro- dynamics, where its aspect as a practically continuous flow is alone considered. When, however, we turn to the record made with the specially light anemometer, at every second, of this same wind, we find an entirely different state of things. The wind starting with the velocity of 28 miles an hour, at 12 hrs. 10 mins. 18 secs., rose within 10 seconds to a velocity of 33 miles an hour, and within 10 seconds more fell to its initial speed. It then rose within 30 seconds to a velocity of 36 miles an hour, and so on, with alternate risings and fallings, at one time actually stopping; and, as the reader may easily observe, passing through 18 notable maxima and as many notable minima, the average interval from a maximum to a minimum being a little over 10 seconds, and the average change of velocity in this time being about 10 miles an hour. In the lower left-hand corner of Plate IIT. * Here we may note the error of the common assumption that the ordinary anemometer, how- ever heavy, will, if frictionless, correctly measure the velocity of the wind, for the existence of “vis inertia, ” it is now seen, is not indifferent, but plays a most important part where the velocity suffers such great and frequent changes as we here see it does, and where the rate at which this inertia is overcome, and this velocity changed, is plainly a function of the density of the fluid, which density we also see reason to suppose, itself varies incessantly and with great rapidity. Though it is prob- able that no form of barometer in use does justice to the degree of change of this density, owing to this rapidity, we cannot, nevertheless, suppose it to exceed certain limits, and we may treat the present records, made with an anemometer of such exceptional lightness, as being comparatively unaffected by these changes in density, though they exist. THE INTERNAL WORK OF THE WIND. 11 is given a conventional representation of these fluctuations, in which this average period and amplitude is used as a type. The above are facts, the counterpart of which may be noted by any one adopting the means the writer has employed. | It is hardly necessary to observe, that almost innumerable minor maxima and minima presented themselves, which the drawing cannot depict. In order to insure clearness of perception, the reader will bear in mind that the diagram does not represent the velocities which obtained coincidentally, along the length of two miles of wind represented, nor the changes in velocity experi- enced by a single moving particle during the given interval, but that it is a picture of the velocities which were in this wind at the successive instants of its passing the fixed anemometer, which velocities, indeed, were probably nearly the same for a few seconds before and after registry, but which incessantly passed into, and were replaced by others, in a continuous flow of change. But although the obser- vations do not show the actual changes of velocity which any given particle experiences in any assigned interval, these fluctuations cannot be materially different in character from those which are observed at a fixed point, and are shown in the diagram. It may perhaps still further aid us in fixing our ideas, to consider two material particles as starting at the same time over this two-mile course: the one moving with the uniform velocity of 22.6 miles an hour (33 feet per second), which is the average velocity of this wind as observed for the interval between 12 hrs. 10 mins. 18 secs., and 12 hrs. 15 mins. 45 sees, on February 4; the other, during the same interval, having the continuously changing velocities actually indicated by the light anemometer as shown on Plate III. Their positions at any time may, if desired, be conveniently represented in a diagram, where the abscissa of any point represents the elapsed time in seconds, and the ordinates show the distance, in feet, of the material particle from the starting-point. The path of the first particle will thus be represented by a straight line, while the path of the second particle will be an irregularly curved line, at one. time above, and at another time below, the mean straight line just described, but terminating in coinci- dence with it at the end of the interval. If, now, all the particles in two miles of wind were simultaneously accelerated and retarded in the same way as this second particle, that is, if the wind were an inelastic fluid, and moved like a solid cylinder, the velocities recorded by the anemometer would be identical with those that obtained along the whole region specified. But the actual circumstances must evi- dently be far different from this, since the air is an elastic and nearly perfect fluid, subject to condensation and rarefaction. Hence the successive velocities of any given particle (which are in reality the resultant of incessant changes in all directions), must be conceived as evanescent, taking on something like the sequence recorded 12 THE INTERNAL WORK OF THE WIND. by these curves, a very brief time before this air reached the anemometer, and losing it as soon after. It has not been my purpose in this paper to enter upon any inquiry as to the cause of this non-homogeneity of the wind. The irregularities of the surface topog- raphy (including buildings, and every other surface obstruction) are commonly adduced as a sufficient explanation of the chief irregularities of the surface wind ; yet I believe that, a considerable distance above the earth’s surface (¢. g. one mile), the wind may not even be approximately homogeneous, nor have an even flow ; for while, if we consider air as an absolutely clastic and frictionless fluid, any motion impressed upon it would be preserved forever, and the actual irregularities of the wind would be the results of changes made at any past time, however remote ; so long as we admit that the wind, without being absolutely elastic and frictionless, is nearly so, it seems to me that we may consider that the incessant alterations which it here appears make the “wind,” are due to past impulses and changes which are preserved in it, and which die away with very considerable slowness. If this be the case, it is less difficult to see how even in the upper air, and at every altitude, we might éxpect to find local variations, or pulsations, not unlike those which we certainly observe at minor altitudes above the ground.* *Tn this connection, reference may be made to the notable investigations of Helmholtz, on Atmospheric Movements, Sttzungsberichte, Berlin, 1888-1889. PART TE APPLICATION. Of these irregular movements of the wind, which take place up, down, and on every side, and are accompanied of necessity by equally complex condensations and expansions, it will be observed that only a small portion, namely, those which occur in a narrow current whose direction is horizontal and sensibly linear, and whose width is only the diameter of the anemometer, can be noted by the instruments I have here described, and whose records alone are represented in the diagrams. However complex the movement may appear as shown by the diagram, it is then far less so than the reality, and it is probable, indeed, that anything like a fairly complete graphical representation of the case is impossible. I think that on considering these striking curves (Plates L, IT., III., IV., and V.) we shall not find it difficult to admit, at least as an abstract conception, that there is no necessary violation of the principle of the conservation of energy im- plied in the admission thata body, wholly immersed in and moving with such a wind, may derive from it a force which may be utilized in Uifting the body, in a way in which a body immersed in the “wind” of our ordinary conception could not be lifted, and if we admit that the body may be lifted, it follows obviously that it may descend under the action of gravity from the elevated position, on a sloping path, to some distance in a direction opposed to that of the wind which lifted it, though it is not obvious what this distance is. We may admit all this, because we now see (I repeat) that the apparent viola- tion of law arises from a tacit assumption which we, in common with all others, may have made, that the wind is an approximately homogeneously moving body, because moving as a whole in one direction. It is, on the contrary, always, as we see here, filled (even if we consider only movements in some one horizontal plane) with amazingly complex motions, some of which, if not in direct opposition to the main movement, are relatively so, that is, are slower, while others are faster than this main movement, so that a portion is always opposed to it. From this, then, we may now at least see that it is plainly within the capacity of an intelligence like that suggested by Maxwell, and which Lord Kelvin has called the “Sorting Demon,” to pick out from the internal motions those whose 13 14 THE INTERNAL WORK OF THE WIND. direction is opposed to the main current, and to omit those which are not so, and thus without the expenditure of energy to construct a foree which will act against the main current itself. But we may go materially further, and not only admit that it is not necessary to invoke here, as Maxwell has done in the case of thermo-dynamics, a being having a power and rapidity of action far above ours, but that, in actual fact, a being of a lower order than ourselves, guided only by instinct, may so utilize these internal motions. We might not indeed have conceived this possible, were it not that nature has already, to a large extent, exhibited it before our eyes in the soaring bird,* which sustains itself endlessly in the air with nearly motionless wings, for without this evidence of the possibility of action which now ceases to approach the inconceiv- able, we are not likely, even if we admitted its theoretical possibility, to have thought the mechanical solution of this problem possible. But although to show how this physical miracle of nature is to be imitated, completely and in detail, may be found to transcend any power of analysis, I hope to show, that this may be possible with- out invoking the asserted power of “ Aspiration” relative to curved surfaces, or the trend of upward currents, and even to indicate the probability that the mechanical solution of this problem may not be beyond human skill. To this conclusion we are invited by the following considerations, among others. We will presently examine the means of utilizing this potentiality of internal work, in order to cause an inert body, wholly unrestricted in its motion and wholly immersed in the current, to rise; but first let us consider such a body (a plane) * “When the condors ina flock are wheeling round and round any spot, their flight is beau- tiful. Except when rising from the ground, I do not recollect ever having seen one of these birds flap its wings. Near Lima, I watched several for nearly half an hour without once taking off my eyes. They moved in large curves, sweeping in circles, descending and ascending without once flapping. As they glided close over my head, I intently watched, from an oblique position, the outlines of the separate and terminal feathers of the wings; and if there had been the least vibratory movement these would have blended together, but they were seen distinct against the blue sky. he head and neck were moved frequently and apparently with force, and it appeared as if the extended wings formed the fulcrum on which the movements of the neck, body, and tail acted. If the bird wished to descend, the wings for a moment collapsed ; and then when again expanded with an altered inclination the momentum gained by the rapid descent, seemed to urge the bird upwards, with the even and steady movement of a paper kite. In the case of any bird soaring, its motion must be sufficiently rapid so that the action of the inclined surface of its body on the atmosphere may counterbalance its gravity. The force to keep up the momentum of a body moving in a horizontal plane in that fluid (in which there is so little friction) cannot be great, and this force is all that is wanted, The movement of the neck and body of the condor, we must suppose, is sufficient for this. However this may be, it is truly wonderful and beautiful to+see so great a bird, hour after hour, without any apparent exertion, wheeling and gliding over mountain and river.” Darwin’s Yournal of Various Countries Visited by H. M. S. Beagle, pp. 223, 224. THE INTERNAL WCRK OF THE WIND. 15 whose movement is restricted in a horizontal direction, but which is free to rise be- tween frictionless vertical guides. Let it be inclined upward at a small angle toward a horizontal wind, so that only the vertical component of the pressure of the wind on the plane will affect its motion. If the velocity of the wind be sufficient, the vertical component of pressure will equal or exceed the weight of the plane, and in the latter case the plane will rise indefinitely. Thus, to take a concrete example, if the plane be a rectangle whose length is six times its width, having an area of 2.3 square feet to the pound, and be inclined at an angle of 7°, and if the wind have a velocity of 386 feet per second, experiment shows that the upward pressure will exceed the weight of the plane, and the plane will rise, if between vertical nearly frictionless guides, at an in- creasing rate, until it has a velocity of 2.52 feet per second,* at which speed the weight and upward pressure are in equilibrium. Hence, there are no unbalanced forces acting, and the plane will have attained a state of uniform motion. Fora wind that blows during 10 seconds, the plane will therefore rise about 25 feet. At the beginning of the motion, the inertia of the plane makes the rate of rise less than the uniform rate, but at the end of 10 seconds, the inertia will cause the plane to ascend a short distance after the wind has ceased, so that the deficit at the beginning will be counterbalanced by the excess at the end of the assigned interval. We have just been speaking of a material heavy plane permanently sustained in vertical guides, which are essential to its continuous ascent ina uniform wind, but such a plane will be lifted and sustained momentarily, even if there be no vertical guides, or, in the case of a kite, even if there be no cord to retain it, the inertia of the body supplying for a brief period the office of the guides or of the cord. If suitably disposed, it will, as the writer has elsewhere shown, under the resistance to a horizontal wind, imposed only by its inertia, commence to move, not in the diree- tion of the wind, but nearly vertically. Presently, however, as we recognize, this inertia must be overcome, and as the inclined plane takes up more and more the motion of the wind, the lifting effect must grow less and less (that is to say, if the wind be the approximately homogeneous current it is commonly treated as being), and finally ceasing altogether, the plane must ultimately fall. If, however, a counter- current is supposed to meet this inclined plane, before the effect of its inertia is exhausted, and consequently before it ceases to rise, we have only to suppose the plane to be rotated through 180° about a vertical axis, without any other call for the expenditure of energy, to see that it will now be lifted still higher, owing to the * See Experiments in Aérodynamics, by S. P. Langley. Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge, 1891. 16 THE INTERNAL WORK OF THE WIND. fact that its inertia now reappears as an active factor. The annexed sketch (Fig. 1) shows a typical representation of what might be supposed to happen with a Ss - —- i -—e— oa Fig.1. model inclined plane freely suspended in the air, and endowed with the power of rotating about a vertical axis so as to change the aspect of its constant inclination, which need involve no (theoretical) expenditure of energy, even although the plane possess inertia. We see that this plane would rise indefinitely by the action of the wind in alternate directions. The disposition of the wind which is here supposed to cause the plane to rise, appears at first sight an impossible one, but we shall next make the important ob- servation that it becomes virtually possible by a method which we shall now point out, and which leads to a practicable one which we may actually employ. ‘A Fig. 2. Figure 2 shows the wind blowing in one constant direction, but alternately at two widely varying velocities, or rather (in the extreme case supposed in illustra- THE INTERNAL WORK OF THE WIND. 17 tion), wher? one of the velocities is negligibly small, and where successive pulsations in the same directions are separated by intervals of calm. A frequent alternation of velocities, united with constancy of absolute direc- tion, has previously been shown here to be the ordinary condition of the wind’s motion; but attention is now particularly called to the fact that while these un- equal velocities may be in the same direction as regards the surface of the earth, yet as regards the mean motion of the wind they are in opposite directions, and will produce on a plane, whose inertia enables it to sustain a sensibly uniform motion with the mean velocity of this variable wind, the same lifting effect as if these same alternating winds were in absolutely opposed directions, provided that the (constant) inclination of the plane alternates in its aspect to correspond with the changes in the wind. It may aid in clearness of conception, if we imagine a set of fixed co-ordinates X Y Z passing through 0, and a set of movable co-ordinates x y z, moving with the velocity and in the direction of the mean wind. If the moving body is referred to these first only, itis evidently subject to pulsations which take place in the same directions on the axis of X, but it must be also evident that if referred to the second or mova- ble co-ordinates, these same pulsations may be, and are, in opposite directions. This, then, is the case we have just considered, and if we suppose the plane to change the aspect * of its (constant) inclination as the direction of the pulsations changes, it is evident that there must be a gain in altitude with every pulsation, while the plane advances horizontally with the velocity of the mean wind. During the period of maximum wind velocity, when the wind is moving faster than the plane, the rear edge of the latter must be elevated. During the period of minimum velocity, when the plane, owing to its inertia is moving faster than the wind, the front edge of the plane must be elevated. Thus the vertical component of the wind pressure, as it strikes the oblique plane, tends, in both cases, to give it a vertical upward thrust. So long as this thrust is in excess of the weight to be lifted, the plane will rise. The rate of rise will be the greatest at the beginning of each period, when the relative velocity is greatest, and will diminish as the resist- ance produces “drift”; 7. ¢, diminishes relative velocity. The curved line O B in the vignette represents a typical path of the plane under these conditions. It follows from the diagram (Fig. 1.) that, other things being equal, the more frequent the wind’s pulsations, the greater will be the rise of the plane; for since, during each period of steady wind, the rate of rise diminishes, the more rapid the *We do not for the moment consider how this change of aspect is to be mechanically effected ; we only at present call attention to the fact that it involves, in theory, no expenditure of energy. 18 THE INTERNAL WORK OF THE WIND. pulsations, the nearer the mean rate of rise will be to the initial rate. The requisite frequency of pulsations is also related to the inertia of the plane, as the less the inertia, the more frequent must be the pulsations in order that the plane shall not lose its relative velocity. It is obvious that there is a limit of weight which cannot be exceeded if the body is to be sustained by any such fluctuations of velocity as can be actually ex- perienced. Above this limit of weight, the body will sink. Below this limit, the lighter the body is, the higher it will be carried, but with increasing variability of speed. ‘That body, then, which has the greatest weight per unit of surface, will soar with the greatest steadiness, if it soar at all, not on account of this weight, per se, but because the weight is an index of its inertia. The reader who will compare the results of experiments made with any artificial flying models, like those of Penaud, with the weights of the soaring birds as given in the tables by M. Mouillard, or other authentic sources, cannot fail to be struck with the great weight in proportion to wing surface, which nature has given to the soaring bird, compared with any which man has yet been able to imitate in his models. This fact of the weight of the soaring bird in proportion to its area, has been again and again noted, and it has been frequently remarked that without weight the bird could not soar, by writers who felt that they could very safely make such a paradoxical statement, in view of the evidence nature everywhere gave, that this weight was indeed in some way necessary to rising. But these writers have not shown, so far as I remember, how this necessity arises, and this is what I now endeavor to point out.* It has not here been shown what limit of weight is imposed to the power of an ordinary wind to elevate and sustain, but it seems to me, and I hope that it may so seem to the reader, that the evidence that there is some weight which the action of the wind is sufficient to permanently sustain under these conditions in a free body, has a demonstrative character, although no quantitative formula is offered at this stage of the investigation. It is obvious that, if this weight is sustainable at any height, gravity may be utilized to cause the body (which we suppose to be a material plane) to descend on an inclined course, to some distance, even against the wind. I desire in this connection to remark that the preceding experiments and * Tt is perhaps not superfluous to recall here that, according to the researches of Rankine, Froude, and others, a body moulded in wave-line curves would, if frictionless, continue to move indefinitely against an opposed wind in virtue of inertia and once acquired velocity, and also to recall how very small the effect of fluid friction in the air has been shown to be (by the writer in a previous investigation). 7, THE INTERNAL WORK OF THE WIND. US) deductions, showing that a material free plane,* possessing sufficient inertia, may in theory rise indefinitely by the action of an ordinary wind, without the expenditure of work from any internal source (as well as those statements which follow), when these explanations are once made, have a character of obviousness, which is due to the simplicity of the enunciation, but not, I think, to the familiarity of the explana- tion ; for though attention is beginning to be paid by meteorologists to the rapidity of these wind fluctuations, I am not aware that their effects have been so exhibited, or especially that they have been presented in this connection, or that the conclu- sions which follow have been drawn from them. We have here seen, then, how pulsations of sufficient amplitude and frequency, of the kind which present themselves in nature, may, in theory, furnish energy not only sufficient to sustain, but actually to elevate, a heavy body moving in and with the wind at its mean rate. It is easy to now pass to the practical case which has been already referred to, and which is exemplified in nature; namely, that in which the body (e. g. the bird soaring on rigid wings, but having power to change its inclination) uses the eleva- tion thus gained to move against the wind without expending any sensible amount of its own energy. Here the upward motion is designedly arrested at any conven- ient stage, ¢ g. at each alternate pulsation of the wind, and the height attained is utilized so that the reaction of gravity may carry the body by its descent in a curvi- linear path (if necessary) against the wind. It has just been pointed out that if some height has been attained, the theoretical possibility of some advance against the wind in so falling hardly needs demonstration, though it may not unnaturally be supposed that the relative advance so gained must be insignificant, compared with the distance travelled by the mean wind while the body was being elevated, so that on the whole the body is carried by the wind farther than it advances against it. This, however, probably need not be in fact the case, there being, as it appears to me, from experiment and from deduction, every reason to believe that under suitable conditions, the advance may be greater than the recession, or that the body, falling under the action of gravity along a suitable path, may return against the wind not only from Z to O, the point of departure, but farther, as is here shown. I repeat, however, that I am not at the moment undertaking to demonstrate * T use the word “plane,” but include in the statement all suitable modifications of a curved surface. I desire to recall attention to the paragraph in Zxperiments in Aérodynamics in which I caution the reader against supposing that by investigating plane surfaces I imply that they are the best form of surface for flight ; and I repeat here that, as a matter of fact, I do not believe them to be so. I have selected the plane simply as the best form for preliminary experiment. 20 THE INTERNAL WORK OF THE WIND. how the action is mechanically realizable in actual practice, but only that it is pos- sible. It is for this purpose, and to understand more exactly that it can be effected, not only by the process indicated in the second illustration (Fig. 2), but by another and probably more usual one (and nature has still others at command), that I have considered another treatment of the same conditions of wind-pulsations always moving in the same horizontal direction, but for brief periods interrupted by equal intervals of calm. In this third illustration (Fig. 3) we suppose the body to use the height gained by each pulsation to enable it to descend after each such pulsa- tion, and advance against the direction of the wind. D Fic. 3. The portion A B of the curve represents the path of the plane surface from a state of rest at A, where it has a small upward inclination toward the wind. If a horizontal wind blow upon it in the direction of the arrow, the first movement of the plane will not be in the direction of the wind, but as is abundantly demon- strated by the writer in Experiments in Aérodynamics, it will rise in nearly ver- tical direction, if the angle be small. The wind, continuing to blow in the same direction, at the end of a certain time, the plane, which has risen (owing to its iner- tia and in spite of its weight) to the successive positions shown, is taking up more and more of the horizontal velocity of the wind, and consequently opposing less resistance to it, and therefore moving more and more laterally, and rising less and less, at every successive instant. If the wind continued indefinitely, the plane would ultimately take up its velocity, and finally, of course, fall, when this inertia ceased to oppose resistance to the wind’s advance. I have supposed, however, the wind-pulsation to cease at the end of a certain brief period, and, to fix our ideas, let us suppose this period to be five seconds. At this moment the period of calm begins, and now let the plane, which is supposed to have reached the point B, change its inclination about a hori- zontal axis to that shown in the diagram, falling at first nearly vertically, with its edge on the line of its descent so as to acquire speed, and this speed, acquired by constantly changing its angle, glide down the curve B C, so that the plane shall be THE INTERNAL WORK OF THE WIND. 21 tangential to it at every point of its descending advance. At the end of five seconds of calm it has reached the position C, near the lowest point of its descent, which there is no contradiction to known mechanical laws in supposing may be higher than A, and which, in fact, according to the most accurate data the writer can gather, 7s higher in the case of the above period, and in the case of such an actual plane as has been experimented upon by him. Now, having reached C, at the end of the five seconds’ calm, if the wind blow in the same direction and velocity as before, it will again elevate the plane, on the latter’s presenting the proper angle, but this time under more favorable circum- stances, for, at this time, the plane is already in motion in a direction opposed to that of the wind, and is already higher than it was in its original position A. Its course, therefore, will be nearly that along the curve C D, during all which time it maintains the original angle a, or one very slightly less. Arrived at D, and at the instant when the calm begins, it falls, with varying inclination, to the lowest posi- tion E (which may be higher than C), which it attains at the end of the five seconds of calm, then rises again (still nearly at the angle a) to a higher position, and so on; the alternations of directions of motion, at the end of each pulsation, growing less and less sharp, and the path finally taking the character of a sinuous curve. We have here assumed that the plane goes against the wind and rises at the same time, in order to illustrate that this is possible, though either alternative may be employed, and the plane, in theory at least, may maintain on the whole a rapid and nearly horizontal, or a slow and nearly vertical course, or anything between. * It is not meant, either, that the alternations which would be observed in nature are as sharp as those here represented, which are intentionally exaggerated ; while in all which has just preceded, by an equally intentional exaggeration of the normal action, the wind-pulsations have been supposed to alternate with absolute calm. This being understood, it is scarcely necessary to point out that if the calm is not absolute, but if there are simply frequent successive winds or pulsations of wind of considerably differing velocity (such as the anemometer observations show, are realized in nature), that the same general effect will obtain, though we are not * See the very interesting account (4éronautical Annual, No. 2, p. 66) by Mr. Chanute of the successive steps by which sea-gulls were actually observed to get in motion without flapping. The above @ priori reasoning reads almost like a description of Mr. Chanute’s subsequent ob- servation. 22 THE INTERNAL WORK OF THE WIND. entitled to assume from any demonstration thus far given that the total advance will be necessarily greater than that of the whole distance the mean wind has travelled. It may also be observed that the actual actions of the soaring bird may be, and doubtless are, more complex in detail than those of this diagram, while yet in their entirety depending on the principles it sets forth. The theoretical possibility at least will now, it is hoped, be granted, not only of the body’s rising indefinitely, or of its descending in the interval of calm to a higher level C, than it rose from at A, but of its advancing against the calm or light wind through a distance B C, greater than that of A B, and so on. The writer, however, repeats that he has reason to suppose from the data obtained by him, that this is not only a theoretical possibility but a mechanical probability under the conditions stated, although he does not here offer a quantitative demon- stration of the fact, other than by pointing to the movements of the soaring bird and inviting their reconsideration in the light of the preceding statements. The bird, by some tactile sensibility to the pressure and direction of the air, is able, in nautical phrase, to “see the wind,” * and to time its movements, so that without any reference to its height from the ground, it reaches the lowest portion of its descent near the end of the more rapid wind pulsation ; but the writer be- lieves that to cause these adaptive changes in an otherwise inert body, with what might be almost called instinctive readiness and rapidity, does not really demand intelligence or even instinct, but that the future aérodrome may be furnished with a substitute for instinct, in what may perhaps allowably be called a mechanical - brain, which yet need not, in his opinion, be intricate in its character. His reasons for this statement, which is not made lightly, must, however, be reserved for another time. It is hardly necessary to point out that the nearly inert body in question may also be a human body, guided both by instinet and intelligence, and that there may thus be a sense in which human flight may be possible, although flight depending wholly upon the action of human muscles be forever impossible. Let me resume the leading points of the present memoir in the statement that it has been shown : (1) That the wind is not even an approximately uniform moving mass of air, but consists of a succession of very brief pulsations of varying amplitude, and that, relatively to the mean movement of the wind, these are of varying direction. (2) That it is pointed ont that hence there is a potentiality of “internal work” in the wind, and probably of a very great amount. * Mouillard. THE INTERNAL WORK OF THE WIND. 23 (8) That it involves no contradiction of known principles to declare that an inclined plane or suitably curved surface, heavier than the air, freely immersed in, and moving with the velocity of the mean wind, can, if the wind pulsations here described are of sufficient amplitude and frequency, be sustained or even raised indefinitely without expenditure of internal energy, other than that which is in- volved in changing the aspect of its inclination at each pulsation. (4) That since (A) such a surface, having also power to change its inclina- tion, must gain energy through falling during the slower, and expend energy by rising during the higher, velocities; and that (B) since it has been shown that there is no contradiction of known mechanical laws in assuming that the surface may be sustained or may continue to rise indefinitely, the mechanical possibility of some advance against the direction of the wind follows immediately from this capacity of rising. It is further seen that it is at least possible that this advance against the wind may not only be attained relatively to the position of a body moving with the speed of the mean wind, but absolutely, and with reference to a fixed point in space. (5) Ladd to the preceding results, which have been established here quali- tatively, an expression of my personal opinion that they are realizable in practice. Finally, these observations and deductions have, it seems to me, an important practical application not only as regards a living creature like the soaring bird, but still more, as regards a mechanically constructed body, whose specific gravity may probably be many hundred or even many thousand times that of the atmosphere. We may suppose such a body to be supplied with fuel and engines, which would be indispensable to sustain it in a calm, and yet which we now see might be ordi- narily left entirely inactive, so that the body could supposably remain in the air, and even maintain its motion in any direction, without expending its energy, except as regards the act of changing the inclination or aspect which it presents to the wind while the wind blew. The final application of these principles to the art of aérodromics seems then to be that, while it is not likely that the perfected aérodrome will ever be able to dispense altogether with the ability to rely at intervals on some internal source of power, it will not be indispensable that this aérodrome of the future shall, in order to go any distance—even to circumnavigate the globe without alighting,—need to carry a weight of fuel which would enable it to perform this journey under con- ditions analogous to those of a steamship, but that the fuel and weight need only be such as to enable it to take care of itself in exceptional moments of calm. Wasuineton, D. C.: August, 1893. NOTE FROM THE FRENCH EDITION OF 1893.* I have already drawn the reader’s attention to the fact that the accompanying figures only show a small part of the virtual work of the wind. It will be under- stood that a diagram like that in our text, intended only to show the path of a body in one given trajectory, cannot represent all the conditions of Nature, which are at once much more favorable and much more complex, since I have here exhibited out of many conditions one only, selected for the single reason that it is best fitted to elucidate the fundamental idea of this treatise. So, too, I have spoken of a “plane” to aid my explanation, without meaning that this form is actually best for flight, and without supposing that what has pre- ceded about a perfected aerodrome could be misunderstood to mean that I would actually employ only planes in such a machine, or employ them only under a con- dition (that of a rectilinear horizontal wind) used here merely to simplify the enunciation of a problem. On the contrary I believe the future xrodrome will utilize not only the particular pulsation of the wind described here, but also its ascending, lateral, and whirling motions. * “Te Travail Intérieur du Vent.” Revue del Aéronautique, 1893. APPENDIX.” SOLUTION OF A SPECIAL CASE OF THE GENERAL PROBLEM. By Ren DE SAUSSURE. In this solution which has been selected from a number, independently ob- tained, and relating to special cases, integration has been carried out between the vertical tangent at the right of Figure 3 and the point D, as this interval bears on the most important feature of the demonstration, that is: the proof that the aéroplane can lift itself without expending a perceptible amount of energy while © making progress against the wind. \ PROBLEM, An aéroplane of mass m és projected into the air with an initial velocity Vi, at an angle b with the horizontal. Find the velocity of the aéroplane at a given instant and the equation of the trajectory described by its center of gravity. (It is to be noted that as the velocity V is the velocity of the aéroplane irrespective of the velocity of the wind, the problem is the same whether the atmosphere is in motion or not, providing the codrdinate axes move with the air currents. ) The proposed solution does not lead to an equation for the trajectory in & and y, but it gives the value of y in terms of the angle £, the angle which the tangent to the trajectory makes with the 2 axis, and permits it to be demonstrated that within the limits between which that angle is supposed to vary, the aéroplane can, under certain conditions, make progress against the wind. To prove this is the aim of this paper. The exact value of z in terms of f is not given here, although it is possible to obtain it by a long series of calculations. It is simpler to use an approximate * Translated from “Le Travail Intérieur du Vent,” par M. 8S. P. Langley, Revue de v Aégro- nautique Theorique et Appliquée, pp. 58-68, Paris, 1893. 2 25 26 THE INTERNAL WORK OF THE WIND. value, as the variable @ is not one of the unknowns important in reaching the desired result. In order that the trajectory described by the aeroplane may be definite, the law of variation for the angle a between the aéroplane and the tangent of the trajectory must be stated, for it is really by varying this angle at will that a bird changes its course in the air. To realize the most favorable conditions, this angle should be diminished as the velocity increases, for instance it can be made to vary inversely as the square of the velocity; this voluntary change of orientation can be accomplished, more- over, without a perceptible expense of energy. horizontal Mg Fie. 4. It is probable that this law of variation which we have attributed to the angle a is not that which offers the most favorable conditions for flight, but if our object can be attained in this special case, the proof will hold @ fortéort under all more favorable circumstances. Suppose R is the resistance of the air pressing normally on the aeroplane at its center of gravity, p the radius of curvature of the trajectory, and ¢ the time (Fig. 4). The equations for the movement of the center of gravity are: (av Ri = an < sin & | at > Pens m 4 yi [ A — 9 cos f —= cos a Furthermore : F = oe , the minus sign indicating that the angle 6 decreases as the are s increases. The resistance of the air R = ° V* f(@); 6 being the density of the air, A the surface of the aeroplane, and f(@) a function of the angle a, experimentally determined. As the angle a varies inversely as the square of the velocity, we ' | | | THE INTERNAL WORK OF ‘THE WIND. Did, have a= wo e being a constant which can be so chosen that the angle a may haye any desired value. We will assign such a value to this constant that the angle a may always be small, making it possible to neglect all powers of a greater than unity and to assume (since /(@) should disappear when a=0) that : sin @ = « cosiai— 1 f(@) = ha h being a constant derived from experimental results. Substituting these values in the equations for the movement of the center of gravity, we have: dV iN) : bf f w= =—gsin f — — V*ha® v2 dp 6A Vee Se Va COs Gee oS [ D> V3? a, = 9 COs p mg ¥ ha . 6 c E 6 , i" YJ; i cos p — co VK? = = -@ arc sin ie SS) In this case: Ke : K cos 6 — g es, AVS ——————————— eS le 2gy =— V?+2 Ve 9 are sin ¢ San= 2) +C Since, considering the starting point of the aéroplane as the origin, the initial conditions are: y¥ = 0, V =V,, 6 = 4, the constant C is obtained from the equation: Kena K cos b —9 0=—V,;?+27,— eo ; are sin g cos b —K + Ce We have then, substituting this value for C: r ——_ [ are sin K cos 6 —g — are sin K cos b == (4) NU SP g cos B —K g cosb —K an equation which gives the vaiue of the ordinate y in terms of the angle £, the 2Qgy = V2 — V? velocity V being already known. When K = g, dp =a dp = dp 1 B gosB—K™~ g 1—(colp a 2 sin? 2 Foss and therefore: 2gy = — V? + 2c cotang B + Ce From initial conditions : 0 = — V,? -+ 2e¢ cotang 9 -+ Ce whence by substitution : 2oy = V,? — V? + 2e (cotans B. -— cotang °) (5) THE INTERNAL WORK OF THE WIND. 29 Finally, when K g in the numerical example, the ordinate y is obtained from formula (4) ; to find the ordinate at the point C we substitute 22.1607 for V and 0 for d in this formula and get: y, = —22.0908 m. From the same formula, by making V= 8.319 and = we get for the ordinate of the point B’: y, = — 2.74013 m., A being taken as the origin for these values. 3. From B’ to B the aéroplane is carried by its weight, which also retards its ascent ; for this stretch we have therefore: “Y — — g and hence V = Vy,— gt and Cte S= Vit — = gt* | At the point B, V =.0, and therefore gt = Vy. Substituting the value for ¢ from this equation in the equation for S we find that : 1 (8,319)? BB =S=— — = i S Ee = 3.52794 m. Correlating all the results thus far obtained, we have for the different vertical distances traversed : DESCENT ASCENT From A to A’ 5.097465 m. From C to B’ 19.35067 m. From A’ to C 22.0908 m. From B’ to B 3.52794 m. Total 27.188265 m. Total 22.87861 m. Thus the finishing point B is about 4.3 meters below the starting point A. A AV A’ Direction of the Wind Fia. 5. Fig. 6. Fig. 7. (We have not yet calculated the abscissa of the point B as it is not of great importance here. The time required by the aéroplane, however, in going from the point A to the point B is found by the method of approximation previously men- tioned to be about five seconds.) If we suppose now that an aéroplane falls into a calm atmosphere under the same conditions as in the preceding case, it will describe the same trajectory and we wll have as before: Vi— 0 Va=10 Vc =22.1067 Vertical distance from A to A’: 5.097465 m. Vertical distance from A’ to C: 22.0908 m. 54 THE INTERNAL WORK OF THE WIND. If a puff of wind, however, strikes the aéroplane when it has reached the point C the second part of the trajectory will evidently be modified ; the problem is now _to find to what height the aéroplane can ascend under these changed conditions, the velocity of the wind being twelve meters per second for example. We have seen that the same equations are applicable when the air is in motion, provided that the codrdinate axes follow the displacement, for in such a case the air is at rest in reference to the codrdinate axes. The trajectory ob- tained under these conditions will not be the trajectory relative to the earth, but that relative to the moving air. This offers no difficulties, however, as the diree- tion of the wind is horizontal and therefore only the abscissee are changed when we pass from the apparent trajectory to the actual one or vice versa. In this case, as in the preceding, it is necessary to find the position of the point where the tangent is vertical (Hig. 6). Let CE be the trajectory relative to the moving air, and C D’ the trajectory with reference to the earth. To find the ordinate of the point D’ where the tan- gent is vertical it is only necessary to know that of the corresponding point E on the other trajectory. The velocity at C relative to the earth has been found to be 22.1607 m. This velocity, however, corresponds to the curve CD’; the velocity at C on the curve CE, that is to say, the velocity at C of the aéroplane compared to the air, is equal to 22.1607 + 12., or 34.1607 m. In general, if we consider two points m and v situated at the same altitude, the horizontal component of the velocity at m is equal to the horizontal component of the velocity at plus the velocity of the wind. As this horizontal component is zero at D’, that at E should be equal to the velocity of the wind. Thus, to define the position of the point E on the curve CE we have the condition Wicosye — 12, Working tentatively with equation (3) we find, after having substituted in it the initial conditions V, = 34.1607 and 6=0 (C being now considered as the origin), that when 6= 55° 1’, V,= 20.9311 m. and consequently: V cos 6= 12.0006 m.! Knowing the velocity at E, formula (4) gives us the ordinate of this point ; we find in this way that: y, = 35.594 m. This ordinate is also that of the point D’. 1'These values were cbtained by giving ¢ the same value as before : ¢=7.808. In reality, be- tween A’ and K, that is to say in the interval where this value of ¢ was used, the minimum Pee , ; : c 7.808 velocity is at A’, where V=10; therefore the maximum value for a = >> = “007 = 4° 30! approximately, Thus in no case does the angle a reach 7 degrees, THE INTERNAL WORK OF THE WIND. 5 or Let us now suppose that the wind ceases when the aéroplane reaches the point D’ (Fig. 7). The aéroplane will then find itself in a calm atmosphere and possessed of a vertical velocity equal to: V,sin 6 = 20.9311 xX sin (55° 1’) = 17.1493 m. If the aGroplane is now oriented in a vertical direction so as to eliminate air resistance, this velocity of 17.1493 m. will enable it to cover in its ascent a space DD’ = 14.9916 m. We have, therefore, for the different vertical distances traversed: DESCENT ASCENT From A to A’ 5.097465 m. From C to D’ 35.594 m. From A’ to C 22.0908 mm. From D' to D 14.9916 m. Total 27.188265 m. Total 50.5856 m. Thus the finishing point D is found to be about 23.40 meters above the start- ing point A; furthermore, although we have not calculated a, it is certain that the aéroplane has made progress against the wind, since the point D’ is to the left of C which is itself to the left of the starting point A. In reality, from C to E the horizontal component of the velocity is greater than the velocity of the wind; the aéroplane therefore gains the distance from C to D’ with reference to the earth since, as we have seen, the velocity of the aéroplane relative to the earth is equal to the velocity relative to the air minus the velocity of the wind. Finally, since its velocity at D is zero, the aéroplane is again in the same _posi- tion as at the start; it can therefore repeat the same maneuvers and proceed indefinitely by a series of bounds, provided of course, that the puffs of wind succeed each other in regular order. eee ea pee eo Cee ey eee oe wh One es On NA ws) 47 |. F >) -_=, a *Inoy Jad sayIUI UI SaTzIDOTAA PULA, = S2}VUIPIO ‘OWI, = wssiosqy "suoINfOAsT Sz K19A9 DulIa}stHa1 I9JaWOWsUL UOSUIqOY v YM AIO}vAIASqG AuaysalTy oy) 4v ‘Aggr ‘or Atn{ papsooar SOTIOOTAA PUTAA mor ul woe ul wO2 yl wOl yl uO yl u0S yO wor yO IT aLvid 18 16 Wind, S.S.E.; Weather, cloudy. R R Rh PLATE II. 14 42 a I b 106 : \ J aaa 34m \em. 357 ag{™ am 38m 39 40™ 41™ 42m 18 E — : _ es — = 16 : - 4 {_ l4 — - : 12 I \ P M | 10 Y y a! . | h4e™ PM 43™ \/ 44™ 45™ 46” 4a7™ 4gm 49m 50™ 18 = — pe 12 \ H 4 10 | \ 8 — i: 2 ! H == ay —s ie ; 1"So™Pm Sie 52m 53™ 54m som s6™ 57™ ben. Wind velocities recorded January 14, 1893, at the Smithsonian Institution with a light Robinson anemometer (paper cups) registering every revolution, Abscisse = Time. Ordinates = Wind velocities in miles per hour. PLATE IIt ' jzhio" PM u™ iz” 13” 14” 15” 16™ 17™ 18” 19” 20" Wind velocities recorded February 4, 1893, at the Smithsonian Institution with a light Robinson anemometer (paper cups) registering every revolution. Abscisse = Time. Ordinates = Wind velocities in miles per hour. PLATE Iv, sree fea WIND : NORTHWEST. _| 7) 12"z0™ z1™ 2e™ 23™ ea™ 25™ 26” 27" 28™ 2s” 30” Wind velocities recorded February 4, 1893, at the Smithsonian Institution with a light Robinson anemometer (paper cups) registering every revolution. Abscisse = Time. Ordinates = Wind velocities in miles per hour. PLATE V | | WIND. NORTHWEST Wind velocities observed at Smithsonian Institution February 20, 1893, with a Robinson anemometer (aluminum cups) registering every five revolutions. Abscisse = Time, Ordinates = Wind velocities in miles per hour. H SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO KNOWLEDGE VOLUME 27. NUMBER 3 Part I. 1887 To 1896 BY ~ SAMUEL PIERPONT LANGLEY EDITED BY CHARLES M. MANLY ah Part IL. 1897 TO 1903 BY CHARLES M. MAN Ng Assistant in Charge of Experiments 5 (PUBLICATION 1948) CITY OF WASHINGTON PUBLISHED BY THE SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION 1911 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO KNOWLEDGE VOLUME 27. NUMBER 3 LANGLEY Memoir ON MECHANICAL FLIGHT Part I. 1887 To 1896 BY SAMUEL PIERPONT LANGLEY EDITED BY CHARLES M. MANLY Part II. 1897 To 1903 BY CHARLES M. MANLY Assistant in Charge of Experiments A. ouan lasting S 239267 MAY 20 1914 / . ae Office LipratL- (PUBLICATION 1948) CITY OF WASHINGTON PUBLISHED BY THE SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION 1911 Commission to whom this Memoir has been referred: Orro Hinearp Tirrman, GEORGE OWEN Squier, Apert Francis ZAHM. The Lord Baltimore Press BALTIMORE, MD., U. 8. A. SS. 2a ADVERTISEMENT The present work, entitled ‘‘ Langley Memoir on Mechanical Flight,’’ as planned by the late Secretary Samuel Pierpont Langley, follows his publications on ‘‘ Experiments in Aerodynamics ’’ and ‘‘ The Internal Work of the Wind ”’ printed in 1891 and 1893, respectively, as parts of Volume 27 of the Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge. This Memoir was in preparation at the time of Mr. Langley’s death in 1906, and Part I, recording experiments from 1887 to 1896, was written by him. Part II, on experiments from 1897 to 1903, has been written by Mr. Charles M. Manly, who became Mr. Langley’s Chief Assistant in June, 1898. The sources of infor- mation for this Part were the original carefully recorded accounts of the experi- ments described, It is expected later to publish a third part of the present memoir, to consist largely of the extensive technical data of tests of the working of various types of curved surfaces, propellers, and other apparatus. It is of interest here to note that experiments with the Langley type of aero- drome * did not actually cease in December, 1903, when he made his last trial with the man-carrying machine, but as recently as August 6, 1907, a French aviator made a flight of nearly 500 feet with an aerodrome of essentially the same design. (See Appendix.) In accordance with the established custom of referring to experts in the subject treated, all manuscripts intended for publication in the Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge, this work was examined and recommended by a Commission consisting of Mr. O. H. Tittman, Superintendent of the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey, who witnessed some of the field trials, George O. Squier, Ph. D. (Johns Hopkins), Major, Signal Corps, U. S. Army, and Albert Francis Zahm, Ph. D., of Washington City. Cartes D. Watcort, Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution. 1The name “aerodrome” was given by Secretary Langley to the flying machine in 1893, from depodpouéw (to traverse the air) and depodpéyoc air runner.—Internal Work of the Wind, p. 5. are PREFACE The present volume on Mechanical Flight consists, as the title-page indi- cates, of two parts. The first, dealing with the long and notable series of early experiments with small models, was written almost entirely by Secretary Lang- ley with the assistance of Mr. E. C. Huffaker and Mr. G. L. Fowler in 1897. Such chapters as were not complete have been finished by the writer and are easily noted as they are written in the third person. It has been subjected only to such revision as it would have received had Mr. Langley lived to supervise this pub- lication, and has therefore the highest value as an historical record. The com- position of the second part, dealing with the later experiments with the original and also new models and the construction of the larger aerodrome, has neces- sarily devolved upon me. This is in entire accordance with the plan formed by Mr. Langley when I began to work with him in 1898, but it is to me a matter of sincere regret that the manuscript in its final form has not had the advantage of his criticism and suggestions. If the reader should feel that any of the descrip- tions or statements in this part of the volume leave something to be desired in fullness of detail, it is hoped that some allowance may be made for the fact that it has been written in the scanty and scattered moments that could be snatched from work in other lines which made heavy demands upon the writer’s time and strength. It is believed, however, that sufficient data are given to enable any competent engineer to understand thoroughly even the most complicated phases of the work. Persons who care only for the accomplished fact may be inclined to under- rate the interest and value of this record. But even they may be reminded that but for such patient and unremitting devotion as is here enregistered, the now accomplished fact of mechanical flight would still remain the wild unrealized dream which it was for so many centuries. To such men as Mr. Langley an unsuccessful experiment is not a failure but a means of instruction, a necessary and often an invaluable stepping-stone to the desired end. The trials of the large aerodrome in the autumn of 1903, to which the curiosity of the public and the sensationalism of the newspapers gave a char- acter of finality never desired by Mr. Langley, were to him merely members of a long series of experiments, as much so as any trial of one of the small aero- dromes or even of one of the earliest rubber-driven models. Had his health and strength been spared, he would have gone on with his experiments undiscouraged by these accidents in launching and undeterred by criticism and misunder- standing. VI ’ PREFACE Moreover, it is to be borne in mind that Mr. Langley’s contribution to the solution of the problem is not to be measured solely by what he himself accom- plished, important as that is. He began his investigations at a time when not only the general public but even the most progressive men of science thought of mechanical flight only as a subject for ridicule, and both by his epoch-making investigations in aerodynamics and by his own devotion to the subject of flight itself he helped to transform into a field of scientific inquiry what had before been almost entirely in the possession of visionaries. The original plans for this publication provided for a third part covering the experimental data obtained in tests of curved surfaces and propellers. Ow- ing to the pressure of other matters on the writer, the preparation of this third part is not yet complete and is reserved for later publication. Crarues M. Manuy. New York City. CHAPTER Lp 15 Ill. \WAle VEE VIII. IX. II. IIL. CONTENTS PART | BFTEPOGUCLOT Van yore avn a oie = 6s) cr aig) o poakel © sigtptela ict cpeemyapecenotal Malelioraesay sfeofeevareha claliarstet fy boc ocr IPG ITN Oe Ripe ne DEAR One coe Me AGO Gren Rr noc tiaomed Oond ote coOto gat ers on Om Oe Experiments with small models... 2.2... 0... cee c een e eee eect meee ese rees Abpreviahions and symbols: CMpPlOyed nas csc cerelaircelareteie slat clsiefeielsievele ile etelels)olelelars « Experiments with Aerodromes Nos. 30 and 31..................-- Karine vars EST APU ETE STO] KOT Oke ait ch ERNE) SEE ERIE SEL ch NSO CRIES 2c) LUCAS LER PEA NO CTO Oc Tndis rubber sci noc ci. 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Hee breE Comey ee Noe pAOU ORO e Ut DOC dhovlop a sUonpasooLapuscino gcb~0 coor Pateraleand Noneivudinalnetabilloyes aie cnc veveherennsierejelsimiels une sis —- A GY OUEOMIC VIN OSE Disrsisaar eyolecvela aire (aiavstelcleveyei aie olwlaPeieyey eters! «alate ehalatsreralelelal= lakers miele LHe WI —ACTOULOME PNOvs Om sieterciieie cis miele oveie ole) ere) ai ends) «) «) arefot erate io ores ala ele uchelobm se imiake wists) TUTeMAS——ACTOULOIME = INOr: Osyerucisrasieretevs aie coclaneye me oeroveyavereale ose\ole intake chert steiersie se! stsie/elszalayore Meo 1—— ACTOULODI OLN Os Dieters (ear aler= cegetet aol ekeseve ele (9) ehclle fore once ollateoce! oferer efalinve, sua te’m\cluile «siete PUdem ss -—ACTOMLOM CLIN Os Or i srmeietetiacete circ Cerareve se raleyeldis ia) eue ers fey afel co Pa) of sfeliula) fears yas ieiorneioinss Bar liyanl ont OmeeDUd byes Sates care eedoterd ore favre al learns aye cs Feveray ciiete! -y stele st = etelevelsloraletatene aie) Stetistshetel o\sh-i-7asfal= pulyedile tow yat4—-AGrOdROME! INO: Byer ciisis oie apcie ole, «10h at e)alavayeyntalenelsi ate lalay'ais ec) 0/=1=/o\=/= MashvatO—aerOdrOMe nw NOs opti ote. crore erate leis. 6)>se, bie ale shots! e eteiaisie) shel a)ele nfelloteliclote/~//siel=saie) <0" diaiky Drsnenyaloveats: INP, Ga aman pon nicuisc amemao cin gniob Coda DLO CUD apomac cmb mom Shccc RITE ysaS—— AEN OC TONIC MNO! Gi--e ciete) «fee cal nse lw iniinevoheheintaie aia late a ovtala coils/e\arnbelersyatedaiare(=i[s)slefonsiar= NUL YIN I — ACL OME GONIOMN Ost Distera ear wiates alevieiav-1ck-inlsiclafere) fein: olelatnseiv¥el isl oipiels =1ale(s\eiei+)sXele)+ teirl= PANES wel-—F CNOUT OIE NOs. Dye< aistojaisinis cl siayshaicielslels/olo/e[sfelsis)slels/aiolaleln clei fefeieieieeivie se) sins August 3—aerodrome No. 5...... Risietorciateryievatereieietel ste elarererelereleisislefelela/vietere/thelwie/olale/alvisls 123 128 133 135 135 137 139 140 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 vu CONTENTS PART II—Continued CHAPTER PAGE IV. House-boat and launching apparatus...........-.. eee eee ee eee etter eet e eee Sevatsarerae 156 V. Construction of frame of large aerodrome...........-..---ee cece etree eee eens esees 164 TrAaNSVerse MIAME! <.cccvevaicfoe = cvelels ole selel ope iescieetel ots wl deleted) Levee) olats)aleketsiataieleyalolelalni=ialesiei 174 Propellers) vor er aucrs cise wickstesovonapetar este ofeVolepe hehehene ogeliarel (eve rinkekee=tnte aleketalel fot exe pated eels PS ath TC) een E OD ee OOO soto Onno dob Conor oUdErt=dca5OUOg Abin conse LO 185 VI. Construction of supporting surfaces...... 2.2... -- eee eee eee ee ce ete e ee tec e ee tn ees 188 VII. Equilibrium and control. ..........00000+ ccc cee eee c ese ener ne nese ene ewecenencre 207 VIII. The experimental engine...........2.25- cece eee eee cere e eter cnnncens 218 IX. The quarter-size model aerodrome.........---..2+-- ss eeee reece eet eset eet teens 226 X. Construction and tests of the large engine....-...-...- see eee eee et eee teen renee eee 234 XI. Shop tests of the aerodrome........-2.-- 1-1 ee eee nee ee eet tet e nee tees esees 251 MT. Wield! trials: tin 190 8%... «ocx cccieveseveberelovesetotete obotele ene epere fel eievetebe eeVokel= tele \-latntndasaele lola letedalnialetieintate 255 Statement made by Mr. Manly to associated press .....----++++-ee-eeeeeeeeeeees 266 Report of War Department, January, 1904 .......-..---2- sees eee ee eect eee sees 276 Langley aerodrome, Official Report of Board of Ordnance, October, 1904........... 278 Statement ‘to. the! Pressivec- «sme vie cers ce craletoleinre ctels ote tinue (nYasie io Cayale) =| afe fale tetahetny latetetalatarere 280 Present) status Of the worker cereal ote eile ake etcteiele eiete teltelotele re tet a oke tote T= =Foteele acim eebae ic Rats ieas 281 Blériot Machine of 1907 on Langley type ...........------ eee e eee eee eeee Sitimaheta oie 283 Appendix. Study of American Buzzard and “John Crow Da icleyere ne teas oe ee Be aisle eeiere 285 TNStructions! CO. ASSISUANUS eerie ereleseetetelets ete eietole cates lete = palcsle ele tetera tan teu ataxia arena 294 Datasheets satis a\ cvctecsraere caceteerarl teed etre etcetera otal ae ee cee ta eae stellate Ye tele oe te 297 End exrrertacicteceit: ee ee ee ERAT OR TAD UT CIDA OM OCCUR KC SOMOS OaA GO OS A aenoneconens 309 LIST OF PLATES PLATE PAGE 1. Rubber-motor model aerodromes Nos. 11, 13, 14, 15, 26, 30, 31...................-.....-. 16 PRET DEL UOLOLe MOU. AeTOUTOMES) INOSie du, LS od csc ecslatorepeeteretene¥ere cutenae ieyeteiedetalerei sieve stots) s)els 16 oe Rubber-motor model aerodromes NOs: 15) 24. ci cies wale mv nieieiel vices elercivie/elcucinicinlcwwfale lb vie = of 16 Ae HELM OLOLEMOC Sl ACLOUTOMOe NOs 12 Olstelareletaie cle le) efticliclerehel oleic) kelitieie aie ele slat onc ei efeieraleitelaictscielele 16 Pee Lu beL-pullmmOCels ACT OCLOME aiytaretsre acta ol chats alle lsymtcpelele/elehanohaciielotepshelatelalerohei at -calalehet etal shea sie)! xtelia)/= 24 LUD DEL-DUllemOG Ol ACLOOTOMNIG sc.) ciacs.crncyele afereio/auctoleleiot=afer eoheiatalstebelol olatche late ieletarefete t= etatanaa/e) elalenol 24 TEER DNEL-DUll MOTE TACKOOLOMIC sa) cies se ait. = viele intele cierelotclelele clerolefolninteralie’e sfelaleleYele|orelol>|-j” yvefers to a state of rest. GC Ue ‘6m’ refers to a state of motion. “‘4’’ represents the total area of the supporting surface; ‘‘ a ’’ represents the total area of the tail; HP represents the horse-power by Prony brake measure- ment. ‘‘ Horse-power by formula ’’ is given by Maxim’s formula: * HP= rev. x diam. of ES aL: oe (This formula was not in use at the time of the rubber-motor experiments, for which the thrust was not taken. It appears to assume that the conditions where the screws from a fixed position move amass of still air, are the same as those of free flight. Its results, however, are in better agreement with experiment than might be anticipated.) “‘ Flying-weight ’? means everything borne in actual flight, including fuel and water. ™The aerodrome is sustained by the upward pressure of the air, which must be replaceable by the resultant pressure at some particular point, designated by CP. *See Century Magazine, October, 1891. 16 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO KNOWLEDGE voL. 27 EXPERIMENTS witH Axrropromes Nos. 30 anp 31. Remembering that the principal object of all these experiments is to be able to predict that setting of the wings and tail with reference to the center of gravity which will secure horizontal flight, we must understand that in the fol- lowing tables (see No. 30) the figures CPn=1516.5 em. mean a prediction that the center of pressure of the sustaining surfaces in motion (CP) is to be found in a certain position 1516.5; that is, 16.5 em. in advance of the line joining the propeller shafts. This prediction has been made by means of previous calcula- tion joined with previous experimental adjustment. We know in a rough way where the CP will fall on the wings when they are exposed independently if flat, and at a certain angle, and where it will fall on the tail. From these, we can find where the resulting CP of the whole sustaining surface will be. It would seem that when we have obtained the center of gravity by a simple experiment, we have only to slide the wings or tail forward and back until the (calenlated) center of pressure falls over this observed center of gravity. But in the very act of so adjusting the wings and tail, the center of gravity is itself altered, and the operation has to be several times repeated in order to get the two values (the center of pressure and center of gravity) as near each other as they are found in the above-mentioned table, our object being to predict the posi- tion which will make the actual flight itself horizontal. How far this result has been obtained, experiment in actual flight alone can show, and from a comparison of the prediction with the results of observation, we endeavor to improve the formula. The difficulties of these long-continued early experiments were enhanced by the ever-present difficulty which continued through later ones, that it was almost impossible to build the model light enough to enable it to fly, and at the same time strong enough to withstand the strains which flight imposed upon it. The models were broken up by their falls after a few flights, and had to be continu- ally renewed, while owing to the slightness of their construction, the conditions of observation could not be exactly repeated; and these flights themselves, as has already been stated, were so brief in time (usually less than six seconds), so limited in extent (usually less than twenty metres), and so wholly capricious and erratic, owing to the nature of the rubber motor and other causes, that very many experiments were insufficient to eliminate these causes of mal-observation. It is not necessary to take the reader through many of them, but not to pass over altogether a labor which was so great in proportion to the results, but whose results, such as they were, were the foundation of all after knowledge, I will, as illustrations, take from an almost unlimited mass of such material the observa- tions of November 20, 1891, which were conducted with Model No. 30 with a single pair of wings, shown in Plate 1, and with another one, No. 31, also shown SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO KNOWLEDGE VOL. 27, NO. 3, PL. 1 RUBBER-MOTOR MODEL AERODROMES NOS. 11, 13, 14, 15, 26, 30, 31 bo *, ina) > = [ 7 i : if } x & a o f A “- f) : a ‘3 ase ‘ ae ® SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO KNOWLEDGE RUBBER-MOTOR MODEL AERODROMES NOS. 11, 13, 14 SMITHSONIAN -ONTRIBUTIONS TO KNOWLEDGE VOL. 27, NO. 3. PL. 32 NO, 15 RUBBER-MOTOR MODEL AERODROMES NOS. 15, 24 Ui 7 be “0 nm 9 “ a r * nai en 7 ‘ = - an BS p ts. me dae |. \ t f i SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO KNOWLEDGE VOL. 27, NO. 3 RUBBER-MOTOR MODEL AERODROME NO. 7 No. 3 LANGLEY MEMOIR ON MECHANICAL FLIGHT 17 ] } OBSERVATION OF NOVEMBER 20, 1891. OpserRveER, 8. P. L. Locauity, Upper HALL, SMITHSONIAN BUILDING. No. 30. No. 31. Single wings. Superposed wings. IME. Boca gdolo HDC DR ORCODR OOOO CORES: Deres 1516.5 em, (er) ohiaer smoomn ee sreleistolnteletsleteherereicrsiereni 1515 em. 1517 em. (OU. oh AOd ODS OC AH OO SOOO DER TELE oe | 1528 em. Q Lengthi(without fender)... 20. .....02 22.06 120 cm. = 3.94 ft. 120 cm. = 8.94 ft. WiAdEI@ MOR WN SEL PR iarcaraie.0.5, «cue a1, -orcie scene | 120 cm. = 3.94 ft. 120 cm. = 3.94 ft. ; Weight of rubber (72 grammes in each tube)..) 144 gr. = 0.32 Ibs, 144 gr. = 0.32 lbs. Total flying weight (including tail) ......... 432 gr. = 0.95 lbs. 506 gr. = 1.11 lbs. TARHSTES GO Bricig (oS 6 POO De RCO Sear |} 380 30 Diameteviof propellers’... s/.. cms ee ene 37 cm. = 1.21 ft. 37em. = |.21 ft. Wikel UeOLHDNODENLENS pera crajereyciale isis, spe oe acces ers | i em. = 0.23 ft. 7em. = 0.23 ft. LEC Ni@hs PLO pe MeKs tate lvaicicivcisicfa's sivls= i253 50 cm. = 1.64 ft. 50 cm. = 1.64 ft. “ 2 ; onesie f Each pair 1954 sq. cm. = 2,13 sq. ft. Area of wings (each 992 1984 = 2.13 sq. ft. LTotal 3968 « Sloge LATOR: OLD eg ged Sod COD BORO OUCOOOU eres 3873 CU = 0.40 573 sq. cm. = 0.40 sq. ft. Area of wings and tail in No. 30, 2357 = 2.53 sq. ft. 2.53 sq.ft. + .95 = 2.7. Therefore, there are 2.7 or nearly 3 square feet of sustaining area to the pound. Results. Flight. | Aerodrome. 1 | No. 30 2 No. 30 3 No. 31 4 No. 31 5 No. 31 6 No, 31 if No, 30 8 No. 30 9 No. 30 10 No. 30 11 No. 30 12 | No. 30 With 30 turns of the rubber, flew low through 10 metres. Flew heavily through 12 metres, Flew high and turned to left; distance not noted. The right wing having been weighted (to depress it and correct the tendency to turn fo the left), model flew high, but the rubber ran down when it had obtained a flight of 10 metres. The wings were moved backward untilthe CP stood at 1493. The model still turned to the left: flight lasted three and a-haif seconds; distance not noted. Vertical tail was adjusted so as to further increase the tendency to go to the right. In spite of all this, the model turned sharply to the left, flying with a nearly horizontal motion; time of flight not noted; distance not noted. Straight horizontal flight; time three and three-fifths seconds, when rubber ran down; distance 15 metres, Straight flight as before; time two and four-fifths seconds; distance 13 metres. With a curved wing in the same position as the flat wing had previously occupied, mode! flew up and struck the ceiling (nearly 30 feet high), turning to right, with a flight whose curtate length was 10 metres. Wing having been carried back 5 centimetres, model still flew up, but not so high, and still turned to the right. Wings carried back 5 centimetres more; model still flew high; time two and two-fifths seconds; distance 13 metres. Wings carried back 4 centimetres more; model still flew high during a flight of 13 metres. The observations now ceased, owing to the breaking up of the model. we 18 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO KNOWLEDGE VOL. 27 in Plate 1, with superposed wings, which was used for the purpose of compari- son. S. P. Langley was the observer, the place of observation the larger upper hall of the Smithsonian building, at Washington, the time being taken by a stop- watch, and the distance by a scale laid down upon the floor. The models were in every case held by an assistant and launched by hand, being thrown off with a slight initial velocity. In the case of No. 30, the preliminary calculation of the position of the center of pressure had been made by the process already de- scribed; the center of gravity, with reference to the horizontal plane, was deter- mined by simply suspending the whole by a cord. The objects of these experiments, as of every other, were to find the practi- cal conditions of equilibrium and of horizontal flight, and to compare the caleu- lated with the observed positions of the center of pressure. They enable us to make a comparison of the performances given by earlier ones with a light rub- ber motor, with the relatively heavy motors used to-day, as well as a comparison of single flat, single curved, and superposed flat wings. The average time of the running down of the rubber in flight was something like three seconds, while the average time of its running down when standing still was but one and a half seconds. It might have been expected from theory that it would take longer to run down when stationary, than in flight, and this was one of the many anomalies observed, whose explanation was found later in the inevitable defects of such apparatus. The immediate inferences from the day’s work were: 1. That the calculated position of the CP at rest, as related to the CG, is trustworthy only in the case of the plane wing. 2. The formula altogether failed with the curved wing, for which the CP had to be carried indefinitely further backward. On comparing the previous flights of November 14, with these, it seems that with the old rubber motor of 35 grammes and 50 turns, the single wing, either plane or curved, is altogether inferior to the double wing; while with the in- creased motor power of this day, the single wing, whether plane or curved, seems to be as good as the double wing. It also seems that the curved wing was rather more efficient than the plane one. The weight of the rubber in each tube was 72 grammes, or 0.16 pounds ; mean speed of flight in horizontal distance 4} metres (about 15 feet) per second.* From experiments already referred to, there were found available 300 foot- pounds of energy in a pound of rubber as employed, and in 0.16 of a pound, 48 8 : foot-pounds of energy were used; 300 or 0.00145=the horse-power exerted in Oe , ° Subsequent observations indicate that the maximum velocity of horizontal flight must have been about 10 metres per second. = Kim No. 3 LANGLEY MEMOIR ON MECHANICAL FLIGHT 19 one minute, but as the power was in fact expended in 1/20 of that time we have 20 x 0.00145=0.029; that is, during the brief flight, about 0.03 of a horse-power was exerted, and this sustained a total weight of only about a pound. In comparing this flight with the ideal conditions of horizontal flight in ‘‘Ae- ”? it will be remembered that this model’s flight was so irregular and rodynamics, so far from horizontal, that in one case it flew up and struck the lofty ceiling. The angle with the horizon is, of course, so variable as to be practically un- known, and therefore no direct comparison can be instituted with the data given on page 107 of ‘‘ Experiments in Aerodynamics,’’ but we find from these that at the lowest speed there given of about 35 feet per second, 0.03 of a horse-power exerted for three seconds would carry nearly one pound through a distance of somewhat over 100 feet in horizontal flight. The number of turns of the propellers multiplied by the pitch corresponds to a flight of about 16 metres, while the mean actual flight was about 12. It is probable, however, that there was really more slip than this part of the obser- vation would indicate. It was also observed that there seemed to be very little additional compensatory gain in the steering of No. 30 for the weight of the long rudder-tail it carried. It may be remarked that in subsequent observations the superiority of the curved wing in lifting power was confirmed, though it was found more liable to accident than the flatter one, tending to turn the model over unless it was very carefully adjusted. It may also be observed that these and subsequent observations show, as might have been anticipated, that as the motor power increased, the necessary wing surface diminished, but that it was in general an easier and more efficient employment of power to carry a surface of four feet sustaining area to the pound than one of three, while one of two feet to the pound was nearly the limit that could be used with the rubber motor.’® It may be remarked that the flights this day, reckoned in horizontal dis- tance, were exceptionally short, but that the best flights at other times obtained with these models (30 and 31) did not exceed 25 metres. Such observations were continued in hundreds of trials, without any much more conclusive results. ” Observers following de Lucy have long since called attention to the fact that as the scale of Nature's flying things increases, the size of the sustaining surfaces diminishes relatively to the weight EE is sur- 8 weight prisingly constant when bats varying in weight as much as 250 times are the subject of experiment, and later observations by Marey have not materially affected the statement. As to the muscular power which Nature has imparted with the greater or lesser weight, this varies, decreasing very rapidly as the weight increases. The same remark may be made, apparently with at least approximate truth, with regard to the soaring bird, and the important inference is that if there be any analogy between the bird and the aerodrome, as the scale of the construction of the latter increases, it may be reason- ably anticipated that the size of the sustaining surfaces will relatively diminish rather than increase. We may conveniently use M. Harting's formula in the form a=n?wi= ¥ where a=area in sq. cm., w the weight in grammes, 7 the length of the wing in cm., n and m constants derived from observation. sustained. M. Harting (Aeronautical Society, 1870) has shown that the relation 20 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS LO KNOWLEDGE vou. 27 The final results, then, of the observations with rubber-driven models (which were commenced as early as 1887, continued actively through the greater por- tion of the year 1891 and resumed, as will be seen later, even as late as 1895), were not such as to give information proportioned to their trouble and cost, and it was decided to commence experiments with a steam-driven aerodrome on a large scale. CHAPTER III AVAILABLE MOTORS In the introductory chapter to ‘‘ Experiments in Aerodynamics,”’ it was asserted that *“ These researches have led to the result that mechanical sustentation of heavy bodies in the air, combined with very great speeds, is not only possible, but within the reach of mechanical means we actually possess.”’ It was, however, necessary to make a proper selection in order to secure that source of power which is best adapted to the requirements of mechanical flight. Pénaud had used india rubber as the cheapest and at the same time the most available motor for the toys with which he was experimenting, but when models were constructed that were heavier than anything made prior to 1887, it appeared, after the exhaustive trials with rubber referred to in the preceding chapter, that something which could give longer and steadier flights must be used as a motor, even for the preliminary trials, and the construction of the large steam-driven model known as No. 0, and elsewhere described, was begun. Kven before the completion of this, the probability of its failure grew so strong that experiments were commenced with other motors, which it was hoped might be consistent with a lighter construction. These experiments which commenced in the spring of 1892 and continued for nearly a twelvemonth, were made upon the use of compressed air, carbonic- acid gas, electricity in primary and storage batteries, and numerous other con- trivances, with the result that the steam engine was finally returned to, as be- ing the only one that gave any promise of immediate success in supporting a machine which would teach the conditions of flight by actual trial, though it may be added that the gas engine which was not tried at this time on account of engineering difficulties, was regarded from the first as being the best in theory and likely to be ultimately resorted to. All others were fundamentally too heavy, and weight was always the greatest enemy. It is the purpose of this chapter to pass in brief review the work that was done and the amount of energy that was obtained with these several types of motors, as well as the obstacles which they presented to practical application upon working aerodromes. Inp1a Russer India rubber is the source of power to which the designer of a working model naturally turns, where it is desirable that it shall be, above all, light and free from the necessity of using complicated mechanism. Rubber motors were, 21 22 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO KNOWLEDGE vob. 27 therefore, used on all of the earlier models, and served as the basis of calcula- tions made to determine the amount of power that would be required to propel aerodromes with other sources of energy. Some of the disadvantages inherent in the use of rubber are at once appar- ent, such as the limited time during which its action is available, the small total amount of power, and the variability in the amount of power put forth im a unit of time between the moment of release and the exhaustion of the power. In addition, serious, though less obvious difficulties, present themselves in practice. There are two ways in which rubber can be used; one by twisting a hank of strands, and, while one end is held fast, allowing the other to revolve; the other, by a direct longitudinal stretching of the rubber, one end being held fast and the other attached to the moving parts of the mechanism. The former method was adopted by Pénaud, and was also used in all of my early constructions, but while it is most convenient and simple in its (theoretical) application, it has, in addi- tion to the above drawbacks, that of knotting or kinking, when wound too many turns, in such a way as to cause friction on any containing tube not made im- practicably large, and also that of unwinding so irregularly as to make the result of one experiment useless for comparison with another. In 1895, some experiments were made in which the latter method was used, but this was found to involve an almost impracticable weight, because of the frame (which must be strong enough to withstand the end pull of the rubber) and the mechanism needed to convert the pull into a movement of rotation, As the power put forth in a unit of time varies, so there is a correspond- ing variation according to the original tension to which the rubber is subjected. Thus in some experiments made in 1889 with a six-bladed propeller 18.8 inches in diameter, driven by a rubber spring 1.3 inches wide, 0.12 inch thick and 3 feet long, doubled, and weighing 0.38 pound, the following results were obtained: Number of twists of rubber........ 59 75 100 Time required to run down......... 7 sec. 10 sec. 12 sec. Foot-pounds developed ..........-. 37.5 63.0 124.6 Foot-pounds developed per min..... 321.4 378.0 623.0 Horse-power developed ...........- 0.0097 0.0115 0.0189 Thus we see that, with twice the number of turns, more than three times the ’ amount of work was done and almost twice the amount of power developed, giv- ine as a maximum for this particular instance 328 foot-pounds per pound of rubber. The usual method of employing the twisted rubber was to use a number of fine strands formed into a hank looped at each end. One of these hanks, con- b sisting of 162 single or 81 double strands of rubber, and weighing 73 grammes ? S z : ’ when given 51 turns developed 55 foot-pounds of work, which was put out in 4 seconds. This corresponds to 0.01 horse-power per minute for one pound of rubber. —— = = gay el, ee No. 3 LANGLEY MEMOIR ON MECHANICAL FLIGHT a0 The results of a large number of tests show that one pound of twisted rub- ber can put forth from 450 to 500 or more foot-pounds of work, but at the cost of an overstrain, and that a safe working factor can hardly be taken at higher ? of the rubber, which than 300 foot-pounds, if we are to avoid the ‘‘ fatigue ’ otherwise becomes as marked as that of a human muscle. While twisting is an exceedingly convenient form of application of the re- silience of rubber to the turning of propelling wheels, the direct stretch is, as has been remarked, much more efficient in foot-pounds of energy developed by the same weight of rubber. It was found that rubber could not, without undue ‘< fatigue,’’ be stretched to more than four and a half times its original length, though experiments were made to determine the amount of work that a rubber band, weighing one pound, was capable of doing, the stretching being carried to seven times its original length. The results varied with the rubber used and the conditions of temperature under which the experiments were tried, ranging from 1543 foot-pounds to 2600 foot-pounds. The tests led to the conclusion that, for average working, one pound of rubber so stretched, is capable of doing 2000 foot-pounds of work, but, owing to the weight of the supporting frame and of the mechanism, this result can be obtained only under conditions impracticable for a flying machine. In the more practicable twisted form it furnishes, as has been said, less than a fifth of that amount. The conclusions reached from these experiments are: 1. The length of the unstretched rubber remaining the same, the sustaining power will be directiy proportional to the weight of rubber; 2. With a given weight of rubber, the end strain is inversely proportional to the length of the unstretched rubber ; 3. With a given weight of rubber, the work done is constant, whatever the form; hence if we let w=the work in foot-pounds, g=the weight of the rubber in pounds, and k=a constant taken at 2000 as given above, we have w=kg=2000 g foot-pounds. This is for an extension of seven units of length, so that for a unit of extension we would have approximately w=300 g foot-pounds which for four units of extension corresponds very closely to the 1300 foot-pounds which Pénaud claims to have obtained. 4. The end strain varies with the cross-section for a given unit of extension. These results can lead to but one conclusion; that for the development of the same amount of power when that amount shall be 1 horse-power or more, rub- ber weighs enormously more than a steam engine, besides being less reliable 24 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO KNOWLEDGE VoL. 27 for a sustained effort, and, therefore, cannot be used for propelling aerodromes intended for a flight that is to be prolonged beyond a few seconds.’ It may be desirable to present a tabular view of the theoretical energy of available motors, which it will be noticed is a wholly different thing from the results obtained in practice. Thus, we represent the weight of rubber only, with- out regard to the weight of the frame required to hold it. In the steam engine, we conskler the theoretical efficiency per pound of fuel, without regarding the enormous waste of weight in water in such small engines as these, or the weight of the engine itself. We treat the hot-water engine in like manner, and in re- gard to carbonic acid and compressed air, we take no note of the weight of the containing vessel, or of the cylinders and moving parts. In the same way we have the theoretical potency of electricity in primary and storage batteries, without counting the weight of the necessary electromotors; and of the inertia- engine without discussing that of the mechanism needed to transmit its power. Foot-pounds of energy in one pound of PASOLING aa fo onl fete Sra ava sua shus dey alm Blake etorele soins Nae SI OEE EE eee 15,625,280 yA) 10) Mee ah Oia ert cia ci cic no oa doo SonoSte MGs ac 9,721,806 AUB POW GOT o.o's ssc iecevore ve ies ea te Pes area es Rate one Te ete 960,000 Hot water, under pressure of 100 atmospheres...................6-. 383,712 Air, under pressure of 100 atmospheres, isothermal expansion....... 120,584 Liquid carbonic acid, at temperature of 30° and pressure of 100 atmospheres: £2.filxcte fence teres oe pee ee enn eee 78,800 Electric battery; short-lived, thin walled; chromic acid and platinum. 75,000 Steel ring, 8 inches in diameter, at speed of 3000 turns per minute. . 19,000 Storage: battery: +. 2>.s..6 cts. cS nen eee le ee ee eee 17,560 Rubbers pulled scotacweys tape tenet ore Cn eee 2,000 Rubbers twisted! \ sorcerer ee Ee ee 300 It may be interesting to consider next, in even a roughly approximate way, what may be expected from these various sources of energy in practice. Stream ENGINE The steam engine on a small scale, and under the actual restrictions of the model, must necessarily be extremely wasteful of power. If we suppose it to realize 2 per cent of the theoretical energy contained in the fuel, we shall be as- suming more than was actually obtained. The energy of the fuel cannot be obtained at all, of course, without boiler and engine, whose weight, for the pur- pose of the following calculation, must be added to that of the fuel; and if we suppose the weight of the boilers, engines and water, for a single minute’s flight, to be collectively ten pounds, we shall take an optimistic view of what may be expected under ordinary conditions. We have in this view 1/500 of the theo- *A singular fact connected with the stretching of rubber is that the extension is not only not directly proportional to the power producing it, but that up to a certain limit it increases more rapidly than the power, and after this the relation becomes for a time more nearly constant, and after this again the extension becomes less and less in proportion. In other words, if a curve be constructed whose abscissae represent extensions, and ordinates the corresponding weights, it will show a reverse curvature, one portion being concave toward the axis of abscissae, the other convex. SWOYGOHSY TSGOW 171Nd-yd3assny 62auNP paydersojoy4 UONPAd|a apic dWOIPOJY |jNq 4aqqny § 3a SWOYGOHaY TSGOW 11Nd-y3s8snd “S68I - - G2aune paydersojoud # Ned allalpoay \jng-Jaqany —— —--— > MITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO KNOWLEDGE VOL. 27, NO. 3, PL. 7 RUBBER-PULL FRONT ELEV PHOTOGRAPHED J RUBBER-PULL MODEL AERODROME 7 : . SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO KNOWLEDGE VOL. 27, NO. 3, PL. 8 RUBBER-PULL AERG¢ SIDE ELEVAT PHOTOGRAPHED RUBBER-PULL MODEL AERODROME SWOYGOYNSY TSGOW 11Nd-y3ae8snd 6 “1d ‘€ "ON ‘22 “OA 3DSGAIMONm OL SNOILNGINLNOSD NVINOSHLIWS reas pO no. 3 LANGLEY MEMOIR ON MECHANICAL FLIGHT 25 retical capacity possibly realizable under such conditions, but if we take 1/1000 we shall probably be nearer the mark. Even in this case we have, when using gasoline as fuel, 15,625 foot-pounds per minute, or nearly 0.50 horse-power, as against .0091 horse-power in the case of the rubber, so that even with this waste and with the weight of the engines necessary for a single minute’s service, the unit weight of fuel employed in the steam engine gives 55 times the result we get with rubber. With aleohol we have about 3 the result that is furnished by gasoline, since nearly the same boiler and engine will be used in either case. Certain difficulties which at first appeared to be attendant on the use of gasoline on a small seale induced me to make the initial experiments with aleohol. This was continued because of its convenience during a considerable time, but it was finally displaced in favor of gasoline, not so much on account of the superior theoretical efficiency of the latter, as for certain practical advantages, such as its maintaining its flame while exposed to wind, and like considerations. GUNPOWDER Although there are other explosives possessing a much greater energy in proportion to their weight than gunpowder, this is the only one which could be considered in relation to the present work, and the conclusion was finally reached that it involved so great a weight in the containing apparatus and so much ex- periment, that, although the simplicity of its action is in its favor where crude means are necessary, experiments with it had better be deferred until other things had been tried. Hor-Water ENGINE A great deal of attention was given to the hot-water engine, but it was never put to practical use in the construction of an aerodrome, partly on account of the necessary weight of a sufficiently strong containing vessel. Compressep AIR Compressed air, like the other possible sources of power, was investigated, but caleulations from well-authenticated data showed that this system of pro- pelling engines would probably be inadequate to sustain even the models in long flights. As the chief difficulty lies in the weight, not of the air, but of the con- taining vessel, numerous experiments were made in the construction of one at once strong and light. The best result obtained was with a steel tube 40 mm. in diameter, 428 mm. in length, closed at the ends by heads united by wires, which safely contained 538 eubie em. of air at an initial pressure of 100 atmos- pheres for a weight of 521 grammes. 26 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO KNOWLEDGE VOL. Hl If we suppose this to be used, by means of a proper reducing valve, at a mean pressure of 100 pounds, for such an engine as that of Aerodrome No. 5, which takes 60 cubic em. of air at each stroke, we find that (if we take no account of the loss by expansion) we have 18,329 foot-pounds of energy available, which on the engine described will give 302 revolutions of the propellers. There are such limits of weight, and the engines must be driven at such high speeds, that the increased economy that might be obtained by re-heating the air would be out of the question. The principal object in using it would have been the avoidance of fire upon the aerodrome, and the expansion of the unheated air would probably have caused trouble with freezing, while the use of hot (1. e. superheated) water was impracticable. So when, after a careful computation, it was found that, having regard to the weight of the containing vessel, only enough compressed air could be stored at 72 atmospheres and used at 4, to run a pair of engines with cylinders 0.9 inch in diameter by 1.6 inches stroke, at a speed of 1200 revolutions per minute for 20 seconds, all further consideration of its adap- tation to the immediate purpose was definitely abandoned. This course, how- ever, was not taken until after a model aerodrome for using compressed air had been designed and partially built. Then, after due consideration, it was decided to make the test with carbonic-acid gas instead. Gas The gas engine possesses great theoretical advantages. At the time of these experiments, the gas engine most available for the special purposes of the models was one driven by air drawn through gasoline. As the builders could not agree to reduce the weight of a one horse-power engine more than one-half of the then usual model, and as the weight of the standard engine was 470 pounds, it was obvious that to reduce this weight to the limit of less than 3 pounds was im- practicable under the existing conditions, and all consideration of the use of gas vas abandoned provisionally, although a gasoline engine of elementary simplic- ity was designed but never built. I purposed, however, to return to this at- tractive form of power if I were ever able to realize its theoretical advantages on the larger seale which would be desirable. KLECTRICITY As it was not intended to build the model aerodromes for a long flight, it was thought that the electric motor driven by a primary or storage battery might possibly be utilized. It therefore occurred to me that a battery might be con- structed to give great power in proportion to its weight on condition of being short-lived, and that in this form a battery might perhaps advantageously take the place of the dangerous compressed-air tubes that were at the time (1893) pail ~] No. 3 LANGLEY MEMOIR ON MECHANICAL FLIGHT a under consideration for driving the models. I assumed that the longest flight of the model would be less than five minutes. Any weight of battery, then, that the model carried in consumable parts lasting beyond this five minutes would be lost, and hence it was proposed to build a battery, the whole active life of which would be comprised in this time, to actuate a motor or motors driving one or two propellers. According to Daniell, when energy is stored in secondary batteries, over 300,000 megergs per kilogramme of weight can be recovered and utilized if freshly charged. 300,000 megerg's=0.696 lLorse-power for 1 min. 300,000 megerg's =0.139 horse-power for 5 min. In a zine and copper primary battery with sulphurie acid and water, one kilogramme of zine, oxidized, furnishes at least 1200 calories as against 8000 for one kilogramme of carbon, but it is stated that the zine energy comes in so much more utilizable a form that the zine, weight for weight, gives practically, that is in work, 40 per cent that of carbon. The kilogramme of carbon gives about 8000 heat units, each equal to 107 kilogrammetres, or about 6,176,000 foot- pounds. Of this, in light engines, from 5 to 10 per cent, or at least 308,800 foot-pounds, is utilized, and 2 of this, or about 124,000 foot-pounds, would seem to be what the kilogramme of zine would give in actual work. But to form the battery, we must have a larger weight of fluid than of zinc. and something must be allowed for copper. If we suppose these to bring the weight up to 1 kilo- gramme, we might still hope to have 50,000 foot-pounds or 1.5 horse-power for one minute, or 0.3 horse-power for 5 minutes. Storage batteries were offered with a capacity of .25 horse-power for 5 min- utes per kilogramme, but according to Daniell one cannot expect to get more than 0.139 horse-power from a freshly charged battery of that weight for the same time. The plan of constructing a battery of a long roll of extremely thin zine or magnesium, winding it up with a narrower roll of copper or platinized silver, in- sulating the two metals and then pouring over enough acid to consume the major portion of the zine in 5 minutes, was carefully considered, but the difficulties were so discouraging, that the work was not undertaken. The lightest motors of 1 horse-power capacity of which any trace could be found weighed 25 pounds, and a prominent electrician stated that he would not attempt to construct one of that weight. In trials with a $ horse-power motor driving an 80 em. propeller of 1.00 pitch-ratio, I apparently obtained a development of 0.56 indicated horse-power at 1265 revolutions; but at lower speeds when tried with the Prony brake, the brake horse-power fell to 0.10 at 546 revolutions, and even at 1650 revolutions 28 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO KNOWLEDGE vou. 27 it was but 0.262 indicated, with a brake horse-power of 0.144, or 55 per cent of that indicated. With these results both of theoretical caleulation and practical experiment, all thought of propelling the proposed aerodrome by electricity was necessarily abandoned. Carsonic-Acip Gas At the first inception of the idea, it seemed that carbonic-acid gas would be the motive power best adapted for short flights. It can be obtaimed in the liquid form, is compact, gives off the gas at a uniform pressure dependent upon the temperature, and can be used in the ordinary steam engine without any essential modifications. The only provision that it seemed, in advance, neces- sary to make, was that of some sort of a heater between the reservoir of liquid and the engine, in order to prevent freezing, unless the liquid itself could be heated previous to launching. The engines in which it was first intended to use carbonic acid were the little oscillating cylinder engines belonging to Aerodrome No. 1. The capacity of each cylinder was 21.2 eu. em., so that 84.8 cu. em. of gas would be required to turn the propellers one revolution when admitted for the full stroke, and 101,760 eubie em. for 1200 revolutions. The density of the liquid at a temperature of 24° C. was taken as .72, and as 1 volume of liquid gives 180 volumes of gas at a pressure of 24 atmospheres, we have se ees eu. em. of liquid, or 407 grammes required for 1200 revolutions of the engines. Thus, a theoretical calculation seemed to indicate that a kilogramme of liquid carbonic acid would be an ample supply for a run of two minutes. The experiments were, at first, somewhat encouraging. The speed and apparent power of the engines were sufficient for the purpose, but the length of time during which power could be obtained was limited. In 1892, 415 grammes of carbonic acid drove the engines of Aerodrome No. 3 700 revolutions in 60 seconds, 900 in 75, and 1000 in 85 seconds, at the end of which time the gas was entirely expended. The diameter of these cylinders was 2.4 em., the stroke of the pistons 7 em., and the work done, that of driving a pair of 50 em. propellers, when taken in comparison with the propeller tests detailed elsewhere, amounted to an effective horse-power of about 0.10 for the output of the engine. The difficulties, however, that were experienced were those partially fore- seen. The expansion of the gas made such serious inroads upon the latent heat of the liquid, that lumps of solid acid were formed in the reservoir, and could be heard rattling against the sides when the latter was shaken, while the expansion of the exhaust caused such a lowering of temperature at that point, that the NO. 3 LANGLEY MEMOIR ON MECHANICAL FLIGHT 929 pipes were soon covered with a thick layer of ice, and the free exit of the escap- ing gas was prevented. Such difficulties are to be expected with this material, but here they were enhanced by the small scale of the construction and the constant demand for lightness. And it was found to be very hard to fill the small reservoirs intended to carry the supply for the engines. When they were screwed to the large case in which the liquid was received and the whole inverted, the small reservoir would be filled from one-third to one-half full, and nothing that could be done would force any more liquid to enter. In view of these difficulties, and the objections to using a heater of any sort for the gas, as well as the absolute lack of success attendant upon the experi ments of others who were attempting to use liquid CO, as a motive power on a large scale elsewhere, experiments were at first temporarily and afterwards permanently abandoned. The above experiments extended over nearly a year in time, chiefly during 1892, and involved the construction and use of the small aerodromes Nos. 1, 2, and 3, presently described. CHAPTER IV EARLY STEAM MOTORS AND OTHER MODELS In dealing with the development of the aerodrome, subsequent to the early rubber-driven models, the very considerable work done and the failures incurred with other types of motors than steam, have been briefly dealt with in the pre- ceding chapter, but are scarcely mentioned here, as no attempts at long flights were ever successful with any other motor than steam, and no information was gained from any of the experiments made with compressed air, gas, carbonic acid, or electricity, that was of much value in the development of the successful steam machines. In November, 1891, after the long and unsatisfactory experiments with rub- ber-driven models already referred to, and before most of the experiments with other available motors than steam had been made, I commenced the construction of the engines and the design of the hull of a steam-driven aerodrome, which was intended to supplement the experiments given in ‘‘ Aerodynamics ’’ by others made under the conditions of actual flight. In designing this first aerodrome, here called No. 0, there was no precedent or example, and except for the purely theoretical conditions ascertained by the experiments described in ‘¢ Aerodynamics,’’ everything was unknown. Next to nothing was known as to the size or form, as to the requisite strength, or as to the way of attaching the sustaining surfaces; almost nothing was known as to the weight permissible, and nothing as to the proper seale on which to build the ae- rodrome, even if the design had been obtained, while everything which related to the actual construction of boiler and engines working under such unprece- dented conditions was yet to be determined by experiment. The seale of the actual construction was adopted under the belief that it must be large enough to carry certain automatic steering apparatus which I had designed, and which possessed considerable weight. I decided that a flying ma- chine if not large enough to carry a manager, should in the absence of a human directing intelligence, have some sort of automatic substitute for it, and be large enough to have the means of maintaining a long and steady flight, during which the problems (which the rubber-driven models so imperfectly answered) could be effectually solved. When, in 1891, it was decided to attempt to build this steam aerodrome, the only engine that had been made up to that time with any claim to the lightness and power I was seeking, was the Stringfellow engine, exhibited at the Crystal Palace in London, in 1868, which it was then announced developed 1 horse- 2 o NO. 3 LANGLEY MEMOIR ON MECHANICAL FLIGHT 31 power for a total weight (boiler and engines) of 13 pounds. The original engine came into the possession of the Institution in 1889 as an historical curiosity, but on examination, it was at once evident that it never had developed, and never could develop the power that had been attributed to it, and probably not one- tenth so much. With the results obtained on the whirling-table at Allegheny as a basis, a theoretical computation of the weight which 1 horse-power would cause to soar showed that, with a plane whose efficiency should be equal to that of a 30x48 inch plane set at an angle of 5° and moving at a speed of 54 miles an hour, 1 horse-power would support 120 pounds.’ With a smaller angle even better results could be obtained, but as the difficulties of guidance increase as the angle di- minishes, I did not venture to aim at less than this. In this computation, no allowance was made for the fact that these results were obtained by a mechanism which forcibly maintained the supporting surface in the ideal condition of the best attainable angle of attack as if in perfect equilibrium, and above all in the equally ideal condition of perfectly horizontal flight. Besides this, I had to consider in actual flight the air resistance due to the guy wires and hull, but after making an allowance of as much as three-quarters for these differences between the conditions of experiment and those of free flight, I hoped that 1 horse-power would serve to carry 30 pounds through the air if a supporting surface as large as 3 feet to the pound could be provided, and this was the basis of the construction which I will now deseribe. The general form of this Aerodrome No. 0, without wings or propellers, is shown in the accompanying photograph in Plate 10. Its dimensions and its weights, as first designed, and as finally found necessary, are as follows: COMPARISON OF ESTIMATED AND ACTUAL WEIGHTS OF PARTS OF AERODROME “0O”—IN POUNDS AND OUNCES. Estimated Actual lbs. OZ. lbs. OZ. lDHEHAGE “hs dec dan scasvonbd BOuODOODOne AO Oop COnON UDIUeCOMOGOS 4 0 4 1 IB OLLCLS TANG UENO S crete oe fern. ciel orsie iol faliele viene) eke (a fe" alatasaoeleve= oe 'e jas 8 11 13 14 Pinips ange Atta chm Cn tsearicel tir y-isveis)atetel-peieiam eraercieheror>) sfeteialet sls 0 0 1 10 Steenimese Ap DATAUUSH er clevatsrersteeditekote rere caer cl et ou seperet erakele a (one! eel) ai 0 6 0 0 Frame of Hull and Braces, including bowsprit and tail tube. . ti 7 8 11 Oiletantkecoverineean dupipesssrciscccmicisecioescite ns celts) valor 0 0 0 13 Shafts, ball bearings (2:1) and wooden propellers (1:7) .... 1 14 3 8 Wines (asd) ane ety Sar (OG))ctepertesckesoreheysuslerelelelaleisleleleleleyelel«a/aJo > 4 0 5 13 SAN = cep HHO GakD Oba bh DDC eo SU DUO crn ate aie » ocmomacr or 1 5 2 2 ARC e Ain) he spopeeennonpdosaccadde -apaeonesomob OUDOnTOD 9 0 4 0 IL OEH WENO OL TOF WiatOTates clere crcleteleecleloicieinelaistele' aici 27 11 44 8 (The weights attained in the actual making were, as is seen, nearly double those first estimated, and this constant increase of weight under the exigencies of con- struction was a feature which could never be wholly eliminated.) +See footnote on page 32. oe Ue) yor ey ics Ret aA 32 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO KNOWLEDGE vou. 27 After studying various forms for the hull or body of the prospective aero- drome, £ was led to adopt the lines which Nature has used in the mackerel as most advantageous so far as the resistance of the air was concerned, but it proved to be difficult in construction to make the lines of the bow materially different from those of the stern, and in this first model the figure was symmetrical throughout. As I wish that my experience may be of benefit to the reader, even in its failures, L will add that I made the not unnatural mistake of building on the plan on which the hull of an ordinary ship is constructed; that is, making the hull support the projecting bowsprit and other parts. In the aerodrome, what cor- responds to the bowsprit must project far in advance of the hull to sustain the front wings, and a like piece must project behind it to sustain the rear wings and the tail, or the supporting surfaces of whatever kind. The mistake of the con- struction lay in disjoining these two and connecting them indirectly by the in sufficiently strong hull which supported them. This hull was formed of longi- tudinal U-shaped ribs of thin steel, which rested on rings made of an alloy of aluminum, which possessed the lightness of the latter metal with very consider- able toughness, but which was finally unsatisfactory. I may say parenthetically that in none of the subsequent constructions has the lightness of aluminum been found to compensate for its very many disadvantages. The two rods, which were each 1 metre in length, were with difficulty kept rigorously in line, owing to the yielding of the constructionally weak hull. It would have been better, in fact, to have carried the rod straight through at any inconvenience to the disposition of the boilers and the engine. : I may add that the sustaining surfaces, which were to be nearly flat wings, composed of silk stretched from a steel tube with wooden attachments, were to 1The following table taken from ‘‘Experiments in Aerodynamics,” p. 107, gives the data for soaring of 30x 4.8 inch planes, weight 500 grammes. Weight with planes of like form that Aaeste Scie! speed Work aac 1 horse-power will with . Per ee. drive through the air horizon at velocity V. a. F i (ees Metres Feet Kilogram- | Foot- ~ Kilo. P ounds. per second. | per second. metres. pounds. | grammes. : | lo 45° 11.2 36.7 a6 2,434 6.8 15 350 10.6 34.8 17 | 11268 15.0 29 15 Ng hoy’ 36.7 86 625 26.5 58 10 12.4 40.7 65 | 474 34.8 77 5 15.2 49.8 41 297 Tso || 122 2 20.0 65.6 24 174 95.0 209 The relations shown in the above table hold true only in case of planes supporting about 1.1 pounds to each square foot of sustaining area. Fora different proportion of area to weight, other conditions would obtain. OL “1d “€ ON ‘22 “10A 268! €°N c68l GNV 168t “e ‘2c ‘tL ‘0 “SON SSWOYGOHAY 4O SAWVu4 1331S T T T le Licsmery | Smal or US es em) Comers Se | SHLIWI 2 1m 3) c68l 2 ON c68i ON S3IWOHCOYIV 3413] 1 = + eet 39G37MON» OL SNOILNSIYLNOD NVYINOSHLIWS no. 3 LANGLEY MEMOIR ON MECHANICAL FLIGHT 33 have been carried on the front rod, but, as subsequent experience has shown, these wings would have been inadequate to the work, both from their insuffi- cient size and their lack of rigidity. The propellers, which were to be 80 em. in diameter, 1.25 pitch-ratio, and which were expected to make from five to six hundred revolutions a minute, were carried on the end of long tubular shafts, not parallel, but making with each other an angle of 25 degrees, and united by gears near the bow of the vessel in the manner shown in Plate 10. The first engines were of the oscillating type, with the piston-rod connected directly to the crank; were very light, and were unprovided with many of the usual fittings belonging to a steam engine, such as rod or piston packing; and their construction was crude in comparison with their successors. They were tested with the Prony brake and found to be deficient in power, for with a steam pressure of 80 pounds to the square inch, they ran at the rate of 1170 revolu- tions per minute, and developed only .363 horse-power. It soon became evident that they were too light for the work that it was intended that they should do, and steps were taken, even before the completion of these tests, for the construc- tion of a pair of more powerful cylinders, which should also be provided with a special boiler for the generation of the steam. Acting upon the supposition, which, as the sequel showed, was unwarranted, that compounding would result in a saving of steam, it was decided to work with compounded cylinders. As two propellers were to be used, they were each fitted with a distinct pair of cylinders working directly upon the shaft, but so connected by gearing that they were compelled to turn at the same rate of speed. The cylinders were of the inverted oscillating type, like the first pair of engines, but, unlike them, they were single-acting. The dimensions were: di- ameter of high-pressure cylinder 1.25 inches; low pressure, 1.94 inches, with a common stroke of 2 inches, and with cranks set opposite to each other so that one cylinder was always at work. The cylinders were held at their upper ends by a strap passing around a hollow conical trunk, which served the double pur- pose of a support for the cylinders and an intermediate receiver between them. This receiver had a mean inside diameter of 1.25 inches, with a length of 4.75 inches, so that it had about twice the cubical capacity of the high-pressure cyl- inder, while the displacement of the low-pressure cylinder was about 2.5 times that of the high; ratios that would have given satisfactory results, perhaps, had the steam pressure and other conditions been favorable to the use of the com- pound principle in this place. There were no valves for the admission of the steam, for, inasmuch as the engines were single-acting, it was possible to make ports in the eylinder-head act as the admission and exhaust ports as the cylinder oscillated, and thus avoid the complication and weight of eccentric and valves. 4 34 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO KNOWLEDGE VoL. 27 These cylinders were set in a light frame at an angle of 25° with each other, or 12.5° with the median line of the aerodrome, and drove the long pro- peller shafts as shown in Plate 10, No.0. At the extreme forward end of the crank-shafts there was a pair of intermeshing bevel gears which served to main- tain the rate of revolution of the two propellers the same. The boiler built for this work was a beehive-shaped arrangement of coils of pipe. It consisted at first, as shown in Fig. 3, of three double coils of 2-inch copper pipe coiled up in the shape of a truncated cone, carrying in the central portion a pear-shaped receiver into the upper portion of which the water cir- Fic. 3. Boilers in use in 1891-1892. culating through the coils discharged. Hach of these receivers was connected at the top with the bottom of a long cylindrical drum, with hemispherical ends, which formed a steam space from which the supply for the engines was drawn. The lower ends of the coils were connected with an injection pipe supplying the water. Hach ‘‘ beehive ’’ had 23 turns of tubing, and had a base of 7.5 inches and a top diameter of 6 inches, the steam drum being 2.5 inches in diameter. I may here say that in the selection of the general type of boiler for the work to be done, there was never any hesitation regarding the use of the water-tube variety. Their superiority for the quick generation of large volumes of steam had been so pronounced that nothing else seemed capable of competing with No. 3 LANGLEY MEMOIR ON MECHANICAL FLIGHT 35 them in this respect, regardless of the absolute economy of fuel that might or might not be exhibited. Hence, to the end of my experiments nothing else was used. Even before the ‘‘beehive’’ boiler was completed, I was anxious to ascertain what could be done with a coil of pipe with a stream of water circulating through it, as well as with various forms of burners, for I realized that the success of the apparatus depended not only upon getting an exceedingly effective heating sur- face, but also an equally effective flame to do the heating. For fuel I naturally turned to the liquids as being more compact and readily regulated. Whether to use some of the more volatile hydrocarbons or alcohol, was still an unsolved problem, but my opinion at the time was that, on the lim- ited scale of the model, better results could probably be obtained with alcohol. In the experiments made with a coil preliminary to the trial of the ‘‘ bee- hive ’’ boiler, I tried a simple horizontal coil of 23-inch copper pipe into which two forked burners working on the Bunsen principle and using eity illuminating gas, were thrust. The jets were about $ inch apart. The arrangement primed so badly that the engines could not get rid of the entrained water, and would only make a few turns. I then tried the same coil with two 1.25-inch drums in the inside and with five longitudinal water tubes at the bottom, beneath which were the same two forked burners used in the previous experiment. The coils were covered with a sheet of asbestos, and two round burners were added. This boiler would hold a steam pressure of about 15 pounds and run the engine slowly; but if the pres- sure were allowed to rise to 60 pounds, the engine would drive a 2-foot propel- ler of 18-inch piteh at the rate of about 650 turns per minute for from 80 to 90 seconds, while the steam ran down to 10 pounds, showing that this boiler, at least, was too small. This was further shown in a trial of the plain coil made in October, 1891; 6 pounds of water were evaporated in 32 minutes under a pres- sure of 60 pounds. This was at the rate of 11.25 pounds per hour, or, taking the U. 8. Centennial standard of 30 pounds of evaporation per horse-power, gave an available output of less than 4 horse-power. With these results before me, I decided to make a trial of the ‘‘ beehive ”’ principle upon a smaller seale than in the boiler designed for Aerodrome No. 0. I used a small boiler of which the inner coil consisted of 8 turns of 3-inch eop- per tube about 28 gauge thick, and the outer coil of 11 turns of 4-inch copper pipe. This gave 12 feet of 2-inch, and 16 feet of 14-inch tubing. The drum was of No. 27 gauge, hard planished copper. With this boiler consuming 6 oz. of fuel, 80.3 oz. of water were evaporated in 28 minutes, or at the rate of about 10.75 pounds per hour. As these coils contained but 2.22 square feet of heating surface, and as the three to be built would contain 3.7 square feet each, it was estimated the 36 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO KNOWLEDGE ., vou. 27 10 square feet afforded by them could safely be depended upon to provide steam for a 1 horse-power engine. As far as fuel consumption was concerned, the rate of evaporation was about 15.6 pounds of water per pound of gasoline, all of which was satisfactory. The burner originally designed for use in connection with the ‘‘ beehive ”’ boilers, consisted of a small tank in which a quantity of gasoline was placed, the space above being filled with compressed air. Rising from the bottom of this tank was a small pipe coiling back and down and ending in an upturned jet from which the gas generated in the coil would issue. The burner thus served to generate its own gas and act as a heater for the boilers at the same time. In the construction of Aerodrome No. 0, four of the ‘‘ beehive ’’ coils were placed in a line fore and aft. The fuel tank was located immediately back of the rear coil and consisted of a copper cylinder 11 em. in diameter and 9 em. long. The engines were placed immediately in front of the coils, all the apparatus being enclosed in a light framing, as shown in the photograph (Plate 10). Extending front and back from the hull were the tubes for supporting the wings and tail, each one metre in length. The cross-framing for carrying the propeller shafts was built of tubing 1.5 em. diameter, and the shafts themselves were of the same size. The ribs of the hull were rings made of angle-irons measuring 1.50 1.75 em., which were held in place longitudinally by five 0.7 em. channel bars. As it had been learned in the preliminary experiments with the model ‘‘ bee- hive ’’ boiler that the heated water would not of itself cause a sufficiently rapid circulation to be maintained through the tubes to prevent them from becoming red-hot, two circulating pumps were added for forcing the water through the coils of the two forward and two rear boilers respectively, the water being taken from the lower side of the drum and delivered into the bottom of the coils, which were united at that point for the purpose. A worm was placed upon each of the propeller shafts, just back of the engines, meshing in with a gear on a crank- shaft from which the pumps were driven. This shaft rotated at the rate of 1 to 24, so that for 1200 revolutions of the engine, it would make but 50, driving a single-acting plunger 1.2 em. in diameter and 2 em. stroke. Apparently all was going well until I began to try the apparatus. First, there was a difficulty with the burner, which could not be made to give forth the relative amount of heat that had been obtained from the smaller model, and steam could not be maintained. With one ‘‘ beehive ’’ connected with the com- pound engine, and a 70 em. propeller on the shaft, there were about 250 turns per minute for a space of about 50 seconds, in which time the steam would fall from 90 pounds to 25 pounds, and the engine would stop. Then, as we had no air-chamber on the pumps at the time, they would not drive the water through the coils. Subsequent experiments, however, showed that the boilers could be ee i= no. 3 LANGLEY MEMOIR ON MECHANICAL FLIGHT 37 depended upon to supply the steam that the compound engines would require ; but after the whole was completed, the weight, if nothing else, was prohibitory. I had gone on from one thing to another, adding a little here and a little there, strengthening this part and that, until when the hull was finally completed with the engines and boilers in place, ready for the application of the wings, the weight of the whole was found (allowing 7 pounds for the weight of the wings and tail) to be almost exactly 45 pounds, and nearly 52 pounds with fuel and water. To this excessive weight would have to be added that of the propellers, and as the wings would necessarily have to be made very large in order to carry the machine, and as the difficulties of launching had still to be met, nothing was attempted in the way of field trials, and with great disappointment the decision was made in May, 1892 (wisely, as it subsequently appeared) to proceed no further with this special apparatus. However, inasmuch as this aerodrome with its engines and boilers had been completed at considerable expense, it was decided to use the apparatus as far as it might be practicable, in order to learn what must be done to secure a greater amount of success in the future. The fundamental trouble was to get heat. In the first place there was trouble with the burners, for it seemed to be impossible to get one that would vaporize the gasoline in sufficient quantity to do the work, and various forms were successively tried. All of the early part of 1892 was passed in trying to get the boilers to work at a steam pressure of 100 pounds per square inch. On account of the defects in the tubes and elsewhere this required much patient labor. The writer, even thus early, devised a plan of using a sort of aeolipile, which should actuate its own blast, but this had to be abandoned on account of the fact that the pear- shaped receivers would not stand the heat. This necessitated a number of ex- periments in the distillation of gas, in the course of which there was trouble with the pumps, and a continual series of breakages and leakages, so that the middle of April came before I had secured any further satisfaction than to dem- onstrate that possibly the boilers might have a capacity sufficient for the work laid out for them to do; but subsequent experiments showed that even in this I was mistaken, for it was only after additional jets had been put in between the coils that I succeeded in getting an effective horse-power of 0.43 out of the combination. Finally, on the 14th of April, after having reduced the capacity of the pumps to the dimensions given above (for the stroke was originally 1.25 inch) I obtained the development of 1 full horse-power by the engine for 41 seconds, with a steam pressure of 100 pounds per square inch, and a rate of revolution of 720 per minute. But at the end of this brief period, the shafts sprung and the worm was thrown out of gear. 38 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO KNOWLEDGE vou. 27 I pass over numerous other experiments, for their only result was to make it clear that the aerodrome, as it had been constructed, could not be made to work efficiently, even if its great weight had not served as a bar to its flight. It was, therefore, decided to proceed with the construction of another. After the failure of the first steam-driven model No. 0, which has just been described, subsequent light models were constructed. These, three in number, made with a view to the employment of carbonic acid or compressed air, but also to the possible use of steam, are shown in Plate 10, Nos. 1, 2, 3; on the same scale as the larger model which had preceded them. In describing these, it will be well to mention constructive features which were experimented on in them, as well as to describe the engines used. In No. 1, which was intended to be on about 2 the linear scale of No. 0, the constructive fault of the latter, that of making the support depend on a too flexible hull, was avoided, and the straight steel tube (‘‘ midrod ”’ it will hereafter be called) was carried through from end to end, though at the cost of incon- venience in the placing of the machinery, in what may be called the hull, which now became simply a protective case built around this midrod. The mistaken device of the long shafts meeting at an angle was, however, retained, and the engines first tried were a pair of very light ones of crude construction. These were later replaced by a pair of oscillating engines, each 3 em. di- ameter by 3 em. stroke, with a combined capacity of 42 cubie em. and without cut-off. The midrod was made of light steel tubing 2 em. outside diameter. The framing for the hull was formed by a single ring of U section, 8 em. across and 18 em. in depth, stayed by five ribs of wood measuring 0.70.3 em. The in- clined propeller shafts, which were connected by a pair of bevel gears as in No. 0, were made of tubing 0.5 em. outside diameter, and were intended to turn pro- pellers of from 40 to 45 em. in diameter. The weight, without engine or reservoir for gas, was 1161 grammes. With a weight equivalent to that of the intended reservoir and engines plus that of the proposed supporting surfaces, the whole weight, independent of fuel or water, was 2.2 kilogrammes. The engines, which were not strong enough to sustain a pressure of over 2 atmospheres, at an actual pressure of 20 pounds drove the 45 em. propellers through the long V shafts and lifted only about + of the flying weight of the ma- chine. The power developed at the Prony brake was collectively only about .04 horse-power, giving 1200 turns a minute to two 40 em. propellers. This was the best result obtained. This aerodrome was completed in June, 1892, but changes in the engines and other attempted improvements kept it under experiment until November of that year, when it appeared to be inexpedient to do anything more with it Aerodrome No. 2 (see Plate 10), was a still smaller and still lighter construe- tion, in which, however, the midrod was bent (not clearly shown in the photo- SS a No. 3 LANGLEY MEMOIR ON MECHANICAL FLIGHT 39 graph), so as to afford more room in the hull. This introduced a constructional weakness which was not compensated by the added convenience, but the princi- pal improvement was the abandonment of the inclined propeller shafts, which was done at the suggestion of Mr. J. KE. Watkins, so that the propellers were carried on parallel shafts as in marine practice. These parallel shafts were driven by two very small engines with cylinders 2.3 em. in diameter by 4 cm. stroke, with a collective capacity of 33 cu. em. and without cut-off, which were mounted on a cross-frame attached to the midrod at right angles near the rear end of the hull. These engines, driven either by steam or by earbonic-acid gas developed 0.035 horse-power at the Prony brake, giving 750 revolutions of the 45 em. pro- pellers, and lifting about + of the total weight which it was necessary to provide for in actual flight. A higher rate of revolution and a better lift were occasion- ally obtained, but there was little more hope with this than with the preceding models of obtaining power enough to support the actual weight in flight, although such sacrifices had been made for lightness that every portion of the little model had been reduced to what seemed the limit of possible frailty consistent with anything like safety. Thus the midrod was lighter than that of No. 1, bemg only 1 em. in outside diameter. The frame was made of thin wooden strips 5 mm.X3.5 mm., united by light steel rings. The cross framing carrying the en- gines was also of wood, and was formed of four strips, each 7 mm. X 3 mm. The shafts were but 4 mm. in diameter. As these engines did not give results that were satisfactory, when using carbonic-acid gas, experiments were commenced to secure a boiler that would furnish the requisite steam. As the ‘‘ beehive ’’ boiler had proved to be too heavy, and as the steam obtained from it had been inadequate to the require- ments, something else had to be devised. A few of the boilers used in 1892 are shown in Fig. 3. The one marked 4 is one of the ‘‘ beehives,’’ while an ele- ment of another form tried is that marked B. It consisted of 2-inch copper tubes joined to a drum of 10-0z. copper. This was made in May, 1892, and was tested to a pressure of 50 atmospheres, when it burst without any tearing of the metal. In July another boiler like that shown at C in Fig. 38 was made. This was formed of tubes 3 em. in diameter, and weighed 348 grammes. It carried about 300 grammes of water and stood a steam pressure of 125 pounds per square inch, but failed to maintain sufficient steam pressure. Accordingly, in the same month, a third boiler like that shown at D was built. It consisted of a tube 12 inches long to which were attached fifteen 41-inch tubes each 7 inches long, in the manner shown. The heating surface of this boiler, including the tubes and the lower half of the drum, amounted to 750 square em., and it was thought that this would be sufficient to supply steam for a flight of a 40 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO KNOWLEDGE vou. 27 minute and a half. But when a test was made, it also was found to be deficient in steaming power even after changes were made in it which occupied much time. By the first of October, 1892, there had been built one large aerodrome that could not possibly fly, a smaller one, No. 1, on 2 the linear scale of No. 0, with a pair of engines but no means of driving them, and the still smaller No. 2 with a boiler that was yet untried. Aerodrome No. 3 (Plate 10) was an attempt to obtain better conditions than had existed in the preceding model without any radical change except that of moving the cross frame, which carried the engines and propellers, nearer the front of the machine. Instead of the oscillatory engines used up to this time, two stationary cylinder engines, each 2.4 cm. in diameter and 4 em. stroke, havy- ing a combined capacity of 36 cu. em. without cut-off were employed for driving the propellers. The engines, though occasionally run in trials with steam from a stationary boiler, were intended to be actuated either by compressed air or carbonic-acid gas contained in a reservoir which was not actually constructed, but whose weight was provisionally estimated at 1 kilogramme. The weight of the aerodrome without this reservoir was but 1050 grammes, including the esti- mated weight of the sustaining surfaces, which consisted principally of two wings, each about 1 metre in length by 30 em. in breadth and which were in fact so slight in their construction, that it is now certain that they could not have retained their shape in actual flight. The only trials made with this aerodrome, then, were in the shop, of which it is sufficient to cite those of November 22, 1892, when under a pressure of 30 pounds, the maximum which the engines would bear, two 50 em. propellers were driven at 900 revolutions per minute, with an estimated horse-power of 0.07, about 35 per cent of the weight of the whole machine being lifted. This was a much more encouraging result than any which had preceded, and indicated that it was possible to make an actual flight with the aerodrome if the boilers could be ignored, the best result having been obtained only with carbonic acid supplied without limit from a neighboring ample reservoir. This aerodrome was also tested while mounted upon a whirling-arm and allowed to operate during its advance through the air. The conclusion reached with it at the close of 1892, after a large part of the year passed in experiments with carbonic-acid gas and compressed air, was that it was necessary to revert to steam, and that whatever difficulties lay in the way, some means must be found of getting sufficient power without the weight which had proved prohibitory in No. 0. With this chapter, then, and with the end of the year 1892, I close this very brief account of between one and two years of fruitless experiment in the con- struction of models supplied with various motors, subsequent to and on a larger scale indeed than the toy-like ones of india rubber, but not even so efficient as those had been, since they had never procured a single actual flight. —————— — ee eee a ee at _ ere CHAPTER V ON SUSTAINING SURFACES The following general considerations may conveniently precede the particu- lar description of the balancing of the aerodrome. In ‘‘ Experiments in Aerodynamics,’’ I have given the result of trials, show- ing that the pressure (or total resistance) of a wind on a surface 1 foot square, moving normally at the velocity of 1 foot per second, is 0.00166 pounds, and that this pressure increases directly as the surface of the plane, and (within our ex- perimental condition) as the square of the velocity,’ results in general accord- ance with those of earlier observers. I have further shown by independent investigations that while the shape of the plane is of secondary importance if its movement be normal, the shape and “aspect ”’ greatly affect the resultant pressure when the plane is inclined at a small angle, and propelled by such a force that its flight is horizontal, that is, under the actual conditions of soaring flight. I have given on page 60 of ‘‘ Aerodynamics,’’ the primary equations, P=P,.F(@)=kAV’F (a), - W=P, cos a=kAV°F (a) cos a, R=P, sin a=kAV*F (a) sina, where W is the weight of the plane under examination (sometimes called the “lift”’); R the horizontal component of pressure (sometimes called the ‘‘drift’’) ; k is the constant already given; A the area in square feet; V. the velocity in feet per second; F’ a function of « (to be determined by experiment); « the angle which, under these conditions, gives horizontal flight. I have also given on page 66 of the same work the following table showing the actual values obtained by experiment on a plane, 304.8 inches (=1 sq. ft.), weighing 500 grammes (1.1 pounds) : Weight with planes Soaring speed Horizontal Work expended of like form that Angle Wee pressure per minute 1 horse-power will with : R. 60 RV. drive through the air horizon at velocity V. a. —— <— — - — —) Metres Feet A Kilogram Foot- Kilo- per second. | per second. | “T#™mes. metres. | pounds.| grammes. EEE s 45° 11.2 36.7 500 536 2,454 6.8 15 30 10.6 34.8 275 175 1,268 13.0 29 15 11.2 36.7 128 86 623 26.5 58 10 12.4 40.7 88 65 474 34.8 De 5 15.2 49.8 45 41 | 297 55.5 122 2 20.0 65.6 20 24 | 174 95.0 209 | *This pressure per unit of area varies with the area itself, but in a degree which is negligible for our immediate purpose. 4] 42 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO KNOWLEDGE vob. 27 It cannot be too clearly kept in mind that these values refer to horizontal flight, and that for this the weight, the work, the area, the angle and the velocity are inseparably connected by the formule already given. It is to be constantly remembered also, that they apply to results obtained under almost perfect theoretical conditions as regards not only the maintenance of equilibrium and horizontality, but also the rigid maintenance of the angle « and the comparative absence of friction, and that these conditions are especi- ally ‘‘ theoretical ’’ in their exclusion of the internal work of the wind observ- able in experiments made in the open wind. EXPERIMENTS IN THE Open WIND T have pointed out * that an mdefinite source of power for the maintenance of mechanical flight, lies in what I have called the ‘‘ internal work ’’ of the wind. It is easy to see that the actual effect of the free wind, which is filled with almost infinitely numerous and incessant changes of velocity and direction, must differ widely from that of a uniform wind such as mathematicians and physi- cists have almost invariably contemplated in their discussions. Now the artificial wind produced by the whirling-table differs from the real wind not only in being caused by the advancing object, whose direction is not strictly linear, and in other comparatively negligible particulars, but especially in this, that in spite of little artificial currents the movement on the whole is regular and uniform to a degree strikingly in contrast with that of the open wind in nature. In a note to the French edition of my work, I have ealled the attention of the reader to the fact that the figures given in the Smithsonian publication can show only a small part of the virtual work of the wind, while the plane, which is used for simplicity of exposition, is not the most advantageous form for flight; so that, as I go on to state, the realization of the actually successful aerodrome must take account of the more complex conditions actually existing in nature, which were only alluded to in the memoir, whose object was to bring to attention the little considered importance of the then almost unobserved and unstudied minute fluctuations which constitute the internal work of the wind. I added that I might later publish some experimental investigations on the superior effi- ciency of the real wind over that artificially created. The experiments which were thus alluded to in 1893, were sufficient to indicate the importance of the sub- ject, but the data have not been preserved. What immediately follows refers, it will be observed, more particularly to the work of the whirling-table. 2See “Internal Work of the Wind”; also Revue de L’Aeronautique, 5° Livraison, 1893. SIS AWE Sa tart tem A ly By Wa i A et PS kl em a ie be as eave es aa | bol 8 No. 3 LANGLEY MEMOIR ON MECHANICAL FLIGHT 43 Renation or ArEA TO WEIGHT AND PoweErR In order to get a more precise idea of the character of the alteration intro- duced into these theoretical conditions by the variation of any of them, let us, still confining ourselves to the use of the wluirling-table, suppose that the plane in question while possessing the same weight, shape, and angle of inclination, were to have its area increased, and to fix our ideas, we will suppose that it be- came 4 square feet instead of 1 as before. Then, from what has already been said, V’, the velocity, must vary inversely as the square root of the area; that is, it must, under the given condition, become one-half of what it had been, for if V did not alter, the impelling force continuing the same, the plane would rise and its flight no longer be horizontal, unless the weight, now supposed to be con- stant, were itself increased so as to restore horizontality. I have repeated Table XIII under the condition that the area be quadrupled, while all the other conditions remain constant, except the soarimg speed, which must vary. Work. | Weight. Soaring speed TT aeiwer ila a (feet per second) | Work expended per Weight of like planes Vi. minute. which 1 H.P. will drive A = 4 3q. ft. through the air with | W= 500 gr. = 1.1 Ibs. velocity V’. | | | Foot-pouvnds. | Pounds. 45° 18.4 1,217 | 30 30 | 17.4 | 634 57 Lor|| 18.4 | 312 H 116 10 | 20 4 | 237 | 154 5 2479 148 244 2 | 32.8 87 418 W is the weight of the single plane; A is the area; F is the horizontal “ drift.” Wt is the weight of like planes which 1 H. P. will drive at velocity V. Work is RV. I. If Work is constant, R varies as *VA. II. If R is constant, Work varies as a Ill. If W is constant while A varies, the weight which 1 H. P. will support varies as VA. The reader is reminded that these are simply deductions from the equations given in ‘‘ Aerodynamies,’’ and that these deductions have not been verified by direct trial, such as would show that no new conditions have in fact been intro- duced in this new application. While, however, these deductions cannot convey any confidence beyond what is warranted by the original experiments, in their general trustworthiness as working formule at this stage of the investigations, we may, I think, feel confidence. I may, in view of its importance, repeat my remark that the relation of area and weight which obtain in practice, will depend upon yet other than these theo- retical considerations, for, as the flight of the free aerodrome cannot be ex- pected to be exactly horizontal nor maintained at any constant small angle, the 44 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO KNOWLEDGE voL. 2 data of ‘‘ Aerodynamics ’’ (obtained in constrained horizontal flight with the whirling-table) are here insufficient. They are insufficient also because these values are obtained with small rigid planes, while the surfaces we are now to use cannot be made rigid under the necessary requirements of weight, without the use of guy wires ‘and other adjuncts which introduce head resistance. Against all these unfavorable conditions we have the favoring one that, other thines being equal, somewhat more efficiency can be obtained with suitable curved surfaces than with planes.* : I have made numerous experiments with curves of various forms upon the whirling-table, and constructed many such supporting surfaces, some of which have been tested in actual flight. It might be expected that fuller results from these experiments should be given than those now presented here, but Tam not yet prepared to offer any more detailed evidence at present for the perform- ance of curved surfaces than will be found in Part III.‘ I do not question that curves are in some degree more efficient, but the extreme increase of efficiency in curves over planes understood to be asserted by Lilienthal and by Wellner, ap- pears to have been associated either with some imperfect enunciation of condi- tions which gave little more than an apparent advantage, or with conditions nearly impossible for us to obtain in actual flight. All these circumstances considered, we may anticipate that the power re- quired (or the proportion of supporting area to weight) will be very much greater in actual than in theoretical (that is, in constrained horizontal) flight, and the early experiments with rubber-driven models were in fact successful only when there were from three to four feet of sustaining surface to a pound of weight. When such a relatively large area is sought in a large aerodrome, the construc- tion of light, yet rigid, supporting surfaces becomes a nearly insuperable diffi- culty, and this must be remembered as consequently affecting the question of the construction of boiler, engines and hulls, whose weight cannot be increased with- out increasing the wing area. *More recent experiments conducted under my direction by Mr. Huffaker give similar results, but confirm my earlier and cruder observations that the curve, used alone, for small angles, is much more unstable than the plane. *As stated in the Preface, Part III has not yet been prepared for publication. CHAPTER VI BALANCING THE AERODROME By ‘‘ balancing ’’ I mean such an adjustment of the mean center of pressure of the supporting surfaces with reference to the center of gravity and to the line of thrust, that for a given speed the aerodrome will be in equilibrium, and will maintain steady horizontal flight. ‘‘ Balance ’’ and ‘‘ equilibrium ’’ as here used are nearly convertible terms. Lateral STABILITY Equilibrium may be considered with reference to lateral or longitudinal sta- bility. The lateral part is approximately secured with comparative ease, by im- itating Nature’s plan, and setting the wings at a diedral angle, which I have usu- ally made 150°. Stability in this sense cannot be secured in what at first seems an obvious way—by putting a considerable weight in the central plane and far below the center of gravity of the aerodrome proper, for this introduces rolling. Thence ensues the necessity of carrying the center of gravity more nearly up to the center of pressure than would otherwise be necessary, and so far introdue- ing conditions which tend to instability, but which seem to be imposed upon us by the circumstances of actual flight. With these brief considerations concern- ing lateral stability, I pass on to the far more difficult subject of longitudinal stability. LONGITUDINAL STABILITY My most primitive observation with small gliding models was of the fact that greater stability was obtained with two pairs of wings, one behind the other, than with one pair (greater, that is, in the absence of any instinctive power of adjustment). This is connected with the fact that the upward pressure of the air upon both pairs may be resolved into a single point which I will call the ‘‘ center of pressure,’’ and which, in stable flight, should (apart from the disturbance by the propeller thrust) be over the center of gravity. The center of pressure in an advancing inclined plane in soaring flight is, as I have shown in ‘‘ Aerodynam- ics,’’ and as is otherwise well known, always in advance of the center of figure, and moves forward as the angle of inclination of the sustaining surfaces dimin- ishes, and, to a less extent, as horizontal flight increases in velocity. These facts furnish the elementary ideas necessary in discussing this problem of equilibrium, whose solution is of the most vital importance to successful flight. 46 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO KNOWLEDGE Vou. 27 The solution would be comparatively simple if the position of the CP could be accurately known beforehand, but how difficult the solution is may be realized from a consideration of one of the facts just stated, namely, that the position of the center of pressure in horizontal flight shifts with the velocity of the flight itself, much as though in marine navigation the trim of a steamboat’s hull were to be completely altered at every change of speed. It may be remarked here that the center of pressure, from the symmetry of the aerodrome, necessarily lies in the vertical medial plane, but it may be considered with reference to its position either in the plane XY (cp,) or in the plane YZ (cp.). The latter cen- ter of pressure, as referred to in the plane YZ, is here approximately calculated on the assumption that it lies in the intersection of this vertical plane by a hori- zontal one passing through the wings half way from root to tip. Experiments made in Washington, later than those given in ‘‘ Aerodynam- ics,’’ show that the center of pressure, (cp,) on a plane at slight angles of inclina- tion, may be at least as far forward as one-sixth the width from the front edge. From these later experiments it appears probable also that the center of pres- sure moves forward for an increased speed even when there has been no percep- tible diminution of the angle of the plane with the horizon, but these considera- tions are of little value as applied to curved wings such as are here used. Some observations of a very general nature may, however, be made with regard to the position of the wings and tail. In the case where there are two pairs of wings, one following the other, the rear pair is less efficient in an indefinite degree than the front, but the action of the wings is greatly modified by their position with reference to the propel- lers, and from so many other causes, that, as a result of a great deal of experi- ment, it seems almost impossible at this time to lay down any absolute rule with regard to the center of pressure of any pair of curved wings used in practice. Later experiments conducted under my direction by Mr. E. C. Huffaker, some of which will appear in Part ITI, indicate that upon the curved surfaces [| employed, the center of pressure moves forward with an increase in the (small) angle of elevation, and backward with a decrease, so that it may le even behind the center of the surface. Since for some surfaces the center of pressure moves backward, and for others forward, it would seem that there might be some other surface for which it will be fixed. Such a surface in fact appears to exist in the wing of the soaring bird. These experiments have been chiefly with rigid sur- faces, and though some have been made with elastic rear surfaces, these have not been carried far enough to give positive results. The curved wings used on the aerodromes in late years have a rise of one in twelve, or in some eases of one in eighteen,’ and for these latter the following empirical local rule has been adopted: +See footnote page 47. no. 3 LANGLEY MEMOIR ON MECHANICAL FLIGHT 47 The center of pressure on each wing with a horizontal motion of 2000 feet per minute, is two-fifths of the distance from front to rear. Where there are two pair of wings of equal size, one following the other, and placed at such a distance apart and with such a relation to the propellers as here used, the fol- lowing wing is assumed to have two-thirds of the efficiency of the leader per unit of surface. If it is half the size of the leader, the efficiency is assumed to be one- half per unit of surface. If it is half as large again as the leader, its efficiency is assumed to be eight-tenths per unit of surface. For intermediate sizes of fol- lowing wing, intermediate values of the efficiency may be assumed. These rules are purely empirical and only approximate. As approxima- tions, they are useful in giving a preliminary balance, but the exact position of the center of pressure is rarely determinable in either the horizontal or vertical plane, except by experiment in actual flight. The position of the center of grav- ity is found with all needed precision by suspending the aerodrome by a plumb- line in two positions, and noting the point of intersection of the traces of the line, and this method is so superior to that by calculation, that it will probably continue in use even for much larger constructions than the present. The principal factor in the adjustment is the position of the wings with ref- erence to the center of gravity, but the aerodrome is moved forward by the thrust of its propellers, and we must next recall the fact of experiment that as it is for constructional reasons difficult to bring the thrust line in the plane of the cen- ter of pressure of the wings, it is in practice sufficiently below them to tend to tip the front of the aerodrome upward, so that it may be that equilibrium will be attained only when CP, is not over CG. In the discussiow of the equilibrium, then, we must consider also the effect of thrust, and usually assume that this thrust-line is at some appreciable distance below the center of pressure. We may conveniently consider two cases: 1. That the center of pressure is not directly over the center of gravity; that is, CG,—CP,=a, and estimate what the value of a should be in order that, dur- ing horizontal flight, the aerodrome itself shall be horizontal; or, 1 According to Wellner (“ Zeitschrift fiir Luftschiffahrt,”’ Beilage, 1893), in a curved surface with 1/12 rise, if the angle of inclination of the chord of the surface be a, and the angle between the direction of resultant air pressure and the normal to the direction of motion be 3, then B<@ and the soaring speed is = i2 1 — sg) 2 = K ~ F(a) xX cos Bp while the efficiency is W Weight R Resistance The following values were derived from experiments in the wind: = tan 8 a—=—3° 0° +3° 6° go 12° (a) = 0220 0.86 0.75 0.90 1.00 1.05 Tan Bi= 0:01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.10 0.17 so that according to him, a curved surface shows finite soaring speeds when the angle of inclination is 0° or even slightly negative. 48 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO KNOWLEDGE VoL. 27 2. Consider that the center of pressure is directly over the center of gravity (CP,—CG,=0), and in this case inquire what angle the aerodrome itself may take during horizontal flight. First case. The diagram (Fig. 4) represents the resultants of the separate system of forces acting on the aerodrome, and these resultants will lie in a verti- cal medial plane from the symmetry of their disposition. Let af represent the resultant of the vertical components of the pressure on the wings; the horizontal component will lie in the line ae. Fic. 4. Diagram showing relation under certain conditions of thrust, C. P. and C. G. Let the center of gravity be in the line bd, and the resultant thrust of the propellers be represented by cd. Let W=weight of aerodrome. Let 7=thrust of propellers. Then if we neglect the horizontal hull resistance, which is small in comparison with the weight, equilibrium obtains when W xab=T xbd. Second case. The diagram (Fig. 5) represents the same system of forces as Fig. 4, but in this case the point of support is directly over the center of gravity g, when the axis of the aerodrome is horizontal. Let W=weight of aerodrome. Let T=thrust of the propellers. Let R=distance of CG, below CP.=ag. Let S=distance of thrust-line below CP.=ad. If now the aerodrome under the action of the propellers be supposed to turn about the CP, (or, a) through an angle a, so that g takes the position g’, we no. 3 LANGLEY MEMOIR ON MECHANICAL FLIGHT 49 obtain by the decomposition of the force of gravity an element g’/k=W sin « which acts in a direction parallel to the thrust-line. If we again neglect the horizontal hull resistance, equilibrium will be ob- tained when kg’ Xag’=T xad’ or WR sin a=TS LS, WR° ..&4=sin — Fig. 5. Diagram showing relation under certain conditions of thrust, C. P. and C. G. The practical application of these rules is greatly limited by the uncertainty that attaches to the actual position of the center of pressure, and this fact and also the numerical values involved may be illustrated by examples. Conpition or ArroproMe No. 6, NovemsBer 28, 1896 The weight was 12.5 kilos. On November 28, the steam pressure was less than 100 pounds, and the thrust may be taken at 4.5 kilos. The distance bd was 25 em. Hence 12.5 x ab=4.5 x 25 cm. ab=9 cm. This appears to give the position of CP,, but CP; is a resultant of the pressure on both wings, and its position is determined by the empirical rule just cited. We 5 50 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO KNOWLEDGE Wore, 2 cannot tell in fact, then, with exactness how to adjust the wings so that CG,—CP, may be 9 em., and equilibrium was in fact obtained in flight when (the empiri- eally determined) CG,—CP,=3 em. Again, let it be supposed that CP, was really over CG, ....The distance of the center of gravity below the center of pressure is 43 em.=R. 4.5x25 _190 Then C=sine 2° nearly. 12.5x43 j The doubt as to the actual position of the resultant center of pressure, then, ren- ders the application of the rule uncertain. In practice, we are compelled (un- fortunately) after first calculating the balance, by such rules as the above, and after it has been thus found with approximate correctness, to try a preliminary flight. Having witnessed the actual conditions of flight, we must then readjust the position of the wings with reference to the center of gravity, arbitrarily, within the range which is necessary. This readjustment should be small. Fic. 6. Diagram showing effect of Penaud tail. In the preceding discussion it has been assumed that, if there is a flat tail or horizontal rudder, it supports no portion of the weight. This is not an indis- pensable condition but it is very convenient, and we shall assume it.) Inithis case the action of the so-called Pénaud rudder becomes easily intelligible. This is a device, already referred to in Chapter IT, made by Alphonse Pénaud for the automatic regulation of horizontal flight, and it is as beautiful as it is simple. Let AB (Fig. 6) be a schematic representation of an aerodrome whose sup- porting surface is Bb, and let it be inclined to the horizon at such an angle a that its course at a given speed may be horizontal. So far it does not appear that, if the aerodrome be disturbed from this horizontal course, there is any self-regulating power which could restore it to its origimal course ; but now let there be added a flat tail AC set at an angle —a with the wing. This tail serves simply for direction, and not for the support of the aerodrome, which, as already stated. is balanced so that the CG comes under the CP of the wing Bb. It will be seen on a simple inspection that the tail under the given conditions is horizontal, and that, presenting its edge to the wind of advance, it offers no resistance to it, so that if the front rises and the angle a increases, the wind will strike on the under side of the tail and thereby tend to raise the rear and depress NO. 3 LANGLEY MEMOIR ON MECHANICAL FLIGHT dL the front again. If the angle « diminish, so that the front drops, the wind will strike the upper surface of the tail, and equally restore the angle « to the amount which is requisite to give horizontal flight. If the angle a is not chosen originally with reference to the speed so as to give horizontal flight, the device will still tend to continue the flight in the straight line which the conditions impose, whether that be horizontal or not. From this description of its action, it will be seen that the Pénaud tail has the disadvantage of giving an undulatory flight, if the tail is made rigid. This objection, however, can be easily overcome by giving to it a certain amount of elasticity. It does not appear that Pénaud gave much attention to this feature, but stress is laid upon it in the article ‘‘Flight,’’ in the ninth edition of the En- cyclopedia Britannica, and I have introduced a simple device for securing it. The complete success of the device implies a strictly uniform velocity and other conditions which cannot well be fulfilled in practice. Nevertheless, it is as efficient a contrivance for its object as has yet been obtained. More elaborate devices have been proposed, and a number of them, depend- ing for their efficiency upon the action of a variety of forces, have been con- structed by the writer, one of which will be described later. This has the ad- vantage that it tends to secure absolutely horizontal flight, but it is much inferior in simplicity to the Pénaud tail. Apart from considerations about the thrust, the CP is in practice always almost directly over the CG, and this relationship is, according to what has been suggested, obtained by moving the supporting surfaces relatively to the CG, or vice versa, remembering, however, that, as these surfaces have weight, any move- ment of them alters the CG of the whole, so that successive readjustments may be needed. The adjustment is further complicated by another important con- sideration, namely, that those parts which change their weight during flight (like the water and the fuel) must be kept very near the CG. As the water and fuel tanks are fixed, it appears, then, that the center of gravity of the whole is prac- tically fixed also, and this consideration makes the adjustment a much more difficult problem than it would be otherwise.? *The following formule proposed by Mr. Chas. M. Manly show how the center of pressure may be moved any desired distance either forward or backward without in any way affecting the center of gravity, and by merely moving the front and rear wings the same amounts but in opposite direc- tions, the total movement of each wing being in either case five times the amount that it is desired to move the mean CP,, and the direction of movement of the front wing determining the direction of movement of CP,. In Figure 7, CPs, and CP, are the centers of pressure of the front and rear wings respectively; the weights of the wings, which are assumed to be equal and concentrated at their centers of figure, are represented by w, w, and a is the distance of the center of pressure in either wing from its center of figure. The original mean center of pressure of the aerodrome is CP,, W is the weight of the aerodrome, supposed to be concentrated at @G,, while m is the distance from CP; to CG. Now, if we have assumed that the rear wing, being of the same size as the front one, has a lifting effect of only 0.66, and on this assumption have calculated the proper relative positions of the front and rear wings to cause the CP, to come directly over the CG,, and upon testing the aerodrome find 2 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO KNOWLEDGE vou. 27 “ that it is too heavy in front and, therefore, wish to move the center of pressure forward an amount, say b, without affecting the center of gravity, we can calculate the proper relative positions of the front and rear wings in the following manner. While the aerodrome as a whole is balanced at the point CG,, the weight of the wings is not balanced around this point, for the rear wing, owing to its decreased lifting effect, is proportionately farther from CP, than the front wing. In order, there- fore, to avoid moving the center of gravity of the machine as a whole, any movement of the wings must be made in such a way as to cause the difference between the weight of the rear wing multi- plied by its distance from CG, and the weight of the front wing multiplied by its distance from CG, to equal a constant: that is, w(m + a) — w(0.66m — a) = constant, and 0.330m + 2wa= constant. If now the wings be moyed so that CP, is moved forward a distance b, we may indicate the distance from CG, to the new OP;» by 2, and equating the difference between the weight of the rear wing GR Sq Fig. 8. Fia. 9. Figs. 7-9. Diagrams illustrating formule for moving C. P. without disturbing C. G. multiplied by its new distance from CG, and the weight of the front wing multiplied by its new distance from (G,, and making this difference equal to the constant difference, we can calculate 2 in terms of m and J, as follows: Fig. 8, w(a+ 2) —w(0.66(2 + b) + b—a) =0.33wm + 2wa, ~.2=m- 5d. Knowing 2, we readily find that the new distance from CP; to CG, equals: 0.66(2 + b) + b=0.66m + 5b. In a similar manner we may calculate the proper relative positions of the front and rear wings when we wish to move the center of pressure backward a distance, b, from the original CP, without changing the position of CG, From Fig. 7, we have as before: w(m + a) —w(0.66m — a) = constant, 0.33wm + 2wa— constant. Fig. 9, w (2, + a) —w(0.66(%,— b) —b— a) = 0.33wm + 2wa. ~.%,—m— dd. Similarly we have for the new distance from CPyw to CG: 0.66(z, — b) — b= 0.66m — 5b. li nae — SBS 9681 GNV S68l ‘S68 ‘9 ‘S ‘pb "SON SANOHOGOHSYV 40 SAWVHS 1331S FHL IN} Alt 1413n] ¢ | TILT spe =! (ud fl], alscmmer eae TT NT jisabh say a — SAWOHOOHRV LL “Id “€ ‘ON “Ze “10A 3903 7MONM OL SNOILNSIYLNOD NVINOSHLIAS CHAPTER VIL HISTORY OF CONSTRUCTION OF FRAME AND ENGINES OF AERODROMES During the years 1892 and 1893, it will be recalled, four aerodromes, known as Nos. 0, 1, 2, and 3, had been built, which were of two general types of construc- tion. First. that represented by No. 0, in which a radically weak hull was made to support rods at the front and rear, to which the wings and tail were attached. This aerodrome was abandoned on account of the inability to provide it with sufficient power, as well as because of its constructional weakness. Second, that type represented by Nos. 1, 2, and 3, in which a midrod was earried through from front to rear, around which the hull supporting the machinery was built. These models were much lighter than No. 0, but were all abandoned because it was found impossible to propel even the lightest of them. While all these machines were in the strictest sense failures, inasmuch as none of them was ever equipped with supporting surfaces, yet the experience gained in the con- struction of them was of the very greatest value in determining the points at which strength was needed, and in indicating the mode of construction by which strength and rigidity could be obtained.t 1893 Another aerodrome, known as No. 4 (shown in Plate 11), was designed in the latter part of 1892, and by the end of March, 1893, its construction was well under way. It was of the second type, in that the midrod was continuous, but it differed from the preceding forms in having the machinery (boilers, burners, and tanks) attached directly to the midrod, the hull now taking the form of a mere protective sheathing. As in Nos. 2 and 3, two engines were used, which were mounted on a cross-frame of light tubing attached to the midrod at right angles. It had, as at first constructed, no provision for the generation of steam, but only for carrying a reservoir of carbonic acid to supply gas for the engines. The whole, including wings, tail, and engines, but without the carbonic acid reservoir, weighed 1898 grammes (4.18 lbs.). A cylindrical reservoir, weighing 521 grammes (1.14 Ibs.) and capable of holding 1506 cu. em. (92 eu. in.) was constructed for this purpose, and tested for 30 minutes with a pressure of 100 *Jt is to be remembered that these aerodromes were under incessant modifications, No. 4 for instance, presenting successive changes which made of it in reality a number of different machines, one merging by constant alterations into the other, though it still went under the same name. After 1895 the type of the models remained relatively constant, but during the first five years of the work, constructions equal to the original building of at least eight or ten independent aerodromes were made. RQ vo e Se we wee ee 54 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO KNOWLEDGE VOL. 27 atmospheres. If the weight of the cylinder, with its contents and adjuncts, be taken as 800 grammes (1.76 lbs.), the total weight of the aerodrome was 2698 grammes (9.95 lbs.). The wings were plane surfaces of silk, stretched over a very light frame, with no intermediate ribs to prevent the wing from being com- pletely distorted by the upward pressure of the air. Even if they had been suffi- ciently strong and stiff, the total surface of both wings and tail was but 2601 sq. em. (2.8 sq. ft.) 6r approximately 0.5 sq. ft. of supporting surface to the pound, much less than was found adequate, even under the most favorable cireum- stances. The weight was much more than had been contemplated when the wings were designed, yet, if all the other features of the aerodrome had been satisfactory, and sufficient power had been secured, the work of providing suit- able supporting surfaces would have been attempted. But as it was found that the engines when supplied with carbonic-acid gas were unable to develop any- thing like the power necessary to propel the aerodrome, and that the construe- tion could be greatly improved in many other ways, this aerodrome was entirely rebuilt. The work of the engines with carbonic acid had been so completely un- satisfactory that the idea was entirely abandoned, and no further attempts to develop an efficient motor other than steam were made. It now became realized more completely than ever before that the primary requisite was to secure sufficient power, and that this could be obtained only by the use of steam. This involved a number of problems, all of which would have to be solved before any hope of a successful machine could be entertained. In the first place, engines of sufficient power and strength, but of the lightest pos- sible construction, must be built. Second, a boiler must be constructed of the least possible weight, which would develop quickly and maintain steadily steam at a high enough pressure to drive the engines. This demanded some form of heating apparatus, which could work under the adverse condition of enclosure in a narrow hull, and steadily supply enough heat to develop the relatively large quantity of steam required by the engines. The first of these problems, that of procuring suitable engines, was at least temporarily solved by the construction of two engines with brass cylinders, which had a diameter of 2.4 em. (0.95 in.), and a piston stroke of 5 em. (1.97 in.). The valve was a simple slide-valve of the piston type, arranged to cut off steam at one-half stroke. No packing was used for the piston or the valve, which were turned to an accurate fit to the cylinder and the steam-chest respectively. In the engines built up to this time, the parts had frequently been soldered together, and a great deal of trouble and delay had arisen from this cause. In these new engines, however, as strong and careful a construction was made as was possi- ble within the very narrow limits of weight, with the result that the engines, though means as efficient as those constructed later, were used in all the experiments of 1893 and also during the first part of 1894. No. 3 LANGLEY MEMOIR ON MECHANICAL FLIGHT 5) As soon as these engines were completed, in February, 1893, a test was made of one of the cylinders, steam being supplied from the boiler of the shop- engine. The experiments were made with the Prony brake, and showed that at a speed of 1000 revolutions per minute, the power developed from a single cylin- der was 0.208 H. P., with a mean effective pressure in the cylinder of only about 21 pounds per square inch of piston area, allowing a loss of 25 per cent for the internal resistance of the engine. This pressure was so much less than should have been obtained with the steam pressure used, that it now seems evident that the steam passages and ports were too small to admit and exhaust the steam with sufficient rapidity to do the work with the same efficiency that is obtained in common practice. This, however, was not immediately recognized. The piston speed at 1000 R. P. M. was 328 feet per minute, at which speed the steam at a pressure of 80 pounds should have been able to follow up the piston and main- tain almost, if not quite, full boiler pressure to the point of eut-off, but it did not do so. The problem of generating steam was much more difficult and required a long and tedious series of experiments, which consumed the greater part of the year before any considerable degree of success had been attained. In the course of these experiments many unexpected difficulties were encountered, which neces- sitated the construction of special forms of apparatus, which will be described at the proper point. Numerous features of construction, which seemed to be of value when first conceived, but which proved useless when rigorously tested, will be noted here, whenever a knowledge of their valuelessness may seem to be of advantage to the reader. The boiler was necessarily developed simultaneously with the development of the heating apparatus, and in the following pages, as far as possible, they will be treated together; but often for the sake of clearness and to avoid repetition, separate treatment will be necessary. At the beginning of these experiments, there was much doubt as to whether aleohol or gasoline would be found most suitable for the immediate purpose. An aleohol burner had been used in connection with the earliest aerodrome, No. 0, but from the results obtained with it at that time, there seemed to be little reason to hope for success with it. It is to be premised that the problem, which at first seemed insoluble, was no less than to produce steam for something like 1 H. P. by a fire-grate, which should oceupy only a few ecubie inches (about the size of a clenched hand) and weigh but a few ounces. It had to be attacked, however, and as alcohol offered the great advantage of high calorific properties with freedom from all danger of explosion, it was at first used. Early in 1893, it occurred to me to modify the burner so as to make it essen- tially an aeolipile, and in April of that year the first experimental aeolipile model shown at A (Plate 12) was made. It was very small and intended for the dem- ee oe 56 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO KNOWLEDGE VOL. 27 onstration of a principle rather than for actual service, but the construction of this small aeolipile was an epoch in the history of the aerodrome. It furnished immensely more heat than anything that had preceded it, and weighed so little and worked so well that in May the aeolipile marked Bb was made. In this de- sign two pipes were led from the upper portion of the cylinder, one to a large Bunsen burner which heated the boiler, the other to a small burner placed under the tank to vaporize the aleohol. This was followed by the one shown at C, wherein the heating burner was smaller and the gas pipe, leading to the main burner, larger. Figures D, E, F, and G (Plate 12) were really continuations and improve- ments of the same idea. In C there was simply a tube or flue through the tank; in I’, however, this tube discharged into a smoke-stack fastened to the end of the cylinder, while in G the flue turned upward within the tank itself and discharged into the short stack on top. The object of these changes was to increase the draft and heating power of the small flame, so that the gas would be more rapidly generated and a greater quantity be thus made available for use under the boiler in a unit of time. They were, however, though improvements in a construction which was itself a great advance, still inadequate to give out a sufficient amount of heat to meet the excessive demands of the required quantity of steam. The boil- ers in connection with which these aeolipiles were used must now be considered. The first boiler # (Plate 13) made during this year was a double-coil boiler of the Serpollet type, formed of 19 feet of copper tubing having an internal di- ameter of about 4 inch. Attached to the boiler was a small vertical drum, from the top of which steam was led to the engine, a pipe from the bottom leading to the pump. This boiler was tested in April with an alcohol heater, the pump in this trial bemg worked by hand. This apparatus developed a steam pressure varying from 25 to 75 pounds, which caused the engines to drive a 60 em. pro- peller of 1.25 pitch-ratio 565 revolutions per minute. The greatest difficulty was experienced in securing a sufficient and uniform circulation in the boiler coils. The action in the present case was extremely irregular, as the pressure some- times rose to 150 pounds, driving the engines at a dangerous speed and bending the eecentrie rod, while at other times it would fall so low that the engines stop- ped completely. As the pump used in this trial had proved so unsatisfactory and unreli- able, it was replaced by a reservoir of water having an air-chamber charged to 10 atmospheres, the flow from which could apparently be regulated with the greatest nicety by a needle valve at the point of egress; but for some reason its performance was unsatisfactory and remained so after weeks of experiment. There was used in connection with this device the double-coil boiler shown at F’ (Plate 13) which was made of tubes flattened so as to be nearly capillary. The idea of this was to obtain a larger heating surface and a smaller volume of ayeye _ 2 a = ent: jars SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO KNOWLEDGE 1894 CASOLINE BURNERS 1836 ij i893 ALCOHOL AEOLIPILES jg94 1893 SEPARATORS 1895 i895 BURNERS, AEOLIPILES, AND SEPARATORS VOL, 27, NO. 3, PL. 12 MITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO KNOWLEDGE SoiceanG Stee i393 BOILERS 893 1893 i894 i "val daabiiy Pree BOERS BOILERS OF AERODROMES No. 3 LANGLEY MEMOIR ON MECHANICAL FLIGHT 57 water, so that by proper regulation at the needle valve, just that quantity would be delivered which could be converted into steam in its passage through the coils, and be ready for use in the engines as it left the boiler at the farther ex- tremity. The results obtained from this were an improvement over those from the original coil, and a third set of coils (G, in Plate 13) was made. This boiler consisted of three flattened tubes superposed one over another. These two boilers were tried by placing them in a charcoal fire and turning on an alcohol blast, while water from a reservoir under constant air pressure was forced through them past a pin valve. The result was that the two-stranded coil supplied steam at from 10 to 40 pounds pressure to run the engines at about 400 revolutions per minute. The pressure rose steadily for about 40 seconds and then suddenly fell away, though the coils were red-hot, and neither the water nor the aleohol was exhausted—apparently because of the irregularity of the supply of water, due to the time taken by it after passing the valve to fill the considerable space intervening between that point and the boiler. An attempt was made to overcome this difficulty by putting a stop-cock di- rectly in front of the boiler so that the water, while still under the control of the needle valve, could be turned in at once; the alcohol blast was also arranged to be turned on or off at pleasure, and provision was made, by taking out the end of the flue inclosing the boiler, to provide for an increased air supply. With this arrangement a flame eight or nine inches long was obtained, but a test showed that not more than 25 grammes of water per minute passed through the tubes, which was not enough. Further tests with these boilers were so far satisfactory as to show that with the flattened-tube Serpollet boiler, comprising from 60 to 80 feet of tubing, from 80 to 100 pounds pressure of steam could be maintained, but not steadily. As there were difficulties in flattening the tubes to make a boiler of this sort, a compromise was effected in the construction of the one shown at H (Plate 13), which was made of light copper tubes 5 mm. in diameter, laid up in three lengths of 6 metres each. The ends of these coils were so attached to each other that the water entering at one end of the smallest coil would pass through it and then enter the middle coil, whence it passed through the third or outer coil. Two sets of these coils were made and placed in the thin sheathings shown in the photograph. Repeated experiments with these boilers demonstrated that the pressure did not rise high enough in proportion to the heat applied, and that even the pressures obtained were irregular and untrustworthy. The principal difficulty still lay in maintaining an active and uniform circulation through the coils, and for this purpose the water reservoir under constant air pressure had proved itself inadequate. This pointed to a return to the use of the force pump, the construction of which had hitherto presented so many special difficulties that it had been temporarily abandoned. 58 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO KNOWLEDGE vou. 27 A further difficulty experienced in the use of these boilers had been that of obtaining dry steam for the engines, as during the early experiments the steam had been delivered directly into the engines from the boiler coils. But in August the writer devised a chamber, known as the ‘‘ separator,’’ where it had an op- portunity to separate from the water and issue as dry steam, or at least approxi- mately dry steam. This was an arrangement familiar in principle to steam en- gineers under another form, but it was one of the many things which, in the igno- rance of steam engineering the writer has already freely admitted, he had to reinvent for himself. At about the same time, a new pump was designed to drive the water from the bottom of the separator, which served the double purpose of steam drum and reservoir, into the coils. This pump had a diameter of 4.8 em., and was run at 180 strokes per minute. The result of the first experiments with these improvements demonstrated that, within certain limits, the amount of water evaporated is proportional to the circulation, and in this boiler the circulation was still the thing that was at fault. Finally, the results of the experiments with the two-stranded, triple-coil boiler may be summed up in the statement that it was possible to maintain a pressure of 80 pounds, and that with it the engines could be made to develop from 0.3 to 0.4 H. P. at best. It weighed 650 grammes (1.48 pounds) without the asbestos jacket. About this time the writer had the good fortune to secure the temporary services of Dr. Car] Barus, an accomplished physicist, with whose aid a great variety of boilers were experimented on. The next form of boiler tested was that shown at N (Plate 13), made on a system of coils in parallel, of which there were twenty complete turns. In the first test it generated but 20 pounds of steam, because the flame refused to work in the colder coils. The work of this boiler was very unsatisfactory, and it was only with the greatest diffienlty that more than ten pounds pressure could be maintained. There was trouble, too, with the circulation, in that when the flame was in full play the pump seemed to meet an almost solid resistance, so that it could not be made to do its work. A new boiler was accordingly made, consisting of three coils of four strands each. With this the pump worked easily, but whereas it was expected to get 120 pounds pressure, the best that could be obtained was 70 pounds. The outer coil was then stripped off, and a trial made in which everything ran smoothly and the pressure mounted momentarily to 90 pounds. After some adjustment, a mean pressure of 80 pounds was obtained, giving 730 revolutions of the en- gine per minute, with an indicated horse-power of 0.32. It was shown in this work that, within certain limits, steam is generated most rapidly when it is used most rapidly, so that two engines could be used NO. 3 LANGLEY MEMOIR ON MECHANICAL FLIGHT 59 almost as well as one, the reason apparently being that the rapid circulation in- creased the steam generating power of the boiler, and that the engines worked best at about 80 pounds. It was also found that a larger tubing was better than the small, weight for weight, this fact bemg due to the greater ease with which circulation could be maintained, since fewer coils were necessary in order to obtain the same external heating surface. The pressure in the coils and the separator was also much more nearly equalized. The result was that the boiler temporarily approved was one made of tubing 6.85 mm. (0.25 inch) in diameter, bent into a two-coil, two-stranded boiler, having sixteen complete turns for each strand in each coil. The total weight was 560 grammes (1.23 pounds) with a total heating surface of 1300 sq. em. (1.4 sq. ft.). The separator used in the experiments made during August and September was of a form in which the water was forced below a series of partitions that prevented it from following the steam over into the cylinders of the engines. It weighed 410 grammes (0.9 pound) and was most conveniently worked with 700 grammes (1.54 pounds) of water. The boiler and separator together weighed 970 grammes (2.1 pounds). A new separator was, however, designed, which was horizontal instead of vertical, as it was intended that it should be placed just below the midrod. An- other form, devised for constructional reasons, consisted of a cylinder in which a pump was imbedded. Heretofore the pump used had been single-acting, but it was now proposed to make a double-acting pump. Upon testing this apparatus, it was found that when using an aeolipile, it took 150 grammes of alcohol to evaporate 600 grammes of water. It was evident that the latter was used very wastefully, so that the thermal efficiency of the engine was not over one per cent ; but it was also evident that, under the necessity of sacrificmg everything to light- ness, this waste was largely inevitable. About the middle of October, another boiler (O, Plate 18) was made, which consisted of two coils wound in right and left hand screw-threads, one fitting loosely over the other, so as to make a cylindrical lattice-work 32 em. (12.6 in.) long. Each coil contained two strands of copper tube 0.8 mm. thick, and weigh- ing 54 grammes to the metre (0.036 pound to the foot). The inner coil had a diameter of 5.63 em. (2.22 in.), with nine turns of tube to the strand, the two strands making a length of 319 em. (10.5 feet) for the coil. The outer coil had a mean diameter of 6.88 em. (2.71 in.) and a length of 388 em. (12.7 feet) for the two strands. The total length of the two coils was, therefore, 707 cm. (23.2 feet), with a heating surface of about 1415 sq. em. (1.52 sq. ft.) and a total weight of 382 grammes (0.84 pound). The results obtained with this boiler were so far satisfactory as to show that, under the most favorable conditions, when air was supplied in unlimited quanti- ties and there were no disturbing currents to put out or interfere with the work 60 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO KNOWLEDGE VOL. 27 of the burners, steam could be supplied at a sufficient pressure to run the en- eines. It was realized, however, that the conditions in flight would be very dif- ferent, and that in order to protect the apparatus from the wind, some sort of protecting covering would have to be devised, which would of itself introduce new difficulties in providing the burners with a proper and uniform draft. The hull, as at first constructed, consisted of a cylindrical sheathing open in front, through the rear end of which the boiler and aeolipile projected inward, Fic. 10. Diagram of pendulum. so that the air taken in at the front would be drawn through the boiler and hearth to the exclusion of lateral currents. In the first tests, however, after the hull had been applied, it was impossible to secure a proper rate of combustion, nearly the whole hull being filled with a bluish flame, while only a very small portion of the eases of combustion passed into the coils of the boiler. The remedy for this lay in obtaining an increased draft, and a small stack was, therefore, arranged to carry off the products of combustion. This proved inadequate, and it was only after several weeks of experiment with various types of smoke-stack, and constant alteration of the aeolipile, that it was possible to make the apparatus work effi- No. 3 LANGLEY MEMOIR ON MECHANICAL FLIGHT 61 ciently when it was inside the hull. Finally such a degree of success was attained that the burners could be kept lighted even when the aerodrome was placed in a considerable artificial breeze, created by a blower in the shop. In connection with these tests of the engines and boilers, some method was desired, in addition to the Prony brake tests, by which the thrust of the propel- lers when driven by the engines at various speeds could be measured accurately and in terms which would be readily available in judging whether the aerodromes were ready to be given an actual trial in free flight. Such a method was found > which was introduced in the use of an apparatus known as the ‘‘ pendulum,’ near the end of 1892, but was not generally used until the end of 1893. After this time, however, this test was made a condition prerequisite to taking any of the aerodromes into the field, and proved of the greatest assistance in estimat- ing the probable outcome of the trials. The apparatus used, which is diagrammatically shown in Fig. 10, was ex- tremely simple both in theory and operation. It consisted primarily of a hori- zontal arm AC carrving the knife-edge B by which it is pivoted on each side on supporting beams not shown. Depending from AC is the light vertical arm DE, rigidly joined to it and carrying the lower horizontal arm #G, all of which are braced together so as to maintain the arm DE constantly perpendicular to AC. To this arm FG the model was rigidly attached with its center of gravity in line with the vertical arm DE and its weight mereased by the addition of properly disposed flat weights, in order to make the angle of lift for a given thrust of the propellers smaller and less likely to interfere with the working of the boiler and separator. Before the actual test of the ‘‘ lift ’’ could be made, it was necessary to know the exact distance of the vertical center of gravity of the model and the extra weights from the knife-edge B. This was determined by the following method: A known weight was suspended from the arm AB at some arbitrarily selected distance from the point B. This weight caused the perpendicular arms AB and DE to rotate through an angle, @, which was measured on the scale KL. Know- ing, then, the weight on the arm AB, its point of application, the weight of the aerodrome suspended on the arm DE, and the angle of rotation, it is easy, by a simple application of trigonometric functions, to determine the distance of the center of gravity of the model from the point B. In a test of Aerodrome No. 6 made on September 23, 1898, the weight sus- pended from AB was 10,000 grammes, its point of application 50 em., the model was weighted to 20,450 grammes, and the angle of rotation, 6, was 7° 2’.. Letting y equal the distance of the CG from B, we may equate the balanced forces thus: 10,000 x 50 cos 7° 2’=20,450 x y sin 7° 2’ 10,000 x 50 cot 7° 2’=20,450 y y=198.2 cm. 62 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO KNOWLEDGE VOL. 21 Having determined this distance, the weight on 46 was removed and the, aerodrome was allowed to regain its former position. The distance of the center of thrust from PB was then measured. The engine was next started and the num- ber of revolutions of the propellers counted by a tachometer. The thrust of the propellers, acting perpendicularly to the arm BD, produced rotation around the point B, the angle of which was measured as above. In the power test of No. 6, the following data were obtained: W=weight of aerodrome=20,450 grammes. é6=anele of lift=19° 30’. Distance of CG from center of rotation=198.2 em.” Distance of center of thrust from center of rotation=186.3 em. As the propeller thrust and the weight of the model are forces acting in opposite directions at known distances from a center of rotation, letting L equal the ‘‘dead lift,’? we may express the equation thus: W sin 0X198.2=L x 186.3, 198.2 e633 L=7,263 grammes ‘‘ dead lift.’’ x sin 19° 30’ x 20,450, The flying weight of Aerodrome No. 6 was 12,064 grammes, and the per cent of this weight lifted was, therefore, 7,268 12,064 This was much more than was necessary for flight, but in order to insure = 60.3. successful flights and avoid delay, the rule was made in 1895 that no aerodrome was to be launched until it had previously demonstrated its ability to generate enough power to maintain for at least two minutes a lift of 50 per cent of the total flying weight. At the same time other important data were obtained, such as the steam-pressure, the time required to raise sufficient steam, the total time of the run, and the general working of-the boilers and engines. As will easily be seen, these tests afforded a most satisfactory basis of judg- ing what the aerodromes might be expected to do in actual flight if the balancmg were correct. At this time, October, 1893, the aerodrome (Old No. 4) was practically complete, and the most anxious thought was given to lightening it in every way consistent with the ever-present demand for more power, which necessitated an increase in the weight of both burners and boilers to supply the requisite steam. On November 14, when the aerodrome was prepared to be shipped to Quan- tico for trial, its condition was about as follows. The steam-generating appa- ratus—the parts of which were of substantially the forms last described, al- though some slight improvements had been introduced—had been developed to no. 3 LANGLEY MEMOIR ON MECHANICAL FLIGHT 63 such a point that a pressure of from 70 to 80 pounds of steam could be main- tained for 70 seconds, when it was tested in the shop. What it would do under the unfavorable conditions imposed by flight was to be learned only by trial. At this pressure, the engines, the efficiency of which had been increased by an improvement in packing, would develop approximately 0.4 indicated H. P., . while at 105 pounds pressure they at times developed as much as 0.8 H. P. When the aerodrome was tested on the pendulum, these engines, when making less than 700 revolutions per minute, lifted over 40 per cent of the total flying weight. The propellers used at this time were accurate helices, having a diameter of 60 em., a width of blade of approximately 36 degrees, and a pitch-ratio of 1.25. They were formed of wood, and were bushed with brass where they were at: tached to the shafts. AERODROME OLD NO. 4 AS PREPARED FOR FLIGHT BEFORE BEING SHIPPED FOR TRIAL ON NOVEMBER 14, 1893 Part Copper |Stecl} Brass. | Iron Wood and| Mica and | Fluia Total and mean ; mobi : at : silk. asbestos. | i weights. | ia = \~ 2S | 7 ar gis. gms. gms. | gms. gms. gms. gms. | gms. AG ONIPLE Te yeiajein ee «ale ni 200 os 92 ae oe 30 an 292 ICM en sooousdosenaooees 350 nc 57 ae ar ane So 387 Separator and pumps.... 300 30. 100 20 od do 50 450 Engine and frame...... a 350 570 ae 50 B5 28 920 Midrod (200¢em. long)... . 26 220 36 Ss 50 is Le 220 Two smoke-stacks ...... 70 a 6 ve O16 = so 70 Asbestos jacketing...... “ye 5 35 30 56 50 a 50 PAWTICHVEAD Cle -yeta crore -retsas= Oc se 56 82 a a6 ae 82 Spider between boiler and REDON erates alelel cy osaisiate 52 >| BY) NGAISERVAlVe.r:c csv ob ccere| 50 a5 15 15 To eely ene aed cs 952 | 600 814 | 102 cal mle 00 2518 5.54 Ibs. 52 eee eee ee BOM lee Bove ace sf 25 | 125 Pins foristarter cc. << 15 ao aD 15 Two large wings and tail. ne oi 55 o 571 Ne -+ | 571 Buffer and steerer....... Se .. comet n note 53 53 Lid doy Veg GODOOORDO SDE | os 5 =f “2 250 250 Rotalyen SUEY aay ace | 50 | 15 50 874 25 1014= 2.23 Ibs. — ed _ - —_ ——_—. Grand total........... 1002 615 864 102 874 75 3532—) 7.77 lbs. Dausityse orate necs ss BAG |vsBer| 8.580025 0.8 3.0 are us Volume (cu. ems.)...... . 113 79 102 | 136 1092 25 on 1425=) 87 cu.ins. ALCON OLprcemcteratocientasicc ve oe 52) aie 30 un 100 100 WEI capo odoscdecandse Bo a5 he oc 50 on | 500 500 AUCH WSrinncoaadee aces Be op alle 1 lbs 5 125 WDA? Saciinessenaooaas . os oe a5 a oe me 500 f 2.01 ( II Volume (cu. ems.)....... 46 aa ee sis 50 ae 55 2050 Permanent air spaces: in midrod, vol. = 355 ee. in engine frame, vol. = 100 ec. f 4132 7 volume as perII. 2050 cc. Deusity= 5-95 =1.65 } III | ee 2505 ec. 64 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO KNOWLEDGE vot. 2 The total flying weight of Old No. 4, including fuel and water, was 4132 grammes (9.1 lbs.), a much larger weight than had been contemplated when the original designs were made. A detailed statement of the weights of the various parts of the aerodrome, together with some data as to its density, is given on the preceding page. There were provided in the wings and tail ap- proximately 2 sq. ft. of supporting surface to the pound of weight, which would have been barely sufficient to sustain the aerodrome, even if it had been success- fully launched and the wings had been built much stronger than the flimsy con- struction in use at this time. An air chamber, which served the double purpose of floating the aerodrome and of providing a moveable weight by which the center of gravity could be shifted to the proper position relatively to the center of pressuré, was con- structed of the thinnest sheet-iron and attached to the midrod. This aerodrome, the fifth in actual construction, and the first, after years of experiment, to be carried into the field, was transported to Quantico, where the first trial with it was made on November 20, under the conditions described in Chapter IX. 1894 The aerodrome, No. 4, which has just been described, had not been put to the test of an actual flight, for reasons connected with the difficulties of launching, which are more fully described elsewhere; but, when the completed machine was more fully studied in connection with the unfavorable conditions which it was seen would be imposed on it in trials in the open air, many possibilities for im- provement presented themselves. It was seen, for instance, that a better design might be made, in which the engines, boiler and aeolipile might be placed so that the center of gravity of each would lie in the same vertical plane as the central line of the aerodrome. In order to do this the construction of a single midrod, which was the distinguishing feature of Old No. 4, had to be essentially departed from, the midrod of this new one, No. 5, being opened out into two rods, so to speak, which were bent out so that the open space between them furnished a sufficiently large hull space to hold the entire power generating apparatus. In arranging the machinery within this hull, it was provided that, as the water and fuel were expended, the center of gravity of the aerodrome would shift little, and, if at all, backward relatively to the center of pressure. Instead of the two small engines, which it will be remembered were mounted on the cross-frame in No. 4, a single engine with a larger cylinder, having a di- ameter of 3.3 em. (1.3 in.) and a stroke of 7 em. (2.76 in.), capable of developing about 1 H. P. was used. This engine was mounted within the hull near the for- ward end and drove the propellers by suitable gearing. Se Sr Ge pene ee. ee eee ee ne ee > Sr es ee NO. 3 LANGLEY MEMOIR ON MECHANICAL FLIGHT 65 In addition to these radical changes many important improvements were made in the different parts. Internal compartments were built in the separa- tor, so that even if the water was displaced by the pitching of the aerodrome, it could still perform its functions properly The pump was provided with a ratchet, so that it could be worked by hand after the burners were lighted, and before enough steam had been raised to enable the engine to run it. An active cireu- lation was thus maintained in the coils of the boiler as soon as the burner was lighted and before the engine was started, which prevented the tubing from be- ing burnt out, as had frequently happened previously. The wing construction was also improved and many other changes were introduced, which will be treated separately. In the meantime, No. 4, which had been damaged in the attempted launching in November, 1893, was strengthened and prepared for another trial which took place in January, 1894. By the end of the first week in February, the engine of No. 5 was ready for trial, and with a boiler pressure of about 80 pounds per square inch, apparently developed 0.56 H. P. on the Prony brake, when making 800 revolutions per min- ute. To accomplish this called for such good distribution of steam in the cyl- inder, that it is doubtful if the power could be exceeded at that speed and pressure. It was, however, apparent that it was desirable to have a boiler capable of supplying steam for at least one horse-power, and that in order to do this, there must be an improvement in the aeolipiles. The problem consisted in arranging to evaporate more than 500 cu. em., and in fact as nearly as possible 1000 cu. em. (61 cu. in.) of water per minute, and, since from 200 to 300 cu. em. per minute had already been evaporated, this was not regarded as impossible of ac- complishment. The theoretical advantages of gasoline had for a long time been recognized, as well as the very practical advantage possessed by it of keeping lighted in a breeze, and several attempts had been made during the latter part of the previous year to construct a suitable burner for use with it. These had not been very successful; but in view of the increasing demand for a flame of greater efficiency than that of the alcohol aeolipiles, it was decided to resume the experiments with it. Accordingly, a gasoline evaporator was tried, consisting in the first ex- periment of a gasoline tank with nine flues, through which steam was passed. A flow of steam gave a rapid evaporation of gasoline when the pressure did not exceed 5 pounds. The chief difficulty with the burner employed was that the supply of gasoline gas would rise and fall as the steam rose and fell, conditions just the opposite of what was really desired. On the other hand, it was thought that this gasoline tank would form a real condenser for the steam, so that a por- 6 66 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO KNOWLEDGE vou. 27 tion of the exhaust steam would be condensed and be available for use in the boiler again. The gasoline vapor had many advantages over the alcohol; but it was at first possible to evaporate only 120 cu. em. of gasoline in a minute. In the experiments that were made at this time (March 9) with gasoline, the main object in view was to obtain a smooth blue flame at 10 pounds pressure. There had been failures to accomplish this, owing to the high boiling point of the liquid, and while the work was in progress it was still evident that the prob- lem of the boiler and the flame which was to heat it had not been solved. A Prony brake test gave, at 130 pounds pressure, 1.1 H. P. with about 1000 revolutions of the propellers; but this was with steam supplied from the boiler of the sta- tionary shop engine. On April 1, 1894, the following record was made of the condition of Aero- drome No. 5: ‘¢ The wings, the tail, and the two 80cm. propellers, as well as the two smaller propellers, are ready. The cylinders, gear, pump, and every essential of the running gear, are in place. The boilers, separators, and adjuncts are still under experiment, but may be hoped to be ready in afew days. At present, the boilers give from 450 to 600 grammes of mixed steam and water per minute. With 130 pounds of steam, the engine has actually developed at the brake, without cut- off, considerably more than 1 H. P., so that it may be confidently considered that at 150 pounds, with cut-off, it will give at least 0.8 H. P., if it works proportion- ately well.’’ The delays incident to the accomplishment of the work in hand were always greater than anticipated, as is instanced by the fact that it was the latter part of September before the work was actually completed. The greater part of this delay was due to the necessity for a constant series of experiments during the spring and summer to determine the power that it was possible to obtain with the various styles of boilers, aeolipiles, and gasoline burners. While No. 5 was thus under construction, new and somewhat larger engines had been built for No. 4, the work on them having been begun in January. The cylinders of these engines, which are more fully described in connection with Aerodrome No. 6, were 2.8 em. in diameter, with a 5 em. stroke, each cylinder thus having a capacity of 30.8 cu. em., which was an increase of 36 per cent over that of the old brass cylinder engines, which had previously been used on No. 4. On April 28, under a pressure of 70 pounds, these engines drove the two 60 em. propellers at a rate of 900 R. P. M., and lifted on the pendulum nearly 40 per cent of the total flying weight of Aerodrome No. 4, which was now ap- proximately 5 kilos. A trial was made at Quantico in the latter part of May, which is. described in Chapter IX. It is only necessary to mention in this con- nection that there was a great deal of trouble experienced with the alcohol aeo- lipile, the flame being extinguished in the moderate wind to which the aero- NO. 3 LANGLEY MEMOIR ON MECHANICAL FLIGHT 67 drome was subjected while preparations for the launch were being made. More- over the flame was so nearly invisible in the sunlight that it was uncertain whether it was burning in the critical instants just before the launch, when doubt might be fatal. These conditions resulted in a final decision in favor of gaso- line, on account of its greater inflammability, and in the provision of such hull covering that the fires could be lighted and maintained in a breeze. In June, I tried a modification of the burner, in which the gasoline was de- livered under the pressure of air to the evaporating coil. In the first trial steam was raised to a final pressure of about 70 pounds, and a run of 45 seconds was secured under a pressure of 40 pounds in the gasoline tank, which was thought to be altogether too high; for, at the end of the run, the whole apparatus was enveloped in flames, because of the gasoline that was projected through the burner-tips. Continual experiments with different forms of burner, illustrated in Plate 12, occupied the time, with delays and imperfect results, which were trying to the investigator, but are omitted as of little interest to the reader. They had, how- ever, the incidental result of proving the practical superiority of gasoline over alcohol, and culminated in the evolution of the burner that was finally used successfully. It consisted of a tank for the gasoline, from which compressed air delivered the liquid to a small coil surrounded by asbestos, in which it was vaporized. At the rear end of this coil three pipes were led off, one of which was a small ‘‘ bleeder,’’ which fed the burner for heating the gasoline, the other two leading to the main burners. After the generation of gas in the small coil had been started, the heat from the small burner was expected to continue the vaporization, so that nothing but gas would be able to reach the main burners. A device was also introduced, which had greatly increased the amount and uni- formity of the draft and consequently made the burners and boilers more effi- cient than before. This consisted simply in passing the exhaust steam from the engines into the smoke-stack, and it is remarkable that it was not thought of earlier. By the middle of September, 1894, both aerodromes were completed and ready for another test. On September 27 the condition of Aerodrome No. 4 was as follows: The general type of construction, namely, that of a single midrod, to which all the steam generating apparatus was attached, and which supported also the cross-frame and the wings, was the same as in the construc- tion of 1893. On account of the increased weight of the model, and the substi- tution of an inferior piece of tubing in place of the former midrod, it was found necessary to stiffen it by the use of temporary trusses. Permanent bearing points for holding the aerodrome securely to the newly devised launching appa- ratus were also attached to this midrod. 68 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO KNOWLEDGE VOL. 27 The engines in use at this time were the small steel cylinders described above, which were mounted on the cross-frame, and drove the propellers directly. These engines were capable of delivering to the propellers, as had been proved by repeated tests, at least 0.66 brake horse-power. The boiler consisted of two inner coils and an enveloping outer coil, loosely wound and connected in series. The inner coils, each of which had about 17 turns of 8 mm. diameter, 0.2 mm. thick tubing, developed about 80 per cent of the steam; the outer coil of 8 turns, while not exactly useless as a steam gener- ator, afforded an efficient means of fastening the smoke-stack and cover of the boiler, and for attaching the latter to the midrod. This boiler was externally 30 em. long, 16 em. wide, and 10 em. deep, weighing with its cover approximately 650 grammes. The stack for the burnt gases, into which exhaust steam was led from a central jet, was about 1 foot long. At best this boiler was capable of developing slightly over 100 pounds of steam. The separator was of the form last described, except that the steam dome had been moved toward the front, to prevent the jerk of the launching car in starting from causing water to be pitched over into the engines. It was con- structed of sheet aluminum-bronze, and weighed, together with its pump, 580 grammes. The pump, which was double-acting and fitted with ball valves, was capable of discharging 4.5 grammes of cold water per stroke, its efficiency being only about one-half as great with hot water. The gasoline burner, which had been finally adopted in place of the alcohol aeolipiles, had now been perfected to the form in which it was finally used. Two Bunsen burners of special construction were provided with gasoline gas by the heat of an intermediate accessory burner, which played upon a coil to which all three burners were connected. Gasoline was furnished from a tank made of aluminum-bronze, under an air pressure of about 20 pounds, the fluid beg un- der the control of a screw stop-cock. This tank, which was capable of holding 100 to 150 eu. em. of gasoline, weighed 180 grammes, and the burners with an outer sheathing weighed 302 grammes. It was caleulated that about 3300 eu. em. (201 eu. in.) of air space would be required to float the aerodrome in water, and this was supplied by an air cham- ber, having a capacity of 2700 cu. em. (165 cu. in.), which could be shifted to adjust the longitudinal equilibrium of the aerodrome, and about 900 cu. em. (55 cu. in.) of space in the gasoline tank and the midrod. The reel and float, which served to indicate the location of the aerodrome, if for any reason it should be submerged, were in one piece, and so moored that there was no danger of fouling the propellers. The total weight of the aerodrome was about 6 kilogrammes (13.2 Ibs.), or, with a maximum quantity of fuel (850 eu. em. of water, 150 cu. cm. of gasoline), eee, ee 7. aes 2 hy NO. 3 LANGLEY MEMOIR ON MECHANICAL FLIGHT 69 less than 7 kilogrammes. From 60 to 90 pounds of steam could be maintained by the boilers for about 2 minutes, at which pressure the engines developed about 0.66 brake horse-power, driving the 70 em., 1.25 pitch-ratio propellers at 700 R. P. M., and giving a lift of from 2.6 to 3.0 kilos (5.7 to 6.6 pounds), or about 40 per cent of the flying weight. The wings and tail had a total surface of 2.62 sq. m. (28.2 sq. ft.), giving : ratio of 2.7 kilos to 1 sq. m. of wing surface (1.8 sq. ft. per pound). If the hull resistance be neglected, the soaring speed of this aerodrome was about 5.9 metres (19 feet) per second, or 13 miles per hour. Turning now to the completed No. 5, its frame was of the 3 “¢ double mid- rod ’’ type described above, the two tubes which formed the frame being pro- longed at the front and rear to afford points of attachment for the wings and tail. The range through which the wings could be shifted to adjust the position of the center of pressure was, however, very small. The hull, which, it will be remembered, contained all the power generating apparatus, was much stronger and heavier than that of No. 4, and resembled somewhat the hull of a ship. It had a frame-work of steel tubing brazed to the midrod, to which an outer sheathing of sheet aluminum 0.3 mm. thick was attached. It was, however, ex- cessively heavy, weighing nearly 800 grammes. The engine, which was mounted near the front of the hull, was the single cylinder, one horse-power engine, described above, which drove the two propel- lers by suitable gearing. The remaining parts of the power plant were identical with those already described in connection with No. 4, but the more advantage- ous location of them in No. 5 rendered them somewhat more efficient. It had been planned to use 80 em. propellers of 1.25 pitch-ratio on No. 5, but it was found in the shop tests of the aerodrome that the cross-frame was not strong enough to withstand the strains, and that the engine could be made to work much more steadily with a smaller propeller. Accordingly, propellers of 70 em. diameter and 1.25 pitch-ratio, similar to those used on No. 4, were finally substituted. For floating the aerodrome, when it descended into the water, an air-cham- ber similar to that of No. 4, but of a larger capacity was provided. With this in place on the aerodrome, it was calculated that, if all the parts except this float and the gasoline tank were filled with water, there would still be a buoyancy of over 2 kilogrammes. The total weight of No. 5 was 8200 grammes, or with its full supply of fuel and water 9200 grammes. In this aerodrome the same boilers used in No. 4 were capable of maintaining for at least a minute 115 pounds of steam, so that the engine now gave the maximum of one brake horse-power for which it was designed, and, driving the 70 em. propellers, lifted repeatedly nearly 45 per cent of the flying weight. 70 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO KNOWLEDGE vou. 2 The wings and tail constructed for No. 5 were identical with those of No. 4, being slightly curved and containing 2.62 sq. m. (28.2 sq. ft.), equivalent to 1.4 sq. ft. to the pound, which with the flimsy construction of the wings gave an en- tirely inadequate support to the aerodrome. During the summer a launching apparatus of a new and improved type, which is described in Chapter X, had been perfected, and with it repeated tests were made of both aerodromes in October, November, and December, with the un- satisfactory results recorded in Chapter IX. In the course of these experiments, many slight modifications of the burners and boilers were made, but no important changes were introduced except that the cross-frame of No. 5 was enlarged and strengthened so as to admit of its carrying one metre propellers safely. The results, however, which were obtained, did not compensate for the increased weight of the larger frame. Viewing the work of this year from the standpoint of results obtained in the numerous attempts at flight, it would seem that very little progress had been made, and that there was small reason to expect to achieve final success. How- ever, if the work be examined more particularly, it will be seen that two of the most difficult problems had been solved, one completely as far as the models were concerned, and the other to a very satisfactory degree. First, a launching apparatus, with which it was possible to give the aerodrome any desired initial velocity, had been devised, and so far perfected that no trouble was ever expe- rienced with it in testing the models. Second, as a result of the extended and systematic series of experiments, which had been conducted under the direction of Dr. Barus, a steam pressure of 115 pounds could be maintained steadily in the boilers for at least a minute, and the burners could be kept lighted even in a considerable breeze. A summary of these experiments, together with some account of the diffi- culties encountered and the results finally obtained with the apparatus in use at the end of the year, is given in the following report, which was prepared by Dr. Barus in December, 1894. ‘“« Tf water be sprayed upon a surface kept in a permanent state of ignition, any quantity of steam might be generated per time unit. Similarly advantage- ous conditions would be given if threads of water could be passed through a flame. In practice this method would encounter two serious difficulties, the im- portance of which is accentuated when the boiler apparatus is to be kept within the degree of lightness essential in aerodromics. These difficulties are (1) the danger of chilling the flame below the point of ignition or of combustion of the gases, and (2) the practical impossibility of maintaining threads of water in the flame. For it is clear that the threads must be joined in multiple are, so as to allow a large bulk of water to circulate through the boiler, whereas even when there are but two independent passages for the water through the furnace, it is hard to keep both supplied with liquid without unduly straining the pump. If the water be even slightly deficient, circumstances will arise in which one of Peereee to] ae Rhea oat No. 3 LANGLEY MEMOIR ON MECHANICAL FLIGHT 71 the passages is better than the other. This conduit will then generate more steam and drive the water under force through the other passage, increasing the tem- perature discrepancy between them. Eventually the hot passage reaches igni- tion and either bursts or melts. This is what sooner or later takes place in boilers adapted for flying machines and consisting of tubes joined in multiple arc, when a single moderately strong circulating pump supplies the system. ““To avoid these annoyances, i. e., to increase the length of life of the boiler, the boiler tubes are joined in series to the effect that a single current of water may flow successively through all of them. It is needful therefore to select wide tubes, such as will admit of an easy circulation in consideration of the length of tubing employed without straining the pump and at the same time to allow sufficient room for the efflux of steam. Other considerations enter here, the bearing of which will be seen presently: if the tube be too wide the difficulty of coiling it on a mandrel of small diameter is increased, while at the same time the tube loses strength (cet. par.) in virtue of the increased width. Diagram 2. Diagram 1. Fig. 11. ‘¢Tt is from considerations such as these that, in the course of many ex- periments, copper tubing about 8 mm. in diameter has been adopted. Copper is selected because of its freedom from internal corrosion, easy coiling, and be- cause of its availability in the market. The thinnest tube to be had (walls only 0.1 mm. thick) will withstand more pressure than can be entrusted to the larger steam receivers in cireuit with the boiler. The boiler weight is thus a negligible factor, and it is quite feasible to reduce the thickness of boiler tubing, by the superficial application of moderately strong nitric acid, to 200-400 grammes per horse-power of steam supplied. External corrosion due to flames occurs only in ease of deficient water, and if the boiler be made of tubing with the walls 0.2 mm. thick, it is in view of the possibility of such accidents. Boilers may then be tested to 25 atm. without endangering the metal. “‘ Boilers are wound or coiled with regard to the two points above suggested, viz.: to avoid chilling the flame the successive turns are spaced on all sides, and to bring the water as nearly into the flame as possible, the diameter of the coils is chosen as small as expedient. Further reasons for this will presently be ad- duced. The type of boiler eventually adopted is shown in the accompanying dia- grams, | and 2, Fig. 11. ‘‘ Diagram 1, is a perspective diagram showing the plan of winding and Dia- gram 2, an end view. The circulation is indicated. There are two inner coils 72 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO KNOWLEDGE VoL. 27 each containing about 17 turns, wound on a mandrel 5 em. in diameter. The turns are spaced so as to allow about 1 em. clear between successive turns. The outer coil envelopes both, and in this there are about 3 em. between successive turns, and 8 turns in all. Length, say, 30 em., breadth 16 cm., thickness 10 em., give the external dimensions of the boiler. The shell space between outer and inner layers of tubing must nowhere be less than 1 em. When so wound, the inner coils (here as in other boiler forms) raise about 80 per cent or more of the steam ; the outer or enveloping coil, while not quite useless, make the most effective frame work for the boiler jacket which has been devised. The coils are brazed together by blind tubes, as shown in Diagram 2, to keep the whole in shape. Weight with couplings and cover when complete 535 grammes. ‘« The cover is preferably of mica, through which the flame within the boiler may be seen, and in which lightness, nonconduction, and resistance to the disin- tegrating effects of high temperature are met with in a pronounced degree. This jacket is held down by copper bands and the end band is continuous with the long smoke-stack, as will presently be shown. ‘“*The wide form of boiler with two coils within the envelope is not abso- lutely essential. The same amount of steam can be generated from one coil in an envelope in other respects equal to Diagram 1 if a sufficiently hot flame be passed axially through the coils. Such a flame, however, is unstable, and for this reason two milder flames with a good air access are to be preferred on prac- tical grounds even if the weight is thereby increased. “To further understand the boiler construction it is advisable to consider the action of the flame. Inasmuch as wide tubes must be used, the problem of evaporating water as fast as possible is equivalent to getting heat into the cur- rent (water and steam circulating through the coils) as fast as possible from without. If, therefore, ¢ is the mean temperature of the fluids within the coils, and 7 the effective temperature surrounding the tube, then the rate at which heat will flow into the tubes is proportional to 7—t. Now t the temperature of the steam is nearly constant (100°-150°) whereas 7 the effective flame tempera- ture may vary from 800° to, say, 1600°. It is for this reason that the heat sponged up by the boiler depends almost directly on the flame temperature. ‘* What conditions, therefore, will make the flame effectively hot? **(1) The coils must obviously be brought as nearly into the flame as feasi- ble: for this purpose the cylindrical helix is better than any other form. But “«(2) The turns and coils must not be so crowded together as to chill the flame into imperfect combustion in various parts of its extent. Hence the loose form of winding. Again “*(3) There must be oxygen enough to allow complete combustion, and ‘*(4) The flame itself must be hot and the radiation checked by good jacketing. ‘*To take up the last points: the effective heat of the flame depends not only on the combustion heat of the fuel used; it depends also, among other things, on the speed with which this combustion takes place. A flame burning from a low pressure of alcohol.gas will be at low temperature as compared with a flame burning from high pressures of the gas. If the flame be burnt from a Bunsen burner in the usual way it is an interesting question to know how flame tempera- ture will vary with gas pressure. At present we know it merely in steam pres- sures incidently produced in a given engine (No. 4) as for instance: Flame pressure, 10 Ibs., 20 Ibs., 30 Ibs. the gt peer Steam pressure, 40 Ibs., 80 Ibs., 120 Ibs. {~~ picearamnrcy Nic om eee oe ee ee ~] Co No. 3 LANGLEY MEMOIR ON MECHANICAL FLIGHT ‘‘ Unfortunately there is a limit set to this process of increasing the steam supply, quite aside from conditions inherent in the method. This is due to the fact that a certain speed of efflux cannot be exceeded without putting the flame out. Suppose, for instance, in Fig. 12, that a gas generated from a liquid is ignited at the end of the Bunsen burner I’; then if the velocity of efflux of mixed A B — Fig. 12. gas and air in the direction AB from the mouth of F exceeds the velocity of com- bustion in the direction BA, the flame will obviously be carried away from the mouth of the tube and dissipated. This state of things is actually realized at pressures exceeding about 15 Ibs., depending on the degree of mixture of the com- bustible gases used, and therefore on apparently haphazard conditions connected with the jet, the air holes, the air supply, ete. Fig. 13. ‘< Tf, however, the velocity of the jet at the point of efflux be checked by an obstruction like a cylinder C, Fig. 13, placed co-axially with the burner tube F’, the speed of combustion will no longer be exceeded (supposing C properly chosen) and flames will then burn from high-pressure gas. In this way flames were maintained generated from alcohol gas at even 40 Ibs. and above. Lee Shsc Fig. 14. ‘©The gas escaping from the Bunsen burner is never sufficiently aérated to burn completely. Otherwise there would (in general) be explosions in the tube F. A part of this air is supplied at the mouth of the boiler B, Fig. 14, and the amount available here will depend on the velocity of the jet ”. Hence it does not follow that a high-pressure burner like that in Fig. 11 will supply a pro- portionate amount of heat, since its jet suction is not intense and the combustion within the boiler is incomplete. This difficulty may be remedied by placing 74 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO KNOWLEDGE VoL. 27 air holes in the jacket of the boiler, provided the boiler be wrapped loosely enough not to chill the flame below ignition. It is with reference to this effect that the boilers, Fig. 11, were wound. A number of rifts aaa, Fig. 15, are then left in the jacket through which air may enter in virtue of the burner flame act- ing as a jet at the mouth of the boiler. ‘‘ When so constructed the flame at first enters the inner coil only; but after a little while it suddenly spreads out throughout the whole interior space and enyelops the coils. This sudden expansion is due, probably, to the assumption of the spheroidal state by the water within the coils, the current now flaring on an enveloping cushion of steam. The pump must work well, for deficient water means a hot tube and deficient steam, or eventually a rupture of the tube. ‘“ Thus far the dependence for draft has been on the burner jet and the suc- tion of the smoke-stack in virtue of the inertia of the moving gases. But even with this ventilated boiler, this method is limited to certain dimensions of the boiler. Thus a boiler 80 em. long yielded about the same quantity of steam as a boiler half as long and otherwise similar. Only the initial parts of the boiler are, therefore, relatively efficient, and the reason of this seems to be that, apart from shape, ete., the flame as a heat-producing agent is practically defunct, when a certain amount of heat has been taken out of it: in other words, even with RL Ve eae _---Inside coil OMIT LILLIA LLL LLL ots eit eS SS or ja----- Jacket Fie. 15, fair ventilation the flame is eventually chilled off by the voluminous products of combustion continually accumulating in the boiler. The same choking action ac- companies the presence of unburnt gases. If, for instance, the flame be burnt in the air, it is slender and much smaller in volume than in the boiler. The flame is also of small volume and burns completely in a wide boiler, but the steam is always deficient, because of the distance between flame and coils (see above). With the above apparatus about } 1b. of dry steam per minute per square foot of heating surface was attained. ‘¢Mhis introduces the final condition for rapid steam generation. There must be artificial suction at the smoke-stack. By passing the exhaust steam in the form of a central jet through the smoke-stack the yield of steam was increased 20 to 30 per cent. In fact as the supply of gas from the burner is given, the artificial suction in question means more air in the boiler for the same amount of eas and it means also a more rapid removal of the exhaust gases. The ex- periments with steam suction are yet to be completed, and with them the boiler question is to be finally laid at rest. The chief points at issue are these: ‘1. Seeing that the jet suction increases with the length of the smoke-stack, up to a certain length at least, how long and how wide must the efficient smoke- stack be made? Thus a smoke-stack 10 em. long is all but useless. Good re- sults are obtained when the stack measures 30 em. in length beyond the end of the steam jet. ‘ | a a ee eee Pri. ee Jt asl No. 3 LANGLEY MEMOIR ON MECHANICAL FLIGHT ‘<9. What is the relative efficiency of the initial and final halves of the length of the boiler? This will show in how far it is useful to increase the length of the boiler for a given burner and steam jet. It will also show what advantage is to be gained from triplicate boilers with three burners, as compared with duplicate boilers with two burners, or single boilers with one burner, when the same weight of tubing is used throughout. ‘¢ 3. What is the effect of pressure on the aeolipile tank, or in how far does the steam generated depend on what may be called the pressure of the flame? This is also an important point which remains for quantitative solution. It can be approached in two ways: either by finding the steam evaporated in terms of the tank pressure, or by finding the temperature of the flame pyrometrically. ‘4. What speed of water circulation best conduces to steam generation? A good pump is now installed by which the circulation can be varied. If water ean be put into the boiler just fast enough to come out dry steam at the other end, the efficiency ought to be a maximum, but it does not follow that it will be so, for one can imagine a wet circulation sponging up more heat than one which is just dry at the end.’’ 1895 During January and February, 1895, the experiments with boilers and burn- ers were continued and even better and more uniform results than those given above were obtained. The boilers of Aerodrome No. 5 were finally brought to such a state of efficiency, that under favorable conditions a lift of nearly sixty per cent of the flying weight was secured. This was much more than was re- quired for flight, but it was decided to postpone the trials until No. 4 could also be made ready for a test and the frame of No. 5 could itself be strengthened in many weak places. Upon examining No. 4, which had been put aside since the trials in De- cember, it was found to have rusted so badly throughout and to be so unfit in every way for trial, that a complete reconstruction of the whole would be neces- sary. So many advantages had been gained in No. 5 by the double midrod type of construction that it was decided to rebuild No. 4 on a modification of the same plan, as shown in Plate 11, retaining, however, the same engines which had been used before. In this a very guarded return was made to the type which had proved so unsatisfactory in No. 0, that is, making the hull support rods at the front and rear for attaching the wings and tail. In this case, however, the hull was con- structed very rigidly, and the tubes at the front and rear were firmly attached and braced so that they could withstand a considerable strain without undue distortion. The work on this frame was completed in March, but the other parts were not in entirely efficient condition even in May, when the aerodromes were taken to Quantico for trial. Moreover, it was found that the weight of this aerodrome had increased far beyond the original estimates. 76 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO KNOWLEDGE vou. 27 In view of the disasters from trials in the field, due to inability to obtain automatic equilibrium in flight and to the flexure of the large wings rather than to defects of the engines, the conditions at this time, after three years of failure, seemed so nearly hopeless, that without abandoning the work on these steam aerodromes, I again had recourse to the early plan of constructing smaller mod- els driven by India rubber, in which the small wings employed could be made of the requisite stiffness. Instead of employing twisted rubber, however, the de- fects of which had been amply proved in previous trials, these new construc- tions were meant to employ rubber directly stretched and pulling. In this con- dition the rubber exercises nearly six times the power in proportion to weight that it does when twisted, but on the other hand it requires a very strong frame and subordinate parts. I spent an inordinate amount of time and labor during this year in attempt- ing to employ this latter form of construction and finally got a few useful re- sults from it, but none in proportion to the labor expended. During March, Aerodrome No. 5, the frame of which had proved on test to be radically weak, was completely refinished except for the wings. The propel- lers had hitherto been made of wood, but in May, I commenced a new construc- tion of steel, wood and cloth, on a plan giving a figure which, though not rigor- ously helicoidal, was practically near enough to the theoretical form and was also both lighter and more elastic than the wooden construction. On May 8 and June 7 Aerodrome No. 5 was again tried at Quantico, and although the tests were unsuccessful, in that the aerodrome failed to fly, partly because of the fact that so much time was spent in raising steam that prac- tically the entire supply of fuel and water was exhausted before the aerodrome vas actually launched, yet it had come so much nearer flying than any machine had previously done, that it was felt that if either the power could be increased or the weight decreased even a slight amount, the aerodrome would probably fly. In view of the great care that had been exercised in keeping down the weight, it seemed almost hopeless to attempt to reduce it, and it also seemed equally hopeless to attempt to get more power without increasing the weight. How- ever, something had to be done to increase the ratio of power to weight, and as it was seen that this would involve extensive changes in No. 5, it was decided to entirely rebuild No. 4 with this idea in view, though it was evident that it in- volved a plan of construction even lighter than the dangerously light plan on which No. 4 had already been constructed. During Mr. Langley’s absence in Europe in the summer, Aerodrome No. 4 was entirely reconstructed and made to embody many new characteristics, the changes introduced being so radical that this model was henceforth designated as ‘* New No. 4.’’? The new characteristics of this model were its unprecedent- no. 3 LANGLEY MEMOIR ON MECHANICAL FLIGHT 77 edly light frame and the elevation of the transverse frame 12 centimeters above the midrod, whereby the position of the line of thrust was raised so that it was 20 centimetres from the center of pressure, which from theory seemed to be very nearly its correct position. The total flying weight was but 6400 grammes (14 pounds), with a total supporting surface of fifty-four square feet, equivalent to very nearly four square feet per pound. It was hoped that with this extremely light construction the ‘‘ dead lift ’’ would amount to a large percentage of the flying weight, and as much as sixty per cent was actually lifted on the pendulum. As, however, the aerodrome approached completion it became more and more evident that the construction was hopelessly fragile, the frame being scarcely able to support itself in the shop. By November this conclusion became certain, and this aerodrome (New No. 4) was never put to an actual test in the field. The very expensive set of wings covered with gold beater’s skin, which were also constructed at this time for this model, proved so weak under test that they were entirely abandoned. When Mr. Langley returned to Washington in the fall, many important points, which had been under special consideration during the past year, partic- ularly those relating to the disposition of sustaining surfaces, and the pro- vision of automatic equilibrium, were still not definitely determined. It was not yet decided whether two sets of wings of equal area should be used for the aerodrome, or what the efficiency per unit of area of the following surfaces was in comparison with the leading surfaces. To aid in determining these and other important points concerning the relative position of the center of gravity and the center of pressure in the horizontal planes, he had several small gliding mod- els made, which could be used with either one or two pairs of wings, and afforded an opportunity for testing and comparing several types of curved surfaces. These models were built so that the center of gravity could be adjusted to any desired point, and had in addition, as a means of assisting in preserving equilibrium, a small tail-rudder, shaped somewhat like a child’s dart, which was intended to support no part of the weight. The tests with these models were very satisfactory and aided greatly in the final development of what is known as the ‘‘ Langley type.’’ Indeed, in the single month of November all the points, which had hitherto been more or less indefinite, were finally decided upon, and the tests of the following spring proved these decisions correct. Two sets of wings of equal area were hereafter provided for every aero- drome, which not only greatly increased the stability, but also overcame the difficulty hitherto experienced in bringing the CP over the CG. The tail-rudder, formed of planes intersecting at right angles, was adopted as the means of con- trol. In use on the aerodromes it was set at a negative angle, and given a certain 78 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO KNOWLEDGE voL. 27 degree of elasticity, which was at first provided in the frame of the rudder, but was later given by a flat wooden spring, by which it was attached to the aero- drome. The tail in this form now became the sole means of controlling the equilibrium, and the results obtained with it were so very satisfactory that no further attention was given either to the gyroscopic control built during the pre- vious summer, or to any of the electrical forms of control constructed prior to that time, all of which involved more or less delicate apparatus. The definite form into which these ideas crystallized is perhaps best exem- plified in the letter of instructions issued by Mr. Langley on November 30, 1895 to the men employed on the work. The text of this letter is given in the Ap- pendix, and the forms referred to in it for recording the weights and adjust- ments of the aerodromes are those used in the data sheets after this time. In October work was resumed on Aerodrome No. 5, on which nothing had been done since its test on June 7. The reconstruction of ‘‘ Old No. 4’ into ‘“ New No. 4’ which had occupied the entire summer, and the final result of which was the production of a machine so radically weak as to be useless, had been so discouraging that it seemed vain to attempt in any way to decrease the weight of No. 5. The addition of the rear wings in place of the tail had, however, so greatly increased the supporting surface that it seemed possible that No. 5 might now be able to fly with no greater engine power than it had on June 7. Some weak places in its frame were, therefore, strengthened and the midrod at the front was raised five centimetres in order to raise the center of pressure farther above the center of gravity and give the front wings a ereater range of adjustment. Some slight changes were also made in the gear- ing which drove the pump, so as to make it work faster, and new burners, boilers and a gasoline tank were constructed during November. Later the midrod, which had formerly consisted of two separate pieces attached at the front and rear respectively of the main frame, was made continuous, and in order to avoid passing it through the smoke-stack, the stack was made to fork at this point. These changes are clearly shown in Plates 14 and 15, which are photographs taken on December 3. This plan was, however, soon changed so that the midrod passed through the smoke-stack and was rigidly attached to the frame at several points, and a new pump and new boilers were substituted for those which had been worn out. Aside from these changes, which although small, added very ma- terially to the general strength of the frame, no important changes were made in No. 5 prior to its remarkable flight of May 6, 1896. While these changes were being made in No. 5, similar ones were also being carried out in New No. 4, and the addition of the rear wings to No. 4, together with other slight changes, made it such a distinctively different machine from what it had been, that it was now designated as No. 6. After making extensive ed ee bed i —S o>) a vi id © ON 22 110A Q3AOW34Y 4300nY “M3lIA NV Id “S68L ‘© YS3SW3030 “S ‘ON JWOHGOHSYV SDG3S1IMONH OL SNOILNGINLNOD NVINOSHLIWS ba » — a M3IA AGIS ‘S681 ‘€ YASW3F030 ‘S ‘ON 3WOHGOYSYV SL “Id ‘€ ‘ON ‘22 “10A 39031MONm OL SNOILNSIYLNOD NVINOSHLIWS no. 3 LANGLEY MEMOIR ON MECHANICAL FLIGHT 79 repairs to the extremely light frame of No. 6 (formerly New No. 4) it was thought to be in suitable condition for flight and was accordingly boxed prepara- tory to sending it to Quantico. The year, therefore, closed with No. 6 apparently in condition for test, but it was decided not to take it to Quantico until No. 5, which was still undergoing repairs, could also be got ready. 1896 A few days after the beginning of the new year, while the repairs on No. 5 were being completed, it was decided that the frame of No. 6 which had been boxed ready to be carried into the field for trial, was so weak that before putting it to an actual test in flight it would be best to make some tests on the strength of its frame. While testing the frame for torsional strength, it broke under the moderate test of a weight of 500 grammes placed at the tips of the wings, the angle of deflection just prior to its breaking being 35°, while the frame of Old No. 4 in March, 1895, had shown a deflection of only 10.5° under a similar test. This breaking of the frame showed very plainly that the worst fears in regard to it had been realized and that by some means or other the frame must be strengthened. This was finally accomplished by making the midrod continuous through the smoke-stack as had already been done in No. 5, and at the same time an additional improvement was made in the means of attaching the Pénaud tail, whereby it was lowered in order to give it a greater clearance in passing under the launching ear in actual test. Later the boilers proved defective and new ones were substituted, but except for some minute details no further changes were made in Aerodrome No. 6 prior to its test in May. On May 6, No. 6 was unsuccessfully tried at Quantico just prior to the very successful test of No. 5. In this test no serious damage was done to the frame, but before going to Kurope in the summer, Mr. Langley ordered that both aero- dromes be completely overhauled and put in condition for further experiments in the fall. In this remodelling practically no changes were introduced in the frame of either No. 5 or No. 6, but the engines of No. 6 were refitted and a new boiler was substituted, which, with slight improvements in the burner, resulted in a somewhat increased power in the engines. A complete description, giving all essential details of both Aerodromes Nos. 5 and 6, will be found in Chapter X. CHAPTER VIII HISTORY OF CONSTRUCTION OF SUSTAINING AND GUIDING SUR- FACES OF AERODROMES 4, 5 AND 6 INTRODUCTION In some early experiments in 1887 with the small models without motor power, which have not been particularly described, two pairs of wings, in the same plane, were employed for reasons connected with stability. Afterward, in many of the rubber-driven motor models, which have been described in Chap- ter II, two large front wings were employed and the following pair were di- minished into what may properly be called a tail. This plan was a retrogres- sion in design, and it was pursued by the writer with a pertinacity which was not justified by the results obtained, being used even on the early rubber-driven models. In this construction, it will be observed that the flat tail was in fact not only a guiding but a sustaining surface, since it bore its own share of the weight. It was not until a much later date (November, 1895) that the writer returned to his earlier construction of two pairs of wings in the same plane bearing the whole weight of the aerodrome, to which was now added a flat tail, whose function was not to support, but wholly to guide. This was de- veloped into the final construction by the addition of a vertical rudder or rudders. The present chapter is not concerned with the history of the earlier at- tempts with small models, or of those numerous constructions of sustaiming sur- faces which were never put to actual trial; nor does it give any description of the experiments which were made in placing one set of surfaces over the other, according to a method suggested in ‘‘ Experiments in Aerodynamics.’?* The experiments in ‘‘ Aerodynamics,’’? and the theoretical considerations given in Chapter V on sustaining surfaces, would never alone have led to the construction which was finally reached, which was largely due to the hard les- sons taught by incessant accident and failure in the field. The present chapter, therefore, should be read in connection not only with the pages of ‘‘ Aerody- namics,’’ but with Chapters V and IX of this book. It is to be remembered that, while the center of gravity of the aerodrome could be determined readily and exactly, the center of pressure could be de- termined only approximately in advance of trial in actual flight. The positions 1 Chapter V. 80 ; : 7 = ms ; ; *» i veh . *- i ¥ y i f is i AA i ‘ SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO KNOWLEDGE VOL. 27, NO. 3, PL. 16 oe 300 C.M. Fig. A. Fic. B Fic. C. = 300 C.M. | i | face Fre. D. } t-I100 100 200 jis 400 500 C,M. lo 1 | 1 Pex ae 2 ee Se ie es ee ee EARLY TYPES OF WINGS AND SYSTEMS OF GUYING No. 3 LANGLEY MEMOIR ON MECHANICAL FLIGHT 81 of the supporting surfaces given in this chapter are, then, approximations made from rules for ‘* balancing,’’ i. e., for obtaining equilibrium in actual flight, rules which are in fact tentative, since they are founded on a priori consider- ations with partial correction from the empirical knowledge gained by pre- vious field trials. For these rules see Chapter VI. 1893 With reference to the supporting and guiding surfaces of Aerodromes Nos. 4, 5, and 6, Aerodrome No. 4, in its earliest condition mentioned in the preced- ing chapter, was taken into the field, but never brought to trial in the air. It is sufficient to say that in the largest of the three sets of wings constructed, each wing was 17X51 inches, and therefore contained about six square feet, so that with the tail (which was at this time a supporting surface), whose area was one-half that of the two wings, the total supporting surface was 18 square feet, or since the flying weight was 9.1 pounds, the proportion of surface to weight was somewhat less than 2 square feet to the pound. The wings were at this time ribless, it being expected that the silk cover which was purposely left loose would take its curve from the air filling it, which subsequent experience has shown would have led to certain disaster if the aerodrome had been launched. It may be added that there was a vertical rudder of what is now seen to have been a wholly inadequate size. These remarks may be applied with little modi- fication to the attempted flight with No. 4 on May 25, except that the vertical rudder had been made larger, but was still much too small. 1894 From the account of the field trials to be given in Chapter LX, it will be seen that in numerous attempts at flight prior to October 6, 1894, the cause of failure can in every instance be traced to imperfections more fundamental than those of the sustaining surfaces, either the launching device or some other part failmg to work satisfactorily. I therefore commence a description of the sustaining surfaces with those of Nos. 4 and 5 as used on that day. The construction of the wings of No. 4 and No. 5, which were nearly iden- tical, is shown in Fig. A Plate 16. A rod of hickory, tapering from $ inch in di- ameter at the larger end to + inch at the smaller, was steamed and bent, as shown in the drawing, to form the main front rib of the wing. This was firmly clamped to the midrod, and to the rib in turn were attached a number of cross-ribs of hickory, slightly curved, the inner one of which was fastened to the hull at its inner extremity, while the whole was covered with silk. The length of each wing was 162 em. (63.75 inches), and the width 54 em. (21.25 inches). The tail was plane and equal in area to one of the wings, so that the joint area of the wings and tail was 2.62 square metres (28.2 sq. ft.). 7 82 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO KNOWLEDGE VoL. 27 Each wing was attached to the midrod by a single clamp, different forms of which are shown at Ff, G, H, I (Fig. 16). The clamp consisted of two short split tubes, into which the main front ribs were securely clamped by means of screws. They were set at an angle and united to a grooved frame, by which the wings could be readily attached to a second piece clamped about the mid- rod. The tail clamp, like the wing clamp, was composed of two pieces, sliding one upon the other, but as the tail formed a single surface, one part was per- manently attached to it. Clamps F, G were fitted to aerodrome No. 4, and H, Ito No. 5. The wings were set at a diedral angle of about 150°, but as they were not guyed in any way, this angle in flight and under the upward pressure of the air probably became much less. The tail was plane but ribbed like the wings. WING CLAMPS 1996 pees 7S " ce be 1835 » ee B Fic. 16. Wing clamps, 1892-1896. In preparing the machine for flight, the wings and tail of No. 4 were set at a very small root angle with the midrod, perhaps not exceeding 3°, but while this angle might be maintained at the firmly held root of the wing, it was later seen to be probable that the extremity of the wing was flexed by the upward pressure of the air after launching, though the full extent and evil effect of this flexure was not recognized at the time. In the approximative calculations for ‘* balance,’? made at this time, the tail was treated as bearing 4 of the weight of the aerodrome, as it was } of the supporting area, for though it was recog- nized that its position in the ‘‘ lee ’’ of the wings rendered it less efficient, the degree of this diminution of efficiency was not realized. +=: 4 in ' S “a i a aan F : \ De wt Rete ; 2 - : = ) : . i Way” : u \\\ Aah ae 5 \\\ Th ; Ss 3 MP NY \\ ss es u z : p 3 \ \° hy See 2 QO. =“ \ \ Nay. ; 2 ie ° * ‘ \ an Wi\ \\\ os | 2 ve \ \\\ a yt? N\\ ny Om is 3 VW VQ \ 5 | ie \ oy \ | ; c oe . ate eee % 2 2 Ny \ 6 vo. | £ gs ‘Ved - S , \\ ~ le, 3 \ (NN iN i " vive Nee ec : igs Nee i te an NY v ik \s \ NAN MW Se «Tee wate A © \e ar PATH OF AERODROME FLIGHTS, MAY 6 AND NOVEMBER 28, 1896, NEAR QUANTICO, VA., ON THE POTOMAC RIVER SAWIL N31 G3DYVINS ‘9681 OVWOLOd SH1 NO OOILNYNO LV LHDIT4 SLI NI DNIHONNV1 Y3SLIV LNSWOW AF 4 formal fre 4A ‘9 AV ‘Y3AIY SHL LV AWOYGOYSVY 3HL 40 HdVYDOLOHd SNOANVINVLSNI 9a ce) en. hae Tar f SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO KNOWLEDGE VOL. 27, NO. 3, PL. 21 INSTANTANEOUS PHOTOGRAPH OF THE AERODROME AT A DISTANCE IN THE AIR DURING ITS FLIGHT AT QUANTICO ON THE POTO- MAC RIVER, MAY 6, 1896. ENLARGED TEN TIMES SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO KNOWLEDGE VOL. 27, NO. 3, PL. 22 INSTANTANEOUS PHOTOGRAPH OF THE AERODROME AT A DISTANCE IN THE AIR DURING ITS FLIGHT AT QUANTICO ON THE POTOMAC RIVER, MAY 6, 1896. ENLARGED TEN TIMES SNLVYVdd¥ ONIHONNV1 GVSHYSAO €% “Id ‘€ ‘ON ‘22 “OA ADGAIMONy O1 SNOILNEINLNOOD NVINOSHLIWS SNLVYVddV DNIHONNY1 GVSHYHSAO $2 “1d ‘E ‘ON ‘22 “10A ADGIIMONM OL SNOILNEIYLNOOD NVINOSHLIWS no. 3 LANGLEY MEMOIR ON MECHANICAL FLIGHT 109 rately on this account. The balancing of Aerodrome No. 6 had been made the same as that of No. 5, but in No. 6 the line of thrust was twelve centimetres higher, and this fact, which had not been taken into account in determining the proper balancing for No. 6, seemed to be sufficient cause for the aerodrome coming down into the water so soon after being launched. Darkness had de- scended before the aerodrome could be recovered and prepared for a second trial. On the next day, November 28, a high wind prevailed in the morning, but in the afternoon it became comparatively calm, and No. 6 was launched at 4.20 p. m. under the same conditions as on the preceding day, except that the float, which weighed 275 grammes, was moved back from the bowsprit eighty centimetres in order to make the machine lighter in front. The aerodrome was launched at a steam pressure of not much over 100 pounds, the air draft for the burners being temporarily bad. The midrod made an angle of approximately three degrees with the horizontal. On account of a slight rain, which had oc- curred just before the machine was launched, the wings were wet and the weight of the entire aerodrome was doubtless as much as twelve kilos. Immediately on being launched the aerodrome started directly ahead in a gentle south wind, moving horizontally and slowly turning to the right and appearing to approach dangerously near to some’ thick woods on the west shore. However, it fortu- nately continued turning until it pointed directly up the beach with the wind in the rear. It then moved more rapidly forward, dipped and rose but once, and this very slightly, and continued its remarkable horizontal flight, varying not more than two yards out of a horizontal course, and this only for a mo- ment, until it finally descended into the bay at a point nearly in a line between the house-boat and the railroad station at Quantico. Upon being recovered, it was found to be absolutely uninjured, and another flight would have been made with it immediately but darkness had descended. The time of flight, as deter- mined independently by two stop-watches, was one minute and forty-five see- onds. The number of revolutions of the propellers was 2801, or at the rate of 1600 R. P. M., which, with an allowance of fifty per cent slip, should have car- ried the aerodrome a distance of 4600 feet in one and three-quarter minutes. While the distance from the house-boat in a straight line to the point at which the aerodrome descended was only about 1600 feet, vet it was estimated by those present that this straight-line distance was certainly not greater than one-third the total length of the path traversed, which would mean a distance of something like 4800 feet. The length of the course, as plotted on the coast-survey map and afterwards measured, was 4200 feet, and it, therefore, seemed safe to say that the total distance travelled was about three-quarters of a mile, and the speed was, therefore, about thirty miles an hour. 10 CHAPTER X DESCRIPTION OF THE LAUNCHING APPARATUS AND OF AERO- DROMES Nos. 5 AND 6 Reference has already been made to the development of the ‘‘ cast-off ’’ apparatus that was used at Quantico for launching the aerodrome. An initial velocity is indispensable, and after long experiment with other forms which proved failures, an apparatus was designed by me, which gave a sufficient linear velocity in any direction. It had, moreover, been found that, when the aero- drome was attached to any apparatus upon the roof of the house-boat, such slight changes in the direction and intensity of the wind as would ordinarily pass unperceived, would tend to distort or loosen it from its support, so that only the most rigid of fastenings at three independent bearing points were of any use in holding it, while the wings must be separately fastened down, lest they should be torn from their sockets. It was, then, necessary to be able to fasten the aerodrome very firmly to the cast-off apparatus, to start it upon its journey in any direction with an initial linear velocity that shold equal its soaring speed, and to release it simultaneously at all points at the very same instant, while at the same time the points of contact of the launching device, to which it had just been fastened, were themselves drawn up out of the way of the passing pro- pellers and guys. All these requirements and others were met by the apparatus finally adopted, which is shown in Plates 23 and 24. It consists of a strong timber frame-work, carrying a track, consisting of two flat iron rails set on edge, upon which runs the launching car, suspended from two small wheels on each side. At the front end of the frame there are two cylindrical air buffers to receive the buffing pis- tons and thus stop the car after the aerodrome has been released. The car is drawn to the rear end of the track and held by the bell-erank lever A (Plate 23). The contact points BB and C are turned down and the elutch-hook D set over the elutch-post K. The aerodrome is thus held firmly up against the three points bB and C by the clutch D, and a distortion from its proper position rendered impos- sible. All these points are thrown up out of the way of the projecting portions of the aerodrome at the instant of release. This result is accomplished as follows: when the car has reached the proper point in its forward course, the cam EF, which is hinged at 1, is depressed by a roller fixed to the framework of the device. In this motion it pushes down the adjustable connections FF’, which are attached at their lower ends to the bell-erank arms GG, which turn about a central pivot at 2. Thus the downward movement of the connections FF’ opens the jaws of the 110 NO. 3 LANGLEY MEMOIR ON MECHANICAL FLIGHT 111 clutch D. While the clutch D is rigidly attached to G to prevent transverse movement, it is hinged to the latter at 3 so that it can fold in a longitudinal di- rection. Serewed to the clutch D is a narrow plate 4, which, when the clutch is closed, is behind the lug 5, thus preventing any turning about the hinge 3. But when the arms of G and the jaws of the clamp are thrown out by the depression of F, the plate 4 is moved out from behind the lug 5 and the clamp is free to fold to the front. The strut, hinged at 6, is under a constant tension from the spring 7 to fold up, and is prevented from doing so only by the connec- tions 8, by which it is held down until the release of the plate 4 from behind the lug 5, when the spring snaps them instantly up and out of the way. As the struts BB have no fixed connection with the aerodrome, they are re- leased by the relaxation in the rigidity of the other connections and are thrown up by their spring 9 and held in that position by the clip 10 catching beneath the upper cross-piece. The power for the propulsion of the car is obtained by means of from one to nine helical springs working under tension, and multiplying their own mo- tion four times by means of a movable two-sheave pulley, as shown in the drawing. Description or ABRODROME No. 5 When the details of the aerodrome, whose description is to follow, are con- sidered from the standpoint of the engimeer accustomed to make every pro- vision against breakage and accident and to allow an ample factor of safety in every part, they will be found far too weak to stand the stresses that were put upon them. But it must be remembered that in designing this machine, all precedent had to be laid aside and new rules, adapted to the new conditions, ap- plied. It was absolutely necessary, in order to insure success, that the weight should be cut down to the lowest possible point, and when this was reached it was found that the factor of safety had been almost entirely done away with, and that the stresses applied and the strength of material were almost equal. The same observation holds true of the boilers, aeolipile, and engines, when regarded from the point of view of the economical generation and use of steam. It was fully recognized that the waste of heat in the coil boilers was excessive, but as it was necessary that there should be an exceedingly rapid generation of steam with a small heating surface, this was regarded as inevitable. In the engine the three points aimed at in the design were lightness, strength and power, but lightness above all, and necessarily in a degree which long seemed incompatible with strength. No attempt was made to secure the re- quirements of modern steam-engine construction, either in the distribution of the steam or the protection of the cylinder against the radiation of heat by a suitable jacketing. The very narrow limits of weight permissible required that the bar- Te, SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO KNOWLEDGE VoL. 27 rel of the cylinder should be as thin as possible, that no protective jacketing should be used, and that the valve motion should be of the simplest description. To obtaining the greatest lightness consistent with indispensable power, every- thing else was subordinated; and hence, all expectation of ordinary economical efficiency had to be abandoned at the outset. It was only after long trials in other directions that Mr. Langley intro- duced the aeolipile device, which for the first time provided sufficient heat. Even in the aeolipile, however, it was apparent that nothing short of the most com- plete combustion accompanied by the highest possible temperature of the flame would be sufficient for the extreme demand. To secure this result under all conditions of wind and weather, with the aerodrome at rest and in motion, re- quired the long series of experiments that are given in another chapter. In respect to the generation of heat, then, it is probable that it would be difficult to exceed the performance of the final type of burner in practical work, but in the utilization of this heat in the boiler, as well as in the utilization of the steam there generated, the waste was so great as to be prohibitive under ordinary conditions. But this was not ordinary work, and the simplest protection against radiation from boiler, separator, and engine could not well be used. The framework of the aerodrome is made of thin steel tubes, the main or midrod extending the whole length of the machine and carrying the attach- ments to which the wings are fastened. Suspended from this midrod by rigid connections is a skeleton hull of steel tubing, shaped somewhat like the frame- work of a boat, from which, directly abeam of the engines, arms are run out like the outriggers of a rowboat for carrying the propellers. Within this cen- tral hull are placed the aeolipile, the boiler, and the engine, which with their auxiliary parts, the pump and the separator, constitute the entire power-gener- ating apparatus. The aeolipile consists of four essential parts: the spherical air chamber con- taining the supply of compressed air by which the gasoline in the reservoir tank is foreed into the burner; the reservoir tank containing the gasoline that is to be used as a fuel; the gas generator wherein the liquid gasoline is heated and converted into gas; and the burners where it is finally utilized to heat the boilers. The air chamber D, Plate 25, is a spherical vessel 120 mm. in diameter, lo- vated at the extreme front end of the hull. It is made of copper 0.25 mm. thick and has two openings. The front opening has a copper pipe 1 em. outside diam- eter, to which the air pump for charging the chamber is connected. From the back a copper pipe 5 mm. outside diameter extends to the top of the gasoline reservoir. This reservoir, shown at 7, Plate 25, is also a light, hollow sphere 120 mm. in diameter; both this and the air chamber being made by soldering hemispheres > a ® ~Ww\ 9681 ‘ye Y3E0190 ‘YVODNIHONNV1 WOS GSGN3dSNS S ‘ON JNOHGOYSV JO SNVH4 1331S 40 M3IARAIS w|z : * wit SZ “1d ‘€ ‘ON ‘22 “10A 3503 1IMON™ OL SNOILNEIYLNOD NVINOSHLIWS no. 3 LANGLEY MEMOIR ON MECHANICAL FLIGHT 113 of copper together at their circumferences. There are three openings in the reservoir tank; two at the top and one at the bottom. One of those at the top serves for the admission of the 5-mm. pipe bringing compressed air from the air chamber; the other is connected with a pipe 1 em. in diameter, through which gasoline is supplied to the tank, and which is closed by a simple plug at the top. The hole in the bottom serves as the outlet for the gasoline to the burners. Close to the bottom of the tank there is placed a small needle valve, which serves to regulate the flow of oil, for, were the pipe left open, the compressed air would force the oil out with such rapidity that the burners would be flooded and the intensity of the flame impaired. The construction of this valve is clearly shown in Plate 26A. It consists of a brass shell having one end (a) soldered to the bot- tom of the tank. The needle enters through a stuffing box whose gland is held by two small screws. The stem of the needle is threaded and engages in a thread cut in the body of the casting and is operated by a fine wire on the outside. It will readily be seen that this device affords a means of making a very accurate adjustment of the flow of the liquid to the burners. After leaving the needle valve the gasoline flows along the pipe S, Plate 25, until it reaches the evaporating coil, VN. In order to subject the oil to as large a heating surface as possible, in comparison with the sectional area through which it is flowing, the pipe, which left the needle valve with a diameter of 6 mm. soon contracted to 5 mm., is here flattened to a width of 7 mm. and a thickness of 2mm. There are seven complete turns of this flattened tubing coiled to an out- side diameter of 30 mm. At the end of the seventh coil the pipe is enlarged to a diameter of 1 cm. and two coils of this size are added, the inside diameter being the same as that of the flattened coil. This enlarged portion serves as a sort of expansion chamber for the complete gasification of the gasoline, which is then led back through a turn of the enlarged pipe, beneath the coils and to the front. At the front end of the coil a small branch is led off, forming a ‘‘ bleeder,’’ which takes sufficient gas to supply the burner by which the coil is heated, the products of whose combustion pass into and between the coils of the boiler like those of the regular heating burners. The gas pipe rises in front of the coil and by a 7’ connection branches to the two burners that are placed in front of the coils of the boiler. These burner pipes are 5 mm. in diameter and enter sheet-iron hoods forming regular burners of the Bunsen type, which are fully shown in all their details in the accompanying engraving, Plate 26. The pipe is plugged at the end, and a hole 0.9 mm. in diameter drilled for the nipple of the burner in front of the coil where the water first enters from the separator, and 0.85 mm. for the one in front of the return coil. The face of the burner shell stands exactly central with and 41 mm. in front of the coils.’ 1Very exact accuracy in these minute details is indispensable to the efficient working of the engines. 114 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO KNOWLEDGE VOLe et This constitutes the heat-generating portion of the machine, and with it it is probable that a flame of as high a temperature is produced as can be reached, with the fuel used, by any practical device. The boiler or steam-generating apparatus may be said to consist of three parts: the separator, the circulating pumps, and the generating coils. The separator (M in Plate 25) is a device which has attained its present form after a long course of development. As at present constructed, it is formed of a hollow sphere 190 mm. in diameter and is located as nearly as possible over the center of gravity of the whole apparatus. It serves the double purpose of »? on aceount of water reservoir and steam drum, and is called a ‘‘ separator the function which it performs of separating the water from the steam as it en- ters from the coils. There is a straight vertical pipe 10 mm. in diameter rising from the top of the sphere and fastened to the right-hand side of the midrod. This is used for filling the separater with water. Upon the other side of the midrod there is a small steam dome 42mm. in diameter with a semi-spherical top rising to a height of 70mm. above the top of the sphere. From this dome two steam pipes are led off, one to the engine and the other to the steam gauge. As already stated elsewhere, it was found in the experiments with the coil boiler that an artificial forcing of the circulation of the water was a necessity, as the natural circulation was too slow to be of any service. Accordingly, but only after numerous devices involving less weight had failed, a pump driven from the engine shaft was designed and used. In the early experiments vari- ous types of pumps were tried in which the valves were opened and closed au- tomatically by the pressure of the water. It was found, however, that with the mixture of steam and water to be handled, the valves could not be depended upon to open and close properly at the high speeds at which it was necessary to run the engine. In Aerodrome No. 5, therefore, a double-acting pump with a mechanically operated valve was used. The pump, shown in detail in Plate 264, is driven from a shaft connected with the main engine shaft by a spur gear and pinion, which rotates at half the speed of the engine shaft. The pump itself consists of two barrels, the main barrel having a diameter of 23mm. with a piston stroke of 20mm. The outer shell of the barrel is made of aluminum bronze and is lined with a cast-iron bushing 1.25 mm. in thickness. The piston has a length of 14mm. and is formed of an aluminum dise and center, having a follower plate of the same material with two cast-iron split rings sprung in. The water is received into and delivered from the valve cylinder, which is 18 mm. in diameter and also lined with a cast-iron bushing 1.25mm., thick. The aluminum bronze shells of both cylinders are 0.75 mm. in thickness. The valve is a simple piston valve 35 mm. long with bearing faces 4mm. long at each end. The water is taken from the bottom of the separator and led to the center of the valve chest of the pump by a copper p pe lem. outside diameter. The ports No. 3 LANGLEY MEMOIR ON MECHANICAL FLIGHT 115 leading from the valve to the main cylinder are 38mm. wide and 34 mm. apart over their openings. It will thus be seen that when the valve is in its central position, as it should be at the beginning of the piston stroke, both ports are covered with a lap of 0.5mm. inside and out, so that the valve has to move 0.5mm. before suction or discharge can take place. As the valve is moving most rapidly at this point, it opens and both functions begin before the piston has ad- vanced perceptibly. The delivery is made at the ends of the valve cylinder through two copper pipes of lcm. diameter that unite into a single pipe before reaching the boiler. The throw of the valve is 14mm. so that the ports are un- covered and held wide open for the greater portion of the stroke of the piston, and begin to close only when the latter approaches the end of its stroke. In this way perfect freedom is given to the flow of the water and all choking is avoided. As the engine has been run at a speed of more than 688 revolutions per minute, the pump must have made at least 344 strokes in the same time, thus displa- cing 166.2 ee. of water. The diameter of the piston rod and valve stem is 3 mm. and they pass through stuffing boxes with glands of the ordinary type for pack- ing. This pump served its purpose admirably, and with it it was possible to Maintain a continuous circulation of water through the two coils of the boiler. The third element in the steam-generating system is the boiler proper * (Plates 25 and 26A), which consists of two coils of copper pipe, having an out- side diameter of 10 mm., each coil being formed of 21 turns each 75 mm. in di- ameter upon the outside and spaced 7.5mm. apart, so that the total axial length of each coil is 36 cm. The water is delivered to the front end of the right-hand coil, and, first passing through this, crosses over at the rear of the boiler to the left-hand coil, returning through it to the front whence it is led to and delivered into the top of the separator. Here the steam and water are separated, the former going through the separator and thence to the engine, while the unevaporated water falls to the bottom to be again taken into the pumps and sent through the coils. In order that the draft of the burner and the gases of combustion might not be dissipated, it was necessary to sheathe the boiler. The method of doing this is shown in Plate 25. It will be seen that the front half of the boiler is wrapped in a sheet of mica through which the coils can be faintly seen. This, in turn, is held at the extreme front end by a strip of thin sheet-iron, O. Over the back end the stack Q, made of very thin sheet-iron, is slipped. This has an oblong cross-section at the lower end where it goes over the boiler; it is provided with a hole through which the midrod passes, and terminates in a circular opening of about 10 em. diameter. 2The reader who may care to note the evolution of this boiler, by trial and error, will find a portion of the many discarded types shown in Plate 13. 116 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO KNOWLEDGE voL. 27 The engine, which is clearly shown in the dimensional drawing, Plate 26B, is of the plain slide-valve type, using a piston valve and solid piston, without pack- ing rings. The cylinder is formed of a piece of steel tubing 35 mm. outside di- ameter, with flanges 47 mm. in diameter and 2.25 mm. thick brazed to each end, to which the cylinder heads are attached by small machine screws. Inside this eylinder is a thin cast-iron bushing in order to obtain a better rubbing surface for the piston. The cross-head is a small piece of aluminum bronze, running on round guides that also serve as cylinder braces. There are also four hollow braces, 5 mm. in diameter, running from the back cylinder head to a corru- gated steel bed-plate, that stands vertically and reaches from one side rod of the frame of the hull to the other, and to which are bolted the bearings of the main shaft. The connecting rod has the cross-section of a four-rayed star and drives a crank in the center of the shaft. The following are some of the princi- pal dimensions of the engine: millimetres. Inside «diameter sof ‘cylinder. . as 7 ‘Be a - : ad i ' > ha at tn Sam ——— eo pd - i A a A i190 ha Ng hae « HI = avai ry ; he F ' =a 1 =P, : < a> . hore Por t 1 a s i, ae , a, : ie yt 5 ‘ ‘ ¢ ae a i P * : -, ‘ n ; ae : ; : : i ee a us oy 7 i ¥ _— : bs ‘i if : ‘ aad ¥ | ee ‘ n f ® - ir : tx, oF 1 i Pl i a @ i =f a - ‘ + i l " >. 1 d si L Ny . i e : - P u a « fer i W y + 1 y = he ’ . Fy i? . ih. t : t ' i i i y , 4 ’ ‘ ' Fy ’ ; t . j A ae | mr i * \ is A 2] 61 bal . ae Le ad a Fientte i te 4 in 9681 ‘pe H3EOL00 ‘“M3IA NVid ‘gS ‘ON 3WONGOuAaY G22 “1d ‘€ "ON ‘2% “0A 3DSG371MON™ OL SNOILNEIYLNOOD NVINOSHLIWS no. 3 LANGLEY MEMOIR ON MECHANICAL FLIGHT 117 These weights are those determined in December, 1896, when some slight changes had been made from the conditions existing at the time of the flight by this aerodrome on May 6. Previous to that time, with a pressure of 130 pounds, between 1.1 and 1.25 horse-power was given on the Prony brake. At the actual time of flight the pressure was about 115 pounds, and the actual power very nearly 1 horse-power. The valve stem was pivoted to the center of the valve partly because this was the lightest connection that could be made, and partly to allow the valve per- fect freedom of adjustment upon the seat. Many parts, such as guides, braces, erank-pins, wrist-pin and shafts, are hollow. The steam is taken in at the front end of the steam chest, and the exhaust taken out of the center, whence it is led back to the stack and by means of a forked exhaust pipe discharged in such a way as to assist the draught of each coil of the boilers. Like the cylinder the steam chest is made of a piece of steel tubing, 20mm. diameter on the outside, with an inside diameter of 19 mm., and is fitted with a cast-iron bushing 0.5 mm. thick, making the inside diameter of the steam chest 18mm. It, too, has flanges brazed to the ends, to which the heads are held by small machine screws. The shaft for conveying the power to the propeller shafts extends across the machine from side to side; it is hollow, being 8mm. outside diameter, with a hole 5mm. diameter through the center. It is formed of five sections: the middle section, containing the crank, has a length of 110mm. and is connected at either end, by flanged couplings, to lengths 320mm. long, which are in turn extended by the end sections having a length of 230mm. In addition to the four main bearings that are bolted to the pressed-steel bed-plate already mentioned, there are two bearings on the outer framework on each side. At the outer end of each shaft there is keyed thereto a bevel gear with an outside diameter of 27 mm. and having 28 teeth. This gear meshes with one of 35 teeth upon a shaft at right angles to the main shaft and parallel to the axis of the aerodrome. These two shafts, one on either arm, serve to carry and transmit the power to the propellers. They are 192 mm. long, 8mm. in diameter, and are provided with three bearings that are brazed to a corrugated steel plate forming the end of the outrigger portion of the frame. These shafts are also hollow, having an axial hole 4mm. in diameter drilled through them. The propeller seat has a length of 43mm. and the propeller is held in position by a collar 25mm. in diameter at the front end, from which there project two dowel-pins that fit into corresponding holes in the hubs of the propellers, which are held up against the collar by a smaller one screwed into the back end of the shaft. The thrust of the collar is taken up by a pin screwed into the end of the forward box and acting as a step against which the shaft bears, the arrangement being clearly shown by the accompanying drawing, Plate 26A, 12 118 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO KNOWLEDGE vot. 27 This, then, comprises the motive power equipment of the aerodrome, and, to recapitulate, it includes the storage, automatic feeding and regulation of the fuel; the storage, circulation and evaporation of the water; the engine to con- vert the expansive power of the steam into mechanical work; and the shafting for the transmission of the energy developed by the engine to the propellers. The propellers were made with the greatest care. Those used in the suc- cessful trials were 1 metre in diameter, with an actual axial pitch of 1.25 metres. They were made of white pine, glued together in strips 7mm. thick. The hub had a length of 45 mm. and a thickness or diameter of 25mm. At the outer edge the blade had a width of 315mm. and a thickness of 2mm. These propellers were most accurately balanced and tested in every particular; each propeller blade was balanced in weight with its mate and the pitch measured at every point along the radius to insure its constancy; finally the two propellers of the pair to be used together were balanced with each other so that there would be no disturbance in the equilibrium of the machine. As will be noted from the foregoing description of the machinery, the propellers ran in opposite direc- tions, as they were made right- and left-hand screws. The weight of each pro- peller was 362 grammes. We now turn again to take up the details of the construction of the frame- work by which this propelling machinery is carried. The whole aerodrome, as clearly shown in the photographs, Plates 27A and 27B, is built about and depend- ent from one main backbone or midrod, which extends well forward of all of the machinery and aft beyond all other parts. This rod, as well as all other por- tions of the framework, is of steel tubing. The midrod, being largest, is 20 mm outside diameter, with a thickness of 0.5 mm. It is to this midrod that the wings are directly attached, and from it the hull containing the machinery is suspended. The plan outline of the hull skeleton is similar to that of the deck of a ves- sel. The steel tubing, 0.5 mm. thick, of which it is formed, has an outside diam- eter of 15mm. from the front end to the cross-framing used to carry the pro- pellers, back of which the diameter is decreased to 10 mm. The midrod makes a slight angle with this frame, the vertical distance be- tween the centers of the tubing being 73mm. at the front and 67mm. at the- back. The tube, corresponding to the keel of a vessel, is braced to the upper tubes by light U-shaped ribs and by two 8-mm. tubes forming a V brace on a line with the back end of the guides of the engine. At the extreme front and back there is a direct vertical connection to the midrod. The propeller shafts are 1.23 m. from center to center, and are carried on a special cross-framing, partaking, as already stated, of the character of an out- ‘jgger ona row-boat. (See Plate 27B.) The rear rods, which are of 10 mm. steel tubing, start from the front end of the rear bearings of the propeller shaft and No. 3 LANGLEY MEMOIR ON MECHANICAL FLIGHT 119 extend across from side to side. The top rod is brazed to the side pieces of the hull and the bottom rod to the keel. They are connected by a vertical strut of 8mm. tubing at a distance of 265mm. inside of each propeller shaft. At the front end of the propeller shaft two more rods run across the frame. The lower is similar and parallel to the back rod already deseribed, while the upper is bowed to the front, as shown in the plan view of the frame (Plate 30). In order to take the forward thrust of the propeller a second cross-brace is inserted, which runs from the rear bearing of the propeller shaft to a point just in advance of the front head of the cylinder, and is brazed to the two upper tubes of the cross- frame as well as to the upper tubes of the main framing of the hull. The outer ends of the tubes of the cross-framing are brazed to a thin, stamped steel plate which firmly binds them together, while at the same time it forms a base for attaching the bearings of the propeller shaft. This end plate has a thickness of one millimetre. In addition to the framing proper there are two guy-posts which fit imto the sockets CC, and over which truss wires are drawn, as shown in the side view in Plate 27A. These posts have a length of 730 mm. from the lower edge of the socket, and are capped at their lower extremity by a light steel ferrule whose outside diameter is 10 mm. From the drawing of the wings of No. 5, shown in Plate 17, it will be seen that they are formed of two pine rods 15mm. in diameter at the inner ends, ta- pering to a half circle of the same diameter at the tips. These rods are con- nected by eleven spruce ribs measuring 8mm. 3 mm., and curved, as shown in the side elevation, these, in turn, being covered by a light white silk drawn so tightly as to present a smooth, even surface. The total length of the wing is 2 metres, and the width over all is 805 mm. Vertical stiffness is obtained in the wings by a series of guy-wires, which pass over light struts resting upon the main rods. These main rods are inserted and held in the wing clamps 4 and B, Fig. 16, and make an angle of 150° with each other. As is the case with all other essential details of the aerodrome, a great deal of time and attention was given to the designing of the wing clamps before a satisfactory arrangement was secured. To enable it to control the aerodrome in both directions, the tail-rudder, Plate 27A, has both a horizontal and a vertical surface, the approximate dimen- sions of which are, length 115 em. (3.8 feet), maximum width 64 em. (2.1 feet), giving each quarter section an area of about 0.64 sq.m. (6.9 sq. ft.). It is given the proper angle and degree of elasticity in a vertical direction by the flat hick- ory spring, which fits into the clamp N, and attaches the rudder to the frame. The only other attachments of the aerodrome are the reel, float, and counter. They have nothing whatever to do with the flying of the machine, and are 120 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO KNOWLEDGE vou. 27 merely safety appliances to insure its recovery from the water. The reel con- sists of a light spool on which a fine cord is wound, one end of which is attached to a light float that detaches itself and lies upon the surface of the water when the machine sinks, while the other end is fastened to the spool that goes down with the aerodrome. The ‘float ’’ is a light copper vessel with conical ends which is firmly fastened to the midrod, and which is intended to so lower the specific gravity of the whole machine that it will not sink. The cylindrical por- tion of this float has a length of 250mm. and a diameter of 170 mm., one cone having a length of 65mm. and the other and front one a length of 140 mm., which makes the total length of the float 375mm. It is made of very thin cop- per, and served in the successful trials not only as a float to sustain the machine on the surface of the water, but also as a weight by which the center of gray- ity was so adjusted that flight was possible. The counter records the number of revolutions of the propellers after launching. It is a small dial counter, reading to 10,000, with a special attach- ment which prevents any record being made of the revolutions of the propellers, until the actual moment of launching, when a piece on the launching apparatus throws the counter in gear at the instant that the aerodrome leaps into the air. Description or AgRopROME No, 6 Aerodrome No. 6, it will be remembered, was the outgrowth of a number of changes made in No. 4 during the fall of 1895 and the early part of 1896. In this reconstruction the aim was to lighten the whole machine on account of the smaller engines used on No. 6, and to arrive at better conditions as regards sta- bility than existed in either No. 4 or No. 5. The modifications from No. 4 were so radical and the differences that exist between Nos. 5 and 6 are so consider- able as to demand careful attention. As regards general appearance the frame of Aerodrome No. 6 resembles that of No. 5 in consisting of a single continuous midrod of steel tubing, 20 mm. in diameter, 0.5 mm. thick, immediately beneath which the hull containing the ma- chinery is situated. In reconstructing the framework after the tests in Janu- ary, 1896, had shown it to be dangerously weak, especially against torsion, it was decided to make the hull only strong enough to carry its contents and to attach it to the stronger midrod in such a way that all torsional strains would be taken up by it, whereas in No. 5 the hull structure must bear a large proportion of such strains. It was therefore built throughout of 8-mm. tubing, 0.8 mm. thick, and was rigidly attached to the midrod by braces at the front and rear, and also at the eross-frame. The hull was also made narrower (except at the rear, where it was widened to contain the boiler) and shorter than the hull of No. 5—an ad- vantageous change made possible by the fact that the engines were not contained in the hull, but mounted on the transverse frame. te all YVO DNIHONNV1 NO ‘9 ‘ON 3NOYHGONAY JO SWVH4 1331S W|z : : j : : : : : ‘wil 8% "Id ‘€ ‘ON ‘ZZ “0A S39GS1MONm OL SNOILNSINLNOO NVINOSHLIWS no. 3 LANGLEY MEMOIR ON MECHANICAL FLIGHT 121 In No. 5, as described above, a single engine mounted at the front end of the hull communicated its power through transmission shafts and gearing to the propellers, which were necessarily in the same plane. This brought the line of thrust very nearly in the same plane as the center of gravity of the aerodrome, a condition tending to promote instability of longitudinal equilibrium. In No. 6, however, the use of two engines situated on the transverse frame and com- municating their power directly to the propellers, made it possible to raise the transverse frame 12em. above the hull, and thus raise the line of thrust to a position intermediate between the center of pressure and the center of gravity, without materially affecting the latter. As a result of this change Aerodrome No. 6 was rendered much more stable and made steadier flights with fewer un- dulations than No. 5. The engines in use on No. 6 were the small engines described above in con- nection with No. 4. The cylinders were of steel tubing 2.8 em. in diameter, with a 5-em. stroke, each cylinder thus having a capacity of 30.8 ce. They were lined with a thin cast-iron bushing and cast-iron rings were sprung in the piston head so as to give as smooth a rubbing surface and as perfect action as possible. As in the engine of No. 5 a plain sliding valve of the piston type was used, cut-off being approximately at one-half, though the ports were so small that it was diffi- cult to determine it with any great accuracy. No packing was used, but the parts were carefully ground so as to give a perfect fit. These engines, as is most clearly shown in Plate 30, were mounted sym- metrically on either side of the cross-frame and were connected directly to the propeller shafts. In order to insure that the propellers would run at the same rate, there was provided a synchronizing shaft, 7’, in Plate 30, having on each end a bevel gear, which intermeshed with similar gears on the propeller shafts. Steam for the cylinders was conveyed from the separator through the pipes LL. The steam-generating apparatus for No. 6 was exactly like that already de- seribed in connection with No. 5, the only difference being in the more compact arrangement in the case of No. 6. The relative location of the apparatus in the two models is clearly shown in Plates 28, 29B, and 30, the corresponding parts be- ing similarly labeled, so that a separate description for No. 6 is superfluous. The wings used on No. 6 were somewhat smaller than those of No. 5, and differed from them in having the front mainrib bent to a quadrant at its outer extremity and continued as the outer rib of the wing. The degree of curvature of the wings was also somewhat less, being one-eighteenth for No. 6 and one- twelfth for No. 5. The four wines were of the same size and had a total area of 54 sq. ft. On account of the shortened hull of No. 6 they were allowed a much greater range of adjustment, which rendered it much easier to bring the CP into the proper relative position to the CG than was the case with No. 5. 122 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO KNOWLEDGE VoL. .27 The Pénaud rndder for No. 6 was similar to that for No. 5, the two in fact being interchangeable, and was similarly attached to the frame. The reel, float, counter, and all other accessories were identical for the two machines. To sum up the comparative features of these two successful steam-driven models: Aerodrome No. 6 was both lighter and frailer than No. 5, and required much more delicate adjustment, but when the correct adjustments had been made its flying qualities were superior, as regards both speed and stability. 968l ‘8 HSSOLONO “9 ‘ON JWONGOHSY AO M3IA NVId V6Z "Td ‘RON 22 0A BDGIIMONM O14 SNOLLOGINANOS NVINOSH.LINS ‘9681 “2 H3SOLD0 ‘9 ‘ON AWOHGONAY 4O NOILWAS14 Jails 862 “1d ‘€ “ON ‘22 “110A ADG3S1MONm OL SNOILNEIYLNOD NVINOSHLIWS | SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO KNOWLEDGE VOL. 27, NO. 3, PL. 30 PLAN VIEW OF STEEL FRAMES AND POWER PLANTS OF AERODROMES NOS. 5, 6 3 ON SAWOSCOYdSYV 50 5 1IV1is0 NY7d STVH HAWS 01, = a9 DOF / NOILYATTZ FWVIS IYLIN ‘CG 6N JSWOYXCOHAV STVLIC IN/IM JO NO/ILIFS SSOYD k— 007 i 00/ 4 001 >< ERIN IY Fey Part Il. 1897 To 1903 By CHARLES M. MANLY Assistant in Charge of Experiments CHAPTER I INTRODUCTORY Although in 1896 Mr. Langley had made the firm resolution not to under- take the construction of a large man-carrying machine, as he realized that his multitudinous administrative duties left him practically no time available for original research, yet the longing to take the final great step of actually trans- porting a human being through the air, which the successful flights of the mod- els had now for the first time in the history of the world actually proved to be possible, soon became irresistible. Ten years of almost disheartening difficulties, a full appreciation of which can hardly be gained from the preceding description, had already been spent in demonstrating that mechanical flight was practicable, and Mr. Langley thor- oughly realized that the construction of a large aerodrome would involve as great, if not even greater difficulties. Nevertheless, his indomitable will, which balked at no obstacle, however great it might seem, prevailed against the ad- vice of his close friends and associates, and even that of his physician, who had counselled him that a resumption of concentrated thought and vigorous en- deavor would materially shorten his life, which had already passed three score years. Only a few were privileged to come into close contact with him in his daily work, and thereby catch the inspiration of his unwavering persistence, his ceaseless perseverance, his plain inability to submit to defeat; but no one who has read the record of his astronomical expedition to Mt. Whitney, or the story of his development of the Bolometer, or the preceding chapters of this history of his years of patient work in the development of the flying machine, can have failed to obtain some appreciation of this most striking feature of his character. Having once determined on the accomplishment of a definite object, no amount of difficulty that might arise deterred him from pushing on until in some way and by some means he had succeeded; and no one appreciated better than he that if the thin edge of the right wedge can be inserted under an obstacle, that obstacle can be removed, no matter how formidable it may seem. The undertaking of the construction of a large aerodrome was very largely influenced by President McKinley, who had become impressed with the great 123 124 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO KNOWLEDGE VoL. 27 possibilities of a flying machine as an engine of war. When he found that Mr. Langley was willing to devote his own time to the development of a machine, provided the Government would furnish the funds for the actual construction and tests of it, he appointed a joint board, consisting of Army and Navy offi- cers, to investigate and report on the plans with which Mr. Langley had achieved success with the models. The report of this joint board of Army and Navy officers being favorable, the Board of Ordnance and Fortification of the War Department, at the direction of President McKinley, requested Mr. Langley to undertake the construction and test of a machine, which, while not expected to be a practical war machine, might finally lead to the development of such an en- gine of war. In this connection it is interesting to read a letter which Mr. Lang- ley addressed to the Board of Ordnance and Fortification at the time he un- dertook this work. SmirHsontan Institution, December 12, 1898. The Board of Ordnance and Fortification, War Department. GENTLEMEN: In response to your invitation, I repeat what I had the honor to say to the Board—that I am willing, with the consent of the Regents of this Institution, to undertake for the Government the further investigation of the subject of the construction of a flying machine on a scale capable of carrying a man, the investigation to include the construction, development and test of such a machine under conditions left as far as practicable in my discretion, it being understood that my services are given to the Government in such time as may not be oceupied by the business of the Institution, and without charge. I have reason to believe that the cost of the construction will come within the sum of $50,000.00, and that not more than one-half of that will be called for in the coming year. I entirely agree with what I understand to be the wish of the Board that privacy be observed with regard to the work, and only when it reaches a suc- cessful completion shall I wish to make public the fact of its success. T attach to this a memorandum of my understanding of some points of de- tail in order to be sure that it is also the understanding of the Board, and I am, gentlemen, With much respect, Your obedient servant, S. P. Laneuey. MemoranpuM ATTACHED TO MY LETTER OF THIS DATE TO THE BOARD OF ORDNANCE AND FORTIFICATION While stating that I have, so far as I know, an exclusive right of property in the results of the experiments in aerodromics which I have conducted here- tofore and am now conducting, and while understanding that this property and all rights connected with it, whether patentable or otherwise, will remain mine unqualifiedly, T am glad to place these results, without charge, at the service of the Board of Ordnance and Fortification for the special construction at present proposed, which seems to me to be of National utility. No. 3 LANGLEY MEMOIR ON MECHANICAL FLIGHT 125 I assume that no public statement will be made by the permission of the Board until the work is terminated, but that I may publish ultimately at my discretion a statement of any scientific work done in this connection. I understand that the exercise of this discretion includes the ordering and purchase of all material by contract or in open market, and the employment of any necessary help, without restriction, and that, while I desire that no money shall pass through my hands, itemized bills for each expenditure, made in proper form and approved by me, will be paid by the Chief Signal Officer. Much has already been spent at the Smithsonian Institution for the pur- pose in question, in special apparatus, tools and experiments, and in recent constructions now actually going on, which have involved still more time than money, and which are essential for experimental use in building the proposed machine; and since to re-create all this independently would greatly defer prog- ress, | assume that my discretion includes the decision as to how far this shall be used and paid for at the cost of this allotment (it being understood that I have no personal property in any of the material which might be transferred for the purpose of the work) ; and I also assume that my discretion includes the de- cision as to where the work shall be conducted—that is, whether in shops al- ready constructed, or in others to be elsewhere erected or rented, with the nee- essary adjuncts, whether on land or water, and generally whatever is necessary to the earlest attainment of the object desired by the Board. S. P. Laneuey. SmirHsonian Institution, WasHinctTon, D. C., December 12, 1898. As is always the case in experimental work, especially in a field so very new as was the field of aerodromics at the time that this larger construction was un- dertaken, the ‘‘ plant,’’ or shops and laboratories required for the constructional and testing work, grew to a size far beyond what seemed even remotely pos- sible at the beginning of the work; and even the mere administration involved in the carrying on of this work proved to be no inconsiderable matter before it had progressed very far. The years of experiment with the models had demonstrated clearly that the greatest difficulty in the development of the aerodrome was the construction of a suitable power generator, which should combine the elements of extreme light- ness and unusual power with a fair degree of durability. Although remarkably good results had been secured in the case of the models through the use of steam, it was realized from the first that not only would the development of a steam- power plant for a large man-carrying aerodrome present difficulties of a con- structional nature, but that such a steam plant would necessarily be so fragile and delicate as to make it a constant menace to the machine which it was to pro- pel. The solution of the difficulty, it was believed, was to be found in the use of an internal combustion engine; but Mr. Langley had had very little experience with such engines, and was averse therefore to undertaking the construction of a large aerodrome until he had assurance that a suitable gasoline engine could be secured. Before making an agreement to attempt the work for the War De- < bw 126 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO KNOWLEDGE vou. 27 partment, he had, therefore, made a search for a reliable builder who would un- dertake to construct a gasoline engine of not less than 12 horse-power to weigh not exceeding 100 pounds, and what then seemed a safe contract had been en- tered into with such a builder to supply one engine which would meet these requirements. Almost immediately before the Board of Ordnance and Fortification had of- ficially placed the work in Mr. Langley’s hands and had made an allotment of fifty thousand dollars to meet the expenses thereof, it was found that the en- gine builder could not be depended on, and that it would, therefore, be neces- sary to find one who was more reliable and more experienced in the construc- tion of light engines. After a most extended search for the best builder to un- dertake this work, a contract was entered into on December 12, 1898, with Mr. S. M. Balzer, an engine builder in New York City. He was to furnish a twelve- horse-power engine to weigh not more than 100 pounds, and delivery of it was to be made on or before February 28, 1899. With this great problem of the engine apparently provided for, every facility of the Institution shops was pressed to the utmost limit in order to have the frame, supporting surfaces, launching ap- paratus, and other accessories ready as soon as possible after the delivery of the engine. It was expected from the first that more power would be necessary than this one engine would furnish, and provision had been made in the contract that a duplicate engine should be constructed immediately after the completion of this first one. From past experience, however, it was not likely that the cor- rect balancing of the aerodrome could be determined from a priori calculation based on the results obtained with the models, and it was, therefore, expected that the aerodrome would have to be launched several times before a successful flight could be obtained. In view of this it was planned to make a test of the machine as soon as the first engine was ready, with the expectation that, while the aerodrome would not have sufficient power to fly, yet the test would furnish . definite data on the all-important question of balancing, and also determine whether or not the launching apparatus would require modification. In fact, Mr. Langley felt so apprehensive that the first, and possibly the second test, would be unsuccessful that, in order to avoid the possibility of a fatal accident, it was planned that a dummy should be used to represent the weight of the man in these preliminary tests. This plan, however, was not carried out. In 1903, when the large aerodrome was finally completed, so much time had been lost that the writer proposed to assume the risks of such an accident and to guide the machine in its first test, in the hope of avoiding a disaster, with the consequent delay of months for re- pairs, which the presence of a controlling hand capable of correcting any inac- curacies of balancing rendered far less likely to occur. To this proposal Mr. Langley assented with great reluctance, as he fully realized the danger involved. no. 3 LANGLEY MEMOIR ON MECHANICAL FLIGHT 127 Particular attention is called to the above facts, which clearly show that while a certain degree of success in the initial tests was later hoped for, yet from the beginning it had been felt rather certain that several tests would have to be made before final success would be achieved. To those experienced in scientific experiments this realization of the prob- ability of several tests being necessary before success could reasonably be ex- pected does not seem strange, for the record of past experience contains very few examples of epoch-making inventions springing full fledged from the hand of their maker and proving a success on the first test. The two experiments made in the fall of 1903, in which the aerodrome was each time so damaged in the process of launching that its ability to fly was never really tested, should therefore be considered merely as the first of a se- ries which it had been expected would need to be made before success would be achieved. Further tests were made impossible at the time on account of the lack of funds, the expense of such work being unusually heavy. While the lack of funds, therefore, was the real cause of the temporary sus- pension of the work, yet an influence which does not often enter into scientific work—the unjust criticism of a hostile press—was directly responsible for the lack of funds. It seems very certain that had it not been for this criticism of the press the funds would have been readily forthcoming for continuing the work to the point of success. CHAPTER II GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS In the development of man-carrying flying machines two well-defined paths are open. First: Starting with gliding machines, in which gravity furnishes the motive power, the operator may by practice acquire sufficient skill in con- trolling them to warrant the addition of propelling mechanism, and individual skill in control may be gradually replaced by automatic controlling mechan- ism. Second: From self-propelled models, possessing automatic-equilibrium controlling mechanism, and of a sufficient size to furnish determinative data, one may, by proper modification in size and construction, progress to an auto- matically controlled man-carrying machine in which, for ideal conditions, no especial skill on the part of the operator is required. Hach method has its advantages. After concluding his earlier and purely physical researches, the results of which were embodied in ‘‘ Experiments in Aerodynamics,’’ Mr. Langley was so firmly convinced of the practicability of mechanical flight that he undertook the construction of the model aerodromes in order to demonstrate it. It is very doubtful if at any time, prior to the successful flights of the models in 1896, he seriously contemplated the construction of man-carrying machines. His object in developing the models was not, therefore, to furnish a prototype for a large machine, but merely to demonstrate the feasibility of mechanical flight ; and this he did. This is shown very clearly by the closing remark of the article he pub- lished in 1897, describing the flights of the models. ‘‘ I have now brought to a close the portion of the work which seemed to be specially mine—the demon- stration of the practicability of mechanical flight—and for the next stage, which is the commercial and practical development of the idea, it is probable that the 71 When he later undertook the construction of the large machine for the War Department it was natural that, with the mspiring sight of the models in flight still fresh in his mind, he determined to use as a world may look to others. prototype these successful machines, which were the only things of human con- struction that had ever really flown for any considerable distance. Not being an engineer, and realizing that to pass from the construction of models to that of man-carrying machines involved the solution of many engi- neering problems, Mr. Langley, in the spring of 1898, sought the advice of Dr. R. H. Thurston, who had from the first manifested the deepest interest in his 1“The Flying Machine” McClure’s Magazine, June, 1897. 128 NO. 3 LANGLEY MEMOIR ON MECHANICAL FLIGHT 129 work in aerodromics. On the recommendation of Dr. Thurston he engaged the services of the writer, who assumed charge of the work in June, 1898. While the method of ‘‘ cut and try ’’ had brought success in the models, and was perhaps the only method by which they could have been successfully devel- oped, it was thought that, with these models as a basis of design, much time would be saved by making an analytical study of them as engineering structures, and from the data thus obtained the proper proportions for the parts of the larger machine could be calculated. Such an analytical study, however, revealed very little from which to make ealculations as to the strength necessary for the various parts of the large ma- chine, but it did show very clearly that most of the parts were working under stresses generally far above the elastic limit of the materials, and in many cases the ultimate breaking strength was closely approached. Such a condition was the natural outcome of the method by which these models had been developed— all the various parts having been built at first of the least possible weight and, when they proved too weak, strengthened until they would withstand the stresses imposed on them. It is extremely doubtful if previous calculations as to the strength necessary would have been of any assistance, in fact it is probable that it would have been a distinct disadvantage and would have resulted in the machines being entirely too heavy for flight. The exact strength which had been incorporated in the frames of the mod- els was as unknown as was the exact amount of the stresses which they had been made to withstand. Their static strength was easily determined by calculation, but the stresses due to the live loads were incapable of exact determination from the available data, for stresses produce strains, which in turn generally cause distortions accompanied by greatly increased stresses. While exact data were, therefore, lacking as to stresses and strengths in many of the important parts, yet the models furnished most important illustrations of unusual strength for minimum weight, and a careful study of them showed many ways in which increased strength could be obtained with decreased weight which could hardly have been devised without these concrete examples. It was, however, by no means possible to build the large aerodrome within the permissible limits of weight by simply increasing the various parts of the models according to some predetermined function of the size of the whole. The fundamental difficulty is that inevitably, by the laws of geometry, which are mere expressions of the properties of space, if a solid of any form is magnified, the weight increases as the cube, while the surface increases only as the square, of the linear dimensions. Successive generations of physicists and mathematicians pointed out that while this ‘* law of the cube ”’ is of advantage in the construction of balloons, yet it is a stumbling block that will prevent man 13 150 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO KNOWLEDGE vou. 27 from ever building a dynamic flying machine sufficiently large to carry even one human being. However, since strength is a function of material and form rather than weight, it is possible by selecting proper materials and adopting suitable struc- tural forms to evade to a certain extent this ‘‘ law of the cube.’’? The whole his- tory of structural science has therefore been a series of attempts to find stronger and lighter material and to discover methods of so modifying form as to dis- pense with all parts of a structure that do not contribute to its strength. So in aerodromics the structural problem has been that of finding materials and forms best suited to the purpose for which they are required, for it does not always follow that either the form or the material best suited for one scale of construc- tion is the most advantageous to employ on a different scale. Nor is even the form or material which gives the greatest strength for the least weight necessarily the best to employ. For the structural problem must necessarily be co-ordinated with those of balancing, propelling, and transporting, and each must, therefore, have its proper attention in the design of the whole machine. Many of the general considerations of the design of an aerodrome suff- ciently large to transport a man were determined during the spring and summer of 1898, when the first actual drawings (Plate 32, Figs. 1, 2 and 3) of the pro- posed machine were made. Starting with the assumption that the Models Nos. 5 and 6 were capable of transporting a load of approximately ten pounds more than their weight, it was seen that, since the supporting surface of any aero- drome would increase approximately as the square of the linear dimensions, in order to carry a man the aerodrome would need to be approximately four times the linear dimensions of these models. Calculations based on the results accom- plished in the construction of the models indicated that such an aerodrome would need to be equipped with engines developing 24 horse-power. The best that could reasonably be hoped for was that these engines would not weigh over 200 pounds, and, therefore, allowing 40 pounds for fuel and fuel tanks, it be- came necessary to bring the weight of frame, supporting surfaces, tail, rudder, propellers and every other aecessory within 250 pounds, if the total weight of the machine, including 150 pounds for the aeronaut, was not to exceed 640 pounds, or 16 times the combined weight of the model and its load of 10 pounds. Although the problem of constructing the frame, wings and all other parts within the limit of 250 pounds seemed indeed formidable, it was believed that the ereatest obstacle in the production of such a machine would be that of securing a sufficiently light and powerful engine to propel it. 2Qne noted astronomer and mathematician re-affirmed this opinion as late as 1900 and even stated that man could not hope to construct a flying machine capable of sustaining a weight as great as our largest birds, not knowing that even at that time the model Aerodromes Nos. 5 and 6 had already done more than this. SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO KNOWLEDGE VOL. 27, NO. 3, PL. 32 TRANSVERSE SECTION SIDE ELEVATION SCALE Oy ue sal, Nes) ie. im, ye) ay lore, ——————_——_ — DRAWINGS OF PROPOSED MAN-CARRYING AERODROME, 1898 no. 3 LANGLEY MEMOIR ON MECHANICAL FLIGHT 131 A brief account has already been given of the attempts made by Mr. Lang- ley to secure a suitable gasoline engine for the large aerodrome, but the difficul- ties encountered in the search have not perhaps been sufficiently emphasized. At this time (1898) the automobile industry, through which has come the de- velopment of the gasoline engine, was in its infancy, and there were few build- ers either in the United States or Europe who were attempting anything but rough and heavy construction. Many of them were enthusiastic over the possi- bilities of the internal combustion engine, and were ready to talk of devising such an engine as the aerodrome would require, but few were willing to guaran- tee any such definite results as were demanded. However, the prospects of se- curing a suitable gasoline engine from a reliable builder within a reasonable time seemed so strong that it was decided early in 1898 to begin the construc- tion of the frame on the general plan which would probably be best adapted for use with a gasoline engine, and in ease it finally proved impossible to secure such an engine, to construct later a steam plant which could be adapted to this par- ticular frame. Some tentative work on the construction of the frame was accordingly be- gun in the summer of 1898, some months before an engine builder was found who seemed likely to be successful in furnishing the engines. An extensive series of tests on propellers was also made at this time for the immediate pur- pose of determining what form and size would be best, since the dimensions of the transverse frame could not be definitely settled until it was known how large the propellers would need to be. Preliminary designs were also begun for the wings, rudders, and launching apparatus, but when the point was reached of actually making the working drawings for these, it was seen that the change in the scale of the work re- quired many important modifications in constructional details. As the models had flown successfully only three times, and in each case under practically the same conditions, it was felt that it would be unwise to make changes in im- portant details without first making a series of tests of the models in flight to determine the effect of such changes. It was therefore decided to completely overhaul Models Nos. 5 and 6, strengthening them in many important parts and ‘‘tuning up ’’ their power plants, which had slightly deteriorated since they were last used in November, 1896. When the work of preparing these models for further experiments was begun it was thought that it would require at most only a few weeks, but as it progressed it was found that certain parts of the mechanical work on the engines had been so poorly executed originally that it would be necessary to practically rebuild the engines. The final result was that the power plants of both aerodromes were entirely rebuilt, and they were not ready for actual test in flight until the spring of 1899, 132 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO KNOWLEDGE vou. 27 Much of the preliminary work necessary for the determination of actual working plans was therefore completed in the summer and fall of 1898, and when on December 12 a seemingly satisfactory contract for the engines for the large aerodrome had been made it was thought that rapid progress could be made on the constructional work after January 1, 1899, when the allotment from the War Department would become available. CHAPTER IIT EXPERIMENTS WITH MODELS Immediately after the contract for the engine had been placed and the actual work had been begun, attention was given to the problem of providing means for properly launching the aerodrome. On the theory that the plan of launching the small aerodromes, which had finally been adopted after many years of painstaking experiment, would be the best to employ for the large aerodrome, Mr. Langley decided to have constructed a large house-boat with the launching track arranged on it in a way similar to that used for the small machines. While the general plans for this boat had been under consideration for some time, the actual working drawings were completed in January, 1899, and so great seemed the need for expediting its construction, in order to have it ready at the time when the engine was expected, that the contract which was made for its construction specifically provided for its being completed promptly, there being a large forfeit to cover any delay on the part of the contractor. While the boat itself was being constructed, the working drawings were completed for the house to be built on it, and a contract was made for the con- struction of this house within a given period, there being also a time forfeit in this contract. When the end of February arrived, it was found that, although the engine builder had succeeded in constructing an engine which weighed one hundred pounds, and which theoretically should have given something over twelve horse- power, yet he was unable to make it work properly. And then began a pro- tracted period of most exasperating delays, the engine builder promising from week to week that certainly within the succeeding ten days he would be able to make delivery of the engine developing the full horse-power for which the con- tract called. After this delay on the engine had continued for some months— a delay which necessitated the cessation of the work on the main steel frame of the aerodrome, as it was deemed best to make certain tests of the engine running while supported by a portion of the frame to determine whether or not it was strong enough before completing the rest of it—Mr. Langley decided to employ part of the time in the construction of a model of one-eighth the linear dimensions of the large aerodrome, which was to be used in testing a model of the newly designed launching apparatus described later, and which might also be flown as a kite in making check measurements on the proper balancing which should be employed for the large aerodrome. 133 134 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO KNOWLEDGE vou. 27 The perfected launching apparatus which had been used for the steam- driven models Nos. 5 and 6 (deseribed in Part I, Chapter X) had proved most satisfactory and reliable, but when the designs were made for a launching ap- paratus for the large machine it was found that an exact duplication of the plan of the small one involved serious difficulties in connection with the con- struction of the house-boat, owing to the very considerable weight and size of the turn-table necessary to permit the aerodrome to be launched in any desired direction, regardless of the direction in which the house-boat might be pomting under the influence of the wind and tide. A new design was accordingly made for a launching apparatus in which the launching car was to run on a track mounted directly on the turn-table, the launching car supporting the aerodrome from underneath, instead of being mounted in an inverted position on an over- head track with the aerodrome depending from it. From the previous description of the launching apparatus, it will be re- ealled that, in order to provide that the aerodrome should drop slightly at the moment of its release from the car, and thereby avoid all danger of entangle- ment, the speed of the launching car at the point at which the aerodrome was re- leased was purposely made less than the ‘‘ soaring speed ”’ of the aerodrome. Having this feature in mind, when designing the ‘‘ underneath ’’ launching ap- paratus, it was recognized that the danger of the aerodrome becoming entan- gled with this form of apparatus could be avoided by making the launching speed greater than the velocity which it would be necessary for the aerodrome to have in order to soar, provided the balancing was correct and the aerodrome did soar. Nevertheless, it was deemed unwise to put too much dependence on the empirical calculations from which the balancing of the large aerodrome would necessarily be determined, and, therefore, some means seemed necessary for causing the launching car to drop out of the way immediately upon releasing the aerodrome. In the new design, more completely described below, in Chapter TV, this was accomplished by so arranging a portion of the front end of the track that, at the moment the launching car released the aerodrome, it dropped like a disappearing gun carriage, leaving the aerodrome free in the air with no pos- sibility of becoming entangled, provided the aerodrome itself did not drop more rapidly than an angle of 15 degrees. A small working model of this launching apparatus, one-eighth the linear dimensions of that which would be necessary for the large aerodrome, was first designed and constructed in the shop, the small one-eighth-size model of the large aerodrome being launched from it into a sheet stretched in front of it to act as a buffer. When it was found to work very satisfactorily, a large one, twice this size, was immediately built for use with the steam-driven models Nos. 5 and 6. no. 3 LANGLEY MEMOIR ON MECHANICAL FLIGHT 135 These models, Nos. 5 and 6, which had flown so successfully in 1896, had, during the preceding twelve months, been completely overhauled and thoroughly tested in preparing them for trials in actual flight. Many pendulum tests were made on both aerodromes, and it was found after repeated trial that each could be depended on to show a lift of sixty per cent of its flying weight. This was more than sufficient for flight, but in order to insure successful trials and avoid delay no aerodrome was launched until it had shown previously its ability to generate enough power to maintain for at least two minutes a lift of at least fifty per cent of the total flying weight. Models Nos. 5 and 6, having thus proved their readiness for trial in flight, were accordingly, in April, 1899, taken to Chopawamsiec Island, together with the old ‘‘ overhead ’’ launching apparatus and the new one above described, and placed on a small house-boat similar to the one which had been used in 1896. Two men were detailed for this special work, and were first employed in mount- ing the old launching apparatus for a few preliminary tests with it, in order to make sure that the aerodromes were in proper working order before trying them on the new ‘‘ underneath ’’ one. After considerable delay, due to various causes, this apparatus and the aerodromes were got into proper working con- dition, and during June, July and August the following flights were made with these machines, the record being condensed from the reports made by the writer to Mr. Langley while he was abroad. ConpENSED ReEcorp or FrnicHts or Arropromes Nos. 5 anp 6 FROM JunE 7 to Aucust 3, 1899 Lo A ~ JUNE 7—AERODROME NO. 6 After making a preliminary test of the engines and boiler, with the aero- drome mounted on benches inside the house-boat, to insure that everything con- nected with the power plant was in proper working order, the aerodrome was mounted on the launching apparatus on top of the house, the various parts were assembled and everything made ready for a flight. As it was calculated that this aerodrome would require a soaring speed of something like twenty-five feet a second, the springs which furnished the motive power for the initial ae- celeration of the car were adjusted to the proper tension to cause it to reach a speed of approximately twenty-three feet a second at the moment of launch- ing. Everything being in readiness the burners were lighted but worked some- what sluggishly at first, so that two minutes were consumed in raising a steam pressure of 110 pounds. Although this pressure should have been reached within one minute after lighting the burners, and the extra minute which had been consumed had made a drain on the supply of fuel and water which should have 136 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO KNOWLEDGE vou. 27 been left for consumption during flight, yet it was thought best to launch the aerodrome, so at 12.37 p.m. the car was released and the aerodrome launched. The launching apparatus worked perfectly; the aerodrome started off smoothly, and immediately after being released from the car it dropped slightly and be- gan to turn to the right. It had been impossible to move the house-boat out into the stream so as to point the launching apparatus directly into the wind, as one end had settled slightly on the muddy beach in consequence of the existing low tide. For this reason it was necessary to launch the aerodrome due south, while the wind, which was very light, was from the north-northeast, and, there- fore, blowing on its port quarter. The effect of the aerodrome turning to the right immediately after being launched was that it caused the wind to strike it to an increasing extent on the port side until, finally, it was going directly with the wind. It did not, however, continue in this direction, but kept turning to the right in a circle until it headed directly into the wind, which, now striking the under instead of the upper surface of the wings, immediately caused the aerodrome to rise. It continued circling, making three complete circles of ap- proximately 200 feet diameter, dropping slightly when moving with the wind, but rising when moving against it, until, at the completion of the third circle, it had altered its path to such an extent that the left front wing touched a tree and caused the front of the machine to dip a little. It, however, kept up its flight, but the contact with the tree had so lowered its bow, and apparently also caused the wings to be twisted to such an extent, that it seemed unable to rise again, and after making another quarter circle it descended. Although the propellers were still turning when it struck the water, they had very greatly decreased their speed, making it apparent that the power had been very greatly reduced through the exhaustion of the fuel and water supply. The aerodrome did not sink, but slowly drifted with the current of the creek and was recovered in about five minutes and brought to the house-boat, where the wings were dismounted and dried, and the metal parts were carefully wiped off to prevent them from rusting. The path of this flight is plotted on a portion of a coast-survey chart and is shown in Plate 33. This erratic circling at first seemed unaccountable, but on closer examina- tion, after the aerodrome had been brought into the house-boat, it was found that the pin which connects the synchronizing gear to the port propeller shaft had been sheared off. This had evidently happened while the aerodrome was still on the launching apparatus. The effect of this was to throw the total work of the water-cireulating pump on the starboard engine, thus giving the port en- gine less work to do, and consequently making the port propeller run much faster than the starboard one, and thereby causing the peculiar and erratic cir- cling of the aerodrome. It is evident that the undulatory motion of the aero- o* o qu av aN aN a\ a\ 4) a\ Ch gs as a\ ay a\ TAN a. x) mT res WV X \ \\ \\ P v 2 2 a Si . \ 0 \\\ \ Cc 2 \ \ \\ > \ 12 \\\ Ne <5 \ a s \\ oe \\ ve at \Nes BS _ CTs Co oe “J ¥ RAG Mg s 2 a amis fe wane Y i . a) Ay \ y KY \ \ ee \\\ MASN® NAN \\ WN Wy ? 3 vd . IN \\ \ aie wth! Wyys A My 4 YS WAS | iis e NW, NAY \\ \ \ \\\ aS \\! =) = 7%, Za Nis ot ee wt AY Ss. i tt in| Z apr) Wy Si Sate = wa, at it S35 PATHS OF FLIGHT OF AERODROME NO. 6, JUNE 7, 1899 ey No. 3 LANGLEY MEMOIR ON MECHANICAL FLIGHT 137 drome was due to the fact that, when it was moving against the wind, the speed relative to the air was greater than when it circled so as to go with the wind, and that this greater relative velocity increased the lifting power of the aerodrome. The total time of the flight was 57 seconds, and the distance covered was be- tween 2000 and 2500 feet, thus giving a speed of a little less than 30 miles an hour. Cemparing this flight with that of November 28, 1896, made by the same machine, it will be noted that in the earlier flight the velocity was practically the same, but that the time of flight and the distance traversed then were nearly twice as great as in the present case. A complete record of the details, not only of weight, but also of the position of the wings, the center of gravity, ete., which show the exact condition of the aerodrome when it made this flight, will be found in the appendix (Data Sheet, No. 3). JUNE 13—AERODROME NO. 6 In the flight of June 7 there was a slight trembling of the aerodrome while it was in the air, and although this was probably due to the fact that the syn- chronizing gear was out of operation on account of the shearing off of one of the pins which held it, allowing the port engine to run faster than the star- board one, it was thought possible that some of the trembling might be due to rhe) the ‘‘ wind-vane ’’ rudder, which had been added to represent the equivalent of a steering device by which the operator would control the direction of the cé } large machine. It was decided, therefore, to omit the ‘‘ wind-vane ’’ rudder in the present test, but to test the aerodrome with the same equipment of single- tier wings and Pénaud tail that had been used in the previous flight, the reel and float being moved to bring the CG the same as on June 7. Everything being in readiness, with the launching track pointed south, and the wind blowing only about 54 miles an hour from the southwest, the burn- ers were lighted and 63 seconds were consumed before the steam pressure rose to 100 pounds. Although the valve which controlled the burner was open to its full extent the pressure showed no tendency to rise above 100 pounds, which was not considered quite high enough to furnish sufficient power for a success- ful flight, but as it was desired to determine at once at how low a steam pressure the aerodrome would fly successfully, it was decided to launch it even at this pressure. The launching apparatus was accordingly released and the aerodrome started off, gliding down about three feet immediately after being released, and then rising again, turning slightly to the right and then heading directly for the Virginia shore, where it seemed that it would smash itself in the heavy growth of timber, but when it was about 250 feet from the shore it turned towards the right and started back towards the island. The wind, however, which was blowing from its rear, evidently got down the smoke-stack and put out the fire, 138 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO KNOWLEDGE vou. 27 for the aerodrome commenced to descend as soon as it turned its back to the wind, and came down in the channel of the creek. The path of this flight is shown by the solid line in Plate 34. The total distance covered, as measured by plotting the course of its flight on the coast-survey chart, was about 1800 feet, and the length of time of flight was 40 seconds. The aerodrome was immediately recovered and brought into the house-boat, where it was found that there were still about 1000 grammes of water and 100 grammes of fuel unused in it, showing conclusively that the fire had been put out by the wind. Upon inspection it was found that the aerodrome was uninjured, and al- though the burner had not worked at all satisfactorily, yet as the weather was exceedingly favorable it was decided to make another trial with it immediately, using the superposed wings.’ Everything being in readiness the burners were lighted, and 70 seconds were consumed before the pressure rose to 90 pounds, beyond which it was-im- possible to make it rise. Although it was felt certain that 90 pounds was not sufficient pressure to furnish the power necessary, yet as a storm was approach- ing in the distance, it was decided to launch the aerodrome, as it could at least be determined whether it was properly balanced for the superposed wings. When a total of 75 seconds had been consumed the car was released and the aerodrome was launched. The wooden arrangement for pressing down on the top of the wings to keep the aerodrome from being injured by the wind while it was on the car had been raised to the proper height for the superposed wings, but it had not been noticed that the sticks which support this arrange- ment had been elevated so much that they would come in contact with the beam extending across the boat, and from which the launching track was supported. Just as these sticks reached the cross-beam, however, it was noticed that they projected about three inches above the lower side of it; but the next moment they struck it, and although the force with which the car was running broke all four of them, the blow was sufficient to slow down the car, and thereby cause the aerodrome to be launched at a very greatly reduced speed; not over one- fifth of what it should have been. The shock of breaking these sticks evidently jarred the burners so that the fire was extinguished, for the aerodrome shot forward for about 25 feet and settled with everything intact, and with its mid- rod perfectly horizontal. The aerodrome itself sustained absolutely no injury, coming down as easily as though it had been lowered by a rope, and would have been given another trial immediately but for the fact that it was very late in the afternoon and darkness was rapidly approaching. The data on set- ting of wings, tail, ete., are shown on Data Sheet No. 4 (Appendix). *These wings are described in Chapter VI, pp. 191. no. 3 LANGLEY MEMOIR ON MECHANICAL FLIGHT 139 JUNE 22——-AERODROME NO. 6 After several days’ delay, due to numerous small but exceedingly annoying troubles,—such as the leaking of boilers because of defects in the copper tubing, and the bursting of the air tank, due to its beimg pumped up to an excessive pressure, which a defective pressure gauge had failed to indicate,—Aerodrome No. 6 was made ready for another trial, and it was decided to test it again with the superposed wings which had been used in the second experiment of June 13. The aerodrome was mounted on the ‘‘ overhead ’’ launching apparatus, which it will be remembered had been used in all the previous tests, and after 90 sec- onds had been consumed in raising a steam pressure of 110 pounds, it was launched directly into the wind, which was due south. After leaving the launch- ing car, the aerodrome flew straight ahead for about 75 feet, when it suddenly turned its bow up into the air at an angle of about 15 degrees, and it seemed that the machine would be blown back onto the house-boat. However, when the rear end of the tail was within about 10 feet of the boat, and only about 10 feet above the water, it suddenly regained its equilibrium and went straight ahead again in the face of the wind with the guy-posts only about 4 feet above the sur- face of the water, flying almost exactly horizontally for a distance of about 100 feet, when the bow again suddenly became elevated. As the aerodrome was so close to the water, the wind forced it down until the burners were extinguished by coming in contact with the water. This brought the aerodrome to a stand- still absolutely uninjured, the propellers being several inches above the water when they quit turning. The aerodrome was brought into the house-boat and thoroughly dried out, and another trial would have been made with it imme- diately but the wind which had been steadily increasing was now blowing some- thing more than 12 miles an hour, and it was considered best not to attempt ex- periments in so strong and gusty a wind, for fear of the wings being broken by the wind suddenly veering and striking them on the side or rear while the aerodrome was still on the launching apparatus. The peculiar action of the aerodrome in the air appeared to be due to the fact that the propellers inter- fered more with the lifting power of the rear superposed wings, as they were then constructed, than they did with the ‘ single-tier ’’ ones. The data on the setting of the wings, tail, ete., are shown on Data Sheet No. 5 (Appendix). Tt was also found after the experiment that one of the workmen, in assem- bling the machine on the launching car, had secretly increased the stiffness of the spring which controls the elasticity of the Pénaud tail. The effect of this increase in the stiffness of the Pénaud tail might at first thought appear to be similar to that of moving the center of pressure forward. Upon a closer analy- sis, however, it will be seen that the effect is very much greater, as excessive stiffness of the Pénaud tail not only causes the aerodrome to elevate its bow, 140 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO KNOWLEDGE VoL. 27 but requires the overcoming of a strong downward force at the rear, even more serious than would be caused by placing an extra load at the rear of the ma- chine without regard to its effect on the balancing. In experiments of this kind, however, the workmen get certain ideas of their own as to how the work should be conducted, and it is almost impossible in assembling the aerodrome to prevent them from making adjustments which are quite different from those which they have been directed to make, and which have been definitely planned with a view to determining the effect of slight changes which it is desired shall not be masked by changes of any kind in other details. 99 JUNE 23—-AERODROME NO. 6 The wind, which had been blowing half a gale all day, gradually quieted down towards sunset and at five o’clock was very light, blowing only two miles an hour from the east-southeast. As one of the rear superposed wings had been injured on the previous day in carrying the aerodrome into the house-boat after its short and erratie flight, it was decided to use the ‘‘ single-tier ’? wings in this experiment, and also to continue using the ‘‘ overhead ’’ launching appa- ‘atus for a few more flights. Everything being in readiness, the burners were lighted and 70 seconds were consumed in raising a steam pressure of 120 pounds, at which pressure the aerodrome was launched. It started straight ahead, drop- ping not more than a foot, and flying on an absolutely even keel for about 800 feet, when it suddenly turned to the left and made a short half circle of about 100 feet diameter, heading for a point about 150 feet east of the house-boat. When it was about 200 feet from the shore, a sudden gust of wind caught under the Pénaud tail, raising the rear portion of the aerodrome and causing the bow to point down at an angle of about 30 degrees. The aerodrome kept this angle and struck the shallow water only about 20 feet from the shore. The aerodrome was comparatively uninjured, and another flight would have been made imme- diately but for the fact that by the time the aerodrome had been properly in- spected it was quite late, and entirely too dark, and there would have been dan- ger of losing it in the adjacent marshes, which are difficult to traverse even un- der the best conditions of tide and light. The path of this flight is shown by the dotted line in Plate JUNE 27—AERODROME NO. 9 While the preceding tests had been going on with Aerodrome No. 6, such time as could be spared for it was spent in getting Aerodrome No. 5 into proper condition. The copper tubing from which the boilers for both aerodromes were made was greatly inferior to that which had been used in previous years, and as this tubing could be procured only by having it specially drawn to order in France, and as it required several months after placing an order before the tub- be) bah ber oR ee 09 te el eet ee ee ? malin 4: , ee ies ye) ee cade hes ——e \o rote e Cay Hi GRD ot Y i = \ ees Autti, DEE |p S as & yu "iy IOS A\\ n 2 TARR eS es Ss NGe. © \ \ \\\ ‘ TAG \ | : a ° | e } a | 3 | | e : y é NS x ec ws ef 4 ek / By ¢ = \\ \ it ra Feels \\ s re eG ss \\\ \ Ni 5 VN PW ; \ y WAS \\ ° \ ANY \\ 1899 PATHS OF FLIGHT OF AERODROME NO. 6, JUNE 13 AND 23, No. 3 LANGLEY MEMOIR ON MECHANICAL FLIGHT 14] ing could be delivered, it was necessary to make the best of what was already on hand. The copper tubing for the boilers which had been used in 1896, after be- ing carefully annealed and filled with fine sand, could be wound into a perfectly smooth helix, free from all wrinkles, indentations, and so forth, on the inner side of the coil. But no amount of care, both in annealing and in winding this present lot of tubing, would produce a smooth helix, the tubing being badly wrinkled on the inner side of the coil in spite of every precaution. These wrinkles, however, were not so much the cause of serious trouble as was the fact that the tubing was not uniform in quality, each length of it having nu- merous rotten spots which did not always show up in the winding, but which gave way after the boiler had been completed and one or two preliminary runs in the shop had been made with it. While the effect of such small things can- not be appreciated from merely reading about them, yet they were the cause of the most exasperating annoyance and delay, as no sooner had the aero- drome been gotten into what appeared to be perfect working order than the boiler would break at one or more points, thus causing a delay which at the moment would seem to involve not more than a few hours, but before everything was again in working order would amount to several days. However, after much perseverance, Aerodrome No. 5 was put in satisfac- tory working condition, and on June 27 was launched with its ‘‘ single-tier ”’ wings and Pénaud tail. The data on settings of wings, tail, ete., are given on Data Sheet No. 6. After lighting the burners, 70 seconds were consumed in raising a steam pressure of 120 pounds Immediately upon leaving the launch- ing car the aerodrome started to rise with its bow elevated to an angle of about 15 degrees. It flew straight ahead about 80 feet, when it came backward and downward and touched the water about 40 feet from the boat. The failure of the aerodrome to fly properly was evidently due to its not being in proper balance. The cause of this lack of proper balance was not immediately apparent, but was very soon detected and will be discussed later on. JUNE 30—AERODROME NO. 5 After several days of incessant rain and strong winds, which prevented an experiment, the weather became brighter and the wind quieted down and the afternoon of June 30 was almost ideal for an experiment. At five o’clock Aero- drome No. 5, with ‘‘ single-tier ’’ wings and Pénaud tail, was placed on the launching apparatus, a few minutes later the burners were lighted, and just as the propellers started to turn a racking noise was heard. Upon investigation it was found that the circulating pump had broken. The break was a very small matter and could have been repaired in an hour, but it was then too late to re- pair the damage and get a flight before dark, so the aerodrome was reluctantly dismounted and the men put to work repairing the broken pump. 142 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO KNOWLEDGE VoL. 27 suLY 1 To suLyY 8 The great disadvantage of conducting the experiments at a point forty miles from the city and the shops was felt at all times. Workmen, even of the very best class, cannot be kept contentedly at work at a point so far removed from their homes, even by bringing them to the city on Saturday afternoon and carrying them back to the experimental grounds the following Monday. More- over, it is worse than useless to try to get even as much as one-third the ordi- nary amount of work done if there is the slightest excuse for tightening anchor ropes, watching passing boats, or wasting time on any of the multitudinous small variations from their usual routine of life. On July 7, Aerodrome No. 5, equipped with ‘‘ single-tier ’? wings and Pé- naud tail, was made ready for a flight in the afternoon. The settings of the wings, tail, ete., are given on Data Sheet 6. Using the ‘‘ overhead ’’ launching apparatus, the aerodrome was launched with a steam pressure of 115 pounds. Immediately upon being launched its bow rose to an angle of about fifteen de- grees or more, and the aerodrome came backward and downward and touched the water about three or four feet from the house-boat. It may be well to recall from what has been said in Part I, Chapter IX, that Aerodrome No. 5 is the one with the very low thrust line, and in 1896 had its ‘* separator ’’ several centimetres in front of its center of gravity. When this aerodrome was overhauled just previous to these experiments, the separator was moved back to the same relative position as that in Aerodrome No. 6, so that the gradual depletion of the water supply during flight would not cause it to be- come light in front of the center of gravity. In the launching of Aerodrome No. 5, above described, it showed no ten- dency to drop immediately upon leaving the launching ways, but on the con- trary its bow in every case rose almost immediately until it was at an angle of about fifteen degrees or more. From the photograph (Plate 35) it will be no- ticed that the wings of the aerodrome are held down by the longitudinal strips, A, fastened to cross-beams attached to the launching ear. If, now, the launch- ing speed is too great and the aerodrome tries to rise immediately upon being released, the front end, which passes from under the launching car before the rear does, and is thus free to rise, will immediately rise, while the rear cannot rise until it has passed entirely in front of the ear, which being a distance of several feet requires an appreciable fraction of a second, during which time the bow of the machine has been able to rise to quite a steep angle. This has the effect of slowing down the aerodrome so that it does not get quite the proper chance to start on its flight with a minimum head resistance. In view of the above facts. it was decided to decrease the speed of the launching car slightly when using Aerodrome No. 5, so that this matter could be thoroughly tested out. SAVM-DNIHONNV1 NO S ‘ON AWONGONSY menemmeeeee | -Jaee | ee - ee 1 ee 4 oes | +), es _— . SIOMATWAAONY OF SNOLINAININOY NVINOCHUTIWS No. 3 LANGLEY MEMOIR ON MECHANICAL FLIGHT 143 guLy 11 vo suLY 14—akERODROME NO. 9 The very early morning preceding actual sunrise on July 11 was undoubt- edly as calm as it is possible to find; there was absolutely no breeze stirring and the water in the river was as smooth as glass as far as one could see. The anemometer cups were stationary, the wind vane stood absolutely parallel to the launching apparatus and everything promised a most successful experiment. After mounting the aerodrome on the ‘“ overhead ’’ launching apparatus the burner was lighted, and while the steam pressure was still rising and the pro- pellers were revolving faster and faster all the time, there was a snap and they ceased to turn. The fire, which was burning fiercely, ran the pressure imme- diately to 150 pounds. An attempt was at once made to start the propellers again by giving them an initial turn by hand, it being thought possible that a sudden gush of water had taken place and, accumulating m one end of the en- gine cylinder, had blocked the engine. However, as the engine refused to keep the propellers going after they were started, and as the pressure was still rising very rapidly, the burner was shut off and an investigation made. Upon remoy- ing the hull covering, it was found that the connecting rod bearing had broken off short near the crank pin of the engine, and that it would be necessary to take the part to Washington in order to repair it, as there were no machine tools on the house-boat. After several days of exceedingly bad weather, the conditions grew more favorable. Late in the afternoon of July 14, Aerodrome No. 5 was again placed on the “‘ overhead ”’ launching apparatus and prepared for a trial. After light- ing the burners, 95 seconds were required to raise a steam pressure of 120 pounds. Upon leaving the launching apparatus the aerodrome went directly ahead for a few feet, but immediately commenced to rise, elevating its bow to an angle of 20 degrees by the time it had travelled 40 feet. With its bow in this position, it was blown back towards the house-boat and a little to the right of it, and, when within about 5 feet of the water, suddenly righted itself and started ahead again, rising all the time and reaching a height of about 20 feet by the time it had travelled 100 feet. In the meantime the bow had again become elevated to an angle of about 15 degrees and the aerodrome was blown backwards and down- wards again. Just before reaching the water it started to right itself, but it had descended so that the front guy-post was in the water, thus destroying its equilibrium and causing it to settle into the water. The path of this flight is shown by the peculiar S-shaped line in Plate 54. In the adjustments preliminary to the above trial the Pénaud tail was ele- vated to an angle of 74 degrees when the aerodrome was stationary in the shop. This excessive elevation, coupled with the fact that the center of gravity was also probably a little too far forward, no doubt accounts for the erratic flight. The data on setting of wings, tail, etc., are given on Data Sheet No. 7 (Appendix). 144 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO KNOWLEDGE voL. 27 JULY 19—aERODROME NO. 9 After several days of exceedingly bad weather the conditions were more fa- vorable on July 19. Since the last experiment on July 14 the coefficient of elas- ticity of the Pénaud tail had been decreased, the rear wings moved back 5 centi- metres, and the ‘‘ float?’ so placed that the center of gravity of the machine was brought to the same position it had had on that day, that is, 2 centimetres back of the line of thrust. With this arrangement, assuming that the CP is over the CG, we should have an apparent efficiency of the rear wings of 63.6 per cent, since the distance between CP» and CG is 79.7 centimetres, and the dis- tance between CP,» and CG is 125.3 centimetres. With the adjustment of July 14, the distance between CP)» and CG was 79.7 centimetres, and the distance he- tween CP,» and CG was 118.3 centimetres, thus allowing for an apparent effi- ciency of 67.37 per cent for the rear wings. It will be recalled that in the un- successful flight of July 14 the midrod of the aerodrome was inclined at an angle of about 20 degrees during most of the time that it was in the air, thus indi- cating that the front wings were lifting proportionately more than they should. On July 14 the Pénand tail had a negative elevation of 7° 30’, and it required 1240 grammes placed at its center to bring it to the horizontal. On July 19 the elevation of the tail was changed to 5° and a weaker spring for controlling the elasticity was substituted, so that it required only 200 grammes placed at the center of the tail to bring it to the horizontal. A rubber band, of about one- half the strength of the upper spring, was attached by means of a cord to the lower guy-post and the lower vertical ribs of the tail, so that the tail would be elastic both ways. This rubber band was in place and acting to help draw the tail down when the above measurement of the coefficient of elasticity was made. A rubber band connected to the lower side of the tail was also used in the flight of July 14, but it was so very weak, compared to the upper spring, that its effect was negligible. The effect of this change in the balancing of the aerodrome, and also the more considerable effect which the coefficient of elasticity of the tail has on the balancing, will be immediately noticed from the description of the next flight. The data on setting of wings, tail, ete. are given on Data Sheet No. 8. At 3 p.m., the wind having died down, Aerodrome No. 5, equipped with its ‘« single-tier ’’ wings and Pénaud tail adjusted as above, was placed on the ‘ overhead ’? Jaunching apparatus. After lighting the burners, one minute and thirty seconds were required to raise a steam pressure of 120 pounds. Imme- diately upon leaving the launching apparatus, the aerodrome started straight ahead, dropping about 3 feet by the time it had gone 100 feet; it then rose with its midrod at an angle of about 6 or 8 degrees, regaining its level very quickly, however, and making three of these undulations by the time it had gone rt No. 3 LANGLEY MEMOIR ON MECHANICAL FLIGHT 145 300 feet. It continued straight ahead for another 300 feet and began to circle to the left, the diameter of the first circle being about 200 feet. As soon as it started to cirele, it rose with its midrod at an angle of about 15 degrees, and by the time it had made its first half turn it started to descend, coming down to within 15 feet of the water. As soon, however, as it had completed this first turn, it again rose, making another half circle, then, upon the completion of this half turn of the second circle, descended, this time to within 10 feet of the water, rising again for the third half turn, but again descending to within 2 feet of the water at the completion of this third circle, and then rising and complet- ing the first half turn of the fourth circle. By this time, however, it had sunk so near to the water that the guy-posts caught in the tall grass while it was de- seending just before the completion of the fourth circle, thus pulling the aero- drome down into the water with the propellers still running. The total time the aerodrome was in the air was 46 seconds. The total number of revolutions of the propellers was 488, or at the mean rate of 637 R. P.M. Upon examining the aerodrome, after it was recovered, it was found that there were 925 erammes of water left in the separator, the fire having been put out by the aerodrome coming down into the water. When the aerodrome first commenced to circle during its flight, it was no- ticed that the front wing clamps had twisted on the midrod, the left wing being dipped downwards, and the right one, of course, being elevated, and the peculiar circling of the aerodrome was undoubtedly due to this facet. The cause of the wing clamp twisting on the midrod was that one of the workmen forgot to tighten one of the screws of the wing clamp when the wings were being adjusted on the aerodrome. But for this unfortunate twisting of the wings, it is probable that the flight would have been perfectly straight and the distance covered would have been considerably greater than it was, the total path traversed being about 2600 to 2800 feet, found by plotting the path on the coast-survey chart and meas- uring it. JULY 27—aPRODROME No. 6 As the proper balancing of both Aerodrome No. 5 and No. 6 had now been determined with reasonable accuracy, and as much more time had already been given to the experiments than had been intended, it was decided to dismount the ‘‘ overhead ’’ launching apparatus at once and substitute the ‘‘ underneath ”’ one, so that it could be immediately determined whether this newer plan for launching the aerodrome by a car supporting it from underneath would be suit- able for use with the large machine. After a considerable period of exceedingly bad weather, during which time the change was made in the launching appa- ratus, the weather conditions became more favorable on July 27. Aerodrome No. 6, equipped with ‘‘ single-tier ’’ wings and Pénaud tail, was mounted on the 14 146 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO KNOWLEDGE VoL. 27 ‘* underneath ’’ launching apparatus, and everything was got ready for a flight. On lighting the burners, they failed to work properly, and, upon investigation, it was found that the air valve controlling the air pressure on the gasoline tank, was out of order. While this was being repaired, the wind rapidly in- creased in velocity and became very gusty, thus endangering the aerodrome, as the wings were very liable to be broken by the wind suddenly veering more rap- idly than the house-boat could turn or the turn-table could be moved, and thus striking the wings from the side and putting an enormous upward pressure on them, owing to the fact that the diedral angle between them gave to each wing an elevation of 7§ degrees from the horizontal. The aerodrome was accord- ingly dismounted and everything kept in readiness for a trial, with the hope that the wind would die down, or at least become steady, but it did not do so until after dark. JULY 28—aBRODROME NO. 6 Aerodrome No. 6, equipped with ‘‘ single-tier ’’ wings and Pénaud tail, was launched from the ‘‘ underneath ’’ launching apparatus. There was a dead calm, the river not showing a ripple; the wind vane pointed to the northeast, but as the tide was low and the boat was aground, the launching track was point- ing due south. At 7 a.m. the burners were lighted, and 80 seconds were con- sumed in raising a steam pressure of 120 pounds. Everything worked perfeetly ; the uprights on the car, which initially support the aerodrome and upon its be- ing released are instantaneously pulled down by rubber springs, as well as the disappearing part of the track, acted without the slightest hitch. Immediately upon leaving the launching apparatus, the aerodrome depressed its bow to an angle of between 3 and 4 degrees and made a direct line for the water. At this angle it struck just on the opposite side of the channel, about 300 feet from the house-boat, and while several minor parts, such as guy-posts, were injured no damage of importance was done. Owing to the difficulty of getting through the marsh and recovering Aerodrome No. 6, it was found impossible to make another trial with No. 5 before the wind had increased to a prohibitive veloc- ity. The path of this flight is shown by the dotted line in Plate 36. The data on setting of wings, tail, ete., are given on Data Sheet No. 9. The last previous trial of Aerodrome No. 6 was made on June 23, and the balancing at that time was evidently correct for the settings of the tail which were then used. The Pénaud tail then had an elevation of 74 degrees, and the coefficient of elasticity was such that 1240 grammes were required at the center of the tail to deflect it to the horizontal. In the trial above recorded, on July 28, the adjustments of the wings were practically what they were on June 23, the CG being moved forward 1 centimetre, but the Pénaud tail had an elevation of something less than 5 degrees, and the coefficient of elasticity was such that NO. 3 LANGLEY MEMOIR ON MECHANICAL FLIGHT 147 200 grammes placed at the center were required to deflect the tail to a horizontal. It was not intended that the angle of the tail should have been less than 5 de grees, but it was found that one of the workmen had improperly attached the fastening wire, and had considerably decreased the angle. This last adjustment of the Pénaud tail should have been the same as that used on Aerodrome No. 5 in its flight of July 19. The CG had purposely been moved forward slightly, but the effect of moving the CG forward and at the same time decreasing the stiff- ness and angle of the tail was shown by this flight. The above trial not only very clearly emphasizes the importance of ecare- fully determining what the elasticity of the Pénand tail should be, but also em- phasizes the fact that even the best workmen, who have had several years of experience, cannot be relied on in anything which requires that everything be done exactly right and not nearly right. JULY 29—AaERODROME NO. 5D The aerodrome equipped with ‘‘ single-tier ’? wings and Pénaud tail was launched from the ‘‘ underneath ’’ launching apparatus at 9 a.m., 1 minute and 30 seconds having been required to raise 120 pounds steam pressure. The wind was from the southeast, with a velocity of 3 miles an hour, and the launching track was pointed directly into it. The launching apparatus, with the disappearing track, worked perfectly, and the aerodrome started straight ahead, dropping slightly at first, but imme- diately regaining its level and going ahead, gradually raising its bow to an angle of about 8 or 10 degrees, and slightly slacking up its speed by the time it had gone about 300 feet. It then made a circle to the left of a radius of about 75 feet and started back. As soon as it had made this turn it regained its level and directly regained its speed. But as soon as it had speeded up again it ele- vated its bow, which slackened its speed as before. It then again righted itself, still going in the same direction and crossing the sand-bar on the point of the island at a height of about 40 feet. As soon as it had crossed the sand-bar, it again made a circle to the left with a radius of about 75 feet, heading directly for the house-boat, but when it had got back above the sand-bar it again circled to the left, passing directly between two tall trees, and barely missing them, and still circling to the left, when it again reached the opposite side of the sand- bar. It, however, kept on circling to the left and once more started back to- wards the house-boat, this time passing to the left of the trees and again barely missing them, and completing this, its second, circle over the sand-bar. It then started due north, heading directly for Quantico, but by this time something had evidently happened to the burners as the fire went out, and the propellers gradually slowed up. However, it kept on towards Quantico, gradually de- scending on an even keel, and came down in the water at a point about 500 feet 148 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO KNOWLEDGE voL. 2 from the sand-bar and about 1000 feet from the house-boat. The propellers had almost ceased turning when the aerodrome came down into the water, and it settled almost as quietly as though it had been picked up and placed there, so that no damage was done to it. The total time that the aerodrome was in the air was 63 seconds, and the total length of flight was about 2500 feet. The path of this flight is shown by the dotted line with the double circle in Plate 36. The data on settings of wings, tail, ete., are given on Data Sheet No. 10. As soon as the workmen had had their breakfast, Aerodrome No. 5 was again placed on the launching apparatus, equipped this time with the super- posed wings and Pénaud tail. Upon lighting the burners, it was found that they did not work properly, a small piece of soot having clogged up the tip of the aporizing coil. While this trouble with the burners was being remedied, the wind increased to such an extent that it was found necessary to remove the aerodrome from the launching apparatus to prevent its being injured by side eusts. As it was Saturday and the wind showed no signs of quieting down, the experiments were discontinued until the next week. AUGUST 1—AERODROME NO. 5 After placing the aerodrome on the launching apparatus and getting every- thing in readiness for a flight, upon lighting the burners a sudden sheet of flame shot out of the smoke-stack and so seriously charred three panels of each of the rear wings that they had to be removed for repairs. The silk covering of the wings had been coated with a special fire-proofing preparation, but the intensely hot flame, of course, charred all the silk that it came in contact with. By the time that the wings had been repaired, and the defect in the burner which caused the accident had been remedied, a severe storm had arisen, mak- ing it necessary to remove everything to the interior of the boat. While wait- ing for the weather to become more suitable, a test of the engine of Aerodrome No. 5 was made inside of the house-boat. In this test a steam pressure of 140 pounds was obtained, giving 650 R. P. M. of the round-end, 100-centimetre pro- pellers, which previous tests had shown to mean a thrust of 7480 grammes. As the flying weight of the aerodrome was now 14,104 grammes, the thrust ob- tained would correspond to a lift of 53 per cent of the flying weight, which was maintained in this test for 90 seconds. As the CG of Aerodrome No. 5 seemed to be a little too far forward in the flight of July 28, it was decided to change it slightly, and it was moved back 4 millimetres. A trial run in the house-boat was also made on Aerodrome No. 6, while waiting for the weather to become more suitable, but, unfortunately, the result of this test was disastrous. The aerodrome had been placed on trestles and Up 4, ii Uy Up BET) GY) MUL o> + oe. 2 7 ays S Ss aD fin, =: a a | m8, i \ ral iN ih an i \ aan W We: x a \ A) MK Rha A \ ect POS a S : ts ae : \\ ; : \\ \ NA\ae \\\ \\t \ ‘ a we 2 \y\ : re in) WY Wy | st \" \, a te IN Wy ww \\ 4 : Ca cr ee a \ ‘ \\ NY N \ \\\ , \ W Way 7 WA ne wre ihe he x AN YW ¥ \ ers ! : a oA pies NY \\ » \\ aus vg | ee Sao 2 |, a AW | ue mi v 0 \\ Ne \ S ae i Nu \Y NN \\\ 2 j Js, wen Wi vN\ \\ aut f ie 76% ‘Lore yee : NRCan Yt on é \ \\ \\ \\ \\ wy \ \ \\ Wi -\ \\ G ie : ce wy \ FA \ \ \\ \\ Night \ ot ces ead , ; ‘ ‘ | \ \ | oN A \ \ y S\N -. x = Vy) yo PATHS OF FLIGHT OF AERODROME NO. 5, JULY 29, 1899 No. 3 LANGLEY MEMOIR ON MECHANICAL FLIGHT 149 held down to the floor by wires fastened to the cross-frame. In the midst of the test one of the wires slipped, allowing the aerodrome to push forward and thus permitting the propellers to come in contact with the wires which held it to the floor. Both propellers were entirely demolished and the cross-frame was broken off short just at the right-hand engine. The disaster was entirely due to the carelessness of one of the workmen in tightening one of these wires, a further example of the extreme heedlessness of workmen, even in the most important details, which concern the very existence of the machine. AUGUST 3—AERODROME NO. 5D After the very satisfactory trial of Aerodrome No. 5 in the shop two days previous, it was hoped, now that the weather had become suitable, that a good flight with the superposed wings would be obtained. The aerodrome, equipped with these wings, was accordingly placed on the launching apparatus and the burners were lighted, but they refused to work properly, a steam pressure of only 80 pounds being obtained. After much delay the burners were finally got to work properly, but the wind had increased in velocity to such an extent that it was necessary to remove the aerodrome to the interior of the house-boat. As the wind continued to increase in velocity it was decided to make another trial of the aerodrome inside of the house-boat. Upon doing this it was very soon found that there was a small! leak in the front turn of one of the coils of the boiler, and the steam from this played directly against the burner, causing it to work intermittently. A new coil was substituted, and after some adjustment a very excellent run was obtained, the steam pressure reaching 130 pounds and the propellers making 654 R. P. M. In the afternoon the wind quieted down and the aerodrome, equipped with superposed wings, was again placed on the launching apparatus. The burners were lighted but again refused to work properly, the vaporizing tip beimg stopped up with soot. This caused the burner to ‘‘ flood,’’ which sent a sheet of flame through the stack and burned the rear right wing. A new wing was substituted, the burner tip was cleaned out and everything was again put in readiness for a flight. Upon lighting the burners, 1 minute and 58 seconds were required to raise 120 pounds steam pressure. The underneath launching apparatus, with the disappearing track, worked perfectly, the aero- drome dropping slightly, but going straight ahead. It, however, continued to de- scend for a distance of about 100 feet, the bow being elevated about 5 degrees. The bow then became horizontal, the aerodrome rising slightly at the same time, but going only about 50 feet farther, when it again started to descend slightly, and finally settled gently on the water between 300 and 500 feet from the house- boat, with its bow elevated about 3 degrees. There was a hiss as the hull touched the water, showing that the fire was still burning and making it im- 150 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO KNOWLEDGE vou. 2 probable that the failure of the flight was due to lack of power. The data on settings of wings, tail, etc., are given on Data Sheet No. 11. The speed of the launching car, one foot in front of the point at which the aerodrome was released, was twenty feet a second, as shown by the carbon record sheet carried by the launching car and moved in front of a tuning fork which had been set in vibration. The aerodrome, being uninjured in the previous flight, was again placed on the ‘‘ underneath ’’ launching apparatus, and before attaching the wings a short run was made in order to see that everything was in proper working condition. As everything seemed to be all right, the wings and tail were immediately ad- justed for another trial. As the bow was slightly elevated in the previous trial, it was thought best to bring the CG@ a little farther forward, and this was ac- cordingly done. As the aerodrome also seemed to drop slightly in leaving the launching car in the above trial, the tension of the launching springs was slightly increased so as to increase the velocity at the moment of release. Just as the sun was setting the aerodrome was again launched, 1 minute and 30 seconds having been required to raise 120 pounds steam pressure, but the pressure was rising very rapidly at the moment of launching. There was an absolutely dead calm prevailing, the river being as smooth as glass. The launch- ing apparatus, with the disappearing track, worked perfectly. Immediately upon being released the aerodrome went straight ahead, with its midrod hori- zontal, but gradually glided downward as though the wings had very little lift- ing power, and settled in the water about 200 feet from the house-boat. The ve- locity of the launching car, 1 foot before the aerodrome was released, was 22 feet a second, as shown by the carbon record sheet. In the above trials of the superposed wings, the conditions of the wind and of the aerodrome were certainly as favorable as could be expected. There was as much power being furnished by the engine as had been furnished in the pre- vious flights with the ‘‘ single-tier ’? wings, and the balancing of the aerodrome was exceedingly good. The superposed wings, unquestionably, had a fair trial and proved inferior to the ‘‘ single-tier ’’ ones, for they had a supporting sur- face of 2.75 square feet to the pound, whereas with the ‘‘ single-tier ’’ wings there was approximately 2 square feet to the pound. The decreased lifting power of the superposed wings seems to be another confirmation of the results of the Allegheny experiments with the ‘‘ plane-dropper.’? ? As more time had already been given to these tests than it seemed well to 2See “Experiments in Aerodynamics.” It will be recalled that in the experiments with the “plane-dropper” there was a greatly reduced lifting power with superposed planes when their dis- tance apart was one-half the width of the planes, unless a speed of about 42.5 feet a second was ob- tained. In the above tests with the superposed wings, the speed was only from twenty to twenty- two feet a second at the time of launching, and as the distance between the surfaces was only one- half as great as their width, it is not surprising that the lifting power should not be as great as with the “single-tier” wings. No. 3 LANGLEY MEMOIR ON MECHANICAL FLIGHT 151 spend on them at that time, owing to the pressure of the work of construction for the large machine, it was deemed best to discontinue them for the time be- ing, and as soon as time could be found for it, to construct a set of wings with superposed surfaces, using only two surfaces and making their distance apart at least equal to or greater than their width. It will be remembered that the prime object in making these tests was to obtain data for use in the balancing of the large aerodrome and in construet- ing a launching apparatus for it. The chief deductions drawn from them were: First: That it would be best to construct the first set of wines for the large ma- chine on the ‘‘ single-tier ’’ plan, and later to make a set of superposed ones, should further experiments with new designs develop a type of superposed sur- faces which gave as good lifting power as the ‘‘ single-tier ’?’? ones. Second: That the proportioning of the coefficient of elasticity of the Pénand tail should be given as careful attention as the setting of the wings. Third: That the ‘‘ un- derneath ’’ launching apparatus was equally as good as the ‘‘ overhead ’’ one, and that both worked as well as could be desired; and, fourth, that while short periods of calm weather might be expected during some part of the day on a portion of the days of each month, yet the most favorable conditions were more apt to be met with between the first break of day and the actual rising of the sun, or from an hour preceding sunset until darkness actually came. Tt will be noted that while considerable delay was experienced in making these tests, nearly all of it was due to the very delicate adjustments required in the power-generating apparatus of the aerodrome, but it should also be noted that when these adjustments were accurately made the models operated exceed- ingly well, and could be depended upon to give good flights of sufficient duration to permit a careful study of their action while in the air. In the experiments of June 27 and July 7, above described, the aerodrome immediately after leaving the launching apparatus began to rise with its mid- rod pointed upward at an angle of about 15 degrees. From Data Sheet No. 6, which gives in detail the important data as to the settings of the wings, the elasticity of the Pénaud tail,’ ete., we note that the tail had a negative angle of 74 degrees, and that the spring which held it at this angle was of such a stiff- ness that it required 1240 grammes placed at its center of figure to depress it to the horizontal. It will also be noticed that the position of the front and rear 5In fact the setting of the tail at a negative angle and fastening it to the frame by an elastic or spring connection was only begun in 1896, and while it proved to be the key to the solution of the problem of automatic longitudinal stability, yet it was not at that time so recognized, although the first real test of the aerodromes after the elastic connection and negative angle of the tail were adopted resulted in the epoch-making flight of No. 5 on May 6. By comparing the angle of the tail on No. 5 in Plate 27A, Part I, with the angle of the tail on No. 6 in Plate 27B, Part I, it will be seen that while the first had an angle of much less than 5 degrees, the latter had an angle of about 15 degrees. But the wooden springs changed so that it was not accurately known what the angle really was at the time of either flight in 1896. 152 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO KNOWLEDGE vou. 27 wings relative to the center of gravity of the machine was not the same as that which existed at the time of the very successful flights of 1896, as shown by Data Sheet No. 1 of No. 5, May 6, 1896. When the elasticity of the tail was adjusted before making this test it was thought that it was made the same as in the ex- periments of 1896, though accurate data as to the exact amount of this elastic- ity had, unfortunately, not been kept. A slight change had also been made in the method employed of attaching the Pénaud tail to the machine. In 1896 the tail was attached to the machine by means of a flat piece of wood (hickory) which had been steamed and bent to the proper extent to cause the rudder to have a negative angle of about 5 de- grees, but no accurate note was made of its angle or stiffness, so that in 1899 no data were available as to exactly what the angle had been or how stiff the spring was. Owing to the fact that wood not only warps and twists, but also that any piece which has been steamed and bent gradually loses a certain amount of its curvature, it was decided in 1898 to change this method of attaching the tail, the wooden spring being replaced by a coiled steel spring attached to an upper guy-post and connected to the tail by a bridle wire fastened to the cen- ter of figure of the tail. After the experiment of July 7, 1899, a lower spring, consisting of small rubber bands, was connected by a wire to the lower part of the rudder and fastened to the guy-post, thereby more nearly reproducing the conditions ob- tained when using a wooden spring, which, of course, tends to return the rudder to its normal position when it is displaced in either direction. After attaching this lower spring to the rudder, the experiment of July 14 was made, and it was found that the aerodrome still flew with its midrod pointed upward at a very steep angle. It was, therefore, felt certain that the upper spring on the rudder was too stiff, and that it should not require so much as 1240 grammes to bring it to the horizontal. This spring was, therefore, replaced by a weaker one, and the angle of the rudder was also decreased until it had a negative angle of only 5 degrees and required only 200 grammes placed at its center of figure to bring it to the horizontal. From the description of the flight of July 19, it will be seen that these changes immediately corrected the tendency of the aero- drome to point its nose upward at such a sharp angle, and it will be later seen that after a further slight adjustment the flight of July 29 was made, in which the proper balancing was obtained and the aerodrome made a good horizontal flight. After these preliminary tests with the ‘‘ overhead ’’ launching apparatus, it was dismounted and the ‘‘ underneath ’’ one substituted and the experiments of July 28, 29 and August 3 were made. Everything connected with this ‘‘ under- neath ’? launching apparatus worked perfectly from the start and four flights of the aerodromes were made using it. SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO KNOWLEDGE EXPERIMENTAL FORMS OF SUPERPOSED SURFACES, 1898, 1899 (SEE ALSO PLATES 64 AND 65) VOL. 27, NO. 3, PL. 37 no. 3 LANGLEY MEMOIR ON MECHANICAL FLIGHT 153 Tt will be recalled that in ‘‘ Experiments in Aerodynamics ’’ Mr. Langley made tests of the soaring speed, ete., of surfaces when superposed. In many of his experiments with rubber-driven models, he also employed superposed sur- faces. During the summer of 1898 several forms of superposed surfaces, of a proper size for use on the steam-driven models Nos. 5 and 6, were con- structed and were tested under as nearly as possible the same conditions as would exist when used on the aerodrome, by mounting the surfaces on the whirl ‘ing-table and measuring their soaring speed, lift, drift, ete., to determine just what arrangement of surfaces gave the greatest lifting effect with the least resistance. Two of the forms which were tested are shown in Plate 37, Figs. 1 and 2, and Plates 64 and 65. At the conclusion of these tests, it was decided to construct a set of surfaces on the plan shown in Plates 64 and 65, and to have them ready for use on either of the models Nos. 5 and 6. These surfaces were taken to Chopawamsiec Island in April, 1899, when all of the other aerodromic material was first carried there. It was planned to make some tests with them to determine whether or not it would be best to use superposed surfaces on the large aerodrome or to follow the plan of ‘‘ single-tier ’’ ones, which had the great advantage of having already proved their worth in the successful flights of the models. On August 3, Aerodrome No. 5, equipped with these superposed surfaces, was launched. It will be noted from Data Sheet No. 11 that the super- ficial area of the superposed surfaces was considerably greater than that provided by the ‘‘ single-tier ’’ ones, and on the assumption of the same efficiency per unit of surface in both cases, the aerodrome should have soared at a less speed and re- quired less power when using the superposed surfaces. The results obtained, however, were just the reverse, the aerodrome being unable to sustain itself when ?? ones it was evi- using the superposed surfaces, whereas with the ‘‘ single-tier dent that a slight excess weight might easily have been carried without preventing the aerodrome from soaring’ properly.’ While it was felt that these tests were not entirely conclusive as to the superior lifting power of the ‘‘ single-tier ’’ sur- faces, yet as the engine builder was constantly promising, each time with in- creased emphasis, that he would within less than a fortnight deliver the engine for the large aerodrome, and that it would develop even more power than the specifications called for, it was deemed best to cease the experiments with the models and concentrate all effort on the completion of the large aerodrome ‘ ”” frame and the construction of a set of ‘‘ single-tier ’’ supporting surfaces for ”” supporting surfaces it. It was recognized from the first that the ‘‘ single-tier lacked the rigidity which could be secured by the truss construction afforded by the superposed plan, yet these models, which were the only machines in the history of the world that had ever flown successfully, had been equipped with “« single-tier ’’ surfaces; and the experience so dearly bought during the long 154 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO KNOWLEDGE VoL. 27 years of development of these models had taught the very valuable lesson that in work of this kind where we have no margin on anything, but everything has to be calculated on the ‘‘ knife-edge ”’ basis, it is an exceedingly unwise thing to introduce any modification from what has been proved to be satisfactory, unless such modification is absolutely necessary. The principal object in building the one-eighth size model of the large aero- drome, as mentioned in the first part of this chapter, was to determine by act- ual experiment whether the new form of ‘‘ underneath ’’ launching apparatus, which had just been designed, was likely to prove as satisfactory as the original “overhead ’’ type, which had been used in the successful flights of the models in 1896. Yet after it was completed this aerodrome was found so very strong and stiff, even though roughly constructed by merely tying the joints of the tubing together with wires and soldering over the joints, that it was decided to equip it with power, if a suitable form of power could be found which could be easily applied. Just at this time liquid air as a motive power was attracting consid- erable attention all over the country, and attempts were made to procure a small power plant for operation by liquid air. After devoting considerable time to the matter it was found impossible to do anything with it just at that time, as the liquified air could not be obtained in Washington, and one of the chief ex- perimenters in New York, who had been given a commission to make certain ex- periments at his plant, so continuously delayed beginning them that it was found necessary to give up the idea. However, after the completion of the tests of the launching apparatus some experiments were made in flying the model as a kite. For this purpose a mast twenty feet high was constructed and so arranged that it could be mounted at the center of a small power launch. The model aerodrome was flown by a cord connected to it by a bridle, the cord passing over a swivel pulley on top of the mast and down into the boat, whence it could be played out or hauled in as occasion required. By heading the launch into the wind it was possible to se- cure sufficient relative velocity to cause the model to support itself and a num- ber of tests were made in this way. It was found that when the bridle was at- tached at the point at which the propellers would deliver their thrust, had they been in use and driven by power, the model flew exceedingly well, maintaining its equilibrium even during very strong gusts. Owing to the rolling produced by waves from the large boats which were continually passing in the part of the river where these tests were made, the power launch was often in danger of being upset by its tall mast; and finally, when the tests were just reaching the point where accurate information was being obtained on the balancing of the model, a sudden rolling of the boat caused the mast to snap off while the model was in the air. Before it could be picked up from the water a passing boat had swamped it and it was lost in the river. NO. 3 LANGLEY MEMOIR ON MECHANICAL FLIGHT 1165) Although the model was, as has been said, rudely constructed and, there- fore, did not represent a serious loss, yet the pressure of the more important construction work for the large machine prohibited the construction of another rough model for continuing these kite experiments, which it was felt could not at best be more than approximate indications of the general stability of the ma- chine under practical conditions. CHAPTER IV HOUSE-BOAT AND LAUNCHING APPARATUS The use of a house-boat seemed to Mr. Langley so indispensable in former years in making open-air tests of the models that he decided from the outset, though advised by the writer against doing so, to use the same plan on a much larger scale in connection with the large aerodrome. Aside from its supposed utility as a convenient and apparently safe place from which to launch the aero- drome, the house-boat was valuable as a portable workshop for making neces- sary repairs and as a temporary storehouse for the apparatus, thereby say- ing much packing and unpacking. It also provided sleeping quarters for the workmen. Tt was early seen that this plan would require a boat at least 60 by 40 feet, which could be built only at a large initial cost. But as the experience with mod- els had so firmly convinced Mr. Langley that it was necessary not only that the aerodrome be launched over the water, but also at a considerable height above it, and from a station that commanded all points of the compass, he decided to adopt this plan for the large aerodrome, and designs for such a boat were ac- cordingly made in the latter part of 1898. In order to insure the completion of this house-boat by the time the aero- drome was expected to be ready for trial, it was built under contract. Imme- diately after its delivery in May, 1899, work was begun on the superstructure which carried the launching track. This superstructure was a considerable un- dertaking, involving a turn-table weighing about 15 tons, supported on a double cireular track, and this track in turn was supported entirely from the side walls of the house to avoid having columns in the middle of the floor. From the pho- tographs, Plate 38, Figs. 1, 2 and 3, it will be seen that the entire superstructure was supported by three trussed girders extending across the boat above the roof and earried by vertical posts built into the side walls of the house. The turn-table was 48 feet square and the launching track carried by it was 5 feet gauge by 80 feet long. In making tests of the models, it had been the practice to carry the main body of the aerodrome up a ladder to the upper works of the boat, the wings being also carried up in the same manner. As the large aerodrome was ex- pected to weigh at least 640 pounds, of which 350 pounds would be the steel frame with its undetachable parts, such as the engine and its appurtenances, it was seen that something more effective than a ladder would need to be provided for getting the aerodrome from the interior of the boat to the launching track 156 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO KNOWLEDGE VOL. 27, NO. 3, PL. 38 Fic. 3. HOUSE-BOAT AND LAUNCHING APPARATUS, 1899 no. 3 LANGLEY MEMOIR ON MECHANICAL FLIGHT ilSy// above. It was therefore decided to place the upper works of the boat rather nearer the rear end than the front, thus leaving a space over the front end of the house through which a large trap-door might be cut in the roof, and it was thought that in this way the aerodrome might be passed up to the launching track by the use of suitable ropes and pulleys. The upper works were so ar- ranged, and a sliding trap-door was provided in the roof, but more intimate knowledge of the difficulties of handling so large and heavy a frame made it certain, even before the aerodrome was ever placed upon the house-boat, that it would be impossible to transport it to the upper works by passing it through the trap-door. ere no. 3 LANGLEY MEMOIR ON MECHANICAL FLIGHT il (ri merely to provide the extra metal at the small place in which the key-ways were formed. Taper pins either sheared off or very soon stretched the holes so badly as to leave the parts loose, and were otherwise very unsatisfactory. The method finally adopted, which proved very successful, was that of forming integral with the couplings shallow internal tongues and grooves which fitted corresponding tongues and grooves either in the exterior surface of the shafts or in collars brazed to them at the proper point. The form of flange coupling, in which bolts draw the two flanges tightly together, was also a source of con- siderable trouble and delay, which was finally overcome by forming shallow tongues and grooves in the faces of the flanges, the tongues taking up the tor- sion and relieving the bolts which held the flanges together of all strain ex- cept one of slight tension. The same difficulties experienced in mounting the couplings on the shafts were met with in connection with the gears, both on the propeller and transmission shafts, and were finally obviated in a manner similar to that described above. The bevel gears originally constructed for transmitting the power from the transmissiéh shafts to the propeller shafts, were made of case-hardened steel and were eight-pitch, twenty-five teeth, with three-quarter inch width of face. The gears were very accurately planed to give as perfect a form of tooth as possible, in order to avoid loss of power in transmission, and although the manufacturer who cut the teeth on them asserted at the time they were made that they would not be capable of transmitting more than five horse- power, yet they actually did transmit considerably more than twelve horse- power on each set; but they were not strong enough to transmit the full power of the large engine which was finally used. The gears that were finally used were similarly constructed of mild steel which was case hardened 1/64 of an inch deep after they were finished, there being thirty-one teeth in the gear on the transmission shaft and forty teeth in the one on the propeller shaft, the teeth being eight-pitch, three-quarters of an inch face. These light gears proved amply strong, and several times stood the strain which they accidentally re- ceived when one of the propellers broke while the engine was under full power, and thus threw the entire fifty horse-power over on the other propeller, which was consequently driven at a greatly increased speed. Plain bronze bearings had been used throughout on the model aerodromes, but in the construction of the large aerodrome ball-bearings were used on all of the propeller and transmission shafts, not only on account of the decreased loss through friction, but also because ball-bearings can be built much lighter than solid bronze ones, and, furthermore, do not present such great difficulties in lubrication. However, owing to the limited size which it was possible to se- eure for these bearings, because of their having been originally designed for only twenty-four horse-power, and without any margin for a later increase of the 178 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO KNOWLEDGE vou. 27 space in which they had to be applied, they were never really large enough for the work they had to do when transmitting the full power of the large en- gine. They gave continual trouble, and were the source of delay which, while it cannot be accurately measured, since there were often other causes, yet might be conservatively estimated at not less than three or four months. Such a de- lay, when reckoned in retrospect, can easily be seen to have caused an expense which would have sufficed for almost any change in the bearings, bed plates, ete., had the change been made immediately after the bearings were found to give trouble. With the better steel which it is now possible to obtain for the races of the bearings, and with the high-grade balls now obtainable, the bear- ings could be readily replaced without changing any other parts and still be amply strong for the work. PROPELLERS Both the tests on the whirling-table and the actual results with the models had shown that propellers which were true helices formed out of wood were rather more efficient than those constructed by the use of a hub in which were inserted wooden arms, forming a framing over which cloth was tightly drawn. But the very great difference in the cost of construction and the facility with which the latter type could be repaired in case of damage—the wooden ones were practically of no use if once they were much injured—made it seem ad- visable to construct all the propellers for the large aerodrome in the manner just explained. Several pair of small propellers had been built on this plan, some as early as 1895, and one very important advantage had been found to be possessed by this type besides cheapness and facility of repair. Wooden propellers of even so small a diameter as one metre had been found to suffer a quite appreciable bending of the blades, due to the thrust produced by them, even though the blades had been made of considerable thickness. In planning a propeller 2.5 metres in diameter for the large aerodrome it was seen that in order to make the blade sufficiently strong to withstand its own thrust it would be necessary to make it inordinately thick, which, of course, would mean a con- siderable increase in weight. In fact, it was seen that the weight of the larger propellers would increase practically as the cube of the diameter; which, for the 2.5-metre propeller, would involve a weight of something over fifteen times the weight of those one metre in diameter. The other type, which for conve- nience we will call ‘* canvas covered,’’ permitted the bending moment produced on the blade by the thrust to be taken up by guy-wires running from the cor- ners of the blades to a central post projecting from the hub of the propeller, and it was found that in this way a considerable saving in weight could be effected, no. 3 LANGLEY MEMOIR ON MECHANICAL FLIGHT 179 In November, 1897, in order to obtain by actual test some data on pro- pellers, such as it was planned to use on the large aerodrome in case it was later built, it was decided to construct one propeller 2.5 metres in diameter and 1.25-pitch ratio with two blades, each covering the sector of 36 degrees on the projected circle. About this same time an engine builder, who some years be- fore had made some experimental model engines in the Institution shops, pro- posed to construct a gasoline engine for the proposed large aerodrome. As past experience, not only with such engines but with all other forms of ex- plosive motors, had not been very reassuring it was thought best to make brake tests of one of the heavier engines which he was at this time building, and at the same time make tests with one of these large propellers. A first series of tests was made at several different speeds, and then a second series was made with the engine driving the propeller at the same speeds. The engine varied so much, however, in the power developed at any speed that the data obtained were of little value. As it was also desired to learn just how much thrust could be obtained from these propellers, when driven by a given herse-power, a special hand car was fitted up to carry the engine, which was connected to a shaft on which the propeller was mounted. The propeller was raised above the floor of the car and projected over the rear end of it so as to be as little disturbed as possible by the deflection of the air currents caused by the car. This car, with the engine and propeller, was tested on a track near Mount Holly, N. J., in November, 1897, but the results were very unsatisfactory. In the first place, the car with the engine mounted on it was so very heavy and offered such a strong tractive resistance that very little speed of propulsion could be obtained. In the second place, the engine, which was said to have furnished over six horse-power on Prony-brake tests, evidently did not furnish anything like this amount of power at this time. And in the third place, the propeller was evidently far too large to permit the engine to run at the speed at which it would develop a reasonable amount of power unless some reduction gearing were interposed between it and the propeller. As the tests, for various reasons, had to be made at a great distance from Washington, and the supervision of them had to be entrusted by Mr. Langley to others, who either did not under- stand or appreciate the value of obtaining accurate data, it was found imprac- ticable to continue them. The large propeller used in these tests was built without special regard to weight, since it was expected that it would be subjected to rather rough usage under the very sudden strains produced by the irregular working of the gas engine. Its hub was made of brass tubing, the horns being brazed to rings which were slid over a central tube, the rings being finally soldered to the tube after the arms had been adjusted to the positions which would give the blade the correct shape and dimensions. The wooden arms were 1.5 inches in diam- 180 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO KNOWLEDGE VOL. Lyi eter at the hub end, tapering to 1.25 inches at the end of the blade. The blade was exceedingly stiff as regards pressure produced by thrust, but it was found to be considerably strengthened and made very much safer when guy-wires were added, in the manner explained above. This general type of construction was adhered to in all the future propellers for the aerodrome, though slight mod- ifications, both as to the size of the arms and the number and position of the cross-pieces which formed the framing of the blade, were adopted from time to time. A pair of heavy propellers, 2.5 metre, 1.25-pitch ratio, 36-degree blade, the hubs of which were formed of brass castings, was, however, constructed for experimental purposes, where weight was not an important factor. When these propellers were designed, the calculations as to their size and the horse-power which would be required to drive them at a certain speed were based on the very incomplete data obtained from the various propeller tests conducted during the preceding years. When later calculations were made for them, on the data obtained in the more accurate tests made in the summer of 1898, it was found that the power of the engines with which it was proposed to equip the aerodrome would not be sufficient to drive the propellers at anything like the speed which the former calculations had shown would be possible; and that, therefore, either the ratio of the gearing between the propellers and the engine would have to be changed so as to permit the engine to run at a very much higher speed than the propellers, or that propellers, having either less pitch or a smaller diameter, and possibly both, would have to be substituted for these larger ones. Since it was easier to change the propellers than to change the gearing, a new set of propellers was designed which were of 2 metres diameter, with a pitch ratio of unity, and with a width of blade of only 30 degrees. It was cal- culated that 20 horse-power would drive these two propellers at a speed of 640 R. P. M., when the aerodrome was flying at a speed of 35 feet per second and the propellers were slipping about 50 per cent, this bemg found to be about the speed at which the engines might be expected to develop their maximum power. As the larger propellers having the brass hubs were thought to be excessively heavy, the hubs weighing 10.25 pounds each, and as any change either in size, pitch, or width of blade necessitated a new set of patterns in case the hubs were cast, it was decided to construct the new hubs of steel tubing. The weight was further reduced by decreasing the size of the wooden arms to 1} inch in diameter at the hub, tapering to 1 inch at the end of the blade. After the engine builder in New York had been unable to fulfil his contract on the engine, and it had been condemned, propeller tests were made with the experimental engine built in the Institution shops. These tests showed: First, that the results which might be expected from larger propellers could be very safely predicted by extrapolation from the results of the propeller tests of 1898; } ; : —— ee No. 3 LANGLEY MEMOIR ON MECHANICAL FLIGHT 181 and, second, that in order to get a thrust which would equal fifty per cent of the flying weight of the aerodrome it would be necessary to use propellers larger than two metres in diameter unless a very large surplus of power were pro- vided. It was accordingly decided to make a set of propellers intermediate be- tween the two-metre, unit-pitch ratio, thirty-degree blade ones, and the original ones which were two and one-half metres, one and one-quarter-pitch ratio, thirty- six-degree blade. A set was, therefore, designed two and one-half metres in diameter, unit-pitch ratio, and thirty-degree width of blade, the hubs being made of steel tubing brazed up in the same manner as the two-metre ones, and the wooden arms of the blades being one and three-eighths inches in diameter at the hub end, and tapering to one inch at the end of the blade. Later, when the larger engine was actually tested in the frame, the inabil- ity of the original transmission and propeller shafts to stand the extra strain caused by the engine starting up very suddenly at times, together with the un- satisfactoriness of the serew-thread method of fastening the gears and couplings to the shafts made it necessary to provide new shafts, gears, couplings, ete. It was then decided to change the ratio of gearing between the engine and the propellers, which had been one to one, so that the engine might run faster and, therefore, permit the use of larger propellers. For constructional reasons the ratio chosen was thirty-one to forty, thus making the engine run approximately one-third faster than the propellers. In the various tests made of the engine working in the frame there were two or three instances in which the propellers were damaged either by the sud- den starting of the engine or by their not being able to stand the strain to which they were subjected by the power absorbed, but in every case such breakages were found to be due to imperfections of the brazing in the joints. While, therefore, it would have been desirable to make the propellers somewhat heavier, yet since the total weight of the aerodrome had been growing so very rapidly, it was felt that this need not be done, as a pair of propellers which had stood quite severe service in shop tests might reasonably be expected to stand the strain of actually propelling the aerodrome through the air. Nevertheless, when in the summer of 1903 the actual trials of the large aerodrome were started, it was found that the very important difference be- tween a propeller working in a closed room and one working in the open air had not been given due consideration. Several sets of propellers, 2.5 metres in diameter, unit-pitch ratio, 30-degree blade, had been constructed and were on hand, in order that no delays might be caused through a lack of such extra parts. On September 9, 1903, when the aerodrome frame without the wings was mounted on the launching car on top of the boat for some trial runs with the engine to make sure that everything was again in readiness, before the en- gine had made 500 revoiutions, the port propeller broke; and a few minutes 182 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO KNOWLEDGE vou. 27 later, when a new propeller had been substituted for this and the engine was again started up, the starboard propeller also broke. When, upon further trials and replacements of propellers, all had been so thoroughly demolished that there was not a complete set remaining, it was seen very clearly that the strains produced on a propeller working in the open air are very much greater than those produced in shop tests, where the air is necessarily quiet. These open- air tests of the propellers had demonstrated that their weakest point was where the steel tubes which received the wooden arms of the blade terminated, and that another, though not so serious, point of weakness was where the steel arms were brazed to the central hub, the thin metal tending to tear loose even before the brazed joint would give way. It was, therefore, decided to construct im- mediately a new set of propellers in which the steel arms should be made of much heavier tubing, that is, a sixteenth of an inch thick at the end where it was brazed to the central hub, and tapering in thickness to one-thirty-second of an inch at the other end. These arms were further made twelve inches long in place of being only three inches long as before. This added length carried the steel out beyond the point where the first section brace joimed the three arms together, and where they were further strengthened by having the cloth covering tightly stretched around them. In order to utilize such of the hubs of the former propellers as had not been seriously damaged when the propellers broke, it was also decided to try the effect of merely adding an extra length of tube to the short arms by means of a thimble slipped over and brazed to the two parts, which would make these arms twelve inches long. The construction of these propellers was pushed as rapidly as possible; and after their comple- tion no further trouble was at any later time caused by insufficient strength of the propellers. Even in the test of October 7, 1903, when the aerodrome came down in the water at a speed of something like fifty miles an hour, and at an angle of approximately forty-five degrees, no break occurred in either propeller until, when the aerodrome was plunging through the water, a blade of one propeller was broken by the terrific blow which it received when it struck the water under the impulse of the engine driving it at full speed. The severity of this blow is attested by the fact that the shaft, which was of steel tubing one- eighth inch thick, was twisted about ninety degrees. This experience with propellers very strongly emphasizes the fact that on any flying machine the strains which are apt to be met with in the open air must be allowed for in the proportioning of the parts of the machine. But since an indiscriminate increase of strength in all the various parts of the machine would entail a prohibitory weight, very careful judgment, based on experience, will have to be exercised in deciding just where added strength must be employed, and also where the ‘‘ live strains ’’ are not apt to exceed very appreciably the calculation for statical conditions. = ep 4 6 LAP e ei Age le nee hoes oe i + en yee Re ew SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO KNOWLEDGE VOL. 27, NO. 3, PL. 59 Aerodrome A” Wing Claps. Scola $D/AIze WING CLAMPS aint no. 3 LANGLEY MEMOIR ON MECHANICAL FLIGHT 183 Owing to Mr. Langley’s belief that the tests of the man-carrying aero- drome must not only be made over the water, but that it was necessary that the machine be launched from a car running on a track at a considerable elevation in order to permit the machine to drop a short distance after being launched in case it was not quite up to soaring speed when launched, it was necessary that the aerodrome be so constructed that it could be readily transported to the launching track from the interior of the house-boat where it was stored. This plan of storing the main body of the machine in the interior of the boat and hoisting it to the launching track just before attempting a flight (some of the difficulties of which may be more clearly appreciated by an inspection of Plate 60), made it necessary that the wings, tail and guy-posts be so constructed as to be readily attachable to and detachable from the main frame, and since the weather conditions are seldom suitable for a test for more than a couple of hours at a time, it was necessary that the mechanism employed for attaching these parts be so arranged that the proper settings of the different parts could be quickly obtained, and without requiring the exercise of judgment which past ex- perience had shown did not often manifest itself during the hurry of the prepa- rations for a test. While the wings, therefore, were made removable, yet all of the sockets, guy-wires, etc., which were loosened in removing them, were made with positive stops on them so that each fitting that was to be tightened up in assembling could be adjusted to its definitely determined position. As all of the models had been constructed with these same parts removable in order to permit them to be readily shipped back and forth in the many trips which had been made with them from Washington to Chopawamsic Island, the same details of arrangement were used for attaching these parts on the large aerodrome, though the actual fittings by which the parts were attached in the latter case became more elaborate. In the drawings, Plates 52, 53 and 54, the method of attaching the wings to the frame is clearly shown. Each of the two main ribs of each wing was secured to the midrod of the frame by a wing clamp, shown in detail in Figs. 1, 2,5, 6 and 7 of Plate 59. Figs. 1 and 2 show the clamp for the middle main rib of each pair of wings, and Figs. 5 and 6 show the clamp for the main front rib, the latter being so constructed that the wings could be rocked on the midrib clamp as a pivot and secured at any angle of lift desired from 64 de- grees to 15 degrees. The horns on each clamp merely acted as receiving sockets for the ends of the ribs, and were not in any way intended to do anything more than merely hold the ends of the ribs in their correct positions. The wings were fastened to the frame by the guy-wires which ran from two points on each main rib to an upper and a lower guy-post mounted on the midrod. The sys- tem of guy-wires for the wings is clearly shown in Plates 52, 53 and 54, and 184 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO KNOWLEDGE vou. 27 in Plate 61, which shows the aerodrome mounted on its launching car at the rear end of the track, and with the front pair of wings in place and all the euy-wires adjusted. The details of the guy-posts are shown in Plate 62, where it will be noted that the lower guy-post was of wood, with metal fittings, and was 2 metres long from the center of the midrod to the bottom, while the upper guy-post was a steel tube 109 centimetres long from the center of the midrod to its top. The guy-wires from the middle rib of each of the pair of wings were fastened to the fittings at the bottom of the lower guy-post, while the wires from the front main rib were fastened to the fittings which were brazed and riveted to the slidable collar, which was mounted on the steel tube forming the cap on this guy-post. This collar was made slidable to permit the angle of lift of the wings to be readily changed without affecting the length of the guy-wires. This collar, when once set for any particular angle of the wing, was prevented from sliding by a taper pin (not shown) which passed through it and the guy-post. In order to secure the wings more rigidly to the main frame and thereby throw on it all torsional strains from the wings, which it was specially designed to take, each of the middle main ribs was secured to one of the main tubes of the main frame by an auxiliary clamp at the point where this rib crossed the main tube. These auxiliary clamps are clearly shown in Figs. 3 and 4 of Plate 59. Projecting from the lower end of each of the lower guy-posts was a five- sixteenth-inch steel rod about one inch long, as clearly seen in Plate 62. Brazed to the side of this rod, in such a position that it would project towards the rear of the aerodrome when the guy-post was in position, was a small arm or bracket. When the guy-post was in place with the aerodrome on the launching car, this pin was in a slot formed in a metal cap on the top of the small folding upright at the front or rear of the car, as seen in Fig. 1, Plate 63, while Fig. 2 of Plate 63 shows the pin just being inserted into this slot as the euy-wires of the guy-post are being fastened. This small arm or bracket on this rod projected under the cap to prevent the rod of the guy-post from be- ing lifted out of the slot in the folding upright, when the wind acting under the wings tended to lift the aerodrome from the car. Particular attention is here ‘alled to this apparently insignificant detail, for it was this arm or bracket on this small rod of the front guy-post which, hanging in the cap on top of the folding upright, caused the accident in the launching of the aerodrome on Octo- ber 7, 1903. Gertain it is that but for the accident due to this apparently in- sionifieant detail, success would have crowned the efforts of Mr. Langley, who above all men deserved success in this field of work, which his labors had so greatly enriched. SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO KNOWLEDGE 20 Fie. 3 HOISTING AERODROME TO LAUNCHING-TRACK VOL. 27, NO. 3, PL. 60 = - cf r . : ia A wen 7 P - » 5 oe = Z : ~~ y Ck = ‘ - ~~ és ae G3LSNraV S3SYIM-AND “390V1d NI SONIM LNOYS -YVO-DNIHONNVYT NO 3NOX8GO0OUSRV 19 “Id ‘€ ‘ON ‘Ze “10A JDGSIMON™ OL SNOILNEIYLNOO NVINOSHLIWS — S_ 8 _$ Gel gd id i Jeodrome #- HO Cay Post Fittings. eek $ Pu Zi€. DETAILS OF GUY-POSTS 27, NO. 3, PL. 63 VOL, SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO KNOWLEDGE GUY-POST AND PIN ON LAUNCHING CAR ae Pye + he owkiers ‘ew agian > no. 3 LANGLUY MEMOIR ON MECHANICAL FLIGHT 185 Aviator’s Car In determining on a suitable car for the aviator various designs were made, differing all the way from that in which the aviator occupied a sitting position facing directly ahead and with practically no freedom of movement, but was even strapped to the machine to avoid the possibility of being thrown out, to the one finally adopted, in which he was provided with the greatest freedom of movement, could either stand or sit, as the occasion seemed to demand, and could face in any direction for giving proper attention to any of the multitudi- nous things which might at any time require his attention, and could, if agile, even climb from the extreme front of the machine to the rear. The wisdom of giving the aviator complete freedom without hampering him in any way by provisions for preventing his being thrown out of the machine was amply jus- tified, as will later be seen in the description of the tests of the machine, where freedom of movement and agility prevented a fatal accident. The aviator’s car. was therefore designed to occupy the entire available space between the engine and the front bearing points, and between the two main tubes of: the main frame, thus allowing him a space of something like three feet by five feet. The car itself was shaped like a flat-bottomed boat, the bottom being approximately level with the bottom of the lower pyramid. It had a guard rail of steel tubing eighteen inches above the floor, with a cloth covering drawn over the frame to decrease the head resistance of the appurte- nances of the engine which were placed at the rear end of the car. The car was supported by vertical wires passing from its bottom up to the main frame, and was prevented from longitudinal or side motion by being fastened at the front to the cross-rod connecting the front bearing points, and at the rear to the lower pyramid. A light wooden seat extended fore and aft of the car at a height of about two feet from the floor, this seat resting on blocks of sponge rubber to absorb some of the tremor which existed in the whole aerodrome when the engine and propellers were working at high speed. The aviator was thus free to stand, to sit sidewise or to straddle the seat, and while the network of wires surrounding him prevented any great possibility of his being thrown out, yet there was a comparatively large opening between the guy-wires pass- ing overhead which permitted him to climb out of the machine. In order to enable the aviator to know exactly how the engine was operat- ing, a tachometer, giving instantaneous readings of the number of revolutions, was connected by a suitable gear to one of the transmission shafts and placed where it could readily be seen. During 1898 and 1899 considerable time and attention had been given to designing an instrument to be carried by the aerodrome which would automat- ieally record the number of revolutions of the engine, the velocity and direction 21 186 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO KNOWLEDGE vou. 27 of the wind relative to the machine, the height of the aerodrome as shown by a specially sensitive aneroid barometer, and the angle of the machine with the horizontal plane of the earth. The construction of this instrument was under- taken by a noted firm of instrument makers, but after many months of delay, during which it was several times delivered as being complete, only to be re- turned for further work, it was finally condemned as unsatisfactory, and it was decided not to encumber the machine with such a delicate apparatus, which, even if perfectly made, could not be depended on to work properly when mounted on the aerodrome frame, in which there was a constant, though minute, tremor due to the high speed and power of the engine. The completed frame, which is perhaps best shown in Plates 49, 50 and 51, and Plate 60, Figs. 1, 2 and 3, in spite of its size gave an appearance of grace and strength which is inadequately represented in the photographs. In making the designs for the large aerodrome no data were available for use in cal- culating the strains that would come on the different parts of the frame while in the air, and the size and thickness of the tubes and the strength of the guy- wires were consequently determined almost entirely by ‘‘ rule of thumb,’’ backed by experience with the models. Although the dimensions, shape, and arrange- ment of most of the auxiliary parts of the machine were considerably changed during the course of construction in accordance with the indications of the ex- haustive series of shop tests, the fundamental features of the construction were practically unaltered, but the changes in the guy-wire system and in the fittings by which they were attached, made the frame as a whole several times as strong as it was originally, and it was felt that the direction of further improve- ments in it would be shown only by actual test of it in flight where any weak- nesses would be certain to manifest themselves. It may be well to remark here that even with the data which were later ob- tained, judgment based on experience proved after all to be the safest guide for proportioning the strength of the various parts. It can be assumed that a live stress will produce a strain ten times as great as that due to a static stress on the part when the machine is stationary. For greater safety, it would be still better to assume a strain twenty times as great. If one is building bridges, houses, and similar structures, where weight is not a prime consideration, it would be criminal negligence to fail to provide a sufficient ‘‘ factor of safety,”’ or what in many instances may be more properly termed a ‘‘ factor of igno- rance,’’ while at the present time the insistence on large factors of safety in machines intended to fly would so enormously increase the weight that, before one-half the necessary parts were provided, the weight would be many times what could possibly be supported in the air. Later, no doubt, as experience is gained in properly handling the machine in the air, increased strength entail- No. 3 LANGLEY MEMOIR ON MECHANICAL FLIGHT 187 ing increased weight may be added in proportion to the skill acquired; and there is no doubt that man will acquire this skill with marvelous rapidity, approach- ing, if not equaling, that exhibited by him in the use of the bicycle, which, when first ridden, requires not only all of the rider’s skill but that of a couple of assistants, but when once mastered requires hardly more thought for its proper manipulation than even the act of walking involves, the balancing and guiding being done intuitively merely by the motion of the body and with prac- tically no exertion. CHAPTER VI CONSTRUCTION OF SUPPORTING SURFACES _An examination of the wings of birds, whether those of soarers or of any other type, impresses one not only with the general strength of the wing, but also with the fact that, while it possesses considerable stiffness, there is also a graduated pliability, not only of the whole wing, including the bones, but more especially in the feathers, the rear tips being exceedingly pliable so that, when the wing is held in a stiff breeze, they are seen to be easily deflected in a gentle curve towards the rear and upper side. This lack of rigidity has several ad- vantages, among the more notable of which is the lessening of the strains on the wing caused by sudden wind gusts. Of great importance is the further fact that a supporting surface having a graduated pliability, such as is possessed by a bird’s wing, does not experience a shifting of the center of pressure to the same extent as a rigid surface of similar form. Furthermore, since any bird, even the best soarer, must use its wings not only for soaring, but, when starting to fly from a state of rest, for flapping, a rigid surface would not furnish anything like the same universally available sustaining and propelling means that the bird’s wing does. , In an inspection of the various wings or supporting surfaces which Mr. Langley built, from the very earliest rubber-pull models up to the successful steam machines Nos. 5 and 6, the point which is most impressed upon the ob- server is the increasing strength and rigidity embodied in these wings. While the success with the later models was due to many things, including the devel- opment of a strong frame and a suitable power plant giving sufficient power for the permissible weight, besides the very important development of effec- tive equilibrium mechanism, yet it is safe to say that even with the development of all these other things to the state to which they had been brought in 1896, suecess would not have been achieved had not the wings themselves been simul- taneously changed from the very flimsy construction which was at first used to the later type, using a very strong and rigid wooden frame over which the cloth cover- ing was tightly stretched, and which possessed only a small amount of pliability at the extreme rear ends of the cross-ribs. The development of this successful type of wing for the models, it will be remembered, had been achieved only after an extensive series of experiments; and it was realized that the construction of suitable wings for the large aero- drome, even with the knowledge gained in the early work, would be still more 1858 NO. 3 LANGLEY MEMOIR ON MECHANICAL FLIGHT 189 difficult. The problem was that of constructing for a very little greater weight per square foot, wings containing approximately sixteen times the area of the model wings. It will be recalled from the previous description of mode] Aerodrome No. 5, that its four wings had a combined area of 68 square feet and weighed ap- proximately 2500 grammes, or 37 grammes per square foot. It was not ex- pected that the large wings would be of so light a weight per square foot, which would have meant only about 35,500 grammes (approximately 78 pounds) weight for the 960 square feet originally planned. It was hoped, however, that the increase in weight per square foot for the large wings would be less than the square root of the increased linear dimensions. In this case, the increase in linear dimensions being approximately four, it was, therefore, hoped that the larger wings would not have quite twice the weight per square foot of the smaller ones; the computed weight permissible for the large wings was there- fore placed at 120 pounds. To obtain the required area within the permissible limits of weight two well-defined paths of procedure were open: First, it was possible to so modify the structural form of the wing as to obtain the advantage of the increased strength of trussed structures, that is, by superposing the wings. Or, second, the ‘‘ single-tier ’’ type of wing, the efficiency of which had been fairly well de- termined, could be retained, and strength gained without increase of weight by improving the method of constructing the wooden framework and by extend- ing the system of guy-wires. Some knowledge of the superposed type of supporting surfaces had already been gained by the experiments at Allegheny and the tests of the rubber-driven models, in which superposed wings had frequently been used; but it was felt that this knowledge was altogether inadequate to aid in determining either whether the superposed type of construction possessed in practice the advan- tages which theory would indicate, or how and at what distance apart the sur-_ faces should be superposed to obtain the best results. In order to obtain the desired information, a series of tests on the whirling-table of complete wings suitable for use on the models was made. These experiments were supplemented by the practical tests with the models, which have already been deseribed in Chapter III, in order to give the wings a trial under the conditions of flight, where they would be subjected to the action of the propellers and the uneven character of the wind. In addition to determining what type of construction and what form of surface would give the greatest ‘lift ’’ with the smallest ‘‘ drift,”” these whirl- ing-table tests supplied data as to how much greater the actual resistance of the wing with its necessary guy-posts and guy-wires was than the theoretical resistance, found by extrapolation from the results obtained in the tests of rigid 190 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO KNOWLEDGE vou. 27 curved surfaces formed of wood. The first of this series of tests, the results of which are given below, was made November 30, 1898, on the superposed wing shown in Plate 37, Figs. 1 and 2. It should be noted, however, that when this test was made the wing was not provided with the stiffening strips or the vertical partitions. Weight of wing = 1000 grammes; weight of guy- -posts, ete., = 475 grammes; distance of mean center of gravity of guy-posts, etc., from pivots of balance arm — one- half distance of OP of wing from pivots of balance arm; the wing, therefore, had a lever arm of two to one with reference to weight of guy-posts, etc., so that the equivalent weight of guy-posts, etc., = 237 grammes. This gives 1237 grammes of equivalent load on the wing = 2.73 pounds. Area of wing — 21.85 square feet. @heretors load on wing = 0.125 pounds per square eitoot. Calculated Talnaity Me soaring Angle of en Voeese os yee Drift Drift ST Pest 5 chord, table: (ft BS ae second). (grammes). (pounds). per nee: pounds per (ft. per 2 20% 10.75 1086 18.1 255 0.561 10.15 36.2 3.02 10.0 1010 16.85 255 0.561 9.47 33.7 5.0° O85) 960 16.0 255 0.561 8.98 32.0 10.0° 7.75 783 13.0 255 0.561 7.3 26.0 The very interesting phenomenon was noted in this test that the ‘* drift ”’ or resistance of the wing seemed to remain unchanged at soaring speed at dif- ferent angles of elevation. It is hardly probable that this result is accurate, for the ‘‘ balance arm ’’ undoubtedly twisted under the action of the wing, and this caused it to strain on its pivots, and thus, to a certain extent, falsify the record as to drift. A test of a single-tier wing at difterent angles of elevation was made on December 6, 1898. This wing was nearly the same as those used in actual flights of Aerodromes Nos. 5 and 6 in May and November, 1896, the wing be- ing of the same width fore and aft, but somewhat shorter. The actual wing was a little too long to permit its being used on the whirling-table in the lim- ited space of the shop. Weight of wing = 420 grammes; weight of guy-posts, etc., = 320 grammes; equivalent weight of guy-posts, ete., = 150 grammes applied on the wing. Therefore, total load on wing = 570 grammes, Area of wing = 11.2 square feet; equivalent load on wing = 0.112 pounds per square foot. Calculated : tang Velocity of ra en Foot- soar ing Angle of Be aue center of Yeo Drift Drift pounds ape: 5 chord, , wing (grammes). (pounds). per sec. table. (ft. per min.). second). RV. DOU rine Yr (ft. per sec.). 2.0° 11.6 1195 19.9 210 0.462 9.2 42.1 3:02 9.75 1005 16.7 157 0.345 5.77 35.3 5.0° 8.25 850 14.2 133 0.293 4.16 30.0 10.0° 6.75 695 11.6 129 0.284 3.29 24.5 12:52 6.0 618 10.3 129 0.284 2.92 21.8 Tn this test it is to be noted that the ‘ drift,’’? or resistance, while consid- erably greater at soaring speed for 2 degrees than for 5 degrees, remains prac- ically the same between 5 degrees and 123 degrees. Comparing it with the preceding test with the superposed wing, it is seen that at soaring speed at an angle of 10 degrees, the single-tier wing having a load of 0.112 pounds per Vio Cy 289? were ad Sera VF no. 3 LANGLEY MEMOIR ON MECHANICAL FLIGHT 191 square foot, has only 129 grammes drift, while the superposed one, while ‘supporting 0.125 pounds per square foot, has 255 grammes drift. More- over, the soaring speed of the single-tier wing is only 11.6 feet per second, while the superposed one requires a speed of 15 feet per second. As the superposed wing tested on November 30 was so weak structurally that it could not be made to keep its proper shape without adding an excessive number of guy-wires, it was decided that it was not adapted for use on the aerodrome, but before abandoning it the partitions and strips were added and it was again tested on the whirling-table on March 1, 1899, with the following results: Weight of wing = 905 grammes; weight of guy-posts, ete., = 320 grammes; equivalent weight of guy-posts, ete., — 150 grammes applied at CP of the wing; equivalent load on the wing = 1055 grammes = 2.321 pounds; area of wing — 21.85 square feet; equivalent load on wing = 0.1062 pounds per square foot. Calculated . - soaring Angle of Eee One Peieror ve ne Drift Drift nonnde aes 0.5 chord. table. (rt, Penn ) second). ‘&tammes). (pounds.). re eat pounds per o)e = 8q. . (fepornce)! B02 10.875 1100 18.35 250 0.55 10.1 39.81 9.0° 10.75 1085 18.07 250 0.55 9.94 39.19 b0e 10.75 1085 18.07 250 55 9.94 39.19 10.0° 8.0 808 13.47 250 7.4 29.226 10.0° 8.0 808 13.47 250 7.4 29.226 L9tb > 7.875 797 13.8 250 7.32 28.86 10:52 7.875 797 13.3 250 0.55 1.32 28.86 13.0° 7.0 707 11.78 250 0.55 6.48 25.553 An examination of the data obtained in this test shows the wing to be of slightly less efficiency than when first tested. While it was considerably stronger it was still too weak for use on the aerodromes. A second type of superposed wing, Plates 64 and 65, was therefore con- structed and tested on the whirling-table on March 2, 1899, with the following results: Weight of wing = 1025 grammes; weight of guy-posts, etc., — 320 grammes; equivalent weight of guy-posts, ete., = 150 grammes applied at OP of the wing; equivalent load on wing = 1175 grammes = 2.585 pounds; area of wing — 21.85 square feet; equivalent load on wing = .1183 pounds per square foot. Calculated Revolutions Velocity of volocity - ; Foot. apeeds Angle of ae ane center of (ft. per Drift ; et pounus carrying 0.6 chord. table: Sete second): (grammes). (pounds). pera c. pounds per ale i]. i. (it per sec.). 502 11.625 1170 19.5 250 10.72 40.087 5.0° 11.625 1170 19.5 250 10.72 40.087 8.0° 10.5 1060 17.7 250 9.75 36.37 10.0° 9.125 919 15.3 250 8.43 31.4 10.0° 9.125 919 15.3 250 8.43 31.4 During the tests on the whirling-table this type of construction seemed to be exceedingly strong and stiff, and to be easily maintained in whatever posi- tion it was placed. It was therefore thought that it would prove strong enough for the aerodrome, and it was accordingly inverted and given a ‘‘ sanding test ”’ 192 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO KNOWLEDGE vot. 27 by sprinkling sand uniformly over it to such a thickness as to cause it to have a load of 0.75 pounds per square foot. As it showed no serious deflection or change of form under the sanding test, it was decided that it was strong enough for use in tests of the model aerodromes in actual flight. Upon the completion of these whirling-table tests, the cloth covering of this wing was painted with collodion varnish, which increased the weight of the wing only 50 grammes. In order to make the results of its tests more easily comparable with those obtained before varnishing, the cross guy-wires on the wing were changed to a slightly smaller size in order to make the weight of the wing the same-as before. It was tested on March 3, and the following re- sults were obtained: Weight of wing = 1025 grammes; weight of guy posts, ete., —= 320 grammes; equivalent weight of guy-posts, ete., = 150 grammes applied at CP of the wing; equivalent load on wing = 1175 grammes = 2.585 pounds; area of wing = 21.85 square feet; equivalent load on wing — .1183 pounds per square foot. Calculated = “ 3 soaring Angioiot =a evoneeigns enone ess Drift Drift Pa reas chord. table. Tera second). (grammes). (pounds). foe Bee: pounds per (ft. per sec.), 5.0° 10.5 1060 ert 250 0.55 9.75 36.37 50° 10.5 1060 aly etd 250 0.55 9.75 36.37 10.0° 8.5 859 14.3 250 0.55 7.88 29.4 10.0° 8.5 859 14.3 250 0.55 7.88 29.4 Although the varnishing of the wing seemed to have no effect on the ‘‘ drift,”’ the soaring speed was slightly decreased. As a result of these tests it was decided to construct three more wings like this second type, the four forming a complete set for use on the steam-driven models Nos. 5 and 6. Although the tests on the whirling-table indicated a su- perior efficiency for the ‘ single-tier ’’ wings, and it was not expected that in actual use on the aerodrome the result would be different, yet it was felt that as the conditions of actual use are so very different from those of a whirling- table experiment it would not be safe to decide too definitely against the su- perposed wings without first giving them a test under actual conditions. Aside from the decreased lifting effect shown by the superposed wing when com- pared with the ‘‘ single-tier ’’ one, it was also thought that under the actual con- ditions of use on the machine the superposed wing would show up still worse. The deflection of the air by the front wings diminishes the lift of the rear ones even for the ‘‘ single-tier ’’ type, and this, it seemed certain, would be greatly aggravated in the case of the superposed type. In order to emphasize more fully the results of these tests the following table is added, which gives the data for the ‘‘ single-tier ’’ wing and this sec- ond type of superposed one, when each was tested at ten degrees angle of elevation: SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO KNOWLEDGE VOL. 27, NO. 3, PL. 64 EXPERIMENTAL TYPE OF SUPERPOSED WINGS, MARCH 2, 1899 668 & HOHVW SONIM G3aSOdY3adNS JO 3AdAL IVLNAWI83SdxX3 $9 “1d ‘€ ‘ON ‘Ze “10A 3D031MON» OL SNOILNSIYLNOOD NVINOSHLIWS no. 3 LANGLEY MEMOIR ON MECHANICAL FLIGHT 193 bey 3 re : 4 3 {S es) aa 3 3 P e z as ow oO 45 ays o Yee a a SGie oe ge ot) 8H Sake 2 = ‘aa 23 Boe a3 of 3 zy — bp A ia a ea i 8 4B aie ag 83 ar Bh askes 4 4 Ee 45 mes Ea, ARO ns} RASIN PTO GLOM ah eisersalcrnelss «sic ¢ 4.27 11.2 1.26 10° 11.6 112 025 24.5 Superposed. Type No. 2..... 4.27 21.9 2.59 10 14.3 118 026 29.4 The ‘‘ single-tier ’? wings actually used on Aerodrome No. 6 were 5.33 feet long, while the wing tested above was only 4.27 feet long. In order to bring out more fully what might be expected of Aerodrome No. 6, when using the two different types of wings, the following table, calculated from the preceding one, is given. This shows the results which might be expected from the aero- drome when the resistance of the machine itself was included: Aerodrome No. 6 without wings weighs 22 pounds. =~ Og a Le} ! Secs Seo chon Geese voy se ae 88 anon a Bao 206 BOPa PES CS secs og Mn peg AOG I CSo ADS Bbq 190m pati = (ees oe AO BHO oD to gon wf woe gota Hnsety GY Ba soo “en &§ $ha See Seek S2ky EA BeES So gs Hee eee A <482 ESS E353 G88h ARdSSS eS as HSA AAS, “ Single-tier ” (short).... 4.27 44.8 5.04 27.04 0.603 6.06 1.0 7.06 27.0 0.35 .70 .“ Single-tier ” (full length) 5.30 54.0 5:5 27.5 0.51 6.18 1.0 7.13 24.7 0.32 .64 Superposed. Type No. 2. 4.27 87.6 10.36 32.36 0.369 69 1.0 7.9 25.3 0.364 .73 The first line shows the calculations for the aerodrome when equipped with the short ‘‘ single-tier ’’ wings; the second line, when equipped with the ‘‘ single- tier’? wings of the full length used in the flights of 1896; and the third line, when equipped with superposed wings, Type No. 2. It will be seen that, on the whole, the result of the comparison of the full- length ‘‘ single-tier ’’ wing and the superposed one is less in favor of the latter than was to be expected, as, aside from its greater structural strength, it seems to have no real point of superiority, except that it is shorter; and, as already pointed out, one point of presumable inferiority, though not exhibited in the table, is the fact that the rear set of wings would suffer relatively more from being in the lee of the front ones, in the case of the superposed wings, than in the case of the ‘‘ single-tier ’’ ones. Besides these ‘‘ conventional ’’ forms of wings, various other types were tested on the whirling-table. The data of these tests are not given, as in the rough preliminary tests the results were so entirely negative in character that accurate quantitative tests were never made. However, since in work of this kind the greatest delay is experienced in learning what not to do, and in rid- ding one’s self of freak notions which are continually suggesting themselves, it may be well here to describe sufficiently at least one of these types of wing to enable others to avoid any loss of time in experiments with it. Since the prin- cipal disadvantages of a wing possessing considerable width in the fore and aft direction are due tc the great extent through which the center of pressure 194 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO KNOWLEDGE VoL. 27 shifts when the velocity of advance or angle of incidence is changed, and to the further fact that a wide surface does not support proportionately as much per square foot as a long and narrow one, it was thought that some advantage might be gained by making the covering of the wing in the form of strips, the edges of which would be perpendicular to the direction of motion, or by making this covering in more or less slat-like form, which would permit the air which had already been acted upon by the leading slat to slp through between the rear edge of the first slat and the leading edge of the succeeding one. In the tests on the whirling-table, however, it was found that this type of construc- tion not only did not possess any advantages, but was even less effective than a similar one in which the covering was continuous. The difference was prob- ably due to the fact that the air which passed between the slats reduced the suction on the upper side of the following slat, and also to the fact that the distance between the slats was not sufficient to gain the effect of having each slat act on air which had not already been partially deflected by the preceding one. In view of the results of these tests on various types of wings, it was de- cided that in constructing the first set of wings for the large aerodrome it would be best to employ the ‘ single-tier ’’ type, which had proved successful with the models, and that after getting a successful flight with these the super- posed wings would be tried in order to get, if possible, the advantage which they possessed of being structurally stronger and more compact. It was there- fore clear that any gain in the strength and rigidity of the first set of wings, as a whole, would have to be obtained by improvements in the construction of its integral parts, that is, in the main and cross-ribs which made up its framework. Before attempting to proportion the parts of the necessary wooden wing frame, which it was expected would probably undergo many changes before a final design was secured which would embody maximum strength for min- imum weight, various tests were made to determine just how light a cloth cov- ering could be obtained which would be strong enough and sufficiently im- pervious to the air. In the construction of the wings for the models a good grade of China silk had been employed, but on account of the greatly increased quantity of cloth required for the large wings, it was hoped that something approximately as good as the silk could be secured at a much less cost, and rarious grades of percaline were therefore tested. The weight of the various erades of percaline ranged from three grammes to ten grammes per square foot, the lighter samples being of a rather coarse mesh, while the heaviest ones were not only close mesh but some specimens contained a large amount of ‘ sizing.’? The particular grade which was finally adopted weighed seven erammes per square foot. This material was practically impervious to air at a pressure of one pound per square foot, which, of course, was considerably se No. 3 LANGLEY MEMOIR ON MECHANICAL FLIGHT 195 more than it would be subjected to in flight. This grade of perealine weighed approximately one and a half times as much as a grade of silk, which on test was found to have a slightly greater tensile strength than the perealine, though the latter did not ‘‘ flute ’’ or ‘‘ pocket ’’ nearly as much as the silk. More- over, the cost of the percaline was only about one-third that of the silk, and it was chiefly for this reason that percaline was adopted in place of silk. 232 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO KNOWLEDGE voL.. 27 space in shipping them, it was decided to retain the hinged form of construc- tion and use the guy-posts as shown in the above plates. After much delay, due to various causes, the quarter-size model, as shown in plan, end elevation, side elevation and three-quarter elevation in Plates 71 and 72, respectively, was taken down the river in June, 1901, in order to make some tests with it from the small house-boat, which had been previously moved to the middle of the river opposite Widewater, Va. A test of it in free flight was made on June 18, its condition at this time being shown by Data Sheet No. 2 in Appendix. The launching apparatus worked perfectly and the aerodrome ‘started off on an absolutely even keel, dropping only a few inches immediately upon leaving the launching apparatus, and continuing straight ahead directly into the light wind of something less than 2 miles an hour. After it had gone only about 100 feet, however, it began to descend slowly, but still maintained a perfectly even balance, and finally touched the water about 150 feet from the house-boat, having been in the air between 4 and 5 seconds. It was imme- diately recovered, and as soon as the wings could be dried out another test was made, as it was thought probable that the wind had interfered with the car- buretor to such an extent that the engine had not received the proper mixture of gas. Upon this second test the launching apparatus again worked perfectly and the aerodrome again flew straight ahead on a perfectly even keel, and at a uniform height from the water until it had gone about 300 feet, when it again began to descend slowly and finally touched the water about 350 feet from the house-boat, having been in the air about 10 seconds. While the tests were very disappointing, owing to the extreme brevity of the flights, yet they showed con- clusively that the balancing of the aerodrome was correct, at least as far as motion in a straight line and in a quiet atmosphere was concerned. As one and a half horse-power, which was felt to be the very minimum which would successfully propel the aerodrome, was furnished by the engine only when work- ing at its very best, and as the change in conditions from a quiet state to a velocity of something like 40 feet per second evidently caused a considerable drop in the power because of the change in the gaseous mixture which the ecar- buretor furnished to the engine, it was decided not to make any further test of the aerodrome until the engine cylinders could be reconstructed so as to pro- vide more effective means for cooling it, and thereby a reasonable margin of power above that actually necessary. The aerodrome was accordingly returned to Washington for the purpose of making new cylinders for the engine. In constructing these new cylinders the old cylinder heads from the previous eyl- inders were used in order to expedite their completion. This proved in the end to be a very great mistake, though at the time it seemed probable that the use of them would save much delay and considerable expense. The new cyl- inders were constructed of steel tubing originally one-half inch thick, which O06! ‘| 3NNf ‘3WOYNGOXSV 1300W 3ZIS-H3LYVNO 4O MA3IA NV1d BOO6Ii SNNS & “a SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO KNOWLEDGE VOL. 27, NO. 3, PL. 71 PLAN VIEW OF QUARTER-SIZE MODEL AERODROME VOL. 27, NO. 3, PL. 72 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO KNOWLEDGE AND THREE-QUARTER ELEVATION OF QUARTER-SIZE MODEL AERODROME END, SIDE, ie oe ie 7 VOL, 27, NO. 3, PL. 73 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO KNOWLEDGE RRR NS RN LAUNCHING-CAR WITH FLOATS VOL. 27, NO. 3, PL. 74 E SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO KNOWLEDG LAUNCHING-CAR WITH FLOATS MIA 3alS “LOGE ‘LE ANAL ‘SSOVSYNS GASOdYadNS H G3ddINOA AWOYGOYAYV TSGOW 3ZIS-yaLYWNd SZ ‘1d ‘€ ‘ON ‘Ze “10A JOGS1IMONm OL SNOILNSIYLNOOD NVINOSHLIWS MIA GNA “LOGE ‘LL ANAL ‘SAOVSHNS GSOdHAdNS HLIM GaddINO’ ANOYGOYAY ISGOW 3zIS-yaLYVvNO “\ob) 3 “6 pay brad] V¢ : VW ap eee 92 ‘1d ‘€ ‘ON ‘Ze “10A 3DG37MONm OL SNOILNGIYLNOO NVINOSHLIINS " eh ’ = — bil oe, AWOYGOHSY TS0OW 3ZIS-H3LYVNO 40 ANIDNA 30 SYSGNITAO ZZ 1d ‘€ ‘ON ‘Ze “10A SZD9G3S1MON» OL SNOILNSIYLNOD NVINOSHLIWS No. 3 LANGLEY MEMOIR ON MECHANICAL FLIGHT 233 was machined to the form clearly shown in the photograph, Plate 77, where it will be seen that thin radiating ribs spaced one-quarter inch apart were formed integral with the cylinder, the combustion chambers or heads being screwed on and brazed to the cylinders. After much delay the new cylinders were com- pleted, and upon test it was found that while the radiating ribs assisted very greatly in keeping the engine cool, yet the valves were so small that the gas was not able to get in and out of the cylinders rapidly enough to permit the engine to furnish its full power. Even at this stage it would have been better either to have made new eylinder heads with larger valves or to have made entirely new cylinders and cylinder heads, but in the effort to economize time and money it seemed best to try to overcome part of the defect by adding an auxiliary inlet valve. This was constructed, and upon test it was found that, although the engine developed 3.2 horse-power on the Prony brake at 1800 R. P. M., and even maintained 5.1 horse-power on the brake for a few seconds when running at 3000 R. P. M., the ports leading from the valve chamber to the eylinders were so small that they became heated after the engine had run for 2 minutes and premature ignition occurred, which, of course, immediately and very greatly reduced the power developed. It was decided, however, in view of the tests in which the engine had de- veloped 3.2 horse-power at 1800 R. P.M., that there was sufficient margin of power to enable it to propel the quarter-size model, even if it was not work- ing at its best. After concluding the Prony-brake tests on the engine, it was mounted in its proper position in the aerodrome frame and connected to the pro- peller shafts. Some pendulum tests were then made, showing an average lift of approximately 57 per cent of the total flymg weight. But it was found that the propeller and transmission shafts and their bearings would not stand the strain due to the increased power of the engine. Newer and stronger shafts and bearings were, therefore, constructed and further pendulum tests were made. It was then found that the transverse frame which supported the shafts and bearings was too weak, and this was strengthened by substituting newer and thicker tubing where it seemed necessary. These changes and repairs were all completed by October, 1901, and the quarter-size model was at last, after months of delay, felt to be in a condition which justified the expectation that its next flight would be entirely successful. In view of the much more important work on the large aerodrome which de- manded immediate attention the quarter-size model in this completed condition was put aside. Nothing more was done with it until April, 1903, when some shop tests were made preliminary to taking it to Quantico, where, on August 8, it made a successful flight, which is described in Chapter XIL 26 CHAPTER X CONSTRUCTION AND TESTS OF THE LARGE ENGINE The main requirement in an engine for an aerodrome—aside from relia- bility and smoothness of operation, which are necessary in an engine for any kind of locomotion—is that it shall develop the greatest amount of power for the least weight. It is, therefore, desirable to reduce the weight and number of parts of the engine to the very minimum, so far as this ean be done with- out sacrificing reliability and smoothness of running. Furthermore, since the strongest metal for its weight is steel, and since the greatest strength of steel is utilized when the stress acting on it is one of tension, it is advisable to de- sign the engine so that the parts which sustain the greatest strains shall be of steel and, as far as possible, meet with strains which are purely tensional ones. In designing the new engine for the large aerodrome it was, therefore, planned to make it entirely of steel, as far as this was possible. The only parts which were not of steel were the bronze bushings for the bearings, the vast-iron pistons, and cast-iron liners of the cylinders. Previous experience had shown that, while it is possible to use a-cast-iron piston in a steel cylinder or even a steel piston in a steel cylinder, provided the lubrication be kept exactly adjusted, yet the proper lubrication of the piston and cylinder of a gas engine is difficult even under the most favorable conditions, owing to the fact that ex- cessive lubrication causes trouble from the surplus oil interfering with the spark- ing apparatus. It was, therefore, determined not to risk serious trouble by at- tempting to have the pistons bear directly on the steel walls of the cylinders. While visiting the French engine builders in the summer of 1900 in the at- tempt to find one willing to undertake the construction of a suitable engine for the aerodrome, it was pointed out to them that the great amount of weight which they claimed to be necessary for the cylinders, and which they stated made it impossible for them to build an engine which would meet the require- ments as to power and weight, could be very greatly reduced by making the cylinders in the form of thin steel shells having cast-iron linings. All, how- ever, to whom this suggestion was made declared that it was impossible to build satisfactory cylinders in this way; some of them even stated that they had tried it and found it impossible to keep the thin liners tight in the steel shells. The difficulty which they had encountered is due to the difference in expansion of the steel and the iron when raised to a rather high temperature by the heat of the explosions, if the cylinders are not well jacketed with water; and if the steel 99 293 No. 3 LANGLEY MEMOIR ON MECHANICAL FLIGHT 235 shells are water jacketed they then do not expand as much as the cast-iron liners, and this causes the latter to become ‘‘ out of round ’’ because of the compression strains produced in them when trying to expand more than the steel shells. As past experience had shown, however, that it was possible to keep the liners tight in small cylinders, it was believed that by taking proper care in the construction there would be no difficulty in this respect with the cylinders of this larger engine. In carrying out these plans, however, of making the cylinders of steel, numerous constructional difficulties were encountered which could not be fore- seen when the design was made. Had they been foreseen, provision for obvi- ating them could easily have been made. As will be seen from the drawing, Plate 78, the engine cylinders consisted primarily of a main outer shell of steel one-sixteenth of an inch thick, near the bottom end of which was screwed and brazed a suitable flange, by which it was bolted to the supporting drum or crank chamber. These shells, which were seamless, with the heads formed integral, were designed to be of sufficient strength to withstand the force of the explo- sion in them, and, in order to provide a suitable wearing surface for the pis- ton, a cast-iron liner one-sixteenth of an inch thick was carefully shrunk into them. Entering the side of the cylinder near the top, was the combustion cham- ber, machined out of a solid steel forging, which also formed the port which entered the cylinder and was fastened to it by brazing. The water jackets, which were formed of sheet steel .020 inch thick, were also fastened to the cyl- inder by brazing, and it was in connection with the brazing of these water jack- ets that the first serious difficulty was met in the construction of the engine. In the first place, as the jackets were of an irregular shape and of a different thickness of metal from the walls of the cylinder to which they were joined, the expansion and contraction due to the extreme heat necessary for properly brazing the joints caused such serious strains in various and unexpected direec- tions that it was only by exercising the very greatest care and patience that a completely tight joint at all points of the jacket could be secured. In the see- ond place, the size of the cylinders and the consequently large extent of water- jacket surface, complicated the problem. The maintenance over this large sur- face of the extreme heat necessary for brazing involved discomfort and, indeed, actual suffering to the person engaged in the work, and much care and skill were demanded in so distributing the heat that the temperature of the surface of the jackets would be uniform enough to prevent serious strains from expan- sion and contraction. As no workman could be found either competent to do the work or willing to undergo the personal discomfort, the writer was obliged to do all this brazing work himself. Besides the difficulties due to the expan- sion and contraction of the jackets while they were being brazed, the greatest eare had to be exercised to avoid heating the cylinders so hot as to weaken the 236 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO KNOWLEDGE VOT eT joint where the explosion chambers were joined to the cylinders, which, of course, had been brazed before the jackets were fitted to them preparatory to brazing them. Another great difficulty was that the ring which encircled the cylinder near the middle of its length, and which formed the bottom part of the water jacket, expanded very much more than the cylinder itself, so that, if it was brazed to the cylinder before the jacket was brazed to it, the heat of brazing the jacket to the ring would cause the ring to break loose from the cylinder; while if the ring was not previously brazed to the cylinder, but was brazed after the jacket had been brazed to it, the very much greater heat required for brazing the ring to the cylinder caused the spelter to burn out of the joint between the jacket and the ring. Furthermore, it was found very difficult to braze the two joints at the same time, since in brazing the ring to the cylinder it was best to have the eylinder in an inverted vertical position, so that the spelter could be made to flow evenly around the ring and form a fillet against the wall of the cylin- der, while in brazing the jackets to the ring it was best to have the cylinder in the reverse vertical position or lying on its side so that the spelter could properly flow into this joint. Finally, however, after what proved to be most exasperating and tedious work, the five cylinders necessary for the engine were completed and a series of tests was immediately made. During the course of these tests the water circulation became obstructed in several instances, and the consequent high temperature to which the cylinders and jackets were raised caused severe strains in the jackets which, in turn, produced breaks in the brazed joints. These breaks had to be rebrazed, and in brazing them it was necessary in almost every case to remove the cast-iron liners and rebraze the entire jackets from start to finish, as the application of the intense heat neces- sary for brazing at any one point produced such severe strains that before the break which was being repaired could be completed other breaks developed at various points of the jacket. It was, therefore, necessary to get the whole jacket up to a fairly uniform heat and complete the brazing while it was in this con- dition, and then keep the whole cylinder at a uniform but gradually decreasing temperature until it had sufficiently cooled off. On account of these troubles with the water jackets and the cylinders, it was decided to build some extra cylinders, not only because past experience had suggested improvements in detail in the construction of the jackets, which would prevent to a large extent the great troubles which had been met with in the brazed joints, but also to insure having sufficient cylinders to enable the engine to be always in working condition, even though several of the cylinders might be out of commission from slight imperfections in the jackets or at other points. While the construction of these new cylinders involved a repetition of the arduous task of brazing, yet the minor improvements which were introduced VOL. 27, NO. 3, PL. 78 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO KNOWLEDGE NTI eS A LLL BLEEP LEAL OLLIE LAA A ee | ty SSSSSS Lip Ww Li | \ \ ' WnYG GNV H3GNITAO HONONHL NOILO3S ‘V 3WONGOUSY 40 3NIONS “2219 1nd F308 “UY opuphy ybuoly, woro209 WUT PYOLO 4,29 1 SDUYLD 4,8 Wa Ea | N (2S HE Se Se WL AY nd a ee a fee KK RD\ anne aa aemememaco” = me INN ZINN LE: Woe SSE WIE SG SG SANA MGI MHPrAAiair1 DKS SA —— il a ‘ a 5 7 p a ——y > { a - s a os = ; Fi a o=e4-4) 9 - Se . k Y tii i) =) _ 7 a ¥ i - - E i SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO KNOWLEDGE ENGINE OF Al. VOL. 27, NO. 3, PL. 79 Pee gh hy Meraudtome SA. 3” Cylinder £ nYINe (é x Size) Lind Elevation (Port side ) =ND ELEVATION, PORT SIDE SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO KNOWLEDGE VOL. 27, NO. 3, PL. 80 Sit I] SL ie (3) ~~ BS Jerodrome 4. oie Cylinder’ Engine (£Fall Size ) Top Plan. ODROME A. TOP PLAN WSINVHOSW ONINUWdS ‘3LV1d G38 GHVOSHVLS NOILVA31a ‘VW SNONGOHAV 40 SNIDNA IO res Fer eee YIO LL byte Dif PIG PIPCTAAQR UlfONY/ FT 18 “Id ‘€ “ON ‘Ze “0A 39037MONM OL SNOILLNEIYLNOOD NVINOSHLIWS No. 3 LANGLEY MEMOIR ON MECHANICAL FLIGHT 237 proved eminently successful in providing against future troubles from leaky jackets. The general form of construction of the engine with the improved cylin- ders will be readily understood from the drawings, Plates 78-81, in which Plate 78 is a detail sectional view, previously referred to, through one of the cylinders ; Plate 79 is an end elevation of the port side, Plate 80 is a plan view, and Plate 81 is an elevation of the starboard bed plate which supports that side of the en- gine, and by which it was fastened to the aerodrome frame, this view showing particularly the sparking apparatus which was mounted on the bed plate. The engine consists primarily of a single crank shaft provided with a single crank pin, the shaft having bearings in a drum which consists essentially of two heads. Arranged around the crank shaft and attached at equidistant points of the drum are five cylinders. Mounted on the port side of the crank shaft and close to the erank arm is a small gear, which through suitable gears mounted on the port head of the drum drives a double-pointed cam which has a bearing on the ex- terior of the hub of the drum. The ratio of these gears is such that the cam is driven at one-quarter the speed of the crank shaft, and in the reverse di- rection. Mounted on the exterior side of the port head of the drum are five punch rods, the upper ends of which are within a sixty-fourth of an inch of be- ing in contact with the exhaust-valve stems of the cylinders, and on the lower end of these rods are hardened-steel rollers which rest on the double-pointed cam—this one cam thus serving to operate the exhaust valves of all five of the cylinders. The port head of the drum is connected to the port bed plate, by which it is supported, by means of a flanged bushing in which are formed tongues and grooves which fit into corresponding grooves and tongues formed in the hub of the drum, it being necessary to have a certain amount of space be- tween this bed plate and the head of the drum to provide room for the exhaust- valve cam and its co-acting punch rods. The starboard bed plate is fastened to the starboard head of the drum by bolts which draw the web of the bed plate against the face of the drum. The sparking gears are driven by means of a gear formed on a sleeve which telescopes over the hub of the starboard drum, and has a bearing thereon, the end of the sleeve terminating in a ring which is fastened to the crank shaft. Since the five connecting rods must center on the one crank pin, the bronze shoes in which they terminate can occupy only a portion of the circumference of the pin, and with the relative proportions which here existed between the length of stroke of crank and the length of the connecting rod, the circumfer- ential width of the connecting-rod shoes was slightly less than sixty degrees, thus leaving uncovered a crank space of about one-sixth of the circumference, which it was necessary to have in order to provide room for the change in rela- tive position of the shoes due to the angularity of the connecting rods. In 238 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO KNOWLEDGE vou. 27 the experimental engine the connecting-rod shoes were all given their bearing directly on the crank pin, as heretofore described, being held in contact there- with by means of cone nuts, which were screw-threaded to the crank pin, the taper of the cones permitting adjustment for wear. This method of connecting these parts to the crank pin is the usual plan of connecting three or more con- necting rods to one crank pin. So much trouble had been experienced with the water jackets and with minor defects in the experimental engine that no long runs had been possible with it, and consequently no trouble had been experi- enced because of the small amount of bearing area provided by this method of joining the connecting rods to the crank pin. When, however, the new engine was completed it was found that after working at high power for a few min- utes the connecting-rod shoes heated so rapidly that it was impossible to run the engine for more than ten or twelve minutes, the excessive heating of the shoes causing a great diminution in power besides the danger of serious dam- age if the tests were continued longer. At first this defect seemed almost fatal, as there appeared to be no way of providing sufficient bearing area for the five connecting rods on one crank pin. Happily, however, the writer was able to overcome this defect by an improved design which enables all five connecting rods to operate on the one crank pin, and at the same time provides each with the full amount of bearing area which it would have were it the only connect- ing rod operating on the crank pin. This arrangement consists essentially of a main connecting rod formed of a steel forging terminating in a sleeve which en- circles the crank pin and is provided with a bronze lining for giving a proper bear- ing surface between the connecting rod and the crank pin, both the steel sleeve and the bronze lining being split, but at right angles to each other, to permit assem- bling them on the crank pin. This steel sleeve, the upper half of which is formed integral with the main connecting rod is rounded off to a true circle on its exterior circumference, except at the point where the rod joins it. The other four connect- ing rods terminating in bronze shoes are then caused to bear on the exterior of this sleeve, being held in contact therewith, and permitted to have a sliding motion thereon sufficient to take care of the variation in angularity of the connecting rods, by means of the cone nuts which are screw-threaded to the sleeve and locked thereto by means of the jam nuts, as shown in the drawings. The main connecting rod, of course, acts in the same way as in the ordimary case where each cylinder has its separate crank pin. The other four connecting rods de- liver their effort to the crank pin through the sleeve in which the first connect- ine rod terminates, and they, therefore, do not receive any of the rubbing effect due to the rotation of the crank pin, except that of slipping a very short dis- tance over the circumference of the sleeve during each revolution, the amount of slipping depending on the angularity of the connecting rod. This improved type of bearing was successful from the time of its first trial, and even in later | | no. 3 LANGLEY MEMOIR ON MECHANICAL FLIGHT 239 tests in which the engine was run for ten consecutive hours at full power it showed no signs whatever of overheating. As this new form of connecting-rod bearing for the crank pin had never been tried before, the precaution was taken to leave the threads on the crank pin for the cone nuts, so that if this new bearing should not prove successful the old plan of having the connecting-rod shoes bear directly on the crank pin could be reverted to. These threads are clearly seen in Plate 78 and were never removed from the crank pin, though their removal would have added considerably to the area of the bearing sur- face of the main connecting rod, had more bearing surface seemed necessary. The lubrication of the main crank-shaft bearing and of the crank pin was effected by means of a small oil cup, fastened to the port bed plate, which fed oil through a hole in the hub of the drum to a circular groove formed in the bronze bushing in the hub. The crank shaft being hollow, a hole was drilled through it in line with the groove in the bushing, and the oil was then led from the interior of the crank shaft through a pipe connected to the plug in the end thereof, and through a hole drilled in the crank arm to the hollow crank pin. Small holes through the crank pin permitted oil to pass to the exterior thereof and thus oil the bearing of the main connecting rod. Small holes through the sleeve and bushing of the main connecting rod fed oil under the shoes of the other four connecting rods, the small holes being placed in oil grooves formed in the interior of the bronze bushing. The lubrication of the pistons was ef- fected by means of small crescent-shaped oil eups fastened to the outer wall of the cylinders, which distributed the oil equidistantly around the circumfer- ence of the pistons, through small tubes which projected through correspond- ing holes drilled in the cylinder wall. ‘These oil cups for the cylinders were, while small, of sufficient size to furnish a supply for approximately one hour, and were so positioned on each cylinder as to have a eravity feed. It may be mentioned here that while there were many parts of the engine which were of unprecedented lightness there was nothing which excelled these oil cups in this respect, as they were made of sheet steel .003 of an inch thick, riveted and soldered up. The crank-shaft bearimg in the starboard drum was oiled from an oil cup mounted on the outside of the bed plate and connected by a pipe to a hole in the inner wall of the drum, which was connected to the oil grooves in the bronze bushing in the hub of the drum. The first set of pistons for this engine were similar in design to those shown in the assembled drawings, except that they had side walls and heads which were twice as thick as those shown. These lighter pistons were constructed later, and were just as good as the earlier and heavier ones. It will be noted that the pistons have two deep but thin ribs reinforcing the head. The pis- tons were slightly tapered from the middle, where they were .005 inch smaller than the cylinder bore, toward the outer end, where they were .0075 inch smaller 240 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO KNOWLEDGE ; vou. 27 than the bore. The outer piston ring was .0035 inch narrower than its groove, the second one .003 inch, the third .0025 inch, and the imner one .002 inch nar- rower than its groove. The rings were bored one-sixteenth inch off center with the exterior surface, and had one-eighth inch diameter of spring. They were of the lap-joint type, with the sides of the laps carefully fitted and only one- sixty-fourth-inch clearance at the ends of the laps to allow for thermal expan- sion. As no grinding facilities were obtainable in Washington, the cylinders were carefully bored smooth and free from taper, and the pistons were worn in to a perfect fit by running them in by a belt for twenty-four hours, with copious oil supply. The main connecting rod was {-inch diameter and solid, while the other four were of the same diameter but with a 23-inch hole in them. The gudgeon pins in the pistons were hollow steel tubes {-inch diameter and case-hardened, and were oiled entirely by the oil thrown off by centrifugal force from the crank- pin bearing, the oil running along the connecting rods and through suitable holes at the heads into oil grooves in the bronze bushings in these heads. Since on an engine for an aerodrome the best plan for releasing the exhaust gases from the engine is to get rid of them as soon as possible, so long as they are released behind the aviator and do not interfere with his view in the di- rection of motion, it was decided to have the gases exhaust immediately from the combustion chambers; but in order to prevent their playing on and heating the main bearing of the crank shaft in the port drum the combustion cham- bers were each provided with a chamber below the exhaust-valve seat, with a side outlet therefrom. The manifold pipe through which the gaseous mixture vas supplied to the inlet valves of the engine consisted of a tube bent to a circle and having five branch tubes, each leading to one of the automatic inlet valves, which fitted removable cast-iron seats fastened by a nut in the upper part of each combustion chamber. The very small amount of clearance between the engine and the frame necessitated that this pipe be cut in three places and joined by flanges in order to properly assemble it on the engine when the latter yas mounted in the frame. The carburetor, which was placed near the rear of the aviator’s car, was connected through suitable pipes to this circular inlet pipe, at a point horizontally in line with the center of the shaft. The auxiliary air valve consisted of a sleeve rotatably mounted on the vertical pipe leading from the carburetor to the manifold, holes in the sleeve being brought to coin- cide more or less with holes in the vertical pipe, by the operator, when more or less air was required or when he wished to vary the speed of the engine. The cooling water for the jackets of the cylinders was led to them through a circu- lar manifold pipe on the starboard side connected by a vertical pipe with the centrifugal pump situated at the lower point of the lower pyramid of the aero- drome frame. The heated water was led from the jackets through another cir- Fa re: No. 3 LANGLEY MEMOIR ON MECHANICAL FLIGHT 241 cular manifold pipe on the port side, through two connections to the radiating tubes at the front and rear, respectively, of the cross-frame. These radiating tubes, which were provided with thin radiating ribs soldered to them, finally led the cooled water to the tank situated in the extreme rear of the aviator’s car, a suitable pipe from the bottom of this tank being connected to the inlet side of the centrifugal pump. The centrifugal pump was driven by means of a verti- cal shaft connected to the crank shaft through a set of bevel gears which drove it at three times the speed of the engine. The bearings through which these: gears were connected were mounted on the port bed plate, and in order to al- low for a certain amount of vibration between the engine and the pump this vertical connecting shaft had a. telescoping section connected through suitable splines. The sparking apparatus comprised, first, a primary sparker similar to the simplest form of such devices which have since come into common use, where a cam driven by the engine co-acts with a pawl on the end of a spring, but in this case, as this sparker was used for all five cylinders, the cam was driven at a speed of two and one-half times that of the engine shaft, thus making and breaking the primary circuit five times in each two revolutions of the engine. Second, a spark coil, the primary terminals of which were connected to the pri- mary sparker and to a set of dry batteries. Third, a secondary distributor con- sisting of a dise carrying a contact brush and driven at a speed one-half that of the engine, this brush being constantly connected through a contact ring to one of the terminals of the high-tension side of the spark coil and running over the face of a five-section commutator, each of the sections of which was con- nected to a spark plug, the other high-tension terminal of the spark coil being, _of course, grounded on the engine frame. This sparking apparatus was first constructed by using blocks of red fibre for insulation. After the engine was completed and was being tested difficulties were met with in the sparking appa- ratus which at that time appeared- inexplicable. After a great deal of annoy- ance and loss of time it was finally discovered that the red fibre was not as good an insulating medium as it was supposed to be, owing to the zinc oxide used in making it. In damp weather the sparking apparatus absolutely refused to work, and it was found that the moisture in the air caused the zine oxide in the fibre to nullify its insulating qualities. This trouble, after being located, was cured by substituting hard rubber for the red fibre. At the time when this engine was built, as well as earlier when the experi- mental engine was built, it was impossible to procure any wire which had been properly insulated to withstand the high voltages necessary for the connections between the high-tension side of the spark coil and the secondary distributor, and from the secondary distributor to the spark plugs in the eylinders. While at this time this appears a very simple matter, yet the trouble experienced and 27 242 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO KNOWLEDGE VoL. 27 the delays caused by the lack of such small accessories which are now so easily procurable were very exasperating, and it was finally necessary to insulate these wires by covering them with several thicknesses of ordinary rubber tube of different diameters telescoped over each other. In the early tests of this new engine, which were made with it mounted on a special testing frame and delivering its power to the water-absorption dyna- mometers, the engine was operated without any fly wheels, and, so far as its ~ smoothness of operation was concerned and its ability to generate its maximum power, it did not require any. After the completion of the tests on the testing frame the engine was as- sembled in the aerodrome frame, which was first mounted on the floor of the launching car. The car itself was mounted on a short track in the shop, which arrangement provided a smoothly rolling carriage which could be utilized for measuring the thrust of the propellers by merely attaching a spring balance be- tween the rear of the car and a proper holding strap on the track. In the first tests of the engine under these conditions, it was found that while the engine itself did not require any fly wheels, yet the lack of them caused trouble with the transmission and propeller shafts, which, while it had never been antici- pated, was easily understood when it was encountered. This difficulty was caused by the ‘‘ reverse torque,’’ which fluctuated from a maximum to a mini- mum five times during each double revolution of the engine, and which set up fluctuating torsional strains of such magnitude in the transmission and propel- ler shafts that the shafts themselves became exceedingly hot after a few min- utes operation of the engine, and under more prolonged periods of operation these fluctuating torsional strains caused a permanent twisting and bending of the shafts. The transmission and propeller shafts were at first made of tubing one-sixteenth of an inch thick, but these were abandoned both on account of the necessity of abandoning the screw-thread method of attaching the flange coup- lings and gears, and also because these shafts had been designed when if was expected to transmit only twelve horse-power to each propeller, while the in- crease of power in the large engine necessarily required much stronger shafts. The first shafts which were actually tested in the frame were, therefore, one and one-half inches in diameter by three-thirty-seconds of an inch thick, the tub- ing having been one-thirty-second of an inch larger originally and turned down to this size to insure a straight shaft. When these shafts twisted under the action of the reverse torque of the engine, a very much heavier set, practically twice as thick, were constructed. When used in the tests these heavier shafts, while much stronger, still showed a large amount of heating due to the fluctu- ating torsional strains. Upon ealeulation it was found that by providing specially light fly wheels the major portion of this reverse torque could be eliminated for a less increase no. 3 LANGLEY MEMOIR ON MECHANICAL FLIGHT 243 in weight than would be occasioned by sufficiently increasing the thickness of the transmission and propeller shafts to safely stand it. Since it was desired to concentrate as much as possible of the weight of the fly wheels in the rims, the idea at once suggested itself of building them up like a bicycle wheel by means of tangent spokes. Two steel automobile-wheel rims were therefore pro- cured thirty-three inches in diameter, and these were provided with tangent spokes connected to special steel hubs fitted to the crank shaft of the engine. The rims themselves not being quite heavy enough, and constructional reasons necessitating their being at different distances from the center of length of the crank pin, the extra weight which it was desired to give to these rims was pro- vided by means of steel wire wound tightly around and fastened to the rims, the weight of each rim being made inversely proportional to its distance from the center of the crank pin. The first spokes which were used for these wheels were standard bicycle spokes three-thirty-seconds of an inch in diameter, but these were soon found to be entirely too weak to withstand the sudden strains due to the rapid starting of the engine. They were therefore replaced by stand- ard spokes one-eighth of an inch in diameter, but these also proved too weak and were later replaced with special spokes made in the shop out of No. 10 coppered-steel wire, which by test was found to have a tensional strength of 2192 pounds. As these steel rims were only one-sixteenth of an inch thick and had not been made exactly true, but had been straightened before being used, it was found that they very quickly went out of shape under the strain due to the centrifugal force at high speeds, and also when the engine was suddenly ac- celerated. As long as they did stay true, however, it was found that they were sufficiently heavy to provide all of the fly-wheel effect it was necessary to have in order to eliminate all trouble from the reverse torque. After further consideration, it was decided that the only means of con- structing a fly wheel which would have a stiff rim and at the same time would not be heavier than the steel ones, which had been found adequate, was by per- petrating what would at first sight appear to be an absurdity. A new set of rims for the fly wheels was made by constructing them of an aluminum ecast- ing, the section of the rim being U-shaped. After machining these rims and assembling the fly wheels with them, it was found that they were many times stiffer than the previous steel ones of the same weight, and after this change no further trouble was experienced in keeping the fly wheels perfectly true, even under the most severe strains. In fact, on one occasion when the engine broke loose from the propellers, it ran to a speed, which, while not exactly known, yet reached the limit of the tachometer, which was 2000 R. P. M., without in- jury to the fly wheels. Tt will be recalled that in starting up the engine on the quarter-size model, the initial ‘‘ cranking ’’ necessary with a gasoline engine was accomplished by 244 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO KNOWLEDGE vou. 27 having two of the mechanics turn the propellers. While this same plan might have been followed in the case of the large aerodrome, yet it would have in- volved some danger to the mechanics and would also have left the aviator with- out any means of restarting the engine should it for any reason stop while in the air. Believing it to be very important to provide means for enabling the aviator to restart the engine in case it stopped in the air, the writer devised the starting mechanism shown in the drawings, Plates 78 to 80. Fastened by tongues and grooves to the port side of the engine crank shaft, just outside of the bed plate, is a worm wheel, on the hub of which is mounted the bevel gear which drives the water-cireulation pump through the bevel pinion, as already described. Mounted on the web of the bed plate are two brackets, in which the shaft for the starting crank is journaled, this shaft passing forward and downward through the front of the cross-frame of the aerodrome, where it is journaled in a bracket secured to the brace tubes thereof. At the front or lower end of the shaft a crank handle is connected thereto by a ratchet mechanism. The upper end of the starting shaft, between the bearings of the two support- ting brackets, is tongued and grooved, and slidably mounted thereon with co- acting grooves and tongues is a worm screw which, in the position shown in Plates 79 and 80, is in gear with the worm wheel just described. However, when the worm screw is slid along on the shaft until it is against the upper bracket it is out of gear with the worm wheel. Mounted in the interior of the tubular starting shaft is a spring-pressed pawl plug, not shown, but which pro- jects through one of the tongues on the shaft near the upper bracket. If the worm screw is slid up against this upper bracket, this pawl catches in a radial hole in the worm screw and holds it in this position out of gear with the worm wheel. Connected to this pawl plug and passing longitudimally through the cen- ter of the shaft is a wire which terminates in a button just at the end thereof. By pulling on this button the operator may release the worm and thus permit it to slide downward so that when the starting crank is turned in a clockwise direction the worm will screw itself into gear with the worm wheel, and any further turning of the starting crank will cause the worm to force the worm wheel, and, consequently, the engine shaft, around ina clockwise direction. As soon as the engine gets an explosion the worm wheel slides the worm along against the upper bracket, where the spring pawl catches and holds it till it is again released by the operator as before. This starting mechanism was a success from the first, and the engine was never started up in any other way. With an aerodrome having the qualities of automatie equilibrium, which the Langley machines have, it was felt very cer- tain that by this mechanism the engine could be easily restarted while in the air, in case it was inadvertently stopped. wo. 3 LANGLEY MEMOIR ON MECHANICAL FLIGHT 245 The reason for building the engine with five cylinders instead of some other number, and for arranging them radially on a central drum using only one crank pin may not appear quite obvious. The advantages gained by such a construec- tion, however, are very great, and may be briefly summed up as follows: First, since in a gas engine of the four-cycle type there is only one explo- sion in each eylinder every two revolutions, and the crank shaft and crank pin therefore are loaded only one-quarter of the time for each cylinder, it is obvious that by having four cylinders arranged radially around a central drum the load on the bearings of a single crank shaft and crank pin may be kept very uniform. However, with four cylinders thas arranged it is impossible to have the cylinders explode and exert their effort on the crank at uniform intervals in the eycle, it being necessary to have the cylinders explode in the order of 1, 3, 4, 2, 1, ete., thus giving intervals between explosions of 180 degrees, 90 de- grees, 180 degrees, 270 degrees, ete., or to have them explode in the order of 1, 3, 2, 4, 1, ete., thus giving intervals of 180 degrees, 270 degrees, 180 degrees, 90 degrees, ete. On the other hand, with any odd number of eylinders the explo- sions will oceur at equal intervals in the cycle. With three cylinders they will explode in the order of 1, 3, 2, 1, ete., or at equal intervals of 240 degrees, while with five cylinders they will explode in the order of 1, 3, 5, 2, 4, 1, ete., or at equal intervals of 144 degrees. It is therefore seen that there is a great advantage in smoothness of operation and uniformity of torque of the engine through having an odd number of cylinders instead of an even number. Second, it is readily apparent that the greater the number of cylinders, provided the number is an odd one, the more uniform the torque will be, and it would seem at first that seven cylinders would therefore be better than five, since the uniform intervals between explosions with seven cylinders would be only 103 degrees (approximately). The advantage gained, however, through seven cylinders instead of five is largely, if not completely, counterbalanced by the added number of parts and the difficulty of providing sufficient cireumter- encial width for the econnecting-rod shoes on the crank-pin bearing, even with the improved construction of this bearing already described. There is consid- erable fluctuation of the torque in each revolution of the engine with five eylin- ders, but this fluctuation of torque is more easily smoothed out by the use of very light fly wheels than by increasing the number of cylinders, and thus adding to the complication of the engine. Third, the strongest point in favor of the radially arranged cylinders is the reduction in weight and complication which it permits. The crank shaft is re- duced to the very minimum, there being only one crank pin with two main bearings which ean, without any difficulty whatever, be kept absolutely in line with each other and thus prevent binding and loss of power. Again, the use of a single-throw crank not only reduces the cost and weight of the crank it- 246 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO KNOWLEDGE VOL, 27 self, but makes it very much less liable to damage; long crank shafts with sev- eral crank pins being frequently twisted by improper explosions in the eylin- ders. The supporting drum or crank chamber is likewise reduced to the very minimum, both in weight and simplicity, the drums being perfectly symmetrical with no lost space either inside of them or on their exteriors. The cam mech- anism for operating the valves is reduced to a simple ring carrying (for a five- cylinder engine) a double-pointed cam and journaled on the exterior of the hub of one of the drums, the cam being driven by a train of gears journaled on studs mounted on the drum, and co-acting with a gear fastened to the erank shaft against the crank arm. The radial arrangement of the cylinders is thus seen to give not only an engine with the smallest number of parts, each of which is as far as possible worked to a uniform amount during each complete revolution of the crank shaft, but it also gives a very compact and readily accessible mechanism with its cen- ter of gravity coincident with its center of figure, and with the liability of dam- age to if, in case of a smash of the vehicle on which it is used, reduced to the minimum from the fact that the greatest weight is located at the strongest part. Fourth, and of almost as great importance as the reduction in weight which the five-cylinder radial arrangement permits, is its unusual qualities as regards vibration. Since these five-cylinder engines were built by the writer a very thorough treatment of their properties as regards balancing has been given in a treatise on the balancing of engines,’ so no discussion of the mathematical formule involved in a study of the question of the inherent balancing proper- ties of these engines will be here given. It is sufficient to call attention to the fact that in an engine having five cylinders arranged radially, all of the recip- rocating parts are balanced for all forces of the first, second and third orders. As it is only the reciprocating parts which give any trouble in balancing any engine, the unbalanced rotating parts being readily balanced by placing an equal weight at an equal distance from the center of rotation, and on the opposite side thereof, it is readily seen that the properties of balancing which are in- herent in this type of engine are unusual. eleinleintelel=) i> 3,440 Sparks plies ((5)) ye cpaten voters alate talepe ctetete eketetetoye) teasietehst=untatel fel Relstalot ate oe raiaiel gate 450 Outlet Sweater apipeser circ crsclerseteetepe teeta oetel el alien elo lelebetstol ela leieiiatalafelsi otra) 450 Imlet water pipe ciiecicyetoicveselctoie siete eteletetolokel seve tavelereveioi=l-/alalelohstaletaliell 360 Inlet easimamifol dls nfercse crete oe ele ce eyaveteucesl al toieteke ou tes eis see lst hnlist oferoisy vlcteks]otst= 1,700 Primary and secondary sparkers and WireS............+..+++e2+-+0+- 512 Balance arm with braces for same—starboard ...................+- 1,040 Balance arm with braces for Same—port .........--eeeee eee ceevees 1,067 Total) pency. dass co cresararierctorereie oie heater alenetet eats cteletoneletatero te 56,323 = 124.17 Ibs. Starboard tly, wheels ctemrecitatisratertersistas, lelorctstelstaranelotctetetal Mela [ste lobe ietat-iatays 3,946 Portiflys wheel oars etree iets erete vera ato lon eerie cele wheratis ol effet oko lotelenaie paral Natatatets 3,234 Total weight of engine and fly wheels............-- 63,503 = 140.00 Ibs. Spark coil and batteries. ............-.2 2. secre cree reece renee en eres 6,800 Carburetor oiisisc ceo hc ole Seles ele ates we snes aun taley fate lehete vee etpiota atm arstatete 3,751 Inlet gas pipe from carburetor to manifold..............-0-+2++-+-- 756 Gasoline CAMS ere sreceie eerete elereresaeteler al aetersietn cfoleye cohelwieeonehcereheleYehstscursistsl Pate 1,004 Water: Camic. is ccc area coke eich ioveisceteteraiotetaval iatalolebolateaatcel ote ske-steveleratsiel ae 717 Water circulating pump and shaft...............-.sscercseeceessces 807 RAGGA bON | ive sis oc cya eietetena ote sala aver acctalioke =) avatar eal cale Ielainle delete whajefoeuielaloioly lene 7,700 Total weight of power plant...............-..-..--- 85,038 = 187.47 Ibs. 1See foot-note, page 249 CHAPTER XI SHOP TESTS OF THE AERODROME In June, 1902, after the proper adjustments of the carburetor and other accessories of the engine had been accurately determined in the tests on the test- ing frame, the engine was assembled in its proper position in the aerodrome frame and connected to the propellers. The aerodrome frame was then mounted directly on the floor of the launching car, which was placed on a short track laid on the floor of the shop, as previously described. A large spring balance, which had been previously calibrated, was then connected between the car and an upright fastened to the track, and tests were made to determine the thrust developed when the engine drove the propellers at different speeds. Upon find- ing that there was comparatively little vibration when the engine was driving the propellers even at its maximum speed, it was felt safe to raise the aero- drome from the floor of the ear and place it upon the uprights on which it would be supported in launching it. Quite an extended series of tests was then made, and although the uprights raised the aerodrome frame until the midrod was practically 9 feet from the floor of the car, and in the tests at maximum power the propellers developed an average thrust of 450 pounds, yet it was found that the clutch hook held the bearing points of the frame so securely on the uprights of the car that all fear that the aerodrome might break loose from the car during the launching process was removed. Upon the completion of these tests, which had proved most satisfactory, the aerodrome frame was supported from the ceiling of the shop by means of four short coil springs which reproduced as nearly as possible the elastic or flexible suspension which the aerodrome would have when supported by its wings in the air. These springs were attached at the same points on the main frame of the aerodrome at which the wings would be attached, thus per- mitting a careful study of the amount of flexure and vibration which it would undergo in actual flight. The most remarkable difference in the nature of the vibration induced in the frame was found when the aerodrome was thus supported by springs. When it was supported on the rather unyielding launch- ing car, the general tremor set up in the frame by the engine and propellers was, while small, yet harsh, the effect on a person standing in the aviator’s car being rather unpleasant in the joints of the knees when experienced for several minutes. When the frame was suspended by the springs it was found that all this harshness of tremor disappeared, it being replaced by a slight general and rapid tremor of the whole frame, which was not at all unpleasant, and which 251 202 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO KNOWLEDGE VOL. 27 had no tiring effect on one standing in the aviator’s car. In fact, the vibration in the first case resembled rather closely that of a motor vehicle supported on wheels having metal tires, and in the second case a motor vehicle supported on wheels having pneumatic tires. As in these tests in the shop it was impossible to keep the engine cool by circulating its cooling water through the radiator, since there was no air ecur- rent blowing across the latter to carry away the heat, it was necessary to con- nect an extra water tank in the cooling-water cireuit. A tank holding about ten gallons was used, and this sufficed for about ten minutes before the water was raised to the boiling point. During one of these tests when the frame was supported from the springs, and while the engine was developing about fifty horse-power, without any warn- ing whatever, both propellers suddenly twisted off from the flanges by which they were connected to the propeller shafts, thus leaving the engine entirely un- loaded. The propellers both dropped quietly to the floor, making only about one or two turns in falling the distance of approximately 10 feet, and the en- gine, which had been running at about 850 R. P. M., immediately speeded up to an exceedingly high speed, which, while not exactly known, since the tachom- eter only read to 2000 R. P. M., yet from the deflection produced on the tachom- eter needle must have been considerably higher than this. Although the fly wheels, which were 33 inches in diameter, with the aluminum rims and wire spokes, had been exceedingly well made, yet it was not considered safe to run them at this speed, and the engine was immediately shut down. At the moment, how- ever, that the engine had broken loose from its propellers and also momentarily jumped to this exceedingly high speed there was absolutely no vibration that could be noticed, the unloaded engine running as smoothly as an electric motor. This showed very clearly that the running balance of the engine was as near perfect as it would be possible to get it, except with a seven-cylinder engine, which is theoretically capable of more perfect balance. It was evident that what small vibration there was in the frame while the engine was developing its power was due almost entirely to the reverse torque, and, of course, could never be entirely eliminated. In the tests of the engine working in the frame, both while mounted on the ear and also when suspended from the springs, a great amount of delay was caused from the fact that the ball-bearings on the transmission and propeller shafts frequently went to pieces. There were two reasons for this: In the first place, although carefully selected balls were used, defective ones were continu- ally encountered. Even a slight defect in a single ball resulted in its breaking under the rather severe test to which they were subjected, and, as is well known, the breaking of one ball in a ball-bearing usually results in the destruction of especially if the races are light. The second cause was that the whole bearing 5) NO. 3 LANGLEY MEMOIR ON MECHANICAL FLIGHT 253 the whole aerodrome had been originally designed with the expectation of using a maximum of 24 horse-power, and as no margin had been left to provide for possible increases in the size of the bearings, there was no room to permit them to be increased without almost completely reconstructing portions of the trans- verse frame. While in the end it would have been cheaper to have reconstructed these portions in order to put in larger bearings, yet, as is always the case in experimental work of this kind, small changes which seem to hold out hope of overcoming difficulties are usually followed, rather than reconstructions which ean be seen to involve considerable expense and delay. After a number of minor changes had been made in the bearings, they were finally able to stand up fairly well under the severe strain to which they were subjected when the engine de- veloped its full power, and no further changes were made in them; a defective race being, however, replaced by a new one as 0¢ -asion demanded. These tests demonstrated very clearly that at speeds of approximately 1000 revolutions per minute ball-bearings which are subjected to considerable loads should be calculated with a considerable margin of safety, as the yielding of the frame, which must necessarily be far from rigid, causes more or less error in the alignment of the shafts and bearings, and this introduces considerably increased strains on the bearings. In the early tests before the bearings were strengthened, the balls in some of the races were on a few occasions ground to a very fine powder before it was discovered that they had failed. Such a result, it will be understood, could and did occur in the course of a very minute length of time. In imitating as nearly as possible the conditions to which the carburetor of the engine would be subjected during the period of launching, numerous tests were made in which the engine was brought to its maximum speed and, without changing the adjustment of the mixture-controlling devices of the carburetor, sudden blasts of air were turned on it from various directions, and these were continued until the mixture-control devices were perfected to such a point that gusts of thirty miles an hour suddenly directed from any point against any portion of the apparatus would in no way effect the speed and power of the en- gine. These tests were considered necessary in view of the very sudden changes in conditions to which the aerodrome would be subjected during its brief run down the launching track, the conditions changing in approximately three sec- onds from absolute quiescence of the aerodrome to a plunge through space at thirty-five feet per second. An aviator would be more than oceupied with main- taining control of himself and of the aerodrome, which at the moment of leaving the track might require considerable change in the adjustment of the Pénaud tail, and he would, therefore, not be able to make any adjustments of the engine- control devices. This supposition was entirely confirmed in the actual tests of the aerodrome which are to be later described, the rush down the track being 254 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO KNOWLEDGE VOL. 27 so very brief that the engine could not have been given any attention by the aviator had it needed it, which fortunately it did not. It is hardly necessary to recount at any length the great difficulties which were experienced in these tests of the engine in the aerodrome frame before the shafts, bearings, propellers, and, in fact, the frame itself were all properly co-ordinated so that confidence could be felt that all of the parts would stand the strains which were likely to come on them when the aerodrome was in flight. These tests were really not tests of the engine itself, but of the frame, shafts, and bearings. Suffice it to say that nearly a year was consumed by the various breakages of the shafts, bearings, and propellers before it was felt that all of these parts could be depended on, and even then the weakness of the bearings above referred to was fully recognized. Had some of the better-grade balls and steels for the bearings, which have since that time come on the market, been obtainable then, there would have been no difficulty with these bearings. However, this same remark might be made with reference to nearly all of the details of the aerodrome, for it was the accessories, such as bearings for the transmission and propeller shafts, spark plugs, coils, batteries, and a suitable carburetor for the engine, that caused the chief delay after the main difficulty of getting a suitable engine had been overcome. CHAPTER XII FIELD-TRIALS IN 1903 The extended series of shop tests which had oceupied a considerable por- tion of the late winter and early spring of 1903 had demonstrated the following facts: First, with the aerodrome mounted on the launching car, a propeller thrust of from 450 to 475 pounds could be maintained indefinitely by the en- gine, and even when the engine was delivering its full power to the propellers, the vibration was so small as to cause no apprehension that the wings and rud- der would be made to vibrate sufficiently to produce undue strains in them. Second, with the aerodrome suspended from the ceiling by springs at the points at which the wines would be attached, the vibration produced by the engine de- veloping its full power was even less than when the machine was mounted on the launching car, and there was, consequently, even less cause for concern that the wings and rudder might be set im vibration when the machine was free in the air. Third, the engine could be depended upon to deliver something over 52 horse-power when the five cylinders were working properly, and even with one cylinder not working, but acting as a dead load against the others, approx- imately 35 horse-power could be developed, while with two cylinders not work- ing at all, the three which were working would deliver about 25 horse-power. Therefore, even assuming that two of the five cylinders might become deranged during a flight, there should still be sufficient power to propel the machine. These tests, some of which had been witnessed by members of the Board of Ordnance and Fortification, clearly demonstrated that the time had arrived when it was safe to give the aerodrome a test in free flight. The machine itself, to- gether with all its appurtenances and much extra material for repairs in case of breakages, which previous experience had shown to be almost certain, was accordingly taken from the shop and placed on the house-boat preparatory to taking it down the river to the point opposite Widewater, Va., which had al- ready been selected as the “ experimental ground.”’ Owing to the limited size of the shops it had been impossible to place the wings and rudder in their proper positions on the aerodrome and determine its balancing in a way similar to that practiced with the models. The approximate settings for the wings and rudder had, however, been determined by caleula- tion from the data obtained in the test of the quarter-size model, so that it re- mained only to place the wings and a weight to represent the rudder actually on the machine in the large space of the house-boat (which, however, was not large enough to permit the rudder to be assembled along with the wings), and thus check the balancing previously determined by calculation. There were very 255 256 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO KNOWLEDGE you. 27 few appurtenances which could be shifted in balancing the aerodrome, but the proper disposition of weight had been so accurately determined by calculation that the floats, which, as will be seen from the various photographs, were merely eylindrical tanks with pointed ends, and of a sufficient capacity to cause a dis- placement great enough to float the aerodrome when it came down into the water, proved sufficient ballast for shifting the center of gravity to its proper point. The flying weight of the aerodrome was 830 pounds,’ including the weight of the writer, which was 125 pounds. The total area of the wings or supporting sur- faces was 1040 square feet, or the ratio of supporting surface to weight was 1.25 square feet per pound, which is the same as .8 pound per square foot. After the balancing of the large aerodrome had been completed on the house-boat, and everything else got in readiness as far as could be done before actually arriving at the point at which the test was to be made, the house-boat was towed down the river on July 14, 1903, and fastened to its mooring buoy, which had been placed in the middle of the river at a point practically opposite Widewater, Va., and approximately forty miles from Washington. See Coast- Survey Chart, Plate 85. Sleeping quarters for the force of eight workmen and the regular soldier from the United States Army, who had been detailed as a special guard, had been provided on the boat, but owing to the lack of space it had been found im- practicable to arrange proper cooking facilities on the boat, and it had been found necessary to arrange to transport the workmen to Chopawamsic Island, near Quantico, Va., for their meals. It had been planned to use the twenty- five-foot power launch for this purpose, but owing to the heavy storms which became quite frequent soon after the house-boat was taken down the river, it was found that the small launch was not sufficient, and it was necessary to employ a tug-boat and keep it stationed there at all times. This added very considerably to the expense of the experiments, as the hire of this one tug- boat very nearly equalled the pay-roll of the workmen, and while it was not expected that the stay down the river would be so greatly prolonged as after- wards proved the case it was felt certain that mmor delays were sure to occur and the experiments would at the very least require several weeks. Had it been possible to foresee the great delay which finally occurred be- fore the large aerodrome was actually launched, and the great expense arising from the necessity of maintaining one or more expensive tug-boats constantly, it is very certain that an experimental station nearer Washington would have been selected, even though the nearer places on the river which were available were much less suitable, both on account of the river being much narrower and the traffie very much heavier. In fact, at the time that the house-boat was taken down the river on July 14, with the expectation that the experiments with the The weight was afterwards increased to 850 pounds due to repairing the wings and adding more sparking batteries. SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO KNOWLEDGE VOL. 27, NO. 3, PL. 85 or 46, . b OuUseCuEBoat ARCA. ER eee et BOR; ie tes be ec eae) MARYLAND SHORE VIRGINIA SHORE LOCATION OF HOUSE BOAT IN CENTER OF POTOMAC RIVER, JULY 14, 1903 1882 SCALE 1 116 INCH TO STATUTE MILE FROM SHEET NO. 3, U. 8S. COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY CHART OF POTOMAC RIVER, ISSUE OF te Lo 7 a , re 7] Fiat 7 _ = Delt e= ,* - oe ¥ TT, we ye ; if a} 1 x ee Oe tn 7 u i one ot - 7 oo ae on a) ee ’ , ENP eD a me liy ; te 5 y ‘ bone Me 7 Wn 7; t _ 7 : eae @ | Me a! iio = es Y , f D ae wae) an | ‘ 7 ¥ a , 7 ‘bas nt ) ena a | . i _ a fe a i «it , at . an - . ri eri - , 5 Th i _ " ra | oe a a ti > - ie ce — i. ee | lise rae as Ul Where 7s a¢h , ’ ja ae . : fy, : Se iF ‘ no. 3 LANGLEY MEMOIR ON MECHANICAL FLIGHT PASIT large aerodrome would certainly be concluded within four weeks, the expenses of the work, which had been met from the Hodgkins Fund of the Smithsonian Institution since the original allotment from the Board of Ordnance and Forti- fication was exhausted more than a year previously, had already made such heavy drafts on this fund that Mr. Langley was most reluctant to draw further on it, even to the extent which seemed necessary to meet the expenses of a month of ‘‘ field-work.’’ Before making the tests of the large aerodrome, it was intended to give the quarter-size model a preliminary trial to test the balancing which it was proposed to use on the large machine. For this test it was planned to employ the small launching apparatus mounted on top of the small house-boat, which had been used in the experiments with the steam-driven models Nos. 5 and 6 in 1899, and later with the quarter-size model in 1901. However, after arriv- ing down the river, it was found that the small house-boat which had been anchored at Chopawamsic Island since the experiments in 1901 had deteriorated to such an extent that it was unsafe to take it out into the river. The launching apparatus for the model was, therefore, removed from it and placed on the turn- table of the large house-boat, alongside the launching track for the large ma- chine. After completing this transfer of the model-launching apparatus every- thing was thought to be in readiness for a test of the quarter-size model, but upon making a shop test of the model to make sure that its engine was work- ing properly, it was found impossible to get it to work at all. A few explosions eould be obtained once in a while, but very irregularly. After spending consid- erable time in trying to locate the difficulty, it was found that the commutator which distributes the high-tension sparking current to the proper cylinder at the proper time was short-circuited. This commutator had been made of ‘‘ in- sulating fibre ’’? and had never caused any previous trouble. It was now found, however, that the very damp atmosphere which had been experienced during the preceding two weeks, when the fog for a large portion of the time was so heavy that objects at a short distance across the water could not be seen, had caused the moisture to penetrate the fibre and thus destroy its insulating qual- ities. After much trouble some vulcanite and mica were secured and a new com- mutator made to replace the fibre one, and, then, after some minor difficulties had been remedied, the engine for the model was got into good condition again. After getting satisfactory shop tests on the model aerodrome, and having every- thing in readiness for a flight, it was necessary to wait many days before the weather was calm enough for a test. However, on August 8 the weather quieted down and the model was launched at 9.30 a.m. into a wind blowing about 12 miles per hour from EH. SE. Referring to Plate 86, which shows the quarter-size model mounted on its launching car on top of the large house-boat, and which was taken only a few 28 258 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO KNOWLEDGE vou. 27 minutes before the model was actually launched, it will be noted that a board (A) projects from the front of the launching car. This board, which is mounted in a false floor of the launching car, is so arranged that when it strikes the two blocks (B) at the end of the track it is driven backward in the car against the triggers which prevent the uprights (D), supporting the aerodrome, from being folded down against the floor. When this board strikes the triggers it releases them and the springs (C), which in this case were rubber bands, immediately fold the vertical posts or uprights (D) against the brace posts (#), which are immediately folded down flat against the floor of the car through the action of the spring hinges, by which they are connected to it. These uprights (D), which support the aerodrome at the front and rear, respectively, are not re- leased until a fraction of a second after the release of the clutch hook (F), which is attached to the middle upright (G), and which, grasping the lower pyramid, holds the machine down firmly against the uprights (D) previously referred to. In order to prevent the possibility of the aerodrome being re- leased prematurely while the car is held at the extreme rear end of the track by the hook (H), a steel pin (J), which can just be seen in the photograph, is pushed through a hole in the board (4), and into a hole in a cross-member on the bottom of the car, thus holding the board in its proper position. After the engine is started up one of the mechanics who has assisted in starting it is under orders to remove the pin at the word ‘‘ Ready,’’ and at the word ‘‘ Go” the other mechanic who has assisted in starting the engine is under orders to release the hook (H), and thus allow the car to dash down the track. In the experiment on August 8 the mechanic failed to remove the pin (J) at the proper time, and it was only after the machine had been released and started down the track that it was seen that the pin had not been removed. It was then, however, too late to stop it, so the car dashed down the track. Although the striking of the board against the blocks caused the pin to split the board to pieces, the launching apparatus worked perfectly and the aerodrome started off on a perfectly even keel, the propellers revolving at an exceedingly high rate of speed. The aerodrome flew straight ahead for a distance of 350 feet, when it began to circle towards the right, descending slightly as it circled. Upon completing a quarter cirele it again began to rise, flying straight ahead until it had gone a similar distance, when it again lost headway, but before it reached the water the engine increased its speed and the aerodrome again rose. When the engine slowed down for the third time, however, the aerodrome was not many feet above the river, so that before the engine regained its normal speed the aerodrome touched the water with its propellers still revolving, but very slowly. While the total distance covered was only about 1000 feet, and the time that it was actually in the air 27 seconds, yet in this brief time it had served the main purpose for which it had been built, which was to find out if the balancing of No. 3 LANGLEY MEMOIR ON MECHANICAL FLIGHT " 259 the large aerodrome, which had been determined by calculation from the results obtained with the steam-driven models, was correct. For it was assumed that if the quarter-size model, which was an exact counterpart of the large machine, should fly successfully with the same balancing as that caleulated for the large one, the large one could reasonably be expected to act similarly. It was at first thought best to make another test with the model immediately after recovering it from the water, but by the time it could be brought into the house-boat and the water which had got into the engine cylinders could be removed and the engine made to work properly quite a strong wind had sprung up and rendered further tests of the model on this day impossible. If the launching track for the small machine could have remained on the top of the boat without interfering with the completion of the preparations for testing the large machine, it would have been left there and other tests made with the model when the weather was suitable, but as this could not be done without interfering with the work on the large machine, and the delays with the model had already been so great, the small track was immediately removed and the model stored away in the house- boat for possible later tests. At the first it was impossible to account for the engine on the model run- ning so irregularly and slowing down so soon after it was launched, as it was felt very certain that the cylinders could not in so short a time, and with the aerodrome actually moving through the air, have heated up sufficiently to cause it. After a while, however, one of the workmen volunteered the information that in his zeal to fill the fuel tank completely so as to insure a long flight, he had caused the tank to overflow so that some of the gasoline had run into the intake pipe, and that he had noticed gasoline dripping from the intake pipe as the machine went down the track. This excess gasoline in the intake pipe had caused the mixing valve which controls the quality of the explosive mix- ture to be improperly set, so that it would not furnish the proper mixture when the fuel was supplied in the proper way by the carburetor, and consequently when this excess gasoline had evaporated, the mixture furnished to the engine was not proper, and it consequently slowed down, there being no human intelli- gence on board to correct the adjustment of the mixing valve. A series of seven photographs of this flight of the quarter-size model is given in Plates 87 to 93. Plate 87, taken with a kodak from the tug-boat sta- tioned several hundred yards directly ahead of the house-boat, shows the ma- chine in full flight heading directly for the tug-boat. Although the aerodrome was about fifteen or twenty feet higher above the level of the water than the camera, still, at the considerable distance from which the photograph was taken, this view would not show so much of the under side unless the machine had been pointing upward. The photograph also proves very clearly that at the time it was taken the machine had certainly not dropped at all below the level 260 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO KNOWLEDGE VOL. 27 at which it was launched. In Plate 88 the camera was unfortunately not well aimed, and only the front guy-post, bearing points, float and bowsprit are vis- ible, besides the blur of the propellers, which, it will be noted, were moving very rapidly. The camera with which this and the succeeding plates were taken was one of the two special telephoto cameras belonging to the Zoological Park, but built in the course of the aerodromic work and used where especially rapid shutters were needed. As the shutters on these cameras give an exposure of only 1/500 of a second, and consequently are sufficiently rapid to show the in- dividual feathers in a rapidly moving bird’s wing, any distortion of the ma- chine in flight would certainly have been shown, but, as will be seen from the later photographs, no distortion of any kind occurred, both the surfaces and the framework remaining in a perfectly straight condition. Near the bottom of Plate 88 is the tug from which Plate 87 was taken, and a careful inspection of Plate 87 shows two persons standing on the roof of the house-boat, below the upper works, the gentleman on the left being Mr. Thomas W. Smillie, the official photographer of the Smithsonian Institution, who took all of the photo- graphs except Plate 87, and, as stated above, used therefor the special telephoto cameras with the rapid shutters. Plate 89 is an exceedingly good view, and shows the propellers revolving very rapidly while Plates 90, 91 and 92 show very clearly that the speed of the propellers had greatly decreased between the suc- cessive photographs. Plate 93 shows the aerodrome shortly after it touched the water and had been almost completely submerged, in spite of its floats, by the very strong tide which was running. Though these plates show all that photographs can, they give no adequate idea of the wonder and beauty of the machine when actually in flight. For while the graceful lines of the machine make it very attractive to the eye even when stationary, yet when it is actually in flight it seems veritably endowed with life and intelligence, and the spectacle holds the observer awed and breathless until the flight is ended. It seems hardly probable that anyone, no matter how skeptical beforehand, could witness a flight of one of the models and note the almost bird-like intelligence with which the automatic adjustments respond to varying conditions of the air without feeling that, in order to traverse at will the great aerial highway man no longer needs to wrest from nature some strange, mysterious secret, but only, by diligent practice with machines of this very type, to acquire an expertness in the man- agement of the aerodrome not different in kind from that acquired by every expert bicyclist in the control of his bieyele. In describing this flight immediately after it was made, Professor John M. Manly, who took the photograph shown in Plate 87, said: ‘‘ The flight of the small aerodrome was an event which all who saw it will remember for the rest of their lives. We were, of course, in a state of considerable nervous ex- citement and tension, for, after weeks of delay from high winds, rains, and No. 3 LANGLEY MEMOIR ON MECHANICAL FLIGHT 261 other uncontrollable causes, at last we had a day ideally suited to the test. This was, to be sure, not the great test, the final test, the test of the man-earrying flyer, but it was felt by all to be of almost equal importance, for if the bal- ancing of the small aerodrome was correct, the large one would maintain its equilibrium, and the problem of human flight would be solved practically as well as theoretically. That the weather was now favorable for the test filled us with excitement. Again and again the favorable moment had seemed to come, and had gone again before we could make ready for it. The aero- drome was rapidly carried to the upper works of the house-boat and the ob- servers and helpers went hastily to their positions. The large tug-boat was sta- tioned directly ahead, almost in the line of flight, and about a mile from the house-boat. Signals of readiness were exchanged, and with every sense astrain we awaited the supreme moment. The rocket gave the starting signal, and in- stantly there rushed towards us, moving smoothly, without a quiver of its wings, with no visible means of motion and no apparent effort, but with tremendous speed, the strange new inhabitant of the air. Onward it moved, looking like a huge white moth, but seeming no creature of this world, not only on account of its size, its ease of movement and its wonderful speed, but also because of its strange, uncanny beauty. It seemed visibly and gloriously alive as it advanced, growing rapidly larger and more impressive. Straight at us it came, and for a moment there was a wild fear that it would come right on and erush itself against the ponderous tug-boat. There was a half impulse to move the tug-boat out of its way, but the aerodrome seemed to realize its danger and rapidly, though not abruptly or violently, as if it had intelligence and power of self- direction, it checked its speed and circled to the right, descending slightly. Soon it quickened its speed again and went straight ahead for about ten seconds, when it again checked its flight and descended, circling once more. Once again it attempted to increase its speed and rise, but it was too near the water, and in a few moments the waves had wet its propellers and wings, and it sank, a poor, bedraggled creature. But the vision of its beauty and power and seem- ing intelligence and life will long remain with those who saw its flight.” After removing the model-launching track so that the final arrangements could be completed for testing the large machine, many weeks of delay were experienced, almost entirely due to the unusually bad weather conditions which prevailed, and which were unprecedented for the time of the year. However, on September 3 the weather became more suitable, and the aerodrome being in readiness the metal frame of the large machine was hoisted to the top of the boat and placed on the launching car, and the wings, rudder, ete., were then hoisted up and properly assembled and everything made ready for a flight. The parties with the telephoto cameras were sent to their stations on the shore, where definite base lines had been marked out so that with the data as to alti- 30 262 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO KNOWLEDGE vou. 27 tude and azimuth, which these cameras automatically recorded, the speed, height, ete., of the machine in flight could be accurately computed. After stationing the tug-boats at proper points, so as to render assistance should the aerodrome come down into the water at a considerable distance from the house-boat, it was found, upon attempting to start the engine, that for some reason it would not operate. The sparking battery which had been placed at the extreme rear of the aerodrome was found to be giving such a weak spark that it would not ignite the mixture in the cylinders. Upon removing the connection which grounded the terminal of the battery to the framework and replacing it by a large copper wire leading up to the engine so as to decrease the resistance of the cireuit it was found that the battery still would not give sufficient spark. A large quantity of dry cells, such as were used for the engine, had been pro- cured to insure against delay from lack of batteries, but upon attempting to get a new set from this reserve supply it was found that they, as well as the set that was on the machine, had so deteriorated that instead of giving eighteen amperes on short circuit they would give only three, which was not a sufficient current to enable the engine to operate. No shop tests on the large engine had been made since the large aerodrome had been brought down the river, as no provision had been made for properly supporting the aerodrome in the house- boat in such a way as to permit the large propellers to whirl around without caus- ing damage, and, therefore, the batteries which had hitherto proved to be suitable had not had any special test since they had been brought down the river. As no batteries suitable for use were on hand, and as none could be procured from a point nearer than Washington, the test had to be abandoned for the day and the aerodrome removed to the interior of the boat. It was at first impossible to account for the rapid deterioration of so large a number of dry cells, but it was later found that the damp, penetrating fogs which had been experienced for nearly two months were responsible for it, and that in order to preserve the batteries in such a climate it was necessary to place them in metallic boxes which could be nearly, if not quite, hermetically sealed. New batteries were immediately procured from Washington, and before again mounting the aerodrome on the launching track provision was made for testing the engine inside the house-boat. Up to this-time the wings had been stored inside the house-boat by sus- pending them from the ceiling, but the time required to hoist them to the upper works on top of the boat, after the main body of the aerodrome had been placed on the launching car preparatory to making a flight, had added so greatly to the delay, and consequently to the difficulty of getting the machine entirely ready for a flight while the weather conditions remained suitable for a test, that it was decided to build some framework on the upper works and cover it with canvas so as to provide some boxes in which the wings could be YVO-DNIHONNVY1 NO GS3LNNOW S3WOHGOH3Y 13G0OW 3ZIS-H3a3LHYVNO \\ ae ea ARURUD EE: a A y { % a ee “ie , % bdo } A ; ome ——~ ee pa ed x = Sere See EEE aT OS Jaa 3 i ys = \ Seeesesss- zis “= en 98 “1d ‘€ “ON ‘22 “10A SOGATMONy OL SNOILNEIYLNOS NVINOSHLIINS == ee ee — SS —— ma -—- -- - -- SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO KNOWLEDGE VOL. 27, NO. 3, PL. 87 QUARTER-SIZE MODEL AERODROME IN FLIGHT, AUGUST 8, 1903 merry SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO KNOWLEDGE QUARTER-SIZE MCDEL AERODROME IN FLIGHT, AUGUST 8, 1903 VOL. 27, NO. 3, PL. 88 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO KNOWLEDGE VOL. 27, NO. 3, PL. 89 QUARTER-SIZE MODEL AERODROME IN FLIGHT, AUGUST 8, 1903 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO KNOWLEDGE VOL, 27, NO. 3, PL. 90 QUARTER-SIZE MODEL AERODROME IN FLIGHT, AUGUST 8, 1903 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO KNOWLEDGE VOL. 27, NO. 3, PL. 91 QUARTER-SIZE MODEL AERODROME IN FLIGHT, AUGUST 8, 1903 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO KNOWLEDGE VOL. 27, NO. 3, PL. 92 QUARTER-SIZE MODEL AERODROME IN FLIGHT, AUGUST 8, 1903 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO KNOWLEDGE VOL. 27, NO. 3, PL. 93 QUARTER-SIZE MODEL AERODROME AT END OF FLIGHT, AUGUST 8, 1903 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO KNOWLEDGE VOL. 27, NO. 3, PL. 94 HOISTING WING OF FULL-SIZE AERODROME 1 No. 3 LANGLEY MEMOIR ON MECHANICAL FLIGHT 263 stored whenever it seemed probable that a flight would soon be possible. Some of the difficulties experienced in hoisting these wings from the interior of the boat to the upper works may be appreciated by an inspection of Plate 94, where one of them is seen just ready to be hoisted from the raft. Only one wing at a time could be handled on the raft, even when there was no appreciable wind or roughness of the water, so that in order to hoist all four wings the raft had to be hauled around from the door at the end of the boat to the side where the wing was hoisted, and back again four times every time the machine was as- sembled preparatory to a flight. The necessity for making occasional tests of the engine in order to make sure that no trouble would be again experienced in having proper batteries, etc., for the engine when the machine was again on the point of being launched also made it imperative to remove the wings from the interior of the house-boat, as the tremendous blasts of air from the propellers would certainly have wrecked the wings had they remained in the boat while the engine was being tested. After the wings had been stored in the ‘‘ wing boxes,’’ thorough tests of the engine were made, and before there came another day which was at all suitable for a trial, it was accidentally discovered that the glued joints in the cross-ribs of the large wings had been softened by the moisture of the fogs which had penetrated everything, and that the joints had all opened up and left the ribs in a practically useless condition. It will be recalled from the description of these cross-ribs, Chapter VI, that the rib is composed of two channel-shaped strips, the edges of which are glued together while the strips are bent over a form which causes the ribs to main- tain the curved form desired after the glue has hardened. Recalling these facts, it will be readily understood that there is at all times a considerable strain on the glued joints due to the two strips of wood trying to straighten out, and, therefore, if the glue should at any time become softened sufficiently to allow one strip to slide along on the other, the joint would open up and the rib would consequently become straight. When the construction of the hollow ribs was first contemplated it was realized that although the hollow construction would enable the ribs to be strong, and at the same time exceedingly light, yet it would make it imperative that the ribs be covered with a water-proof varnish in order to prevent the glue from being softened when the aerodrome came down into the water, as it was expected from the first that it would do at the end of its flight. Considerable time and attention had, therefore, been given to this very problem of securing a suitable water-proof varnish, and ribs coated with the varnish which was finally used had been submerged in water for more than 24 hours in testing this very point, and no softening of the glue could be de- tected after this long submergence. It had, therefore, been felt that the ribs had been given a test which was much more severe than any conditions which 964 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO KNOWLEDGE vou. 27 were likely to be met with, since the aerodrome would, in no ease which could be anticipated, be in the water for so long a period as 24 hours, and no trouble from this source need be anticipated. In the present case, however, the moisture of the atmosphere, which had been heavily laden with fog for several weeks, had penetrated the varnish and softened the glue, even though the submergence of 24 hours in water had shown no effect. To construct new ribs for the wings would have required several weeks, and the delays which had already been experienced had by this time prolonged the stay down the river so greatly that even under the very best conditions it seemed hardly possible to complete the tests before the coming of the equinoxial storms, which would make it necessary to remove the boat from the middle of the river and place it in a safe harbor. Something, there- fore, had to be done, and that very quickly, so that an immediate test could be made, or else the tests would have to be delayed until the following season, or possibly postponed indefinitely on account of the lack of funds. Owing to the varnish with which the ribs were covered, it was impossible in repairing them to carry out the first plan which suggested itself of binding the ribs with a strip of cloth impregnated with glue and wound spirally from end to end. As the wood was so very thin, it was impossible to bind the two parts together with wire, and even thin bands of metal driven up on the tapered por- tion of the rib were not likely to draw the two strips together without crush- ing the wood. What was finally done was to scrape the edges of the two strips where the joint had opened, thereby removing all the old glue, and after put- tine fresh elue on all these edges the two strips were drawn together and bound with surgeons’ tape, which was found to adhere very firmly even to the var- nished surface. After repairing the ribs in this manner and readjusting the guy-wires of their framework so as to make the wing assume the correct form, which had been slightly altered by the warping and twisting consequent on the opening up of the ribs, everything was again in readiness for a test in free flight, numer- ous tests of the engine having meanwhile been made both with the aerodrome frame inside of the house-boat and also when mounted on the launching track above. The weather, which had been unprecedentedly bad all summer, now be- came even worse, and although short periods of calm lasting an hour or less occasionally oceurred, there were for several weeks no calm periods long enough for completing the necessary preparations and making a test, although the time required for assembling the aerodrome had been greatly shortened by building the ‘‘ wing boxes’? on the superstructure, and in other ways previously de- scribed. On several occasions when an attempt was made to utilize what ap- peared to be a relative calm, the aerodrome was assembled on the launching apparatus and everything got in readiness except the actual fastening of the NO. 3 LANGLEY MEMOIR ON MECHANICAL FLIGHT 265 wings and rudder to it, but in every instance, before the wings could be actually applied and a flight made, the wind became so strong as to absolutely prohibit a test. On two occasions when the wings were actually attached, heavy rain storms suddenly came up and drenched the machine before the wings could be removed, and on several occasions it was necessary to leave the entire metal frame and engine of the aerodrome mounted on top of the boat al! night, be- cause the heavy sea which was running made it impossible to utilize the large raft in returning the frame to the interior of the boat. Finally, however, after it seemed almost useless to hope for calm weather, what appeared to be a most propitious day arrived on October 7. The wind which had been quite high in the early morning gradually quieted until at 10 a.m. it was blowing only about twelve miles per hour and the indications were that it would quiet down still more. Every energy was concentrated in getting the aerodrome ready at the earliest possible moment, as previous experience had shown too clearly that the conditions might be completely reversed in less than an hour. As the tide and wind caused the boat to swing up the river from its buoy, and thus made the launching track point down the river, the steam tug-boat was sent down the river for a distance of a mile or more so that, should the aerodrome come down into the water without being able to make a return trip to the house-boat, the tug-boat would be able to reach it quickly and render assistance to both the writer and the machine should they need it. At 12.20 p.m. everything was in readiness and what appeared to be the decisive moment had arrived, when the writer, after starting up the engime and grad- ually raising its speed to the maximum, and after taking the last survey of the whole machine to insure that everything was as it should be, finally gave the orders to release it. Although the writer did not have the privilege of seeing it glide down the track, as his attention was too thoroughly engaged in insuring that he was in the proper position for reaching immediately any of the control apparatus, either of the aerodrome or of the engine, yet those who did witness the actual passage of the machine down the track have said that the sight was most im- pressive and majestic. No sign of jar was apparent when the machine was first released, but with lightning-like rapidity it gathered its speed as it rushed down the sixty feet of track, the end of which it reached in three seconds, at which time it had attained a speed of something over thirty-two feet per sec- ond. Just as the machine reached the end of the track the writer felt a sud- den shock, immediately followed by an indescribable sensation of being free in the air, which had hardly been realized before the important fact was intui- tively felt that the machine was plunging downward at a very sharp angle, and he instinctively grasped the wheel which controls the Pénaud tail and threw it to its uppermost extent in an attempt to depress the rear of the machine and 266 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO KNOWLEDGE vou. 27 thereby overcome the sharp angle of descent. Finding that the machine made no response to this extreme movement of the tail, he immediately realized that a erash into the water was unavoidable and braced himself for the shock. The tremendous erash of the front wings being completely demolished as they struck the water had hardly become apparent before he found himself and the machine plunging downward through the water. By some instinct he grasped the main euy-wires which were above his head, and pulling himself through the narrow space between them freed himself from the machine and swam upward as rap- idly as possible. A few moments after reaching the surface of the water the uppermost point of the pyramid of the machine was seen to project from the water and he swam over and sat down on it until a row-boat could be sent to it from the nearby power-boat. The first thing that the writer saw after looking around him was a news- paper reporter, his boatman expending the utmost limit of his power in push- ing his boat ahead to be the first one to arrive. After giving directions to the workmen regarding the recovery of the ma- chine, the writer returned to the house-boat to obtain dry clothing, and although his first inclination was not to make any statement until a complete examina- tion could be made to determine both the cause of the lack of success and also the extent of the damage which had been sustained by the machine, yet owing to the very great pressure brought to bear by the press representatives who said that unless some statement was given out they would write their own conclusions as to the cause of the mishap, he finally gave out the following statement : STATEMENT MADE BY MR. MANLY TO ASSOCIATED PRESS ‘¢ Tt must be understood that the test to-day was entirely an experiment, and the first of its kind ever made. The experiment was unsuccessful. The bal- ancing, upon which depends the success of a flight, was based upon the tests of the models and proved to be incorrect, but only an actual trial of the full- size machine itself could determine this. My confidence in the future success of the work is unchanged. I can give you no further information. I shall make a formal report to Secretary Langley.’’ After recovering the machine the foreman of the workmen (Mr. Reedy [who together with Mr. McDonald were the only ones on top of the boat when the launching actually took place], busied himself to discover what had caused the jerk to the machine at the moment it was released, which had been imme- diately followed by the great depression of the front end. After some little time he discovered that the upright guide at the extreme front of the launch- ing car (which, as heretofore stated, was slotted to receive a metal lug project- ing from the end of the guy-post, and thus prevent the front end of the frame- SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO KNOWLEDGE VOL. 27, NO, 3, PL. 95 FLIGHT OF LARGE AERODROME, OCTOBER 7, 1903 = UM ay yore - i BINTIWS “M “1 AB HdvVeOOLOHd 8061 “4 YSSO0L90 ‘SWOYHGOHNAYV 3DHV71 40 LHDI14 96 “Id ‘€ ‘ON ‘22 “10A 39037MONm OL SNCILNGIXLNOO NVINOSHLIWS ii No. 3 LANGLEY MEMOIR ON MECHANICAL FLIGHT 267 work from being twisted by a side wind striking the machine while it was still on the launching car) had been distorted, the metal cap on it being stretched out of shape in a way which indicated that the pin of the front guy-post had hung in the cap, and that the guy-post was not therefore free from this part of the car when the end of the launching track dropped. The shock which the writer felt at the moment of launching and which had also been seen by others to occur was thus conclusively shown to have been due to the falling track, dragging the front end of the machine down with it. As the machine was trav- elling forward and the car had been almost instantly brought to a standstill by its buffer pistons co-acting with the buffer cylinders at the foot of the track, this front guy-post had been pulled backwards, and thus not only pulled the main guy-wires of the wings backwards and thereby depressed the front edge of the front wings so that they had no angle of inclination, but had also bent the front end of the metal framework downward,—effects which were dis- covered from the later examination of the frame and the guy-post itself. From the instantaneous photographs which were obtained, indisputable evidence was obtained that this was what actually oceurred. Referring to the photograph, Plate 95, which was taken by Mr. G. H. Powell, Secretary of the Board of Ord- nance and Fortification, and which shows the machine just a few feet in front of the point where it was actually launched, it will at once be seen that the front end of the frame is bent downward and that the front guy-post instead of being parallel with the rear one has been deflected backward at the lower end through an angle of 30 degrees. Referring further to the photograph, Plate 96, which was taken at the same instant as the one just described, it will be seen that even this one, which is a view of the machine as it passed almost directly over Mr. Smillie’s head, most clearly shows the extreme extent to which the front wings had been distorted, the rear edges of the wings near the frame having been twisted up until they struck the cross-frame, and the outer ends being free to twist had been forced up very much higher. After completing the recovery of the machine and the examination as to the extent of the injuries it had sustained, and finding unquestionable evidence that the accident had been caused by the front guy-post hanging in its guide block on the launching car, the workmen were set to work straightening out and arranging the various parts, fittings and accessories, and cleaning up the en- gine which fortunately had sustained no injury whatever. After a consulta- tion in Washington with Mr. Langley, who had been unable to be present at the experiment, both concerning what had already occurred and also what should be done regarding the future of the work, and in view of the fact that the statement which the writer had given to the press representatives, immediately after the accident, had been made before there had been time to make an examina- tion of the machine itseif, it was decided that it would be best to give to the press 268 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO KNOWLEDGE VOL. 27 a short statement to correct the earlier one, and Mr. Langley accordingly made public the following note: ‘‘ Mr, Langley states that he was not an eye witness of the experiment at Widewater yesterday, having been detained in Washington by business, but that on the report of Mr. Manly, immediately in charge, he is able to say that the latter’s first impression that there had been defective balancing was corrected by a minuter examination, when the elutch, which held the aerodrome on the launching ways and which should have released it at the instant of the fall, was found to be injured. ‘© The machinery was working perfectly and giving every reason to antici- pate a successful flight, when this accident (due wholly to the launching mech- anism) drew the aerodrome abruptly downward at the moment of release and cast it into the water near the house-boat. The statement that the machine failed for lack of power to fly was wholly a mistaken one. ‘The engine, the frame and all the more important parts were practically uninjured. The engine is actually in good working order. The damage done was confined to the slighter portions, like the canvas wings and propellers, and these ean be readily replaced. ‘¢ The belief of those charged with the experiment in the ultimate success- ful working of the machine is in no way affected by this accident, which is one of the large chapter of accidents that beset the initial stages of experiments so novel as the present ones. It is chiefly unfortunate in coming at the end of the season when outdoor work of this sort is impossible. ‘¢ Whether the experiments will be continued this year or not has not yet been determined.’’ In view of the many inaceurate accounts published in the daily press at the time of this experiment, special attention is directed to the fact that even under the enormous strain to which the aerodrome was subjected, due to its striking the water at an angle of approximately forty-five degrees and at a speed certainly not less than forty miles an hour, no bending or distortion of any kind was found in the frame after it was recovered, except that a slight depression at the front had been produced by the lower guy-post catching on the launching car, as previously described. This is very clearly seen in Plate 97, Fig. 1, which shows the aerodrome being hoisted from the water, and in Plate 97, Fig. 2, which shows it just afterwards resting on the raft, the wings, tail and rudder having been completely demolished by towing it through the water to the house-boat from the place where it struck the water. This single distortion, therefore, was in no way a result of the strains experienced by the frame either while it was in the air or when it struck the water. Some of the press reports, and, in fact, some of the accounts published in the scientific press, stated that the aerodrome frame had proved so weak that it broke while the machine was in the air, and that this was the cause of the accident. Nothing could be farther from the actual facts than this, for though there were many things connected with the machine which could not be properly tested until it was actually in the air, yet the strength of the frame had been most thoroughly no. 3 LANGLEY MEMOIR ON MECHANICAL FLIGHT 269 tested in the shops prior to the trial, and it had been found that with the frame supported only at the extreme front and rear, no appreciable deflection was produced upon it by the concentrated weight of four men at the center, even when they simultaneously jumped up and down on it. That the aerodrome frame was amply strong was further evidenced by the fact that in the later trial, hereafter described, no injury was sustained by the frame even when the machine turned over in mid-air and struck the water flat on its back. In fact, no point regarding the aerodrome is more certain than that the frame was more than strong enough for its purpose. Plates 98 to 100 show the aerodrome in the water from the moment after it arose and the writer, who had extricated himself while it was plunging down through the water and beat it to the surface, had swum over to it and sat down on the upper pyramid to await a row-boat, until the machine was taken in tow by the tug-boat. As the weather conditions were continually growing worse, owing to the lateness of the season, it was decided that it would be absolutely impossible to undertake to keep the house-boat down the river until the aerodrome could be repaired and another test made, and the writer accordingly returned to Quan- tico on the following day, expecting to take the tug-boat from there to the house-boat and complete arrangements for bringing everything to Washington. On reaching Quantico, however, it was found that a most violent storm was raging on the river, and had, in fact, been increasing in violence since the even- ing of October 7, immediately following the trial. On account of the storm it was impossible to reach the house-boat or to get into communication with the workmen, who had sought refuge at the hotel at Clifton Beach, as the tug-boat itself was not at the point at which it was expected to be found, and, in fact, it had not been seen by any of the river people since the morning of October 8, when it was seen taking the workmen from the boat to Clifton Beach. Two days later, or October 11, when the storm had subsided and the tug-boat, which had been blown many miles down the river, was able to return the workmen to the house-boat, it was found that the storm had made a complete wreck of all the row-boats, the power-launch, and the large raft. The row-boats had been com- pletely demolished on the beaches, the launch had been broken from its moor- ings to the house-boat and driven ashore some four miles down the river, where it was found with the deck torn completely off, a large hole stove in it amid- ships, and the engine seriously damaged, while the raft had been very seriously damaged on the beach many miles down the river. After making temporary repairs to the raft and getting it launched, it was used as a floating dock for making temporary repairs on the power-launch; both were then returned to their moorings at the house-boat and everything got in readiness for towing the house-boat to Washington, and this was finally accomplished on October 12. 31 270 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO KNOWLEDGE vou. 27 Even while the boat was en route some of the workmen were busily engaged in the repair of the damaged parts, the others having been sent ahead to Wash- ington to begin work on the construction of new wings, so that another trial could be had at the earliest moment that the weather would permit. One extra pair of wings was on hand, but these had been stored in the house-boat while it was down the river, and the damp weather, which had caused such serious damage to the cross-ribs of the wings which were actually used, had also so seriously affected the ribs of these extra wings that it was neces- sary to diseard some of them and repair the others. An extra Pénaud tail was on hand, as well as a steering rudder, and it was estimated that unless some unforeseen delay occurred the aerodrome would be ready for flight in three weeks. After making a careful examination of the places on the river which seemed most available for an experiment, it was finally decided to make the next test just off the Potomac Flats, at the junction of the main body of the river and the Eastern Branch, the traffic on this part of the river, which would have been more dangerous and troublesome during the summer, being quite light at this time of the year. By making the experiment at this point it was possible to leave the house-boat at its dock until the weather seemed suitable and then have a tug-boat tow it to the exact point, which would be determined by the state of the wind and the tide. After more completely examining the condition of the framework of the machine, and discussing and maturely deliberating on the causes which had led to the accident of October 7, the writer advised Mr. Langley not to make any changes either in the machine itself or in the launching apparatus, except to remove the small lug from the metal rod which projected from the end of the guy-post, and which by catching in its guide on the launching car had been the sole cause of the accident. The aerodrome was accordingly repaired so as to reproduce exactly the conditions which obtained at the time of the previous ex- periment, except for this slight change, and it was again ready for trial by the middle of November. The weather, however, at this time was very vari able, there being at times comparatively quiet periods which lasted for only an hour or less, which was not sufficient time for procuring a tug-boat and towing the boat to the proper point, and then assembling the aerodrome and making a trial. However, after many days waiting, what appeared to be an exception- ally quiet day oceurred on December 8, the wind quieting down by noon to such an extent that practically a dead calm prevailed. Vigorous search was imme- diately instituted for a tug-boat to tow the house-boat to the point selected, but it was very late in the afternoon before one could be procured, and by the time the boat arrived at the proper place darkness was descending and a strong SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO KNOWLEDGE VOL. 27, NO. 3, PL. 97 AERODROME BEING RECOVERED, OCTOBER 7, 1903 . SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO KNOWLEDGE VOL. 27, NO. 3, PL. 98 AERODROME IN WATER, OCTOBER 7, 1903 ~ SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO KNOWLEDGE VOL. 27, NO. 3, PL. 99 _ Bie ane = = " S$ AERODROME IN WATER, OCTOBER 7, 1903 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO KNOWLEDGE VOL. 27, NO. 3, PL. 100 AERODROME IN WATER, OCTOBER 7, 1903 7 = a. - - ure sy : , : ~ A op =i ’ NO. 3 LANGLEY MEMOIR ON MECHANICAL FLIGHT 271 and exceedingly gusty wind had sprung up, and it seemed almost disastrous to attempt an experiment. However, the funds which had been appropriated by the Board of Ord- nance and Fortification had been exhausted nearly two years before, and all the expense since that time had been met from a special fund of the Smithsonian Institution. But, owing to the heavy drains which the work had made upon this fund, Mr. Langley felt unwilling to draw further upon it, and since there were no other funds available from which to meet the expenses which would be incurred by postponing the experiments until spring, it was decided that it was practically a case of ‘‘ now or never,’’ and although the river was full of large blocks of floating ice several inches thick, which added enormously to the danger involved in the experiment, the writer decided to make the test imme- diately so that the long-hoped-for success, which seemed so certam, could be finally achieved. After considerable delay, due to the great difficulty of properly assembling the huge wings in the strong and gusty wind, into which the beat could not be kept directly pointed, owing both to the strong tide which was running and to the fact that the wind itself was rapidly varying through as great a range as ninety degrees, and after many minor delays, due to causes too numerous to mention, the aerodrome was finally ready for test. The wind was exceedingly gusty, varying in velocity from twelve to eight- een miles per hour and shifting its direction most abruptly and disconcert- ingly, so that the aerodrome was at one moment poimted directly into it and at the next moment side gusts striking under the port or starboard wings would wrench the frame severely, thus tending to twist the whole machine from its fastenings on the launching car. After starting up the engine and bringing it to full speed, the writer gave the signal for the machine to be released, and it started quietly, but at a rapidly accelerated pace, down the launching track. Exactly what happened, either just before or just as the aerodrome reached the end of the track, it has been impossible to determine, as all the workmen and visitors had gone to their stations on the various auxiliary boats, except the two workmen (Mr. Reed and Mr. McDonald) who had been retained on top of the boat to assist in the launching. It had grown so dark that the cam- eras of Mr. Smillie, the official photographer, were unable to get any impres- sion when he used them, owing to the extreme rapidity of the shutters with which they were equipped. Fortunately, one photograph of the machine while still in the air was secured, which shows the result of what had occurred in the launching and before any further damage had been caused by its coming down into the water, but the all-important question as to just what caused the acci- dent which did occur remains to a certain extent a mystery. PAB SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO KNOWLEDGE VoL. 27 Mr. Reed, the foreman, who was qualified to observe accurately, not only through his having worked continuously for many years on the machines, but also from his having witnessed the numerous tests of the models, states that from his position near the rear end of the launching track he noticed that at a point about ten feet before the machine reached the end of the track the Pénaud tail seemed to have dropped at the rear end in some inexplicable way so that it was dragging against the cross-pieces of the track, and that at the next in- stant, when the ear reached the end of the track, he saw the machine continue onward, but the rudder and whole rear portion of the frame and the wings seemed to be dragging on the launching ear. Mr. McDonald, the head machin- ist, states that he had his attention so concentrated on the engine, which he noticed was working perfectly and driving the propellers at a higher rate of speed than he had ever before seen it do, that he did not see anything happen until he saw the machine shoot upward in the air, gradually attaining a verti- cal position with its bow upward, where it was sustained for a few moments by the upward thrust of the propellers. After a few moments, however, the strong wind, which was blowing from twelve to eighteen miles an hour directly ahead and acting against the wings which were now vertical, drove the machine back- wards towards the house-boat, and he saw it come down into the water on its back, with the writer gradually righting himself in accordance with the turn- ing of the machine until he was finally hidden from view by the machine com- ing down on top of him. The witnesses on the tug-boats seem not to have been able to perceive exactly what occurred. crietos ein iohelasaietetarenshetate rata tetstiotel steaatete =p suarcte stata 55 WALLIS SOL: 252s so: 5yuie's- sie ais -alevaovaleraveneh tiaiovoreictek okays senlaveverstozele cata lctetelelsteieieinietotee recone hice ton iometens 239 (ct 4 1) Gene coco noone Don obo roboonodocopadeagdason nn aomaninanss 246, 247, 250 D Daniell, on energy. in storage batteries er cierto el) eieeicis aie ete feletoredetetor siete sEoeboOCSOGOGHORS aieieieteten, eae! Data SHEEtS soi). cis crore oe isle wis saave ave oretarcvenst oleiavateiolore inicvelel sie cieie okedeiaete ebay RoC tates ote inte teteio tei tet eteacnetea 297 Definitions: of terms.‘and: SYMDOIS* o..- sicjerese skepessvs role toke lala atelecea er ateratele ote arelot chee ete tele tov stetriets Tteteetare 14, 15 Deflection; absences0f* « << cop. custe sce eroleieye ators iessialevesepejatene inicio Tordelotoner-loreieiele eaeteiseieieea tae tcaeinie oieteieteteet 269 de Lucy; on sustaining Surfaces’ cjem.jereeter-io1eielevorolerolsnetetotstelstaseltolebetelatenststetstets [ovsteketeialststalat= teint natal tte 19 Diedral angle Of WINES earners, cctereroratoetey cl talevotsiererereseielederentieteletetstetstal tererereketete 45, 82, 88, 85, 89, 96, 146 Dimensions (see aerodrome descriptions and data sheets). Distance mOL HiShts a. ctype ceretetsl-fortate terete eect aebetcioreer ti reeren keer tctery 108, 107-109, 135-155, 258 Distortion® Of “WAS. 3.55.5 syle. cyeg eterescuc sa cle laveolegersterevete voleyeir. eke olate svete foyelefnin rey aseretstal tals 82-84, 91, 98, 105 PTY. DATO LLCS i reic erste ccvalaraiare = c/a) =/sforer si oterol sla/ovelolelemerevetoeetotetstenetelobete keteleketslet ayer tel eels taliol helt Palate: fetetet se tetnttoet- toed 262 Duration: of Mights' (see: a1so) time) are, cicier ie leccteie sete elate miele vete lets! oneretayale 103, 107, 108, 137, 145, 148, 258 IDVarekMKN eV! ade nn ongagqdaD aon docoor od soscdonoUsDORONS AOR 222, 228, 229, 230, 242, 247, 249 E Eagle quill and spruce rib, comparative strength of................. 0.00 c cece en ence ae aie Pa ceieteterm 2OUs Harly steam Motors And OLOEIyMOGE] SS cere yer ale se = ted oder a lotreto = layer hs yatlats als alate ale ated ete fet oleh ah ols alot aetat at 30-40 HOMICLEN Cy: (OL GWAR Sire che ere tetctete lore rere erel oleh etotolelokote onnieinte eietatoierelenedeteoneietoreneestnote lteter 87, 89, 91, 144, 192, 193 Mishth'size mod Gls serecetecicicte cio cietoeretrersieretone Wa niclets (oie ieie area aveKote ie eerste Late iache ees oe eS 133, 134, 154 Blastie: limit. of Tiber area’ cysretete reac eo ete sete vacate ta ke tote re te tatea ce bats Pavement aie erate nate delatetayate realtone Shizgiens lita lagen loo goapodoudasacc Du sonocaeD SoDao son coodcnandonodooDoscooUEanoeS 78, 90, 144, 152 Coefficient: OL i idicfa take sieteeiolaceiofe is so Shere tas fe seta epee tale ebatesstepebelovckeve rab iat vevatayeyaianat stations tate 51, 144, 146 Mlectric: batteries) snk Sco ace ete ecelavors oie taiaic elev ote > eee otoas toho rate a revoke tele Ie fore ictener ode raterete 24, 26, 27, 212, 262, 263 (bye tl: Ee ee Aa abe combo maGuD om ood ob 7GOs000 baa SG 70, 212, 220-223, 237, 241, 257 Hlectricity as Motive POWeMs aoc. 1ase1s.cvstavelal= iw loietass) ods clebeleetelole leone tet steyetelefenattelate fefereteteete nia t=tntrysioteteiot= 24, 26-28 Bnergy in foot Pounds; (SEE: ALSO MEL) aperers oysters Sete tele ete eee eke ee ena see a alee eed cael 23-27 Engine: (see.also motors)! 0.5 sc oe om «etnies ele sie ee 112-116, 179, 180, 222-225, 226-233, 234-250, 281 American. builders: < 22 adie sc coer rotors eee eee cee efededatede colesel>)chserseeietcteieeret= 131, 180, 219, 228 het) (0 Pin eAn An Oo OCUGOa UT oO On taSOO0d Loc o.6 EOOndoD SOs DS eon DAO SH OSU sao 226 MUtOMODHI le: of. co se wee avers corsa Sieve we eransinva) choise elaleetele otalopeketel el otciads felis laeteleffetete\atelstefePetaretetnyoperers = 219 balancing: 08 aac... so. ceteceee cone Cee Shae glectlevene Crane CATS RRO NIT ete 246, 247 ecarbonic-acid' gas. <.c7\siajcevatec cloeiecetaciol ocsiele niciayeleteletomlsletenetercle fee peteletetetetate [oteteveleteteteaetetatate 24, 26-29 compressed ‘ainsi. ccterrslevore csietestele wie oitolletel stele iota Oraetaieta cle tele otet aleveiarateteNaketer 11, 24-26, 68, 112 construction’ of, and frames) a. cere elec cere eee ieienieleleleiadetretehetersiers 53-79, 114, 116, 219, 223-233 Loto k: nS ee area AS OISMiCo AOA DODO oc ad ObEdoaonoUGoOO 234-250 (Oy sa Can () Jt ieee a See en Ame DA arid BOOS OSDSDOO SOD STOMCNO NS omoOOdCOO60 126 cylindersxof irisini= (i=) nr cete : quarter-size models .........-+-.+--seetee reece 158, 170, 226-233, 243, 2 LOa tad Sant Meum OC CIS Miirere cy ster lane sis uel cle ere © aleistciels!={eleie et> clnle|elaiai=isiaje) ele arminiele\ 64, 68, 69, 99, Eulivswitce [Su Omen ime weet reir gehurctetel foie acre lols wialsioie nfsl sivaele.-lol=\nlnlei~yuleleiaislem\elini*/sin) siaiciciccols 242, WMlyiney aerodrome -MOGel asia Kite fare) ~~ -tnselmn cle wie sel im imeialnin sna 2 wo ris hisieleisjeicie Sone sins Flying-weight of aerodromes (see also data sheets ) ib, 62: 63) 76), 77, 81, O92) 91, 148; 6 Dlpigaowials, GIN GE goconceodsgebadbaa ouoomo cose C ODD Osu CUO UDer SIG OOS GIO OIU OLB CEO] 2 15 energy in (see also horse-POWEL) ....--- +--+ +e eee este etter eet t tsetse Pie 62 TROOEOELI). ou Gu gob GoHAe ope DON oeeeSNEOdd OR 02 Gnd 960 OdDUPnD a TON OC COO RODOI ODS OCR G OL CAS 57 Formule: PEG ta ae ncn PERO D Or DRE ODE RODD OR AS Sit GEICid SDT fae BC OOD OO IOLA ICAO TCO T Othe 19 (SO Chk TECK HOD ORO COCO CDOT Ono hd De OOO DD OURO DCO ODO UOLL 49, 87, 88, 90, 101 Gi. Ge ceaks cae Use co ODODE UbOO OC UO CTORUC One eDOr ane Dn OOS DEO ReaD COO UIE DEE 41, 43 ATIBIANE Ba pSabdaadacan sa cad esateton apes e Ch Se nEaOe Goa ER ce AGH OSC OS Of ORG 47 EIA ARIES cos shee ooo ete oddone oD Oh ouidicvc ans CAME MDC Uo mtu Uke GOO IS2e 19 TROBE Giet Abesea moa os pou c Manon go cba MOUdEn ORD Cae SOOO OOCR MSE ISO orn GTI 15, 62 it Gio WERE Ske cles ode do so Boca oOo POU bias SOMO DD EDU OO SOTO CORD COTE REIS U 41, 43, 62 Manly’s, for changing center of pressure......--+-+-+++sereertrs tert r sete t eset ese s es 51 IMARCITES eLOLENOLSE TO WELe ies srsyiarsiotatelnsters al -Vnicloiere vinlajerncn elelaimiwiciet sie imho) oieicm -icimclcishs Aisi 15 RETNA "HSs acs sae code cov 6 Or DU Dame S OE DOU GOO cri 0 Oo ir Raa Ie Sar Fa REAMINE NSO. Casuint ogres Cae con O0b aeRO Deon an Urey OM Sita DOGG Ta rs iii Sa = PANTO TITTIES Si apctelerciein ooo eerwle avel oe! ojafele © syeisisi= ele 18, 23, 97, 62 WOLK (SEE GISO NOTSP-POWEF))... 6-2 ec e eat eee aceiacerseccnctetesrrctmoecs 314 INDEX vou. 27 PAGE Frame, construction: Of) model's eter ei lecete =r ftedeis ae ots eae sind eileen alent 89, 53-80, 90, 112, 119, 129 Tare ACTOCTOME. ce cease cucy ato) arsiete ein hele Lebar recon stata ere aie en eet tines 164-187, 253 rit hh) i ee arin MeSGm AO Gad vcd canbadcnoduonohaoKoot a eons 165-168, 170 TESistanece OL coc ce sk wie Sie nsw eaten 0.6 ele ei, Oe elo ait era Sabah eae Tale Sten eCANeEa Te ever piste ci ere tite ren et oiere 165-167 testing «Of occa ete ces ere se a retehe ere ee el Se aaa eel ota ah alin ea aes eatin eee er ae ROR SERS 79 ETANSVETSE: < 5.2 5b ccs ona Sere ove oe SE eee eT Och one een ees creo eee 77, 165, 174-178 4 (0) ero ran tia riccitouidcttoncocndcobc ocodduconstquacascuDagoubonoteoeopedaodas 118 HNrench Academy, communication! tos c. 5; 52.245 .ccrata slece coos erste soe Sree aaa ye AIS ere 104 Hewitt,.Mr.):at rescue of NirsManly s.ccsfacca ie ee eine eek eee ne ee eee 273 Hodgkin's fund; ‘aid from’. 2c... ise oo ari ee ae ee ee ee 257 Flolmes, Wits sc Scinta cis miaeesion Weenie Ge an Ee Ona Ee CER On Seon: See ee eee 286, 289 Horizontal! fight, velocity, required! tosustainacon ene een eee 1, 116-19, 43) 91 Gs) Sane SoCo O Ae net on: On onoomnoiin Gos not cianbondoudabauocmcdcon 8 Horse-power, (exerted bycrubbersccse aece en eee eee 9, 22 Maxim's: formulas 5: ¥.wjoc acces Sate oN eA Oe eae 15 required. 'to sustain filght.23\.ccqoces 2 Soe ee Oe ee eee tl developed® si. sc2242 eae ace eee 28, 37, 55, 58, 64-69, 117, 179, 223, 233, 249 Hot-water emeine’ co... 6) cdinscvascaitios ate lore ceive tol eee oe ee ee 24, 25 House-boat and launching apparatus........................ 92-109, 110-122, 148, 149, 156, 163, 269 Huffaker, BiG co aa etcieyscte ete no ee ee ee ee ene 44, 46 Hull construction ofa eee eee o ES ony ete 30) 32) S65 1bS) CONGO ibe diliarsladioatioan forms a inne COe eC Prn DHT GGH One ae bor ae cobroUcee bance sco sabe 30, 31, 32, 38, 60, 69 TESIStANCE oye)e:sceisreaie srdhajeiard ae Sane sera eee LT oe oe eee ee ee 49, 69 x ado psinelbos He EOE He es ech eRee ane nn na ieee 39, 69, 75, 112, 118, 120 no. 3 INDEX 315 ate ; : I PAGE gnition (see electric batteries and circuits). Indiaimubher for power) (see also) rubber), ..\-...<+.0 02s cance alsieicciesisieretiee + 21, 40 [incited SRC Ra Utena eC enue im Le an 6, 42 Inclination, angie nC GRE eee ee Pm Ts Meee Bie eR errs eter ah iigrs7il GIT ac ce OI a a MR TREE Tc Pecan nd Le CAE PUA NS 4. 144, 241, 257 0.0) 6 v,0-W eu b0/0 p 0's 9.0 elute ties «o'er 6 emo. 6.0%: eFllelu a piece 44, 241, 40 IRD, DE) Wr oh oooscanbecnochoUSUooODOU doodbNchoos wrbodooouegennc dap 63, 64, 114-117, 234, 236, 240 J alae otinm GOL AVA ALOLISU cree oyare! ce tre cleracatevere S crate oleieieienictaletsVassisyavelsts afevavotasleratetelate mieleteyeyeratshetate 273 e LCL ie aie acacia care ais odeiat ove islet eke/=[sie/alaletelslelefel wlelstelejs’ o/s) ei= ies sistajere: v/a! efa\s.s) olnse)sieinisizte 133, 154, 155 L Langley, S. P....3, 4, 9, 18, 76-79, 93, 95, 102-108, 112, 123-126, 128, 131, 183, 1 53, 156, 161, 179, 183, 184, 188, 211, 212, 219, 223, 280, 281, 257, 266-268, 270, 271, 278, 280, 281. RUALCIN OTD Of eerste to cisions cra caste ieiais nacuc ie atsisyoyelolete, siete colerelehefa. Vn olny fe lsseheys tcYelehalierstofote gieuner 124, 280 letter of instructions from (see appendix). study of “ John Crow” bird (see appendix). aerodrome, War Department report ON...........2 +e eee eee e eee eee tenes 277, 278, 279 “Langley type” of aerodrome ..........:.--+22--esseeeeeee ees 77, 164, 208, 244, 266, 276, 278-281 MUGS! Gramcsemeonnent/6b0n5 sn 00ROS0s quar acoenenoanotUeEcat 2oan9G0G00 77, 86 iL DUNN 5 on oo soobeodeeesene ce soDp Connor oc docospcnn -UpseCOdo Docs son 65 Go 0bMic 45-52, 97 Tiaunching, difficulties Of eee ee ecg eee renee erence site eens 10; “il, 12; 925 94, 96, 99 TIAGO SHO Lane ere reais acco coe ace cielo lose) avatars ie loycfolers7e) felt Fusteps loleravohiile Lutete}~/ oleae eet ekaterete 13, 94-97, 110 of large machine ...........0.-esec cece seen sneer tess tees 265-267, 271-272, 276, 282 Launching-apparatus ..... 92-122, 134, 149, 156-163, 183, 185, 281, 257, 261, 265-267, 270, 272, 276, 282 OVeEHCAd fee eee 5, 92-122, 133-135, 139, 142, 143, 145, 151, 152, 154, 156-163 quae IN GAoeotesdoonss9esac9 134, 135, 145-147, 151, 152, 154, 156-163, 183 G(sny Gale ciel: IB Seam Hoe o be Dmmnn Coc oDDIO da TMot ron SOD OO RR OC O.ONCTS 265, 276, 282 Meant citi Caterer terretrel teistosey= stele sieieiaier ie 158. 159, 183, 184, 255, 258, 262, 266-268, 271, 272, 274, 277 Launching-speed (sce also velocity) ...---+---+++essrrr serene satelolclane lereielesewter= whevohayvers 135, 161, 162 TL GRy GRC HIG’ Clo scion woos des enep ean ovncouges padnoodoa sous cdoUmoDVon DRO DOCONCMORI ACD 129, 130 DEaie, Carman IDNao8 oauouanesd see epauddouanaa ode de upod Cesc pab oben osH Snooping aye t se 250 Lift of propellers (see also pendulum tests) ....61, 62, 66, 69, 77, 94, 99, 102, 105, 107, 151, 189, 192 Tilienthal. (Otto, on efficiency Of CUTVES..... 12 one ve eee we erect tee aciia rinse acl sias soa or 44 iUiGel MEIEOLA? cave boowsebae cobuse cues onbOObOsUonCHS COC DRG DrGLe GHopo Car ESS OLET 1, 43, 110, 166 Li lscrn eh boue Aw oule Sereic eae Nn Noein ag Rain or eeern eae aah pS na G CPs G2 SOUS Ge a apr 154 [eq ial myaile ET abt Manel do DCO Ceo eed ae UoMERnGe pao D oO CU IDC nace Cs 45-52 TDI T noo ge Go cpoau Coes bOuboer ocac uopadood (ib aphpoGasgo op pe VCOOGDp Soci 118, 177, 234, 2389, 240 M ARO AIG clihe, abesenpoe Rondon oe poneaEeE OU UOREAt So OCCHOROOCORCDOOS OCIS COS e VRIES 266, 271, 272 INtoiinlevambres dent a wallllnetnste fete let=yeteleretelegersi sei - acini ek ciel Gale eas aes 123, 124 MEY, Neapel> Nie Wises) oan () Pogo oooeEAadsonodg dnc BOO ORDCCR COCR eGo 20000 298056 799K 53) 7: 276-278 IED VENT epM A CDINISt sie) sale\ose eee cre aiec lel ert iors os aoa Sioa ces sc earl 93-95, 102, 106 Man-carrying machine .....--++++++-+serrestts 123, 125, 129, 130, Loi, 153, 156-187, 234-250, 255-282 Manly, C. M., assistant in charge of experiments.....--. 123, 129, 218-224, 265, 266, 268, 272, 276, 278 Gitta Saeceeeeaotop eopererton as oonabocoac htc doe C Urn alon Gh ZU use RISC aT 219-225 Fey WL eo DEMO dob aos SOUDE Dane 6 CBA CRD BODOG SEAN OAC BHO upURE BORGO! 8 SAS 51 TGhemMe description of Ment. Wiper «ano sneha er meee ms ene 260-261 Aeaalanraiiorm ula tor HOTSe POWER ss Co seperate ore eee oak eke ee 94, 95 Starting-crankion launching-carv.-ey-nae ene eee eee ee ee 243, 244 Steamy dry, production: OF. ishz- rhesus oes eta telars teste Ee ae eee een na 58 Steans chest! oa aie weg 'saleiets sie Hy dcvayadeg eemteye ATs a ATEN A a ee Nn ie a a 117 SUCAMI AON SING HS. sacahs deve Seria ae ete a REE a Ne 24, 30-40, 64, 69, 116, 120 Steam-gauge SOOPER GROOCUDL ABA OAOOoDonnannon map oor SaSSAn he boaOOL OOS BAOG EC EGn UO bi iobe cod bee 114 construction of: framlesvand |v. pyrite ero te cicero ees 53-80 Steam-generating apparatus i. toard. ic «Asma vee brtun earee Aa ee re 114-116 Steam-motors and’ other models ajnan-5 doctor ae See 30-40, 184, 135 Steam-pressure ........... 24, 30-40, 53-59, 63-70, 101, 102, 114, 117, 134, 135, 137, 141, 142, 149, 150 Steely use sOfe ss icon cclan Gad. ce ie ee oe ee ee 69, 112, 116, 119, 121, 172, 174, 284, 277 tubes for “hulls. a. cee ee ae ee eee ee Pe OTS Osten en oes BEE GRE Yi, Gai abie ips) Steering apparatus (see also equilibrium) andi icontrol)) -.-- assesses see olen. 214-216, 265, 266, 272 AULOM A 6 is kevacs.te. alsa eevee Oe ee 30) it, 2d, 206 Steerinecwbeel’ precisa ice chen ae eh nn een een oC SANS eee 214, 216, 265, 266, 272 Storage batteries (see batteries, electrical). Stringfellow: Cneine’ eia.2 33 o> ort.cdic pence na Oe ee 30, 31 Supenposed!winesic faccercice esto heen eee nn ae 13, 14, 17, 138, 158, 193, 231 Supporting esarlaces seis, sient see Sea eye eee ee re em 11, 44, 77, 81, 99, 188-206 Supports” for{propellers’*-\. 7 as-.a nv eciae dose ohana an nn 112 Wings (and stalls: . clans.) sealant etoeine sect ee oo en a 36, 69 Surfaces (see also planes and wings). COVEDINE fOr drtisctretoete teers oe ahs eee as ME ee es 77, 81, 86, 87, 90, 148, 194, 195 QUIVEU = ersvatepe eens St Sane AS evejeist aie ete IN Ei Re a RED ec aE eT on 44, 46 plane. observations on WEIOCIUY Ofte craie, “a y-tevc in alniehs toschetate cic oe vote oor ton eae ae 1 TALIM oe Fic carat siete ehevenec tyra tessa crty e yee cera et a 6, 46 BUDDORUINS: o/< srctevstoyahetaxstese nia ote Cheer erase ane ee eee sen 11, 44, 77, 93, 99, 188-206 SUSE ATM corer oo ato oem ee Gaal EC ee ae 1, 5, 41-44, 80-91, 99 and guiding 2. yycasons ccneed ace eee Se EC ne ae 5, 80-91 Surgeons’ tape, used for MeN GINS TIPS ye eather, aks steppers la aot eee 264 Sustaining ‘surface’. 5.5 Shite cae ee oe aE oe a eee 1, 5, 41-44, 80-91, 99 de Lucy" onl fs Scere sare bless eee tote creme ee a ee ae 19 SYMBOMS'r 52). oo 3 sate ow essyel ns We erate bola CR eotaee OP ete aoc ats ea aa 14, 15 Synchronizing mechariiam* 0? 078.251. s0 ns eee eee ae ee 108, 121, 136, 137 Tr Table; ture 235 5 2554.0 55 siessiareltie cress cio ome eee kN Eo 156, 165, 166 Whirling: 3 (crac unre Ieee eee ee 1, 5, 6, 7, 11, 18, 31, 42, 165, 166, 178, 189-194 Tachometer 7.554.325; nema sesec ol te ae 62, 120, 185, 248, 249, 252 Ped ooo ciaGin. ne alivs Spore eh aaicit Sho Se ee eee 8, 9, 70, 77, 80, 91, 99, 207-217 adjustment Of (50/2936 5. 24.0% aslefelsjty SIH eek tes Aree ee Dee 16, 84 Conmections 'Of" oh 7a telalere see's olstars Tote ae eer ros eee en nn 84, 213-216 COVOLEDE os) asuis'a's 5 slivierea.« aaials alae ote otole ho) ape ene ee 86, 103 Pénaud >). 232422 a eee 12, 13, 50; 79, 107, 122. 139-147, 151-153, 209, 211, 213, 214, 215 BULGE i235 js’ 5 siciae al secoPe sede lela covooiee ee ae tea 16, 84 use as guiding and sustaining surface..............ecceccecceccee ots ia\(eleselulsnta\sa/ayvaveleveyelatate siete mee no. 3 INDEX 319 iS PAGE GREG . Osea oes 65505 OS BN OOD oo DOSS OAT Jao Seo OOOO Ot OGCr TOULOOFCC 77, 86, 87, 119, 152, 153 : IbGINEIES, | BES 6 bo Anos SEO DODCOT ETUC OODUDD ORC one CeO OUdC On Jo C00 c JEnOUCre UNO Ur ON OUC. 77, 86 “alma bbe Be oeee Se nT Cars TRS fecha tetra eva losctonevanstcsaieisvaterdiciecetetels chatera, a) efarehelevel six iesa 64, 68, 69, 112, 114 MMA 554e 054 6a 00Go0.0 66 OOD OD SOC HOG CUCU COG OO ULTOU UN OOOO TG Om COT OOD 36, 65-68, 112, 113 TING Cagod beaded atop oO dUn os cob pnocmod Ooo rondo fo” Uno POOR Onur CU rOUDO UT OOG ONCOL OS SO. atc & 252 TEANNOKG) CENT Goadooqnoosgocodgen EH sUndNe sou One 20 ue -nodU sp pC OOUOO UCSC DOC DCUUGt 260, 261, 273 Tests (see also engine tests, trials, and flights). Mie. ce bo boa bone On SOAGO CONS Do EME OBdUD CUDCCODUO RES Ucn COOUUUC OCHO OO Gn OU CO. 70-75, 135 OLS URITC UT OTUATLC Marpac rare tale crcictetarcictelcicisieteretetetote stovel-t=] el ssel~Seteiny='ecaneie 9 jagalseiohd nlolexal&. o7a/=)e)=halaiale 234-250 (ayllinGar” sgosnonroromaboneeqs oserouasaouy Oe AO CONS OOO TD UG OOR DOOR DUG OuG OIC CONES 55 PUPA ilaycinie s eie elerelete) elainiels's)sls)s a /ale le sieeve 37, 55, 61, 69, 102, 133, 135, 148, 234-250, 251-254, 281 experimental engine, 1902-1904 2.2... eee caer eres onesie este ne eens s sees ser ensaes 250 GERI.) Coots SROON COR RR BR CAR BRD? Oooo seg bo t.n St 40 0 ONEE DONE DOOD OO Demmi OOOt Grn ssi ycr 79 DOMES 4 dancoue oabsdubocosens ond GEe™T ecu Ug e OOOO UD DAOC KEnE UU Pino aiecO ROG 61, 62, 69, 102 ERGO. “bod soso dseaodosine Jocescoduopp ono godur eC CCOC ON OOO ECOMCO OAC Om Ig Oi 165-167 RainGbosts, Ol wallace ao boooonoougT oot SoeoccnboUdodU OND OO UCue SDM OLUCOOCd 3 $4, 85, 89, 90, 190-204 Gyo, Gin lendeto) 1selonmtlenn oa phono eSedsu0 Dot COU CU EOE OGo yO ED EmGODRUCOO UE IDG 40, 218, 251-254 Si. IWAMite equa inOnln woes oben Daas ees oNeoees DOO UE ern on DOCCUnGOmEG rE OZ OIA Olk 249 Whirling-table a... «ccc ieee wire te eisieieeisine eles dba Gs 7s Ldn doy oi, 42; ediGb-166; 178, 189-194 Wales) peobooocococnogpesubcocuraoo GOO U0UI Ob CUKdo Db CODD ODOR Dt II: 84, 85, 89, 99, 190-204 Testing ground (see also Quantico) ........+eeee eerste reste 64, 66, 92, 93, 255, 256, 277, 280 TUNA CMO Ober bach obdesodd dace Jueeonobads Ot CO bc GN CUR COOOL On RGrr Die GOK VCO ae af 62 WHO WAL, Bonde somo a Joo Seno OOo CUS On DUG DG OU DOH OUGLG 47, 62, 94, 119, 148, 154, 161, 174 HUMAN MEA TTIb TE AGA SKOSS ousid bane obo AU Oo UTOOpROODe OCS CC COCUCD LT acmls coCoU Gk armel DOC 229, 230 TMiMASIO Tee elon oe sans Deuba be bOU oe DOL BQUB OCS ROS TO ODOR SC HCCC ON ia Tea tee Sa ae laa 128, 129 GMN® OF sili ahocagooopod Da nbOOD CoeDSUPOO QI DDOH ODED OCAGOC 103, 107, 108, 109, 137, 145, 148, 258 TORTI! Soe sou do nOadeashHoOn ODO pe TOON sOs OGUNC ObTE SCOT UT OUt GONE OnS DOM Sea aa rau ie ae 222, 242 GRan? DORAIEINE saans Comp ade hoaUb Rope o PEO CUOROD CUUOCE OLA RBC Mbt JCOCC CESS aI: ok 7, 9; 21, 22, 40 Transmission (see also shaft and gears) ......-+.++ seer rere tere e teres eres etc es 117, 175-177, 242 THPATIRV CESCMEDATNUG ee ciealcerckersrcicie ele ete ravens iancia aye elke, ofehniiset sel muavernmvic en cieestin a CCl Riacrsicncyes 77, 165, 174-178 THB, MES, mao cn odaeW ecb bud sbobueO oI popE phe D00N OTOP) SOLU OG COS SG EI EE ia ia sal dea 97 (HIREHID) ae yacblosatod deoad sdoenbpoacdtoves6bG 40900 0G 00 Ub o ump COs OIG OHO soo saa 17 (HIRE). Gaceoocbhgaduosonodbausode te Sono noUchGpGoDd. A. Doc Op Oe BODE OS Ra ann oe Nas 58, 92 (EATON) Wy SL wai co odanne pateoD old ere o0Iso arto ie RUSTED ITO SS Uae i Re ah 65, 93-96 (HEV) ened Pdo oem ouoaraccnoaucecet cnetcm amor tbgo Sgro c oC Oni Rina teas a i 65, 96-100 (HIER acto Senos oo wearesa San Od ocin poo Sodas aaa ODObOUO SaaS OTC ies ele sae 101-106 GEDA bas con como oncen sdbo Dood abesd > CoO OU Sc oUEt mc UDO CD Yue UDO boc amma: 2, 79, 106-109 (GIG Hetels sake nonce Omebane aon idoeMsoOnDO UCP OR On CORR paar ST ogo OS IPS sa ae aa 123-125 (GIEQEN: wochce Ba odeee 8p Go Coop onan 2O0 SpOdURG Pu AEOUOGGEES SS OU COTS BOD AA Gia a 61 (GUO) eeesdeorccercosugusdeupcstiee ce GOnU CO DCS CaOUG OED S Ie GOO. ROTO IEE es 79, 135-155 (IMIR) SB ededduooosanedsoub odumuneno nop obeaosoo OH COME Gn scutes oH 9 FOr tok 126, 181, 255-282 Tubes in hull construction........-----+++seee err e reece 69, 112, 116, 119, 120, 172, 174, 234, 277 Gini so adasetooe Coe Ades po SoU oupa ance yO OU E aro OO DODmE SUR ODEO AG0 ay aA CaS i Ek 156, 165, 166 Gremio (ae Wie UNDUE) 5.560020 9d oot Oo GOO ODDO TE URUCO ROSIE CUOUO LDL IG Scie Sos 170, 171, 172 V TIP GLTIER: Sc budotobstes ob ost oUSaenc ous uCeEDOOpCU SOE En Co OCMC UR COON CRUG an sian oe 114, 213 SU ea OR ea TTT e ee Torede here Totes vel store ele fosniataraicyaseietaleasioiete/siezesacteleivieiaieich) 4)5tS! ates * 3 114, 117, 213 ESTHET) nis oe bio aaa Unoodd DED DOU CCSGC ODO Cc COOC DO AOO NOCD Ono maUOU RUD pes 2s ay 237 ANECHATIT CALL: OPSLALEM! y\efckepslessta cre stole) fo! olathe’ sleless/eiels(ornioloxece| min ohcie/=i0/s| Stes) eases!) AA aise 114, 213 GIO oO koag BO sabes A Coren OOOO MS USD 50-00 UGH COR OOO SSUES Ogi Cs aa 112, 114, 115, 213 TI) 4 bb panodidoe CGOSOO ON CUdEBOe Sc OOD OUICA DONIT OU Opa Gr caC Drs caer 56, 57, 113, 212 WSCA JugdosnsscccuasaoohnbaDdooueesoRDH ONC OOU NOOR DCO U COGS GC ies ig aa 37, 67, 148, 149 Whranlmuaa lnbiyn 65 oconsducaépne cob ond SOC CRDOUGS CADE OOOO Ot ao AAG i tama: oceania’ 192 ANE EMCI jn EMUAOWE, nous 6c0ce00000000UG NOs Dot CURR RE OO Ot CUCU seo gaa 198 URURONSC es copeoboone oobe 5000006 UdSOUO ER Goby TUR eay atic i Ole ii Sala Baas ary 86 water-proof Re eet ciotars ee cinseterafois cise serie panto Seaiaisp eats Satie Saat 263, 264 Val acl byaiicnrsc mite ait iataletetatace toe 18, 31, 32, 55, 91, 99, 107, 109, 114, 134, 150, 161, 166, 185, 264, 265 SAVIN ces bee tO BE Wott Gmiad\C CGR OIRO Or SO IO CLIO IEEE ea es ae a 100, 110, 150, 163 mequired! to sustalmeplanereemtlltliclolsjr ey ene se ened Ci 1, 43, 110, 166 Werticalorud derietdete scsertet tele eletarstoevatetleyeteivicialraeiern wiciyels fore ence a IT | 81, 82, 86, 97, 101, 106 Fain hoy TSE WO) NaS One ona o 6 SO SU CTE ePIC OOO SCS TS OI i allie 257 W Wan Department, allotments 7p -r meee clases isonet IG 124-126, 132, 278, 279 Board of Ordnance and Fortification .....----+-+++srrsrrrrr rte Weed Report Of 2.0... 0ec+s- se nter sence: 276-280 4 A - a 7 7) : i 390 INDEX vou. 27° PAGE Washington: Evening Star; report, Ofte ccs cicero oles eiele tote tales ele fo ele ale to n ta oteeloye mialeiaotelelstatelaterie 274 ¢ Watches, stop, for timing: flight % <.0c ie eyecare ores aie io lateim ae oye toledo eee Sa efeleictetelste(eue UO aa Water, cooling, tor engine. seracc cnn cilheielee cee ele eine ee eee te eee 235, 236, 241, 247, 248, 252 Water-engzitie, Hote ccc. 2 oncioce ccercceiose ier (ere falesoto ele eve te ate NSE ASS eee 24, 25° Wrater-jackety cisco. cr lata cic qi Sree re tele ve pale Ole Fe fecal Tate eee tie ete ete eee eae eae eee 220, 234, 236 Water-proot -varmisne